Recently I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8.
If one is able to get the classic shell back, it's a great improvement to Windows 7
Fast and feels even more solid than Windows 7.
Of course support for virtual machines with HyperV.
I wasn't able to convert my vmware machine to HyperV.. The machine crashes during boot....
so I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS Server and did an SVN-checkout of
I then added sudo, Zabbix and changed all the little settings I need to get the same results as before (nanoseconds & SUID-support in busybox)....
I flashed a 7270v3 with the latest checkout and the modem didn't get a DSL-sync.
Everything else worked.
I flashed an image of a 7270v3 of last year which I created using the vmware-machine and after reconfiguring it (lost settings because it was a downgrade) everything worked as expected.
I am not able to test more Fritzboxes as they are all in a production environment.
I should have compiled some firmwares without tinkering with it first.....
My questions are:
Is there currently an issue with DSL (Annex A) in the latest SVN regarding the 7270?
Is there a downloadable freetz environment in HyperV?
If one is able to get the classic shell back, it's a great improvement to Windows 7
Fast and feels even more solid than Windows 7.
Of course support for virtual machines with HyperV.
I wasn't able to convert my vmware machine to HyperV.. The machine crashes during boot....
so I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS Server and did an SVN-checkout of
I then added sudo, Zabbix and changed all the little settings I need to get the same results as before (nanoseconds & SUID-support in busybox)....
I flashed a 7270v3 with the latest checkout and the modem didn't get a DSL-sync.
Everything else worked.
I flashed an image of a 7270v3 of last year which I created using the vmware-machine and after reconfiguring it (lost settings because it was a downgrade) everything worked as expected.
I am not able to test more Fritzboxes as they are all in a production environment.
I should have compiled some firmwares without tinkering with it first.....
My questions are:
Is there currently an issue with DSL (Annex A) in the latest SVN regarding the 7270?
Is there a downloadable freetz environment in HyperV?