Will Fritz!Box work in the U.S.?

I bought my 7050 off ebay. I got it about 89 euros shipped.

The total charges for the dsl setup was 0 in the long run. T-com charged me 60 euros for the phone setup or whatever bs. T-com will charge me 99 eurs for the dsl installation and congster will refund that back to my bank account, or so they said they will. My monthly charge for the phone line will be approx. 16 euros from t-com for their most basic phone line. Then DSL 6000 costs me 24,99 and the flat rate with congster is 4,99. so roughly 46 euros a month total.

You're right about the phone line. I'll probably end up using that anyways but I just wanted to tinker around and see how GMX will work. I have signed up for sipgate accounts in the past and still have them open but I could never get them to work right. I have messed around with it through asterisk and with my sipuras and never quite got it working right. Hopefully I'll have better luck with the 7050. I probably will not try GMX now if you say they want your bank info.

What is stunt?

Do you have the international version of the 7050 or the German version? The version i got is the German version so I will need to read through the pdf to get everything working.

Your second choice option is the option I will need. If I call through the German PSTN and then connect to my voip, I dont think I will have much QOS problems. I did it with my sipura 3000 for about a year with no major problems.
MaLuBoB schrieb:
I bought my 7050 off ebay. I got it about 89 euros shipped.
Great price. I have never seen them below 100 plus costs.
MaLuBoB schrieb:
the phone line will be approx. 16 euros from t-com for their most basic phone line. Then DSL 6000 costs me 24,99 and the flat rate with congster is 4,99. so roughly 46 euros a month total.
ummm.....so you did not go for 1und1 only because of the 24 month contract?
MaLuBoB schrieb:
Hopefully I'll have better luck with the 7050.
Getting the Fritzbox to register with them is simple, once you debrand the Fritzbox it will have sipgate as one of the preferred SIP registrars. Even if you do not debrand the Fritzbox it is easy. The SPA3000 has a lot more things you can play with, AVM hides most of those things with the Fritzbox and you have to get inside and be a linux expert to.
MaLuBoB schrieb:
www.voipstunt.com there is a forum in the anbieter section for all these providers. Register, give them 10¤ and you can call for free. When you give a Country of residence you can never change it. There is no guarantee how long it will be for free they change the countries often, and in total disregard to a recent Munich Court decision they say after 120 days of putting money onto your account it will expire.

If you want to tinker have a look at Astratel from Australia. Unless you are calling some strange countries all calls will be 19c AUS so about 0.11 euro cent for 1 hour. No set up fees and no monthly fees. I use them when Stunt has problems and when Stunt starts charging for Germany. www.astratel.com.au
MaLuBoB schrieb:
Do you have the international version of the 7050 or the German version?
I had (my flatmate had, so no telnet or playing with the box :) ) a 7050 in german, i currently have an old FBFWLAN which I have just converted to English and am setting it up to send to Australia for my parents, either as a modem or with the modem part turned off. Many problems arise with the DSL standards and outside Germany. :noidea:
darbid schrieb:
Great price. I have never seen them below 100 plus costs.

I know, I got lucky. I was watching the auctions for days and saw this one not rising so high so I jumped on it.

darbid schrieb:
ummm.....so you did not go for 1und1 only because of the 24 month contract?

Yes well for two reasons. I do not know how long I will be here in Germany. I know I will be here for 1 year for sure but after that I do not know. Already, congster's flat rate is cheaper for me by half than 1&1. In a two year period, it says be 120 euros to go with congster over 1&1. For me, it just didn't justify getting a free adapter with them just to go with them.

darbid schrieb:
Getting the Fritzbox to register with them is simple, once you debrand the Fritzbox it will have sipgate as one of the preferred SIP registrars. Even if you do not debrand the Fritzbox it is easy. The SPA3000 has a lot more things you can play with, AVM hides most of those things with the Fritzbox and you have to get inside and be a linux expert to.

My DSL isn't acting yet but I can't wait to get into my 7050 and see how it works. Sipgate would be nice to get to work. Since I already have a phone line with t-com anyway, it'll be mostly for testing.

The sipura 3000 is a great device but it takes a lot of messing around with it before I got the features I wanted working right especially here in Germany. The PSTN to VOIP feature took forever with testing and messing with the setting because I was having problems with the German phone line system, getting the device to pick up, hang up, etc. I just hope the 7050 is much better at doing all this than the Sipura was.
darbid schrieb:
www.voipstunt.com there is a forum in the anbieter section for all these providers. Register, give them 10¤ and you can call for free. When you give a Country of residence you can never change it. There is no guarantee how long it will be for free they change the countries often, and in total disregard to a recent Munich Court decision they say after 120 days of putting money onto your account it will expire.

I'll have to check them out. I have just been using my VOIP provider from the states. I think I get charged 1.7 a minute to german fixed numbers so it really wasn't a big deal. I do not make that many calls.

darbid schrieb:
I had (my flatmate had, so no telnet or playing with the box :) ) a 7050 in german, i currently have an old FBFWLAN which I have just converted to English and am setting it up to send to Australia for my parents, either as a modem or with the modem part turned off. Many problems arise with the DSL standards and outside Germany. :noidea:

Do you need to do anything major to turn off the modem part of the 7050? I would like to use the modem part now since I am getting DSL after all but if I ever go back to the states with this thing, it'd be great to have it work there.
MaLuBoB schrieb:
IDo you need to do anything major to turn off the modem part of the 7050? I would like to use the modem part now since I am getting DSL after all but if I ever go back to the states with this thing, it'd be great to have it work there.

As I said I have the FritzboxWlan and you just turn it off. But I had to use the LAN port not the DSL port from the modem. My model only has one LAN POrt so you MUST use the USB port or wireless in order to connect a computer with the box.

I am not sure with the 7050 but I am hoping that you can connect a computer up to the LAN 2.

Please somebody else tell me that I am wrong with the Fritzbox fon WLan...for the first time I would love to be wrong. :D
The 7050 has two LAN ports. For use with another modem or router:
- Activate "Internetzugang über LAN A".
- Plug your PC into "LAN B" (or a switch and then all PCs).
That's all.
Marsupilami schrieb:
The 7050 has two LAN ports. For use with another modem or router:
- Activate "Internetzugang über LAN A".
- Plug your PC into "LAN B" (or a switch and then all PCs).
That's all.

Awesome, I will check this out.

How do I change the topic theme here? Any suggestions on what I should put it as? I think what I have now is just one of the questions answered.
I would suggest you just follow the rules of the forum. Go into the forum for the AVM box that relates to your questions and start a new thread.
I'm still waiting for my DSL line to get turned on by congster. Does the 7050 power button keep blinking under DSL is activated?

It has been doing that since I got the device and plugged it in.
So the hardware (splitter) is already there?

Normally, you'll be informed by e-mail or letter that your DSL connection is available starting xx.xx.xx. You may also try their customer service to find out the definitive date for DSL made active.


PS: I'd recommend leaving the 7050 off the splitter until you know that DSL is there. Connecting a device too early may confuse measurements of the people setting up your DSL line.
gandalf94305 schrieb:
So the hardware (splitter) is already there?

Normally, you'll be informed by e-mail or letter that your DSL connection is available starting xx.xx.xx. You may also try their customer service to find out the definitive date for DSL made active.


PS: I'd recommend leaving the 7050 off the splitter until you know that DSL is there. Connecting a device too early may confuse measurements of the people setting up your DSL line.

I had an old splitter from when I had DSL at my previous apartment. I have not gotten a new splitter yet.

I have not received the letter yet. I'm still waiting for it. I disconnected teh router now and unplugged it. Thanks for the advice. I thought I should jsut leave it on.

What is the proper way to use the splitter? This is my current setup(and the way I used to have it).

Plug the phone cable into the middle jack in the phone ports on the wall.
The end of that cable goes into the splitter on the bottom left side.
The oher side is the LAN CAT5 cable going into the 7050 in DSL port.

Is this correct?
I got my Congster DSL hooked up (FINALLY!)

Got the 7050 to work right, set up my VOIP provider telasip. Things are working good so far.

Thank you to everyone in this thread for all your help.

The firmware is still in English so I don't understand everything it is saying when I log in. I have a few new questions:

1) Is it possible to connect my land line from T-Com into the fritz box so that calls will ring to my phone? Can I have it ring to the same phone I have connected to the FON 1 jack? I only have one phone at home.

2) I used to have a Sipura 3000. I used the feature quite a lot where I would be able to call from work to my home number, enter in a pin code and be connected to my VOIP line through telasip.

Is this possible through the Fritzbox 7050? If so, can someone explain to me how I can do it?

Thank you.
MaLuBoB schrieb:
The firmware is still in English so I don't understand everything it is saying when I log in. I have a few new questions:
You mean that the Firmware is still in German don't you?

MaLuBoB schrieb:
1) Is it possible to connect my land line from T-Com into the fritz box so that calls will ring to my phone? Can I have it ring to the same phone I have connected to the FON 1 jack? I only have one phone at home.
Yes IF i have understood you right. You connect the cord that you normally use with your telephone and the land line into the box. I think it is the first socket to the right of where your internet cord is connected. Then you have to make sure that in "nebestellen" under "festnetz nummer" that you say you have an anolog telephone. Then also in the "nebenstellen" you click on the little box on the right "Einstellung Andern" There you need to make sure that you use the drop down list to include your festnetz nummer.

MaLuBoB schrieb:
2) I used to have a Sipura 3000. I used the feature quite a lot where I would be able to call from work to my home number, enter in a pin code and be connected to my VOIP line through telasip.
"Rufumleitung" which is in telephone then tick the box for call through. Then the "Durchwahl für Anrufe auf der Rufnummer " put the number you will call. The default pin is 0000 then to get an outside line you dial 0. Then you can dial your number. Anrufe weiterverbinden über die Rufnummer here you choose the VoIP service provider that you want to use.
Thanks darbid.

Oops, I meant German Firmware. Thanks for catching my mistake.

I will try what you said and post back with results.

One more question. I have two computers I want to hook up to the 7050. I have my main computer hooked up to the LAN A port. I tried connecting a network hard drive to LAN B port and it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

How do I connect a second computer or this drive to this 7050 or is it impossible?
MaLuBoB schrieb:
I tried connecting a network hard drive to LAN B port and it doesn't seem to be doing anything.
Pretty sure you cannot do that with the 7050. I see no problem in connecting up a second computer via the Lan B. Otherwise you will have no problems with Wlan. The best way would be to network your hard drive on your main computer to be share with the other one.
darbid schrieb:
Pretty sure you cannot do that with the 7050. I see no problem in connecting up a second computer via the Lan B. Otherwise you will have no problems with Wlan. The best way would be to network your hard drive on your main computer to be share with the other one.

I just noticed what the problem was. I had set it to a manual ip config before when I was using it with my old router. It was using a different ip addressing scheme than the fritzbox is using so the fritzbox never picked it up. I reset the device to factory settings and it works fine now.

The device is an Argosy HD363N network drive. It works better for me than to network through a computer. I can leave this device on all the time instead of my computer and use any computer with it.

One thing I noticed that was wierd with the Fritzbox is that it does not refresh the list of IP addresses it had previously assigned correctly.

Under System > Netzwerkgeräte > Bekannte Netzwerkgeräte (LAN- und USB-Anschluss)

There is an IP address that was assigned to my sipura device which I had connected to it a long time ago. It is no longer connected and it is still showing up there as SipuraSPA with the IP assigned and it's MAC address.
Anyone know how to set up sipgate.co.uk accounts with the frtizbox? I have been trying and seem to get it to work.

Also how do I get all my VOIP accounts I set up with the fritzbox to ring my one phone that I have plugged into it?
MaLuBoB schrieb:
Anyone know how to set up sipgate.co.uk accounts with the frtizbox? I have been trying and seem to get it to work. ?
What stage do you get up to? Can you register you account. Are you remembering that Sipgate gives you one username and password generally for your account and then another special SIP number/username and password which you have to use to register a device like fritzbox with them.
I forget if you are behind a router but I use "stun.fwdnet.net" in the stun server server section and leave the proxy server part blank.

MaLuBoB schrieb:
Also how do I get all my VOIP accounts I set up with the fritzbox to ring my one phone that I have plugged into it?
In the menu click on Nebenstellen - click on the phone 1 or 2 that is connected - aktivate the auf alle Rufnummern reagieren - then under zusaetzliche Rufnummern - in each drop down list add the number that you have registered for each VoIP provider.
darbid schrieb:
What stage do you get up to? Can you register you account. Are you remembering that Sipgate gives you one username and password generally for your account and then another special SIP number/username and password which you have to use to register a device like fritzbox with them.
I forget if you are behind a router but I use "stun.fwdnet.net" in the stun server server section and leave the proxy server part blank.

In the menu click on Nebenstellen - click on the phone 1 or 2 that is connected - aktivate the auf alle Rufnummern reagieren - then under zusaetzliche Rufnummern - in each drop down list add the number that you have registered for each VoIP provider.

I placed the entry to the sipgate.co.uk again. I logged into their website and got the SIP ID and SIP password to put into the Fritzbox just like last time. I don't see anywhere to put the stun.fwdnet.net though. I see a space for proxy server and you said to leave it blank? I attached a screenshot of what I see.

Anyways for whatever reason, it says it is registered now on the main Übersicht page under Telefonie. I'm not sure what I did differently.

I did the second advice you listed above.

Do you have sipgate accounts set up? If so do you mind testing with me to ensure it works and that they both ring to my one phone? I will PM you the numbers?



  • fritzsipgateUK.JPG
    61.2 KB · Aufrufe: 7
MaLuBoB schrieb:
I see a space for proxy server and you said to leave it blank? I attached a screenshot of what I see.

In my german speaking box see my signature for firmware I have this option. Do you have the same firmware as me?

If so then there is an ortswahl mod (mainly used for buster/stunt etc) which allows you to always have the box automatically dial a country code and area code in front of a number. This mod adds a couple of additions to these pages. Maybe this also awakens this extra line here too.

First check your firmware but.
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