07000fernweh schrieb:Hello,
I just read all you discussed about DSL providers etc.
Let me just explain al little how the german Phone market developed.
The former monopoly phone company like AT%T was not splitted into local babybells and long distance companies, which would habe helped to get a fair market. Now as a result of this they almost own all lines into the households still Some smaller "comptetitors" now sell complete connections through phone lines they own, or cable. This is limited, mostly geographical.
The other competitors try to sell you (the germans are price sensitive but mostly unable to llok further in e g. conditions, quality etc and trust advertising very much. So these companies try to sell e.g a "flat rate" for $1.99 plus flat phone calls within german local and ong distance (no 0900/0180 or cellphones!) but do not exactly communicate, that a T-Com Phone line (¤15 or 16/month, I think) is necessary, you must contract with them the actual DSL access for additional 16.99 - 24.99/month, most for a minimum contract of 2 years. They only rent the DSL part from the former monopoly T-Com an resell it with different conditions.
There are no or almost no consumer protection laws here and contracts are mostly unfair to consumers, including the described advertising with wrong prices or hard to find out the real costs.
If you plan to leave earlier, keep a standart line and DSL with T.Com at monthly cancellation, and then take an independent "flat rate provider" like e.g. "congster" , you will not get cheaper hardware, but can cancel within a shorter period.
Or check with "QDSL" if they have shorter cancellation period, they sell DSL even without any phone line or "flat rate provider".
Then go to independent sip-providers (as you did already), they can be kept for as long as you like, from any IP connection. Also watch out for bad service with firms, only supporting you with email or so called 0180/0900 (both are like 1-900) numbers with "lousy" call centers. The former monopoly T-Com is not the best, but mostly local available and so easier to contact with problems, and one of the few without two years minimum contract
If you only need two internal phone-lines, the older "FritzBoxFon ata" will be a good deal at around ¤40-50 (ebay etc), as it comes without the internal DSL-Modem, a WAN and a LAN port, capable to be a router, Sip-ATA (ten providers) and a line in for ISDN (european only I believe) and/or analogue line in. I used it at my other router and now, switched to an Isdn-Pbx it is now used by a german friend in the US at his IP connection as router (connecting to a seperate WLAN access point) and SIP device, connected to a local phone line and SIP and two phones.
It is also updated with the newsest firmware from AVM and I read also about an english version somewhere here.
Good luck
Hey Chris,
Thank you for the reply. I honestly did not know there were all these companies here for internet. I am not sure but at this point GMX seems like a good deal. However with the options you laid out, I am not 100% sure. I looked at congster and qdsl. With the basic phone line from t-com (16 eurs) + the dsl (24,99) + flatrate (6,99) from gmx (total 31,98), it seems I will be paying roughly 48 euros a month. I'm not sure if I can find a better deal than that.
qmx will be 30 euros a month flat?
I guess with gmx I would be stuck with a 2 year contract which is not that bad I guess.
Any recommendations on which to go. I've been here two years but do not know enough about Germany systems to get the best deal for myself. I am open to any advice and suggestions anyone can give so I can make a good choice. I really do not want to lock myself into something bad.