Synchronisation von MS Outlook und einem Exchange Server.


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Mitglied seit
10 Feb 2005
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Hi guys,

I'm running latest firmware (.71) and have this prob as described here:
1&1 Faq

I have telnet access and look for advice to open up the netbios ports: 135, 139 und 445

Any help greatly appreciated :)

Cheers, JockyW

PS: my signature needs an update :lol:
Due to security reasons it is not recommended to open these ports. Please use RPC over https which was introduced with Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003.

StefanHeße schrieb:
Due to security reasons it is not recommended to open these ports. Please use RPC over https which was introduced with Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003.

Well, I know all that, but want to decide for myself to what I threats I expose myself. I'm not exactly a n00b :)

Also I'm using Outlook 2000 and have no intentions to update. Can anyone tell me how to configure the firewall?

OK, the problem is you don't have to open these ports for your client, you have to open these ports for your Exchange-Server, too. Then you have an Exchange-Server with open ports other than SMTP in the internet.
If you think this is a good idea, I can't help you any more, sorry.

Good luck,
Thanks for your help anyway.

So the question is how to open up the netbios ports which are closed by default: 135, 139 und 445 on the FBF. Anyone?

Thx, JockyW
If you really want and know what you are doing:

Have a look at /var/flash/ar7.cfg
and search for the portnumbers

You can try to change the given restrictions.

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