Protokollfehler beim Vermitteln (ECT)


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Mitglied seit
22 Aug 2008
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Hallo Experten,
der Asterisk 1.4 soll der vorgeschalteten TK-Anlage (Eurakom 182) sagen, dass sie das bestehende Gespräch an einen anderen Teilnehmer verbinden soll. Als Capi kommt Chan-Capi 1.1.2 auf einer FritzCard USB 2.0 zum Einsatz. Hier die Meldungen von Asterisk:
Executing [34@vermitteln:1] Wait("CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5", "1") in new stack
    -- Executing [34@vermitteln:2] capicommand("CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5", "Hold") in new stack
    -- ISDN1#02: Call on hold (PLCI=0x101)
    -- Executing [34@vermitteln:3] Wait("CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5", "2") in new stack
    -- Executing [34@vermitteln:4] Dial("CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5", "CAPI/ISDN1/54:00175xxxxxx|10|M(capiect)") in new stack
    -- Called ISDN1/54:00175xxxxxx
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx-6 is proceeding passing it to CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx-6 is making progress passing it to CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx-6 is ringing
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx-6 answered CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5
    -- Executing [s@macro-capiect:1] capicommand("CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx-6", "ect") in new stack
    -- ISDN1#02: ECT confirmed (PLCI=0x101)
    -- Native bridging CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-5 and CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx-6 ended
       > ISDN1#02: CAPI INFO 0x3303: Protocol error layer 3

Die beiden Telefone werden wohl miteinander verbunden. Man kann aber in keine Richtung sprechen. Legt eine Seite auf, wird auch für die andere Seite abgebrochen.

Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man dem Problem auf die Schliche kommen kann?

Habt vielen Dank für Euer Mitdenken.
Der Protokoll-Fehler kommt vom ISDN. Also kann entweder die Fritz oder die TK-Anlage dieses Kommando nicht. Hier könnte nur ein D-Kanal Protokoll helfen.

Hallo armincm,
vielen Dank für Dein Hilfeangebot.
Wer ist eigentlich für den Protokoll-Layer 3 zuständig? Ist das die interne Firmware der FritzCard oder der Treiber von AVM, der in Ubuntu eingebunden ist? Bei beidem wüste ich jetzt nicht, wo ich ein Update her bekomme.

Übrigens habe ich den Aufbau auch mit der NW-Capi (rcapid) der Fritzbox (gefritzter Speedport W900V) versucht. Der Effekt war genau der gleiche. Ein am internen S0-Bus angeschlossenes ISDN-Telefon kann aber über die R-Taste (Tiptel 195) vermitteln. Nun dachte ich, dass die TK-Anlage das Kommando schon verstehen könnte. Ist diese Schlussfolgerung richtig? Gibt es eventuell andere Möglichkeiten für die Vermittlung?

Hast Du eine Idee, wie ich das D-Kanal-Protokoll aufzeichnen kann?

Vielen dank für die Hilfe.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
eben habe ich mal einen erneuten Test gemacht und dabei "capi debug" in der Console eingegeben. Alles was anschließend auf dem Bildschirm stand habe ich hier hinein kopiert. Wenn man nach 0x3303 sucht, kommt man leicht an die Stelle, wo der Fehler steht.
    -- Executing [34@vermitteln:2] capicommand("CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0", "Hold") in new stack
    -- ISDN1#02: Call on hold (PLCI=0x101)
    -- Executing [34@vermitteln:3] Wait("CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0", "2") in new stack
    -- Executing [34@vermitteln:4] Dial("CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0", "CAPI/ISDN1/34:00175xxxxxx22|10|M(capiect)") in new stack
    -- Called ISDN1/34:00175xxxxxx22
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 is proceeding passing it to CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 is making progress passing it to CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 is ringing

CAPI Message Debugging Enabled
*CLI> CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a0 NCCI=0x00000201
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x16a0 LEN=0020
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201
  InfoNumber                      = 0x29
  InfoElement                     = <09 05 1a 09 00>

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x16a0 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201

    -- ISDN1#01: info element Date/Time 09/05/26 09:00
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x03 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a1 NCCI=0x00000201
CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND         ID=002 #0x16a1 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201
  ConnectedNumber                 = default
  ConnectedSubaddress             = default
  LLC                             = default

CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP        ID=002 #0x16a1 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201

CONNECT_B3_REQ             ID=002 #0x005a LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201
  NCPI                            = default

    -- ISDN1#01: sent CONNECT_B3_REQ PLCI=0x201
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x82 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x005a NCCI=0x00010201
CONNECT_B3_CONF            ID=002 #0x005a LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x10201
  Info                            = 0x0

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x83 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a2 NCCI=0x00010201
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND      ID=002 #0x16a2 LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x10201
  NCPI                            = default

CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP     ID=002 #0x16a2 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x10201

    -- chan_capi queue frame: [ TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Answer (4) ] [ISDN1#01]
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 is 'In use'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22 is 'In use'
    -- CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 answered CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0
    -- Executing [s@macro-capiect:1] capicommand("CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1", "ect") in new stack
    -- capicommand: 'ect' '(null)'
       > ISDN1#01: using PLCI=0x101 for ECT
DISCONNECT_B3_REQ          ID=002 #0x005b LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x10201
  NCPI                            = default

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x84 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x005b NCCI=0x00010201
DISCONNECT_B3_CONF         ID=002 #0x005b LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x10201
  Info                            = 0x0

ISDN1#01: wait for DISCONNECT_B3_CONF (0x8481)
ISDN1#01: found and signal for DISCONNECT_B3_CONF
ISDN1#01: cond signal received for DISCONNECT_B3_CONF
ISDN1#01: wait for b3 down.
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x84 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a3 NCCI=0x00010201
DISCONNECT_B3_IND          ID=002 #0x16a3 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x10201
  Reason_B3                       = 0x3301
  NCPI                            = default

DISCONNECT_B3_RESP         ID=002 #0x16a3 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x10201

ISDN1#01: found and signal for b3 down state.
ISDN1#01: cond signal received for b3 down.
FACILITY_REQ               ID=002 #0x005c LEN=0022
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  FacilitySelector                = 0x3
  FacilityRequestParameter        = <06 00 04 01 01 00 00>

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x80 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x005c NCCI=0x00000101
FACILITY_CONF              ID=002 #0x005c LEN=0022
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Info                            = 0x0
  FacilitySelector                = 0x3
  FacilityConfirmationParameter   = <06 00 02 00 00>

ISDN1#02: wait for FACILITY_CONF (0x8081)
    -- ISDN1#02: ECT confirmed (PLCI=0x101)
ISDN1#02: found and signal for FACILITY_CONF
ISDN1#02: cond signal received for FACILITY_CONF
       > ISDN1#01: sent ECT for PLCI=0x101 to PLCI=0x101
  == ISDN1#02: Requested Indication-STOP for CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0
  == ISDN1#02: Requested unknown Indication 20 for CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0
  == ISDN1#01: Requested unknown Indication 20 for CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1
  == ISDN1#02:ISDN1#01 Requested native bridge for CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0 and CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1
    -- Native bridging CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0 and CAPI/ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 ended
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a4 NCCI=0x00000201
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x16a4 LEN=0036
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201
  InfoNumber                      = 0x1c
  InfoElement                     = <91 a1 12 02 01 7e 02 01 22>0<0a a1 05>0<03 02 01 01 82 01 00>

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x16a4 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201

    -- ISDN1#01: info element FACILITY
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a5 NCCI=0x00000201
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x16a5 LEN=0019
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201
  InfoNumber                      = 0x4000
  InfoElement                     = <01 00 00 00>

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x16a5 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201

    -- ISDN1#01: info element CHARGE in UNITS
capi debugCAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x80 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a6 NCCI=0x00000101
FACILITY_IND               ID=002 #0x16a6 LEN=0020
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  FacilitySelector                = 0x3
  FacilityIndicationParameter     = <06 00 02 03>3

    -- ISDN1#02: PLCI=0x101 ECT  Reason=0x3303
       > ISDN1#02: CAPI INFO 0x3303: Protocol error layer 3
FACILITY_RESP              ID=002 #0x16a6 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  FacilitySelector                = 0x3
  FacilityResponseParameters      = default

      stop now
Beginning asterisk shutdown....
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a7 NCCI=0x00000101
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x16a7 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8045
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x16a7 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1#02: info element DISCONNECT
    -- ISDN1#02: Disconnect onhold/ECT call
DISCONNECT_REQ             ID=002 #0x005d LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  AdditionalInfo                  = default

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a8 NCCI=0x00000101
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x16a8 LEN=0017
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x1e
  InfoElement                     = <82 88>

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x16a8 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1#02: info element PI 82 88
       > ISDN1#02: In-band information available
    -- chan_capi queue frame: [ TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Unknown control '14' (14) ] [ISDN1#02]
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x08 SubCommand=0x82 MsgNum=0x16a9 NCCI=0x00000101
INFO_IND                   ID=002 #0x16a9 LEN=0017
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8
  InfoElement                     = <80 90>

INFO_RESP                  ID=002 #0x16a9 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1#02: info element CAUSE 80 90
  == ISDN1#01: CAPI Hangingup for PLCI=0x201 in state 2
    -- ISDN1#01: activehangup ECT call
    -- ISDN1#01: activehangingup (cause=16) for PLCI=0x201
DISCONNECT_REQ             ID=002 #0x005e LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201
  AdditionalInfo                  = default

ISDN1#01: wait for DISCONNECT_CONF (0x481)
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x04 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x005d NCCI=0x00000101
DISCONNECT_CONF            ID=002 #0x005d LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Info                            = 0x0

CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x04 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x005e NCCI=0x00000201
DISCONNECT_CONF            ID=002 #0x005e LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x201
  Info                            = 0x0

ISDN1#01: found and signal for DISCONNECT_CONF
ISDN1#01: cond signal received for DISCONNECT_CONF
  == Spawn extension (vermitteln, 34, 4) exited non-zero on 'CAPI/ISDN1#02/54-0'
  == ISDN1#02: CAPI Hangingup for PLCI=0x101 in state 10
    -- ISDN1#02: activehangingup (cause=16) for PLCI=0x101
DISCONNECT_REQ             ID=002 #0x005f LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  AdditionalInfo                  = default

ISDN1#02: wait for DISCONNECT_CONF (0x481)
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 is 'Not in use'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22 is 'Not in use'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22-1 is 'Not in use'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#01/00175xxxxxx22 is 'Not in use'
CAPI: ApplId=0x0002 Command=0x04 SubCommand=0x81 MsgNum=0x005f NCCI=0x00000101
DISCONNECT_CONF            ID=002 #0x005f LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Info                            = 0x2001

[May 26 09:00:01] WARNING[8562]: chan_capi.c:3907 show_capi_conf_error: ISDN1#02: conf_error 0x2001 PLCI=0x101 Command=DISCONNECT_CONF,0x848d
       > ISDN1#02: CAPI INFO 0x2001: Message not supported in current state
ISDN1#02: found and signal for DISCONNECT_CONF
ISDN1#02: cond signal received for DISCONNECT_CONF
Executing last minute cleanups
  == Destroying musiconhold processes
Asterisk cleanly ending (0).
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/54-0 is 'Not in use'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/54 is 'Not in use'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/54-0 is 'Not in use'
       > chan_capi devicestate requested for ISDN1#02/54 is 'Not in use'
Kann mir jemand weiter helfen? Welches Gerät oder welcher Treiber verurscht den Fehler? Wie läst sich das Problem beheben?

Habt vielen Dank.
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