[Problem gelöst, FBF neu geflasht über JTag] FBF7050, adam2 Bootloader deadlock?

Hello Stefano,

try to add these command-line-options: "/instrlen:5 /instrprefix:4 /dataprefix:1"

best regards,
Hi @feadi

>wrt54g-v4.8.exe -probeonly

WRT54G/GS EJTAG Debrick Utility v4.8

Probing bus ... Done

Instruction Length set to 5

CPU Chip ID: 00010101100101000110111100001111 (15946F0F)
*** Unknown or NO CPU Chip ID Detected ***

*** Possible Causes:
    1) WRT54G/GS is not Connected.
    2) WRT54G/GS is not Powered On.
    3) Improper JTAG Cable.
    4) Unrecognized CPU Chip ID.

>wrt54g-v4.8.exe -probeonly /skipdetect

WRT54G/GS EJTAG Debrick Utility v4.8

Probing bus ... Done

Instruction Length set to 0

CPU Chip ID: 00000000000000000000000000000100 (00000004)

    - EJTAG IMPCODE ....... : 00000000000000000000000000000100 (00000004)
    - EJTAG Version ....... : 1 or 2.0
    - EJTAG DMA Support ... : Yes

Issuing Processor / Peripheral Reset ... Done
Enabling Memory Writes ... Done
Halting Processor ... <[B]Processor did NOT enter Debug Mode[/B]!> ... Done
Clearing Watchdog ... Done

Probing Flash at (Flash Window: 0x1fc00000) ... Done

*** Unknown or NO Flash Chip Detected ***

If I use /instrprefix:4 /dataprefix:1, I get
*** ERROR - Invalid <option> specified ***

if I test IR with feadi-jtag.exe I get
IR length: 9
IR length: 9
IR length: 9
IR length: 9
IR length: 9

wrt.exe -backup:custom /instrlen:5 /instrprefix:4 /
efix:1 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:10000

WRT54G/GS EJTAG Debrick Utility v4.5

Probing bus ... Power up now...

Instruction Length set to 5

CPU Chip ID: 00000000000000000001000000001111 (0000100F)
*** Found a TI AR7WRD TNETD7300* Rev 1 CPU chip ***

reading IMPCODE register... 00000000000000000000000000000000 (00000000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
reading IMPCODE register... 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
    - EJTAG IMPCODE ....... : 01000001010000000100000000000000 (41404000)
    - EJTAG Version ....... : 2.6
    - EJTAG DMA Support ... : No

Issuing Processor / Peripheral Reset ... Done
Enabling Memory Writes ... Skipped
Halting Processor ... <Processor did NOT enter Debug Mode!> ... Done
Clearing Watchdog ... [B]blocked[/B]

regards, stefano
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi @feadi

the command
wrt.exe -flash:custom /instrlen:5 /instrprefix:4 /dataprefix:1 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:10000
worked very well.

7050 comes back to life.

I think the most important thing is that wrt.exe waits for power on.

your comment?

best regards and thank you for your precious help.

Ciao Stefano,

"/instrprefix:" and "/dataprefix:" is an extension from me. so only the wrt.exe from here understands this commands.

feadi-jtag.exe is just a little test-program, for the jtag-interface. this program helps a lot, if you have a bug in your jtag-interface.

best regards,
Hi Feadi (and of course @all :) )
Hi have some problem with jtag interface with level shifter.
The box is an 7170sl v1, i follow your scheme for spartan to connect the fbf to pc but there isn't a response from the box.
I have rewritten in telnet the bootloader adam for a some test and the box now not responding in any case (ftp, telnet web). I meseaure up the tension on 3.3v on fbf jtag connector and the level is set to 2.8v~ now i'm trying to find an scheme for 3.3v power supplies and then can try to power up a jtag from that instead of a fbf, what do you think?
I've got only ffffffffff... from fbf connect on jtag to pc, ever fffff , tonight i can re-test the jtag and the level on the TDI TDO etc...
One question, the cTRST and the RTST on spartan config there ever connect to 3.3v with 300ohm?
Hi Katagy,

katagy schrieb:
I meseaure up the tension on 3.3v on fbf jtag connector and the level is set to 2.8v~

This is really really bad. Maybe you have a short-circuit? Does your volt-meter work properly?

best regards,
Hi Feadi.
Now i can retest the volt on 3.3v on fbf jtag, i replace the old analogic volmeter with a new digital (with must precision).
But i have the problem with lpt port on pc. I follow your instruction for verify the correct work in older post (in this 3ad) and on lpt port if i don't made anything the volt on tdi tms and tck are around 0 (0,51 or less). For speed up the volt to 4,56~V (directly on lpt prt) i made a new recognition of hardware. I can test the feadi-jtag.exe and on tdi, tms, tck i have the 3,25 V (the jtag interface isn't conneceted to fbf and the power i can get from a lm1086 connected on usb port on other pc), then i digit 134 and retest but the voltage is the same, not put on 0, i think there is a problem with pc/software, can you help me?
What i can do for retry? Now i suppose to test on other pc for verify...
thks a lt for all.
is your interface different to this one? (see attachment)


  • Feadi-FBF-jTag.PNG
    29 KB · Aufrufe: 98
NO is the same, only for 74hc573 that for me is N and not D.
I now test the voltage with your program and now the voltage is ok, TDI TMS and TCK is on 3.25V when start and press 2, after 123 the voltage are for all 0. Then i press 5 i joyn tdi and tdo and repress 5 but notthin happnes, after i re-press 5 and say me:
choose one of this:
1 = toggle TDI
2 = read TDO
3 = toggle TMS
4 = toggle TCK
5 = test IR len
6 = test IR len (over and over again...)
7 = shift IR
8 = shift DR
9 = reset JTAG
q = exit

and press <return>
jtag: TDI=1 TDO=1 TMS=1 TCK=1
jtag: TDI=0 TDO=0 TMS=1 TCK=1
jtag: TDI=0 TDO=0 TMS=0 TCK=1
jtag: TDI=0 TDO=0 TMS=0 TCK=0
IR length: 0
IR length: 17

This is the result for wrt.exe -flash:custom /instrlen:5 /instrprefix:4 /dataprefix:1 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:10000

Microsoft Windows XP [Versione 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

K:\fritz\fritz jtag>wrt3.exe -flash:custom /instrlen:5 /instrprefix:4 /dataprefi
x:1 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:10000

WRT54G/GS EJTAG Debrick Utility v4.5

Probing bus ... Power up now...

Instruction Length set to 5

CPU Chip ID: 00100100111111111111111111111111 (24FFFFFF)
*** Unknown or NO CPU Chip ID Detected ***

*** Possible Causes:
1) WRT54G/GS is not Connected.
2) WRT54G/GS is not Powered On.
3) Improper JTAG Cable.
4) Unrecognized CPU Chip ID.
exit, Premere un tasto per continuare . . .
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I retry and the result, with the sam command wrt, are different, ever different the cpu do not detect. there is possible problem with long cable? now is 35cm long.
I'm sorry. I just don't understand.
ok, sorry for my bad english :(
I've connect the fbf to the pc with your interface (74hc573n) REsistence on pc connector side 301 ohm on pin 2-3-4, on pin 13 100ohm.
On fbf side all 100ohm.
With feadi-jtag i test the function of jtag interface and on 2 option the value of TDI, TMS, TCK are 3.3v (on TDO 0.51~v)
then (after press 134) the value are 0v for TDI, TMS, TCK and TDO (if i remember correct). When join the TDI and TDO sometime (rare) i've got no chain detect, but often value 0.
WHen i disconnect the tdo from tdi is alternate 0 with strange value 17 or 9 or 24 or 4 or 5.
I try to conncet on fbf to recover that with flash custom but... no cpu detect with diffeerent cpu ID, everytime that i start the cpu id is change.
What happens? what i can do? Is possible that cable is too long? (total 40 cm from lpt pc to fbf pin).
I'm not sure that the jtag interface is functionally correct, if there is some other test to try it...
I'm nno newer on jtag i've used for some stb sat and no longer problem have found (on similar circuit) but this time... is so hard for me.
I hope that you help me.
I've tryed to dump ip code and when the fbf is on power off the code are only ffffff.. when pluged on the fbf the code are f45ab576... and the led of fbf blink with no sense.
Did you connect TRST and cTRST with a resistor to 3v3 ?
Can you make a picture of your interface+cabling?

your interface seems to be okay, except one point: "When join the TDI and TDO sometime (rare) i've got no chain detect,..."

try feadi-jtag, press <6> <return> (for endless test), connect interface to PC and connect TDO&TDI. then try to provocate this error (no chain detected) again.
maybe you have a:
- defective wire, or
- bad solder point, or
- slack joint

try to find this error and get rid of it.

best regards,
Ok Feadi, thks
When is possible i try your suggest, and in second way i remake the jtag interface with must short cable as possible.
Hi Feadi, i retest all, i remade e jatg interface and the result is the same.
On feadi-jtag > 2:
3.25Volt on TDI, TMS and TCK, 0Volt on TDO
After press 134 0Volt on TDI, TDO, TMS and TCK (and it's seem to be ok)
Then press 5 and join TDI with TDO and IR Lenght: 0, after that i retest with option 6 and the IR Lenth is set to 0 for most of the string, but also other value then 0 are displayed.
None "no chain detect" are displayed and it's seem to be ok.
After that i connect pc with fbf and try to do some operation but the cpu is not detected and the cpu id is ever different at every test.
The cable is not so lon now, there is something to strange.
What can i do now?
hi @katagy

first double check the connection on your interface

using feadi-jtag.exe you had to check on signal at time, to be sure that no signal was swapped with another

TDI -> (pin 2)
TDO -> (pin 13)
TMS -> (pin 4)
TCK -> (pin 3)

TDO (Test Data Out) would be always 1

double check the pinout on your fritz

may we have a picture of your interface and your fritz?

Hi Stefano.
I've just checked jtag, without the fbf connected, and it's seem to be ok, i've no idea in what is wrong, at this point i think that fbf is damaged...
are you sure about pinout on fritz?

post the pictures, please.

The pin of connector on jtag (to semply the connect and disconnect) are from left cTRST 3.3v (join with last pin trst on 301ohm) TCK, TMS, TDO, TDI, TRST 3,3v

[Edit wichard: Please attach your pictures in this forum - don't use any external hoster.]
Sorry for the link, but when i try to upload directly on forum, it send me an error...

@All, my 7170 back to life :) i remake every connection on jtag and remade short cable, now it's ok 100% Thks to Feadi and Stefano ;)

One question now, i've a problem on dsl, the fbf see the signal, try to hook up the connection but still up on training.
The dsl is a annex A, i have modified the fbf to annex a (via software), with 7050 and 7141 no problem, but with 7170 there isn't a solution (software).
I just try the english firmware and the new ch/au firmware both original annex A, but no change. Some suggest?
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