Firmware-Releases Fritz!FON 4.xx ab Fritz!OS 7 (Labor/Beta/Inhaus)

Diesen Hinweise beachte ich nicht.
Der Link heißt wie folgt:

Da sollte jedem klar sei, von was wir reden. Der Link ist kein Release Link!

Zudem stand der Vermerk:
"Bitte beachten: Es ist noch nicht alles fehlerfrei, spielt dieses Update nur ein, wenn ihr euer FRITZ!Fon nicht im Produktivbetrieb verwendet."

in der TXT als Überschrift, also für welche Version galt dies explizit? -theoretisch für alle darin aufgeführten Versionen. So habe ich das interpretiert, da ja alle darin enthaltenen Versionen aus dem Laborzweig stammen!
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Reaktionen: zorro neu
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Which firmware version is currently used on the 7530? A release, labor or inhouse version?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Yes, you will need a labor firmware version on the DECT 7530 because the 05.07 firmware is also a labor version.
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Reaktionen: DE1015
OK thanks
If the lab 7530 is upgraded to v8, I take it the X6 with the lab version will still function correctly?
This depends on the DECT firmware version which is delivered with Fritz!OS 8. At this moment, for the older Handsets like C4, C5 and C6 there is no Firmware 05.0x availiable. If AVM change the Status form Labor to Release for the X6, you will get the 05.0x update on the X6. Time will fix it.
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Reaktionen: DE1015
Not offered an update for the X6 when I check. Perhaps because the 7530 and X6 are set to English?

I do see exists in the same location as, so I did expect it to.
(Unless I misunderstand and it does not offer and I still have to install via the USB?).


EDIT : I tried renaming the file '' to 'dect-08.04-avm-en-049.image' and using a USB.
That didn't work.
As such I'll leave it until they release the new version - whenever that is....
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Success!! If anyone outside of Germany is wanting to try this.

I had to change the upd filename to
Then just uploaded it directly to the root of the USB using the Fritz!NAS interface

Language EN (English) not DE (German)
OEM reported as AVME and country 0353 (Ireland) not 049 (Germany)
OEM and country from (or
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