Firmware not found

Okay. What's the output of ls -l /sbin/samba*
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# ls -l /sbin/samba*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Dec 9 2012 /sbin/samba_multicall -> /mod/external/sbin/samba_multicall
i just want to run the transmission and samba.
Okay. So you externalized your samba binary. The init should be handled by external. If you plug in your usb storage wich contains the external directory samba should be started.

What is the output of mod.log from Freetz Webinterface? Where is your external storage? USB-Stick? Did you upload your external archive with Freetz Webinterface Update option?

What is the output of mod.log from Freetz Webinterface?


rc.mod version freetz-devel-9685
crond is disabled.
AVM telnetd is started by phone, failed.
Starting Freetz webinterface ... done.
swap is disabled.
syslogd is disabled.
downloader is disabled.
Starting inetd ... done.
Setting up SSH authorized_keys for root ... done.
ppp is disabled.
vpnc is disabled.
bluetooth is disabled.
Net-SNMP daemon is disabled.
Setting up onlinechanged scripting ... done.
privoxy is disabled.
Starting Samba-smbd ... could not execute smbd, failed.
transmission is disabled.
USB-IP is disabled.
vsftpd is disabled.
wol webinterface is disabled.
rc.mod finished.

Where is your external storage? USB-Stick?

Did you upload your external archive with Freetz Webinterface Update option?
No, i don't know how can.

I copied the external files to usb drive (like in FAQ) and update the firmware.
I see in
Freetz – Logfiles:

I understood the german.
When i used the fritz! 7170 width freetz external i could see the Einstellungen -> External
But now not, like in the picture.
Try to zoom in, sorry because of the quality.
Is it possible, that this option is disabled in this version, or i modified someting in menuconfig?
What's with "System->Firmware Update->external upload"?
Ohh, i didn't see that until now, beacuse the text is small.

I tried to uploda my ".external" file.


Target directory: /var/media/ftp/uStor05/external
Prepare update

Stopping external services ... not running.
Removing old stuff ... done.

Extract files

tar: short read

try to upload it into internal.

I try to do a picture of my way to upload the .external.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
like use the samba in internal not in external?
it is possible to load the .external file into the internal flash of your 7390
Sorry, then it is not possible to do this.
I think you try to do this on a 7390

Are you shure that your USB-Stick is located at /var/media/ftp/uStor05/external ?
sure. i checked many times in ftp, fritz menu, freetz....
Try the way: by mount by label. It could be that this way is the better way.


1.) format your USB-Stick at your PC and label it :"USB"
2.) reboot your Box
3.) load .external to /var/media/ftp/USB/external
Thanks the idea, the name was changerd to USB.
I tried, but:

Target directory: /var/media/ftp/USB/external
Prepare update

Stopping external services ... not running.
Removing old stuff ... done.


Try it agan:

Extract files

tar: short read

Target directory: /var/media/ftp/USB/external
Extract files

mkdir: can't create directory ' /': Read-only file system

I i realized that the freetz was deleting everithing from the external folder.
And i can't copy the files again in this folder.

I made new folder and do it again with tthis folder,m but same ressult.

The external file, what i upload, is it right, that i am uploading wrom pc or need from ftp address?
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