Firmware not found

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ext2 file system on usb drive.
What's the name and the size of the file you are trying to upload to your external folder?

size: 0 byte
0 byte ? there is something wrong. Do you put anything to external ? If not, take the cross for external away.

You need external only if make menuconfig said it during the buildprozess
I was used the make menuconfig->advanced->external and choose the packeges to creat external.
The file should be in images/ ? Is there a file starting with external... for you?
In image folder was the new firmware image.
Maybe in the build/modified/external folder was the externalised files.
Can you please attach your .config? Perhaps you are not building an external file for upload!?
Please select the following option: Create file for upload

Then the last step of your build should look like:
  checking for left over Subversion directories
  integrate freetz info file into image
packing var.tar
creating filesystem image
  SquashFS block size: 65536 (64 kB)
merging kernel image
  kernel image size: 15230208 (max: 15597568, free: 367360)
  Aproximately free time for the answering machine: 19s (0min 19s)
packing images/7390_05.50-freetz-devel.de_20121216-194741.image
packing images/7390_05.50-freetz-devel.de_20121216-194741.external

I tried to find it that you wroted: "Please select the following option: Create file for upload"
But where? In "make menuconfig" i didn't find it.
Now i will try to tell you how to make an External.

01.) start make menuconfig
02.) take all crosses you needed in freetz
03.) put a croos to [X] Show advanced options
04.) go to Advanced options --->
05.) go to External --->
06.) put a croos to [X] Enable external processing
07.) put a croos to [X] Create file for upload
08.) put a croos to all funktions you would like to put to external

now you have to close make menuconfig ant try make to build the Image and the .External
Thanks your help! I didn't use the show adwanced cross and i didn't find the creat upload file.


checking for left over Subversion directories
integrate freetz info file into image
packing var.tar
creating filesystem image
SquashFS block size: 65536 (64 kB)
merging kernel image
kernel image size: 15797248 (max: 16121856, free: 324608)
WARNING: Not enough free flash space for answering machine!
packing images/7270_v2_05.23-freetz-devel-9715.en_20121217-095415.image
packing images/7270_v2_05.23-freetz-devel-9715.en_20121217-095415.external

I think your Image will now work well on your Box
I uploaded, but cant boot.

What does it mean?

WARNING: Not enough free flash space for answering machine!

When the fritz cant boot i am using the rocovery, but it's working only with

Why i can't run the FW what i made in the past and i already was running, but now i cant.

I tried with the newest update: freetz-devel-9715 withouth any modification (just the basic devel FW), and the freetz is again working.
I have to rebuild the FW and select the packages maybe once modification didn't let to boot the fritz.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I did many FW update with dificoult FW, and now (i have no idea why) working only with no packages.
You have build two files. The first one must be loaded out of the AVM-WebIF via update Funktion. The secound File must be load via Freetz.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I tried with ext2 usb drive but i couldn't update the externalise (because could't write the drive)
After i formated the drive in ntfs and try it again and it was succesfull, restart and i saw the samba in the menu but the transmission not, in turn i moved in external.
I could create swap file and it's running and the samba too.
Hi everibody!

I found the source of my problem! In the past i could running every FW withouth dect to save free space, but in the newest updates if i cross the "delete DECT files" my fritzbox can never boot again.
So I hade to test many times make 17 FW-s and uploading and restoring, but now is working with external and with samba.
Thanks your help guys!

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