Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

Fritz!Box 7170 dead?

telefonicus: I actually tried this first, since firmware_version was set to avme after the problem occurred.

Just to be on the safe side, I tried this again today but unfortunately to no avail: the recovery "succeeds", but the problem remains:

Searching FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 at:
One system found! - Detecting the current version.
Version successfully detected!
Hardware: FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170
Bootstrap: 1153
Firmware: 29.04.57
Flash area (mtd1)
Deleting flash area (mtd1)
Restoring flash area (mtd1)
Checking flash area (mtd1)
Flash area (mtd3)
Deleting flash area (mtd3)
Restoring flash area (mtd3)
Flash area (mtd4)
Deleting flash area (mtd4)
Restoring flash area (mtd4)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 recovered successfully!

Still no telnet or web interface and ftp works only if I start it in a few seconds after reboot.


I did not need to change Annex from B since I live in Hungary. What I tried first was the older version of this file (the one that says "new", not "newer"), than "the-construct", these upgrades didn't help, but did not break the box. Then I did "newer", and the box crashed.

The parameters as of now:

Connected to
220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
User ( adam2
331 Password required for adam2
230 User adam2 successfully logged in
ftp> quote GETENV firmware_version
firmware_version avme

200 GETENV command successful
ftp> quote GETENV firmware_info
firmware_info 29.04.57

200 GETENV command successful
ftp> quote GETENV annex
annex B

200 GETENV command successful
ftp> quote GETENV kernel_args annex
501 Syntax error: Invalid number of parameters
ftp> quit

221 Thank you for using the FTP service on ADAM2

As you see, I could not get the 4th parameter, is this significant?

Thank you guys for looking into this, I'd hate to write off this box.
Give it a try and enter in ftp:
quote SETENV firmware_version avme
quote SETENV kernel_args annex=B

leave ftp with "bye" and do immediately recover with recover-fw suggested by telefonicus but without rebooting the box. To avoid shut down of your PC (and thus a reboot of your box) during recovery shut off in Windows XP "mediasensing" by hand -I described that in THIS Thread in German - there you will also find an english description by another user:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Looks like you're in a deadlock. It seems you've got the wrong bootloader for your settings. If you can't start telnet you can't change neither the bootloader nor it's settings.

You can replace mtd1, mtd3 and mtd4 via bootloader-ftp but not mtd2, which contains the bootloader itself plus essential settings like the hardware revision etc. I haven't found a suitable solution for making the bootloader replace itself (although that's what the recovery software does).

The older pseudoimages did nothing to your Fritzbox since they try to change variables that are no longer existant in the 2.6 kernel. The newer one that you used changed (among other things) the user interface directory variable to avme which is nonexistant in the German firmware. The firmware language specifier (avm/avme) must always correspond to the firmware's directory structure.
Wow! Yes!!!!

imagomundi, your tip has worked! I have no idea why and how (but of course I don't need to understand), but my box is back and it is back in English. Web interface working, telnet working, and while I did not try full functionality but I suspect the box will work beautifully.

Thanks a lot again for your time guys, I am really grateful.

The only quirk is that I have a message on the screen: "The modifications to your FRITZ!Box are not supported by the manufacturer.". I turned off telnet but it did not help, so it's something else. But if it does not affect functionality, I can certainly live with it.

Thanks again!
The only quirk is that I have a message on the screen: "The modifications to your FRITZ!Box are not supported by the manufacturer.". I turned off telnet but it did not help, so it's something else ...
The message "The modifications to your FRITZ!Box are not supported ..." really comes from the usage of telnet. Don't worry, it does not affect functionality.
However, there are many ways to "delete" it, if you prefer to have a "clean" menue.
- One easy option is to execute the recover.exe file after telnet has turned off.
- Another easy option is to load once more "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" after telnet has turned off.

Good luck
I chose the recover option (understandably, I was a little bit apprehensive loading "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" again) and the message is gone. Thanks!
I chose the recover option (understandably, I was a little bit apprehensive loading "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" again) and the message is gone. Thanks!
Hello ! I am Olnejean, from Belgium.
May I join the fun?
My problem is the following:
I have bought the WLAN 3270 Fritz!Box with the "German" configuration (annex B, ISDN)). Belgium actually works with Annex A, PSTN). I made the blunder after having asked a technician of the Belgian "Belgacom", "THE" authority ... He should have known better!!!
After several trials, I have finally installed the Fritz!Box in line with my old router, using the installation command "Internet access through Lan1".
While the cable connexions work beautifully, the wretched wifi connexion apparently does not hit the dsl...
Is there something I can do?
Answers in German, English, French or Italian are welcome ...
Hello ! I am Olnejean, from Belgium.
May I join the fun?
My problem is the following:
I have bought the WLAN 3270 Fritz!Box with the "German" configuration (annex B, ISDN)). Belgium actually works with Annex A, PSTN). I made the blunder after having asked a technician of the Belgian "Belgacom", "THE" authority ... He should have known better!!!
After several trials, I have finally installed the Fritz!Box in line with my old router, using the installation command "Internet access through Lan1".
While the cable connexions work beautifully, the wretched wifi connexion apparently does not hit the dsl...
Is there something I can do?
Answers in German, English, French or Italian are welcome ...
... I have finally installed the Fritz!Box in line with my old router, using the installation command "Internet access through Lan1".
While the cable connexions work beautifully, the wretched wifi connexion apparently does not hit the dsl...
Hello and welcome to the forum!
I am afraid the configuration of your FB isn't correct. I suppose it is as follows:
- Internetzugang über LAN 1
- Vorhandene Internetverbindung im Netzwerk mitbenutzen (IP-Client)
- Zugangsdaten werden nicht benötigt (IP)
With this configuration, in cable connection (LAN) the PC is connected directly to your "old router" - you can connect to internet, but the FB has no function (no phone, no WLAN - nothing)

In order to correctly use the FB behind a router you must do the following:
- set the router to "bridged" or "transparent" (no DHCP - see the manual of your router)
- set FB to "Internetzugang über LAN 1"
- set FB to "Internetverbindung selbst aufbauen (NAT-Router mit PPPoE oder IP)"
- set FB to "Zugangsdaten werden benötigt (PPPoE)"
- type in "user name" and "password" as given by your provider

But there is an other option, which may be more convinient to you: You can switch the 3720 to be AnnexA! Than you don't need your "old router" - you can connect the FB3720 directly to the ADSL, using "Internetzugang über DSL".
To switch the FB to AnnexA, just install the file "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" (author: Telefonicus). The process is quite easy, see some of the contributions from "imagomundi" in this thread.

Good luck!
Hallo el_valiente !
Danke für beide Tips !
Sorry ...
Thanks for both tips.
I know the installation procedure.
Where can I download "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" from?
Where can I download "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" from?
The forum offers a search function! You should use it!
You will find the file and instructions [post=971638]here[/post]
Gruetzi el_valiente.
Well, it was not really successful...
I first tried this suggestion:
"set the router to "bridged" or "transparent"
To be honest, I have not found yet the way to access my old router's parameters...
I shall go on digging through the manual (SMC Barricade ADSL router, SMC404BRA).
I then tried to install "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar", but this was a failure, the FB could not detect the dsl.
I'll report on my results!
Have a nice W-E !
Well, it was not really successful ...
... the FB could not detect the dsl
It looks not so bad!

It could well be that your trial to set the FB to AnnexA was successful. It often happens that the FB can't synchronize to DSL, due to the poor internal DSL modem.

So you must go the other way. Try to access your router via "" (standard ip of barricade routers).

Good luck!

P.S.: Presently i'm in Spain. Tambien hablas español, multilingual Jean?
¡Sí, hablo español, es mi quinto idioma, pero me faltan vocabulario, gramática y práctica, y por tanto prefiero no arriesgarme a manejar un tema técnico a nivel informático!… ¿Cual otro idioma prefieres? ¿Alemán, ingles?
I am trying very cautiously to access my Barricade. It does not work with my present settings, as my PC is connected through the chain composed by the FB linked to the Barricade.
I tried cmd > telnet, but the contact failed.
I guess the solution would be to link the PC straight to the Barricade, but I wish to have this confirmed (I don't want to destroy an established, properly working chain...).
¡Hasta luego!
I tried cmd > telnet, but the contact failed.
Enhorabuena! Has escrito esta frase sofisticada sin cometer ni un sólo error! Es una gran ventaja hablar tantos idiomas.

I guess you can directly access the Barricade with the present configuration. Don't use telnet, probably it requires installation.
Try to type "" into your internet browser (without "www") - you should enter the menue of the Barricade. If not, you may try "", "" or "".
Probably the Barricade will ask for user name and password. Try "admin" for both. If not, refere to the manual of the Barricade.

Mucha suerte y mantenme informado
Muchas gracias, me muevo con mucha prudencia ...
The correct access code is
But I cannot access the parameters because a password is requested.
Searching for a solution, I find (in the Barricade manual):
"If you have forgotten your password, of if you cannot access the user interface, press the (blue) reset button on the rear panel, keeping it depressed for at least five seconds, in order to reset the default values."
Great news.
But what about the other parameters???
If I reset the default values, the set parameters are lost, and there is no way to know them prior to resetting the damned thing !
¿ Como hacer ??
Thanks imagomundi !
It did not work, I guess there is a personal password. As I did not install this modem router personnaly, I'll have to get in touch with my Computer Bulle ......
After several trials
What were your trials? Did you ever change annex of your box to A? Did you configure it then manually with VPI / VCI (8 / 35) used by BELGACOM and simply connect it directly to your ADSL?

My provider in Venezuela (I know way behind Europe / Belgium) also uses BRIDGED for encapsulation and I installed several boxes to some friends. They never needed any user name or password - BRIDGED works like a direct line to the server and the server identifies the client through the telephone line's number (not the MAC adress, because I can connect whatsoever PC to the same connection).
Hello imagomundi!
Just go back to 13.09.2008, 10:56 on this forum, you will have the full story of my trials.
Setting the Barricade on "transparent" requires access to its parameters, and that's where the password is requested, thus my question and doubts about using the reset button ...
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