Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

English Procedure to make 7140 to be a 7170

The goal is not to translate those posts literally, but to write an easy instruction "how to become my 7140 to be a 7170"
@ Guru el_valiente:
Ok - in this case i shall first translate these posts and then will post them in a document file here on this thread... so you can give me some feedback and then we can see how can we make an improved version of the procedure. cheers :)
Ok - in this case i shall first translate these posts and then will post them in a document file here on this thread... so we can make an improved version of the procedure
That sounds good!
I will be very busy for the next days, so I have only little time to be here. But I will try to answer your questions once a day, at least.
I think it would be helpful too to know first what firmware (version and number) was your box before you switched to now avme and what firmware is it now.
I think it would be helpful too to know first what firmware (version and number) was your box before you switched to now avme and what firmware is it now.

@ Guru imagomundi:
So how can I find that out about the original firmware version & number?
So how can I find that out about the original firmware version & number?
There is no way to find out the specification of your original firmware, if you didn't write it down at the time you had it.

Anyway: I don't know why imagomundi asked for the firmware versions - he will have his reasons. In my opinion we don't need that. The procedure to install the 7170 FW onto your 7140 will be the same in any case - it does not depend on the original FW.

What about the translation - any progress?
I had my reasons for this question - as it is no longer possible NOW to find out: just go ahead with el_valiente's procedure
Fritz!Box 7170

ok no problems... I shall take a log of all the versions from now onwards.
I would like to be benefited with some information about Fritz!Box 7170. I see on eBay Fritz!Box 7170 being sold, but there seem to be different types as follows:

1. Different Firmware:

2. Different Packaging:
Some of them are in packaging of"1&1 Surf and Phone Set WLAN 2+" and some of them are in "DSL VOIP WLAN" packing?

3. WLAN USB Stick:
Some come with "WLAN USB Stick"?

Can you please just shed some light on these questions?
thanks a bunch!!

1. It's not different firmware, but slightly different hardware. V2/V3 is preferible. All FW versions work on all HW versions. Use search function for more information

2. Different package (and box color) means different branding. Debranding is no problem

3. Any USB WLAN stick will do the job. No need for avm USB stick (which is not as good as the boxes are)

4. The price at ebay should be 50-70 EUR (august '08 )
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I'm trying to convert a 29.04.57 german to an english one(with recovery 04.56)
I did this also with 29.04.49
No succes(I used the site

which german firmwareversion do I need? and which english recovery one?
This example is for the Fritzbox Fon Wlan 7170 (but the same procedure applies to other boxes):

Check out the overview of the different fritzboxes and their corresponding firmwares:

right next to the up-to-date firmware-version is the link to the AVM-ftp-server ("update"). Just go up one directory and enter the "english" folder for your box:

you can choose between annex_b and annex_a (which international boxes most likely require) and then download the matching english firmware in that folder.

I didn't see any recover-image for the english versions, but you should be able to flash them directly through the web-interface of the german boxes ("Erweiterte Einstellungen - System - Firmware aktualisieren - Datei auswählen" is where its located I guess...)

Hope that helps a little ;-)
Sorry, Martian - but this will not help. If it would really be as easy as this the threads treating firmware questions and annex change procedures would not be as long as they are.

@laurens7: First download to your PC the latest English Recovery for annex B 7170 (as your actual fw is 29.... your box is annex B) from avm ftp server:
Do the same just in case you have to fallback to your actual German version:

NOW download TELEFONICUS archive "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" ( to your PC and upload it to your box like a firmware upgrade -disregard any avm warnings and upload anyway.

(Do not reboot the box after this step. If your box reboots automatically don't worry if you don't get an interface as your box's language has changed to English but the firmware still remains German.)

Now run the English Recovery you downloaded before. Observe recovery procedure including preparing your network card THOROUGHLY and in ALL DETAILS - quite a few users are reporting again and again that recovery failed because they just missed a little detail.

Just in case: I'm not sure if you are really looking for an English language interface or if you (only) need to make your box work with "annex A" as your DSL line might be an analog one (going on with the German interface). Just for your information: English fw 29.04.57 does NOT offer the same variety of features as the German 29.04.57 does - even if avm gave them virtually the same fw numbers.
If you ONLY need to change the annex to A(analog) just download TELEFONICUS archive "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" to your PC and upload it the same way as described before like a firmware upgrade to your box.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sorry, Martian - but this will not help. If it would really be as easy as this the threads treating firmware questions and annex change procedures would not be as long as they are.

@laurens7: First download to your PC the latest English Recovery for annex B 7170 (as your actual fw is 29.... your box is annex B) from avm ftp server:
Do the same just in case you have to fallback to your actual German version:

NOW download TELEFONICUS archive "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" ( to your PC and upload it to your box like a firmware upgrade -disregard any avm warnings and upload anyway.

(Do not reboot the box after this step. If your box reboots automatically don't worry if you don't get an interface as your box's language has changed to English but the firmware still remains German.)

Now run the English Recovery you downloaded before. Observe recovery procedure including preparing your network card THOROUGHLY and in ALL DETAILS - quite a few users are reporting again and again that recovery failed because they just missed a little detail.

Just in case: I'm not sure if you are really looking for an English language interface or if you (only) need to make your box work with "annex A" as your DSL line might be an analog one (going on with the German interface). Just for your information: English fw 29.04.57 does NOT offer the same variety of features as the German 29.04.57 does - even if avm gave them virtually the same fw numbers.
If you ONLY need to change the annex to A(analog) just download TELEFONICUS archive "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" to your PC and upload it the same way as described before like a firmware upgrade to your box.

I need the english interface.
I did the same(using the-construct),is this not working anymore?, but the recovery says "this firmware is not compatible".I didn't reboot, I didn't unplug power.
Are you sure that I need the last firmware?(I have different older german firmware on my pc).

Hi !

FRITZ!Box Fon, Firmware-Version 06.04.30 Annex B deutsch

Annex A recovery help ? please ...

Thanks ....
I did it with 29.04.29 and english recovery 04.57.I used the avme files from this forum, fritz rebooted constantly, did a recovery and there it was: an english interface.

With the construct and 04.57 it didn't work!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
English Procedure to make 7140 to be a 7170


What about the translation - any progress?

@Guru el_valiente:

Sorry for a delayed reply... This week I have gone back to work after a long vacation :( so I am quite busy. But I shall get back to you with the translated procedure either this week or next week...
@antep0510: Don't wonder if you don't get an answer - noboday will understand what you are asking / looking for!
Fritz!Box 7170 dead?

Hi guys, this is my first post here, so please bear with me.

I tried to switch my V1 black (1&1 branded) 7170 to English and unfortunately my box is almost dead now. I tried to use fritz_as_avme_newer.tar to do that (I didn't need to switch Annex), but after uploading the file my box started a reboot loop and now it is not reachable via telnet or web.

I tried to do recovery both with the latest recovery images on AVM's website and the original SW CD, and they all return success, but the box is still unresponsive (first I tried the latest English version, that I changed a parameter from avme to avm via ftp/adam2 and tried the latest German one).

The only way to access it now (besides recovery) is that after a recovery session I can use ftp/adam2, but only until the next reboot of the box.

The more important parameters: original german FW version 29.04.57 (branded 1&1), hardware revision, annex is B, Product ID is Fritz_Box_7170. Bootloader returned by the recovery is 1153.

I'd appreciate any suggestions...
So all you intented to do was to change interface language from German to English? Annex should remain B?

And all you really did was to upload file "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar"?

What does ftp say if you ask for

- firmware_version (enter: quote GETENV firmware_version)
- firmware_info (quote GETENV firmware_info)
- annex (quote GETENV annex)
- modem annex (quote GETENV kernel_args annex)


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