Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

Can you see the point now? I had seen this result in another case before. This was the reason for my suggestion. Unfortunately I do not dispose of fw 04.26.
Well, I guess I have to find .26 german firmware.:rolleyes:
Damn, I found .26 but still I can not update. :( Guess I have to switch back to annex B?
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( Guess I have to switch back to annex B?
Normally should not be necessary but in these cases with very old firmwares one never knows. If you try to switch back to B I recommend to use "haveaniceday''s" file from [THREAD=68979]this[/THREAD] thread

You might give it one more try and make a complete recover with RECOVER-EXE 04.15 which you can still download from AVM*s ftp server.
Once your box runs with 04.15 it should be no more a problem to upload 04.33.
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... "haveaniceday''s" file from [THREAD=68979]this[/THREAD] thread
I am just trying to remember... the old pseudoimages issue a "echo "annex B" > /proc/avalanche/env" command, but I'm afraid the bootloader won't care much about it since there is no Linux filesystem at boot time yet. Or is /proc/avalanche/env just the Linux way to the bootloader's "quote SETENV" variables?

EDIT: two coffees later my memory is back :) Yes, that's exactly how the old pseudoimages work, setting up the bootloader environment to allow the appropriate recovery image. So you should be able to recover to 14.04.15 and then upgrade.

[Adam2 stuff deleted]
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is /proc/avalanche/env just the Linux way to the bootloader's "quote SETENV" variables?

So it is.

And what shall he do after closing ftp? The box hasn't got yet fw 04.15 but still runs on 04.04. Won't this create another confusion for the poor box?

After saying "bye" to ftp I think it is necessary to immediately run RECOVER 04.15. - no reboot at no time.
Guys, thanks for your help, I successfully updated to .33 after many unsuccessful tries.:)
Last night, or should I say early this morning, I tried to switch back to Annex B.I used telefonicus fritz_as_annex_b_kernel_args_newer script, got an error message but after modem restart it was annex B.:confused: I guess error happened because I used haveanicedays script for switching to annex A. Then, I tried several german firmwares, .15,.26 and .33 but without success.After that, I tried to switch back to annex A, but haveaniceday script didn't work for me, so I updated with telefonicus script.
And today, I tried again to switch back to annex B with haveaniceday script. Everything seems to be ok, but when modem restarted it still was annex A.:confused: Then I tried .26 firmware and finally it was ok.:) After that, I easily updated with .33.:)
Now, is there is way to change interface to english?
Use the image from the link that I sent you.
Use the image from the link that I sent you.

I tried it but without success. :mad:
Die angegebene Datei enthält keine von AVM für dieses Gerät freigegebene Firmware.

Wenn Sie nicht freigegebene Firmware in der FRITZ!Box installieren, kann dies zum kompletten Funktionsverlust der FRITZ!Box führen. Weiterhin verlieren Sie alle Ansprüche auf Support, Garantie und Gewährleistung für Ihre FRITZ!Box.

Verwenden Sie ausschließlich Firmware, die von AVM für dieses Gerät freigegeben ist. Nur dafür kann AVM die volle Unterstützung der Funktionalität Ihrer FRITZ!Box sicherstellen.

Freigegebene Firmware-Dateien für Ihre FRITZ!Box sind:

- von AVM erstellt und herausgegeben

- für Ihr FRITZ!Box-Modell erstellt

- mindestens so aktuell, wie die auf der FRITZ!Box installierte Firmware
Does it show the option "Update fortsetzten“ ("Go ahead with the update")? Under normal conditions I would say "Don't be scared, just click it". However, I don't know the complete flashing history of your box. Let's make sure the bootloader environment is ok. Please make a copy of the support data (click on the "Support-Daten erstellen" button) and post the first 16 lines like this:

Support Data
Sat Jan 1 01:03:52 CET 2000
HWRevision 76
ProductID Fritz_Box_FON_2_WLAN
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 1.203
bootserport tty0
bluetooth 00:04:0E:FF:FF:07
cpufrequency 150000000
firstfreeaddress 0x946B1D78
firmware_version 1und1
firmware_info 14.04.33
Does it show the option "Update fortsetzten“ ("Go ahead with the update")? Under normal conditions I would say "Don't be scared, just click it". However, I don't know the complete flashing history of your box. Let's make sure the bootloader environment is ok. Please make a copy of the support data (click on the "Support-Daten erstellen" button) and post the first 16 lines like this:
Yes, there is Update fortsetzten option.
Support Data
Sat Mar 28 13:08:26 CET 2009
HWRevision 76
ProductID Fritz_Box_7050
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 1.203
bootserport tty0
bluetooth 00:04:0E:FF:FF:07
cpufrequency 150000000
firstfreeaddress 0x946B1D78
firmware_version avm
firmware_info 14.04.33
flashsize 0x00400000
kernel_args annex=A
Is "kernel_args annex=A" really listed at this position? If yes, it's been written into the bootloader environment. How did you manage to get it there?

Besides of this it looks ok.
Is "kernel_args annex=A" really listed at this position? If yes, it's been written into the bootloader environment. How did you manage to get it there?

Besides of this it looks ok.

Yes, it is, I just copy/pasted from support file.
I used your script kernel_args annex A to switch from annex B to annex A.
Yes, sure, that's what the pseudoimage does: echo "kernel_args annex=A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment. I was just puzzled because there's no such entry in my annex-B box.

It's ok, just go ahead with the update.
Yes, sure, that's what the pseudoimage does: echo "kernel_args annex=A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment. I was just puzzled because there's no such entry in my annex-B box.

It's ok, just go ahead with the update.
I still can not update. :(
Die angegebene Datei enthält keine von AVM für dieses Gerät freigegebene Firmware.

Wenn Sie nicht freigegebene Firmware in der FRITZ!Box installieren, kann dies zum kompletten Funktionsverlust der FRITZ!Box führen. Weiterhin verlieren Sie alle Ansprüche auf Support, Garantie und Gewährleistung für Ihre FRITZ!Box.

Verwenden Sie ausschließlich Firmware, die von AVM für dieses Gerät freigegeben ist. Nur dafür kann AVM die volle Unterstützung der Funktionalität Ihrer FRITZ!Box sicherstellen.

Freigegebene Firmware-Dateien für Ihre FRITZ!Box sind:

- von AVM erstellt und herausgegeben

- für Ihr FRITZ!Box-Modell erstellt

- mindestens so aktuell, wie die auf der FRITZ!Box installierte Firmware
Is that what you get after you clicked on "Update fortsetzten“?

Recovery is not dangerous. If you update with my firmware afterwards the modem will work in annex A mode.
@garson: Just to assist "telefonicus" a little: I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT YOU GET THE SAME MESSAGE AGAIN AFTER CLICKING "UPDATE FORTSETZEN". First you said that after the message deployed in your #1034 you get at the end the message "Update fortsetzen". If you really click that I'm pretty sure you won't get the same message again! If you were not corageous enough to do so - please tell "telefonicus"
Ok, that was the first error message.After I continue with update I get this:
FRITZ!Box Anlagensoftware (Firmware)

Das Firmware-Update ist fehlgeschlagen:

Es trat ein nicht näher spezifizierter Fehler während des Updates auf.

Wiederholen Sie das Firmware-Update oder starten Sie FRITZ!Box neu.

Firmware-Update wiederholen:

1. Geben Sie die Datei mit dem Firmware-Update an:

2. Starten Sie das Firmware-Update mit der Schaltfläche "Update".

FRITZ!Box neu starten

Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Neu starten", um mit dem bisherigen Firmware-Stand weiter zu arbeiten.
I used recovery image, everything went OK, firmware was .31 but annex A.:confused: But, still I couldn't update to .33 english.:mad:
I'm giving up.:rolleyes:

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