Simple solarmax logger c program written by [email protected] in July 2010
This program was originally licensed under WTFPL 2 http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
It is now licensed under GPLv2 or later http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html
You need the mysql client library files installed to be able to compile it.
Compile with:
gcc -W -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wlong-long -Wformat -Wpointer-arith -rdynamic -pedantic-errors -std=c99 -o sollog sollog.c -lmysqlclient
Run with:
./sollog /home/fritz/Desktop/loggertest/sollog.conf
./sollog /usr/bin/sollog.conf
Structure of the config-file:
You can set DEBUG to 1 to get detailed output in a separate logfile.
It is recommended to schedule the smw-logger to be started between 5:00 - 6:00 in the
morning and stopped between 22:00 and 23:00 in the evening (compare with sunshine
duration). The smw-logger has no built-in facility for logging, so use CRON or similar.
Example CRON entries:
00 05 * * * /usr/local/bin/logger /usr/local/etc/logger.conf
00 23 * * * killall logger
- http://www.linuxhowtos.org/C_C++/socket.htm
- http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~kboehm/ebook/21_kap15_w6.html#49329
- http://man.cx/setbuf%283%29
- http://allfaq.org/forums/t/169895.aspx
- http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/mysql-capi-tutorial.html
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <termios.h>
# define TERM_DEVICE "/dev/ttyUSB0" /* = COM1 / USB */
# define TERM_SPEED B19200 /* Bit/Sek */
int i, fd, old_flags, log_interval, integer, integerout,integerout2,j, PACcount;
int integerout1[8];
ssize_t length;
struct termios term_attr;
FILE* file;
char* file_name;
char outbuffer[512]={0};
// char outbuffer[512] = "KDY=B;KMT=40;KYR=B9F;KT0=1154;TNF=1388;TKK=19;PAC=5C;PRL=1;IL1=54;IDC=1A;UL1=910;UDC=A2C;SYS=FFFF|";
char text[256];
char inbuffer[1];
char* mode = "a";
char* message = "{FB;01;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|1199}";
// time_t timestamp;
time_t t;
struct tm *ts;
FILE* error_file = NULL;
char* error_file_name = "/var/log/solarmax-error.log";
char* error_mode = "w";
FILE* debug_file = NULL;
char* debug_file_name = "/var/log/solarmax-debug.log";
char* debug_mode = "w";
FILE* config_file = NULL;
char* config_file_name;
char* config_mode = "r";
int sockfd, portno, n, log_interval, result, counter, wait_interval, active_max, nr_of_maxes, DEBUG;
int lost_connection = 0;
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
struct hostent* server;
char dbhost[512];
char dbname[512];
char dbtabprefix[512];
char dbuser[512];
char dbpass[512];
char hostaddr[512];
char line[512];
char* message;
char* expression = "...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*);...=([0-9A-F]*)";
int kdy, kmt, kyr, kt0, tnf, tkk, pac, prl, il1, idc, ul1, udc, sys;
char buffer2[512];
// char buffer [512] = {"KDY=B;KMT=40;KYR=B9F;KT0=1154;TNF=1388;TKK=19;PAC=5C;PRL=1;IL1=54;IDC=1A;UL1=910;UDC=A2C;SYS=FFFF;"};
char buffer[512];
char query[512];
char* temp;
regex_t rx;
regmatch_t* matches;
MYSQL* connection = NULL;
void error_exit(const char* msg) {
if (error_file != NULL)
if (debug_file != NULL)
void debug_entry(char* msg) {
time_t timestamp = time(NULL);
char debug_msg[512];
char *time_now = ctime(×tamp);
if (debug_file == NULL)
error_exit("ERROR writing to debug.log file");
sprintf(debug_msg, "%s %s", time_now, msg);
fprintf(debug_file, "%s\n", debug_msg);
void error_retry(char* msg) {
time_t timestamp = time(NULL);
char error_msg[512];
char *time_now = ctime(×tamp);
if (error_file == NULL)
error_exit("ERROR writing to error.log file");
sprintf(error_msg, "%s %s", time_now, msg);
fprintf(error_file, "%s\n", error_msg);
void set_nonblock(int sock) {
int flags;
flags = fcntl(sock,F_GETFL,0);
if (flags == -1)
error_exit("ERROR no valid flags on socket");
fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Check commandline arguments
if (argc < 2)
error_exit("ERROR program needs config-file as parameter");
// Try to open error log file
if ((error_file = fopen(error_file_name, error_mode)) == NULL)
error_exit("ERROR opening error.log file");
// Make file unbuffered
setbuf(error_file, NULL);
//Read Config File
config_file_name = argv[1];
FILE *fp = fopen(config_file_name, config_mode);
// Read variables
if (fp) {
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
sscanf(line, "Debug=%d[^\n]", &DEBUG);
sscanf(line, "Loginterval=%d[^\n]", &log_interval);
sscanf(line, "Waitinterval=%d[^\n]", &wait_interval);
sscanf(line, "DBhost=%[^\n]", dbhost);
sscanf(line, "DBname=%[^\n]", dbname);
sscanf(line, "DBtabprefix=%[^\n]", dbtabprefix);
sscanf(line, "DBuser=%[^\n]", dbuser);
sscanf(line, "DBpass=%[^\n]", dbpass);
sscanf(line, "Hostname=%[^\n]", hostaddr);
sscanf(line, "Hostport=%d[^\n]", &portno);
sscanf(line, "NumberOfInverters=%d[^\n]", &nr_of_maxes);
// Try to open debug log file, if necessary
if(DEBUG) {
if((debug_file = fopen(debug_file_name, debug_mode)) == NULL)
error_exit("ERROR opening debug.log file");
// Make file unbuffered
setbuf(debug_file, NULL);
// Try to compile regular expression
result = regcomp(&rx, expression, REG_EXTENDED);
if (result != 0) {
regerror(result, &rx, expression, sizeof(expression));
sprintf(buffer, "ERROR invalid regular expression: %s", expression);
// Try to reserve memory for matches
matches = (regmatch_t *) malloc((rx.re_nsub + 1) * sizeof(regmatch_t));
if (!matches)
error_exit("Out of memory");
// Connect to database
connection = mysql_init(NULL);
if (!mysql_real_connect(connection, dbhost, dbuser, dbpass, dbname, 0, NULL, 0))
if (DEBUG) {
sprintf(buffer, "Connected to database %s on host %s", dbname, dbhost);
if ((fd = open(TERM_DEVICE, O_RDWR)) == -1)
perror("terminal: Can't open device " TERM_DEVICE);
/* RS232 konfigurieren */
if (tcgetattr(fd, &term_attr) != 0)
perror("terminal: tcgetattr() failed");
term_attr.c_cflag = TERM_SPEED | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
term_attr.c_iflag = 0;
term_attr.c_oflag = OPOST | ONLCR;
term_attr.c_lflag = 0;
if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &term_attr) != 0)
perror("terminal: tcsetattr() failed");
/* Std.-Eingabe anpassen */
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &term_attr) ;
/* alte Einst. sichern */
old_flags = term_attr.c_lflag;
term_attr.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &term_attr) ;
/* */
while (1) {
// set variable to default value or it will keep trying to reconnect
lost_connection = 0;
// Check if connection to db-server must be re-established
if (mysql_ping(connection)) {
// Connect to database
if (!mysql_real_connect(connection, dbhost, dbuser, dbpass, dbname, 0, NULL, 0))
if (DEBUG) {
sprintf(buffer, "Connected to database %s on host %s", dbname, dbhost);
// Start sending the data requests and logging the answers
while (1) {
// We have to get out of this while-loop to reestablish the connection to the inverter
if (lost_connection){
debug_entry("Looks like we lost our connection to solarmax, reconnecting...");
// Get the current time
time_t start_time = time(NULL);
for(active_max = 1; active_max <= nr_of_maxes; active_max++){
// Generate message according to device address of solarmax:
// Could be something like this:
// sprintf(message, "{FB;0%d;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|%s}", active_max, 16_bit_checksum
// For further information on the protocol refer to: http://blog.dest-unreach.be/2009/04/15/solarmax-maxtalk-protocol-reverse-engineered
// Until someone comes up with a nice solution to calculate the checksum, lets stick to a few precalculated message strings (tested only for 2 maxes!):
if (active_max == 1) {
message = "{FB;01;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|1199}";
else if (active_max == 2) {
message = "{FB;02;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|119A}";
else if (active_max == 3) {
message = "{FB;03;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|119B}";
else if (active_max == 4) {
message = "{FB;04;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|119C}";
else if (active_max == 5) {
message = "{FB;05;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|119D}";
else if (active_max == 6) {
message = "{FB;06;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|119E}";
else if (active_max == 7) {
message = "{FB;07;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|119F}";
else if (active_max == 8) {
message = "{FB;08;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|11A0}";
else if (active_max == 9) {
message = "{FB;09;46|64:KDY;KMT;KYR;KT0;TNF;TKK;PAC;PRL;IL1;IDC;UL1;UDC;SYS|11A1}";
else {
error_exit("ERROR invalid hardware address; currently works only for 9 maxes");
if (DEBUG) {
sprintf(buffer, "Sending message: %s", message);
// Send message 1
length = write(fd,message,strlen(message));
if (length < 0)
if (DEBUG)
printf("WR= message gesendet: %s\n", message);
// Read answer
bzero(inbuffer, 1);
bzero(buffer, 512);
for (i=0; i < 512; i++)
length = read(fd, inbuffer,1);
buffer[i]= inbuffer[0];
if (inbuffer[0] == '}')
buffer[i+1] = '\0';
if (length < 0)
buffer[i] = '\0';
buffer[i-1] = '\0';
buffer[i-2] = '\0';
buffer[i-3] = '\0';
buffer[i-4] = '\0';
buffer[i-5] = '\0';
strcat(buffer, ";SYS=FFFF;");
if (DEBUG)
printf("Received answer: %s\n", buffer);
// char buffer [512] = "KDY=B;KMT=40;KYR=B9F;KT0=1154;TNF=1388;TKK=19;PAC=5C;PRL=1;IL1=54;IDC=1A;UL1=910;UDC=A2C;SYS=FFFF;";
if (DEBUG) {
sprintf(buffer2, "Received answer: %s", buffer);
// Extract the data fields from answer
result = regexec(&rx, buffer, rx.re_nsub + 1, matches, 0);
if (result) {
regerror(result, &rx, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
//error_exit("ERROR no regexp match");
error_retry("ERROR no regexp match");
lost_connection = 1;
// Convert the extracted data fields to integer values
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[1].rm_so, matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so);
kdy = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[2].rm_so, matches[2].rm_eo - matches[2].rm_so);
kmt = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[3].rm_so, matches[3].rm_eo - matches[3].rm_so);
kyr = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[4].rm_so, matches[4].rm_eo - matches[4].rm_so);
kt0 = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[5].rm_so, matches[5].rm_eo - matches[5].rm_so);
tnf = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[6].rm_so, matches[6].rm_eo - matches[6].rm_so);
tkk = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[7].rm_so, matches[7].rm_eo - matches[7].rm_so);
pac = strtol(temp, NULL, 16) /2 ;
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[8].rm_so, matches[8].rm_eo - matches[8].rm_so);
prl = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[9].rm_so, matches[9].rm_eo - matches[9].rm_so);
il1 = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[10].rm_so, matches[10].rm_eo - matches[10].rm_so);
idc = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[11].rm_so, matches[11].rm_eo - matches[11].rm_so);
ul1 = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[12].rm_so, matches[12].rm_eo - matches[12].rm_so);
udc = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
temp = strndup(buffer + matches[13].rm_so, matches[13].rm_eo - matches[13].rm_so);
sys = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
// Construct the query according to active solarmax
sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO %s%d (kdy, kmt, kyr, kt0, tnf, tkk, pac, prl, il1, idc, ul1, udc, sys) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);", dbtabprefix, active_max, kdy, kmt, kyr, kt0, tnf, tkk, pac, prl, il1, idc, ul1, udc, sys);
if (DEBUG) {
sprintf(buffer, "Executing query: %s", query);
// Execute the query to write the data into db
mysql_query(connection, query);
if (mysql_errno(connection))
// Get the current time
time_t stop_time = time(NULL);
// Wait for the specified number of seconds - calc duration - 1
if (DEBUG)
debug_entry("Waiting for about 1 minute ...");
sleep(log_interval + start_time - stop_time -1 );
// Add a busy-loop for the last second to make sure we are perfectly accurate
while (time(NULL) < start_time + log_interval) usleep(99999);
return 0;