In the thread eva_tools you speak of a "fake AVM recovery tool". Is that hypothetically or does such a tool exist or can I make one?
Because International versions have always been lagging compared to the German version, I never had enough incentive to try out 7.x nor the newer 75xx boxes. Quite often these newer versions turned out to have stability issues caused by translations. It also happened on original AVM-firmwares.
Mainly for that, I'm still on 6.84
Now I want start with 5xx boxes I can't use this method anymore.
To flash 6.84 on a factory-fresh 7490 I downgrade it to version 6.30 first with FRITZ.Box_7490.en-de-es-it-fr-pl.06.30.recover-image.exe and then go through the initial setup and then flash it with AVM's firmware upgrade.
I even did this a few times remotely using an RDP-session.
I know for a few years that this cumbersome procedure has been improved, but I never took the time to investigate it. That's a bit of a shame, because I'm sure it's much faster.
Today I quickly went through that thread and tried the EVA-Discover.ps1 script.
It didn't detect the power-cycled box however. I then decided to Ctrl-C it and subsequent issuing of the script complained about an already opened socket.
I don't know if I will be able to get this working....
But still, I would like to hear more about a "fake recovery tool"
In the thread eva_tools you speak of a "fake AVM recovery tool". Is that hypothetically or does such a tool exist or can I make one?
Because International versions have always been lagging compared to the German version, I never had enough incentive to try out 7.x nor the newer 75xx boxes. Quite often these newer versions turned out to have stability issues caused by translations. It also happened on original AVM-firmwares.
Mainly for that, I'm still on 6.84
Now I want start with 5xx boxes I can't use this method anymore.
To flash 6.84 on a factory-fresh 7490 I downgrade it to version 6.30 first with FRITZ.Box_7490.en-de-es-it-fr-pl.06.30.recover-image.exe and then go through the initial setup and then flash it with AVM's firmware upgrade.
I even did this a few times remotely using an RDP-session.
I know for a few years that this cumbersome procedure has been improved, but I never took the time to investigate it. That's a bit of a shame, because I'm sure it's much faster.
Today I quickly went through that thread and tried the EVA-Discover.ps1 script.
It didn't detect the power-cycled box however. I then decided to Ctrl-C it and subsequent issuing of the script complained about an already opened socket.
PS C:\Users\user\YourFritz-master\eva_tools> .\EVA-Discover.ps1 -maxWait 120 -Debug -Verbose
VERBOSE: Error creating UDP listener instance
Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "Elk socketadres (protocol/netwerkadres/poort) kan normaal slechts één keer worden gebruikt"
I don't know if I will be able to get this working....
But still, I would like to hear more about a "fake recovery tool"
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