[O2 Zyxel 2602HWN-D7A] Nicht speichern die firewall regeln (enlgisch)


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28 Sep 2007
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Hi sorry about the english but im still learning deutsch.
I have connected with O2 they send me this router, at first hand i looks really nice but only that.
My wifi connection is always disconnecting after 6 or 7 hours.
The rules i create in the firewall and in the nat section. the router doesent keep them. after 5 minutes of working ok they vanish (disappear) without any logical reason.
I have downloaded the manuals in english, also looked for a solution in google, zyxel webpage without finding nothing.
Ist worse in the www.zyxel.com webpage doesent appear this model.
i have also looked in www.zyxel.de for a new firmware or the same firmware in a different language, but with no luck.
Also i have cheked portfoward.com for a solution but nothing.

Does someone have the same problem?, or know a way to make the firewall rules keep saved?

TIA J:noidea:
Don´t worry!

Here my recommendation to find/fix the problems:

Check for EMI effects (refrigerator in front of router?) - very often a problem (reboot/reset)

Don´t use filesharing during searching the source of your problems.

setup Wartung/protokolls

Please keep in mind that the router is possibly defectice - call hotline for warranty replacement.

Is it correct, that you loose all the settings (like reset) ?
Hi the modem is alone and doesent have near any electronic device.
It doesent like a reset, some configuration they keep when i saved them. but no the ones i want :D.
Yeap probably is defective the device

Also is there a way to disable VOIP or tu put a password because my Mitbewohner doesent payme for the phone and is always calling to handy nummer.
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Hi, have you tried to change the WiFi channel? maybe there is another WLAN or other service using your frequency, but only some hours of the day when your disconnections appear - happened to me.

i'm no expert in firewalls, but is it possible that your rules are somehow inconsistent and the auto/remote configuring by o2 is deleting them?
Create the rules, deactivate the fw and look if they still vanish.

VoIP > Telefon > Analoges Telefon
set Ausgehende Gespräche nutzen to one of the unused SIP5 - SIP10
-> incoming calls are still signaled, but you can't call out.

You can also click on Trennen on the start status page. But it will auto reconnect after power off/on restart i think. haven't tried yet.

Look in the manual of your phone. some phones can be configured with pass to allow only incoming calls.

for other firmware, there is another thread about debranding the o2 router.

sticky 1st thread: ZyXEL-Firmware-Quelle
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