Grandstream ATA286 only works after a daily reboot


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21 Mrz 2005
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Hello Folks

Sorry that this post is in English, but my written german is not the best.

I have my VOIP with (iphone) here in Germany
and have my analog telephone system connected with a grandstream ATA286 adapter which in turn is connected to a NETGEAR WG834GBT
Wlan router, all the required ports are unblocked

And the setting are ok in the webinterface of the grandstream adapter. I then save and reboot the adapter and everything works fine I can phone people and they can phone me...SO whats my problem your thinking, if everything is working.

Well the problem is everything is only working after I reboot the adapter
say in the morning and for a few hours or till the next day its ok I check the phone before I goto work and its going...

But when I get to work and test my phone its offline and unreachable till I come home and reboot the adapter then its all right again for a few hours and then its unreachabe again till I reboot..

Having to reboot the adapter eveyday is not very good

I must say that I have my DSL service also with freenet but is on a 15gb per month transfervolume.

Does Freenet or Deutsche telekon disconnect you from the net after no activity for a few hours or has anyone also had the same problems with
the Grandstream ATA286

Any help and advice would be most greatfull

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Hi Steve,

Well, when you have a DSL connection from Telekom there might be indeed a regular disconnection. Given you have the ATA running this is not a disconnection caused by "no activity" (as the ATA produces always traffic), but a disconnection forced by the provider (every 24 hours?). I have such a disconnection every 36 hours, each time I get a new IP address. To avoid interference during the day I have a timer on my ADSL Modem / Router / ATA, which switches off everything for 1 minute in the middle of the night. You may wish to try this out ("a reboot a day keeps the techies away...").

If this doesn't solve your problem please provide some more information (firmware version of Netgear and ATA, which ADSL connection, and so on).

EDIT: Normally the ATA should reconnect even after dropped ADSL connnection. There might be several scenarious why it doesn't. You can check:
Is the Netgear reconnecting when ADSL is dropped, or not?
Is the ATA still "alive" (can you PING it)?
Status in ATA says Registered Yes / No?

Best wishes

The Tobi
additional info ata286

Hello Tobi

Many thanks for your quick answer, here is a bit more infmation
sorry I rebooted the ATA before I read your message

NetgearDG834GTB firware version V1.01.00 as far as I know
this is the only version avalible for germany

DSL is from freenet with 15gb transfer volum per month, freenet
uses DeutchTelecom for the internet backbone.

Product Model: HT286
Software Version: Program-- Bootloader-- HTML-- VOC-- detected NAT type is port restricted cone.

Admin Password:
SIP Server:
Outbound Proxy:
SIP User ID: freenet username
Authenticate ID: freenet usernmae
Authenticate Password: *********
Name: my name

User ID is phone number: No
SIP Registration:Yes
Unregister On Reboot: No
Register Expiration: 60

Yes, STUN server is:
keep-alive interval: 20

ports on my netgear that are unblocked
5060, 1024 - 65535, 3478 - 3479, 30000 - 30005, 16384 - 16400

Connection Status from netgear

Connection Time 23:33:54
Connecting to Server Connected
Negotiation Success
Authentication Success

If you can think of anything else to check let me know

Hi Steve,

I am not quite sure, but to use Port-Forwarding _AND_ NAT Traversal with STUN _AND_ Outbound Proxy is a bit too much.

Try first to use NAT Traversal Yes with the given STUN server, but leave Outbound Proxy empty. The other settings look ok.

Is the Provider forcing a disconnection after 24 hours? Being in Belgium I don't know the ADSL technical details in Germany.

Also, check the status of Netgear and ATA while having the problems. To check whether the problem is the connection, the Netgear, or the re-registration with SIP.

The Tobi
Hello Tobi

Many thanks for so much help

ok as from your first reply, I pinged the ATA before I did a reboot
and everything was ok

x is is ata number from 1-255

ping 192.168.0.x

Pinging 192.168.0.x with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from 192.168.0.x: bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=250
Reply from 192.168.0.x: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=250
Reply from 192.168.0.x: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=250
Reply from 192.168.0.x: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=250

Ping statistics for 192.168.0.x
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 1ms

have now stopped the port forwarding and deleted the info in outbound usual after a reboot its going, will have to wait now till tomorrow and find out if its still going or not..
router is also still running without problems

Will let you know

Many thanks for you help and time

update after 2 hours

hello Well a quick update

well it only lasted a couple of hours before I needed to reboot
I have checked with the router and in the logs
the router has restarted and have now been issued a new IP address

Tue, 2005-03-22 18:44:29 - Initialize LCP.
Tue, 2005-03-22 18:44:32 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Tue, 2005-03-22 18:44:33 - CHAP authentication success
Tue, 2005-03-22 18:44:40 - <DDNS>Update OK: good

Hi Steve,

With sipgate I had problems with STUN. So best option for me was to disable NAT Traversal (STUN), keep Outbound Proxy empty, but enabling IP pass-trough on the router. In case your router doesn't have IP Pass-Trough you can try the DMZ option (put the ATA in DMZ), or enabling port forwarding again.

Another question: Was the ATA delivered with firmware, or did you do an update? In case you did an update, you also did a reset to factory defaults? If not better do it know.

Best wishes,

The Tobi
Hello Tobi

Have disabled NAT and the ATA is now im DMZ

As for the firmware version I only know it to be

Will see how it goes and get back in touch


Tobi Thanks

Hi Tobi

Just to say thank you

Have managed to sort out a sloution that works, its probably
not the best way but it works..

ATA286 is in the DMZ on the router
the outbound proxy is left empty, even though
Freenet recommends there being a setting

The stun setting is set to yes..

The router stays online for a period of 24 hours and disconnects
its self from the net and then reconnects its self in under 1 min.
and issues a new IP address this I found out is causing the problem

As when it disconnects the ATA stops working till I reboot the ATA
now I have timmed the router to disconnect in the early hours of the morning and have a timer on the ATA wich turns off the power to the ATA 2 mins after the Router comes back online only for a 1 min, power back on which reboots the ATA and everything is working again..

Anyways just thought I would say thankyou for your help time and advice

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