Firmware Goip:
Firmware Goip PPTP version:
Firmware Goip: (inoffiziell/beta?)
Firmware Goip: (inoffiziell/beta?)
Firmware Goip4: (macht auch PPTP?)
Firmware Goip4: (inoffiziell/beta?)
Firmware Goip4: (inoffiziell/beta?)
Server & configuration software (nicht getestet):
* SMS Server
* Auto_Configure Server
* Remote Control Server
* Relay Server
* Bill_2.14 (broken link)
Server manuals:
Funktionsübersicht in etwas grottigem Englisch:
SMS Management Server is used to control sending message. User can send, search or other
operations on the web server. Be sure that apache2 (or above version) php4 (or above version) and mysql4 (or above version) has been installed on the Linux system.
Auto_Provision server is HyberTone develop for supported HyberTone’s VoIP devices.
Via this server, the administrator can maintenance all HyberTone terminal devices
anywhere. New Auto_Provision server has more new features:
1. New Auto_Provision’s maintenance page approximate HyberTone device’s
maintenance page.
2. New Auto_Provision server embedded Remote Control server, the administrator
can direct login to anyone connecting in this server’s HyberTone devices anytime
without the client side make NAT forward.
3. Auto_Provision server base at WEB, the administrator can maintenance this
server and the HyberTone devices anywhere.
Remote Control software is a free software, It is a usefully tool
which let administrator of HYBERTONE’s products remote login the terminal’s
configuration page even the terminal is behind the NAT.
Relay Server software is free software. It is a usefully software working
with HyberTone’s terminals, that make terminals traversal the NAT without STUN and
outbound proxy. Mostly additional function is encrypt the VoIP data (signaling and RTP
packets) that nobody will know the terminals are transmitting the VoIP streams.