[Gelöst]: sl-mod 1.3 / mit dropbear, ether-wake, vi, sed, crontab, wget, etc.

kann mir jem. ne pn mit einzelheuten zur übergabe schrieben :) (also jem. der eins hat das funktioniert...)
ok hat wunderbar funktioniert ! aber mic hwürde trotzdem interessieren was beim mir nicht stimmt... hm... pass auf ich.... du hast post han-solo
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi, han-solo

Wie ich gelesen habe, ist deine Firmware lauffähig und stabil.

Hast ja glaube ich Etherwake drauf, oder?

Mir geht es eigentlich nur um Etherwake.

Kann man die Firmware bekommen?

Wäre sehr dankbar.



ich hoffe ihr könnt mir hier bei meiner 2030 - Box weiterhelfen: Leider war ich so unvernünftig und habe die aktuelle offizelle firmware von avm (die 17.03.93) draufgespielt.

Jetzt hab ich keine möglcihkeit den Telnetd auf der Box zu aktivieren, weil telnet einfach nicht drauf ist; und wget bzw. ein ftp-Get nicht geht.... MIST...
Nun meine Fragen:
- Kann ich auch die Firmware von der SL-Box nehmen?

- Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit, folgende Programme oder ähnliche auf die Box dauerhaft oder nachladbar zu installieren, damit ich vom Internet (also von außen) auf meinen Rechner per ssh zugreifen kann? Telnet; wget; einen ssh-Server mit Passwd oder auth_key Anmeldung.

Wie gesagt habe die Fritz!Box 2030 mit firmware 17.03.93; ein downgrade ist nicht auffindbar (und ich weiß auch nicht ob dann telnet / wget oä. auf der box drauf ist.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfen....


PS: Ich komm per telnet auf die Box, wenn ich "starttelnet.tar" (hab ich irgendwo gefunden) und kann dann aber nicht viel machen....
Versuche es mal mit dem sl_mod_1.3 von der ersten Seite, und tausche da das Makefile gegen das anhängende aus (jeweils nach dem Auspacken, natürlich ;-)). Das sollte dir das ganze für eine 2030 bauen...



  • Makefile.gz
    2.4 KB · Aufrufe: 3
Sollte... Danke erstmal aber ich muss etwas vorsichtig sein, weil ich das recover.exe unter Windoof nicht hinbekommen; der findet die Box nicht... ich hab gerade bei ebay 2 SL-Boxen für je 1 Euro, die ich persönlich abholen könnte .. Dann trau ich mich mehr!

Aber "Sollte" wie sicher bist du dir denn?
Sagen wir mal: 80% ;-)

Aber ohne Möglichkeit zum Recover würde ich das tatsächlich auch nicht machen...
Hast du denn die Recover-Anleitung "richtig" befolgt? Also PC "händisch" eine IP im richtigen Netz (oder so) verpasst, Firewalls aus...??

Also: Weil ich unter Windoof meinst nicht bin und weil ich dort sowieso nur selten mit spiele hab ich die Firewall dann noch selten an;
Ich muss also dem PC eine feste IP geben ?! ja hab ich und der Fritz-Box auch...
Ich probier das gleich noch mal in ruhe...
help FRITZ! Box SL annex A.

I see that you're a professional.
I have 10 pieces FRITZ! Box SL but only for annex B
I can not extract the firmware and to insert the driver 10.03.94 for annex A.
Please help, how to do it?
Will it fit in with the DSL driver 04.06.24 Fon firmware?
I'm Polish and in our spaces Annex A.

I took advantage of modification slmod_1.0.tar and introduced a driver for change in annex A ( and http menu language to English.
However, USB is disabled!. and this is a problem.
How do I do? this simplified example slmod_1.7.tar modifications to be able to:
1. extract the original firmware
2. self - manually make changes to the library: etc / lib / usr / etc ...
3. firmware package after the changes.

provides a link to the firmware 10.03.94_annex_a_en.
firmware 10.03.94_annex_a_en

I'm Polish and in our spaces Annex A.

I took advantage of modification slmod_1.0.tar and introduced a driver for change in annex A ( and http menu language to English.
However, USB is disabled!. and this is a problem.
How do I do? this simplified example slmod_1.7.tar modifications to be able to:
1. extract the original firmware
2. self - manually make changes to the library: etc / lib / usr / etc ...
3. firmware package after the changes.

provides a link to the firmware 10.03.94_annex_a_en.
If you were able to modify the makefile, then just disable remove of the USB driver "avalanche_usb":
rm -R root-fs/lib/modules/2.4.17_mvl21-malta-mips_fp_le/kernel/drivers/net/avalanche_usb

Make sure, you also don't replace the busybox and so on or you might will endup with an image too big.

Usb ???

Even before I did but it did not help.
USB lamp for FRITZ! Box lights up, it initiates a virtual LAN connection,
However, there is no access by http://fritz.box or after the address / 2.
Due to lack of space in flash memory, the tools directory changed to the original file busybox.
Please check - if something has not been changed?
Please as I said, disable removing of the driver and make sure, you really don't execute the line mentioned above, but it is commented out.
You must have /lib/modules/2.4.17_mvl21-malta-mips_fp_le/kernel/drivers/net/avalanche_usb/avalanche_usb.o in your image to use USB!

FRITZ!Box SL annex A en USB problem

I had already deleted the command rm / lib/modules/2.4.17_mvl21-malta-mips_fp_le/kernel/drivers/net/avalanche_usb/avalanche_usb.oi module is in place!.
USB LED lights up and is a virtual LAN connection but no communication mode html !!!
Please write, whether it is possible to divide the Makefile script into two separate stages, eg by a parameter or two different scripts? - As it is with. / Fwmod-u and-p? .
The first step to extract (eg, make-u), the second upgrading manually, and the third (eg, make-p) a pack.
Can you divide the Makefile script such two parts, or enter a parameter, eg-u (unpack) and p (packing)?.
Then it might be the dsl-driver you included.
Sometimes there might be some side effects on changing kernel-drivers, so be sure you take a driver from a box "as near" as possible to the sl box regarding the hardware.

And it should be not too much trouble to change the makefile on your own, all the steps are documented so you realy should be fine with this changes:

In the makefile just change the "add" part to your wishes (comment out all "rm" and "cp" lines and add "your" line to include the working Annex-A files).

Or you can change the "update" process not to include "add":
[...snipp...]	./makelink

update: | root-fs  [I]#<-- removed [B]add[/B] here[/I]
update: $(shell find root-fs -type f 2>/dev/null)
	rm -rf update

then you can do "make extract" (to build the fs), do your changes there and then call "make update" to build the image.

BTW: Did you try changing the Annex w/o changing some dsl-files? At least it is reported to work here

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
driver Annex A english

1. As for the driver, it is shown experimentally that the original driver for DSL Annex B of the firmware in certain circumstances 10.03.94 also works partly in Annex A. Models device serial number Sxxx .... edged possess all passive components such as input for DSL for Annex A. Then just spend the telnet or ftp quote SETENV kernel_args,annex = A and Annex A device detects and operates at 70% - on the good lines with low attenuation .. Worse is the numbers of factory equipment Txxx .., U, V, ... and beyond. Here there is no part of the DSL filter. Proper operation under Annex A requires a minimum of changes in the capacitor (the first capacitor transformer DSL) with a capacity of 33nF for capacitor 470-1000 nF / 63V MKT type.
And moreover, should also replace the firmware in the DSL driver for Annex A.
I chose the driver from the kernel firmware 2.4 for Fon - 06.04.24 avme version - it runs stably. Checked correct work for ADSL 12 Mbit/s.
2. As for the USB does not know the reason on which the event is not working. USB lamp lights up but the configuration page Fritz! Box - Overview for USB communication - not registered! Is the USB driver struck with some list of modules to be loaded? Somewhere there is a bug but I do not know where ... :(
Does your box have telnet access, so you can see whats going on on the box? Otherwise you should use a serial connection to the box to see the output on the console.

To find out if there is a dependency from the dsl-driver to the usb driver just try a fw w/o replacing it. There might also be an issue with the replaced english GUI.
How is your networking configuration? "All devices in the same network" (or something like this in the englisch GUI)?

What is your current state?
Does the PC installs a driver for the USB network card?
What does the "ipconfig" state about the connection?
Did you get an IP?
Did you try to connect both USB and LAN at the same time??

USB - driver

The problem is that the system packing and unpacking.

I did so.
I took the original firmware 04.10.1994.
I took slmod_1.0.tar - unpacked and deleted all the lines starting with:
# replace busybox
until ...

# install busybox links
I deleted the changes - new firmware should be unchanged.
I did make - flap. !
In this new firmware (without my modifications!) USB not working?
What has changed is the firmware that is not working USB?
You know? because I do not know ...

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