Fritzbox 7050 with USB mass storage


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23 Dez 2007
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My german is terrible

anyway. I have a fritzbox 7050 with the USB-Hostadapter.

I see on, it seems to reference using the USB-Hostadapter as a USB-Mass storage connection (as well, it would be nice to have a printer function). Although selecting the firmware 14.04.33 does not provide an option.

DS-Mod (freetz) seems to reference a modification also.

Is this possible at all? Is there some dokumentation?

I've done my best to read the forum but it is very tiring to concentrate so much ( the slang 'chinese to me' comes to mind, which i understand is easier to learn ). I don't have the mental capacity after living in the US for many years. Actually this could be true, but I have a head injury.:blonk:

A followup post linking to a couple of the salient threads is appreciated.
There is no possibility to use the 7050 usb connector (USB client) to connect a mass storage device or a printer.
The usb port of the 7050 can only be used as an additional network connector in order to have a port for an additional PC or Notebook to get connected to the internet.
Only Fritz boxes with a flat usb connector can be used for a mass storage device or for a printer such as 3050 / 3070 / 3130 /3131 / 3150 / 3170 / 7140 / 7170 / 7170 SL (1x USB 1.1) or 7270 (2x USB 2.0). Their USB connector is a USB Host.

Since this is due a difference on the hardware side their is no possiblility to change that.


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Thanks, and an addition to the last post:

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