Fritz!Box 7390 - Neueste DSL-Technologie 84.04.86-18721 vom 26.11.2010

Meine 7390 gibt mir als Gegenstelle " Analog Devices 0.0 - H0 0" an, die kennt ihr Gegenüber nicht einmal ;)
Wieso? Haben die bei AVM nicht sämtliche DSLAMs aller Hersteller + Leitungssimulator
Das würde auch nicht reichen, man müsste ja auch noch die diversen DSLAM-Firmwares haben, welche die Telekom so gerade am laufen hat - und die womöglich auch noch vom Hersteller für die Telekom angepaßt wurden und anderen vielleicht gar nicht zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Da ist es doch eigentlich sinnvoller, DSL-Labor-Firmwares herauszugeben, welche Informationen über die diversen DSLAMs+Firmwares zu sammeln. Die Labortester müssen nur bereit sein, das entsprechende Feedback abzusenden.

Wer dazu nicht bereit ist und lieber eine "zuverlässige" Lösung ohne eigenen Beitrag haben will, ist mit dem Modem/Router seines Internetanbieters am besten bedient. Dafür muss man sich dann eben mit einem geringeren Funktionsumfang zufriedengeben...
Das ist absolut wahr!

Auch wenns nicht zum Thema gehört - muss aber mal gesagt werden!!
Immer diese "Meckerer". Was AVM schon alles geschafft hat - davor kann man nur den Hut ziehen! Das sind mir 200 Euro für einen Router locker wert!
Meine 7390 gibt mir als Gegenstelle " Analog Devices 0.0 - H0 0" an, die kennt ihr Gegenüber nicht einmal ;)

Ich kann in diesem Fall nur empfehlen in der Fritzbox einfach mal den Feedback Button für die DSL Leitung zu verwenden. Ich hatte das gleiche "Problem". Seit der letzten Firmware Version kennt die Fritzbox nun meine Gegenstelle und hat seit mittlerweile 26 Tage keinen Syncverlust mehr gehabt und das bei voller Syncronisation.
:shock: das kann man? ;) Spass beiseite. Ist natürlich längst geschehen.

Was Syncverluste und ähnliches nach 4 Tagen anbelangt: Werte.JPG
Jo, bei mir wird die Vermittlungsstelle auch nicht erkannt:
0.0 - H0 0
:oops: hab' gerade gesehen, dass ich im falschen 7390er Thread bin ... :weg:
Wer dazu nicht bereit ist und lieber eine "zuverlässige" Lösung ohne eigenen Beitrag haben will, ist mit dem Modem/Router seines Internetanbieters am besten bedient. Dafür muss man sich dann eben mit einem geringeren Funktionsumfang zufriedengeben...

Leider ist die 7390 mein Modem/Router meines Anbieters und ich bin es ehrlich gesagt Leid, alle paar Wochen die Box anzuschließen, zu flashen und verärgert feststellen zu dürfen, dass sich an meinem Anschluss rein gar nichts verbessert hat. Das geht nun schon seit einem halben Jahr so.
Selbstverständlich ist auch zur aktuellen Firmware ein Feedback von mir raus, in der Hoffnung die Box doch irgendwann in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können.
@Thad: you don't have problems with your 7570 ?

My problem (10-15) resyncs still persists and no matter what firmware I use on the 7390.
Today Telekom replaced a 5m cable in the local exchange which apparently caused FEC/CRC errors, but it didn't help solving my resyncs. I am considering to swap my 7390 against a 7570 and will first try my friend's 7570 next week.
you don't have problems with your 7570 ?

i'm using the 7570 for months (as substitution) - the resync-problem's known by the 7390 don't occur with this fritzbox.

Today Telekom replaced a 5m cable in the local exchange which apparently caused FEC/CRC errors, but it didn't help solving my resyncs.

AVM Support assumed technical issues with the cable too,but these were negated by my ISP. The Provider's technican's visited me for 6times but didn't find any cause for the resync-Problem. He blamed the fritzbox for the Reason of the Problems(permanent resyncs, FEC/CRC-Errors).
AVM Support assumed technical issues with the cable too,but these were negated by my ISP. The Provider's technican's visited me for 6times but didn't find any cause for the resync-Problem. He blamed the fritzbox for the Reason of the Problems(permanent resyncs, FEC/CRC-Errors).
Seems like your service technician is correct about your 7390. If my friend's 7570 solves my connection problems then hell breaks loose! The majority of my 7390 resyncs occur in the time window 17:00 - 24:00. In fact it happens very often the 7390 resyncs at a round hour. Does that also happen to you? From your signature I see you are also connected to an Infineon with firmware so perhaps the 7390 has a problem with these DSLAMS.

One more question do you read out the same rates for FEC and CRC errors in your 7570 ?
Maybe you did this already - but have you tried the DSL control option to reduce DSL sync speed?

Not all problems can be solved by firmware updates :sad: :

In some (older) threads in this forum switching power supplies were blamed for creating electromagnetic fields or voltage spikes in the power lines which have bad influences to DSL hardware.
In this case it might help to place them in a farther distance to the DSL boxes (2 metres and more if possible).

I had the experience the power adaptor of my old notebook creates massive influences at the shield of the network cable. I had permanent resyncs when my laptop was cable'd to my router.
The same happened when I used a certain power adapter of an USB HD case.
Using WLAN was fine in both cases, unplugging the power adaptor of the notebook also helped. OF course that's not the best solution.
Later I heard about unshielded network cables ...

There's also the possibility *your* 7390 unit could have defective chips, connectors or bad soldering spots. It's "bad luck" getting a defective device, but it can happen. Unfortunately the device normally passes all tests in the factory but later at the customer the problems occur.
Try to get a replacement unit from AVM or your provider, maybe you can get another type of DSL box. If this doesn't help, the problem is somewhere else and not the router itself.

Thanks for your tips H'Sishi. I did already operate my 7390 in the basement of our house where the Telekom line comes in. There I had the same issues and at that spot there are no switching power supplies closely around to my knowledge. But yes you may be right EM fields caused by whatever source (lights, power supplies etc) may cause a problem. I will check cables and power supplies again and will try to exclude these points of error.

I could also not see a direct correlation between the number of CRC/FEC errors and the time a resync occurs. It is certainly weird there is a strong correlation with the round hours a resync occurs. For example some days I can be sure 20:00 a resync will occur. We will see how my 7390 behaves at my friend's location, he will use my 7390 and I will use his 7570 some days.

I will try now your tip with reducing DSL sync speed. You mean in Verbindungseinstellungen I should enter a value in Geschwindigkeiten des DSL-Anschlusses manuell angeben?
I already have Störsicherheit set to max. Stabilität sinds I have the VDSL connection.
I meant the "Störsicherheit" options.

Oh, I forgot the power supply of the 7390 itself :oops: - it also could be defective or (maybe) too weak (meaning you got a wrong one).

*edit* Ah, another thing: Is your signature correct ("Router: Fritz 7390 fw84.04.83"), meaning did you go back to an older firmware or do you use the current FW or this DSL laboratory FW?

I remember two more stories for the category "you can't blame the firmware for that":

I had read (some months ago) about a DSL user who nearly went mad because his DSL always had resyncs at certain times. Of course every time a technician visited him the problems didn't occur.
So he build a small EM detector (basically a pocket radio) and, after some days, he located the source.
The problems occured when one of his neighbours turned on his PC to check mails and other stuff (he had problems with his DSL also but never waste a thought about that).
The problems were gone after the neighbour replaced the power supply of his PC.

I had a woman in my Everquest guild which had (maybe still has) problems with her phone line: There's a break in the outdoor cable which doesn't make the DSL line completely unuseable (has something to do with high frequency physics when the signal doesn't need an intact wire connection and can "jump" over a small gap via RF) but sometimes the DSL connection get hiccups.
Unlucky for her, there is / was no free (or intact) wire pair in the cable for switching over.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Regarding the power supply. I can try to swap it with the power supply of my old 7170 if they are compatible.

My signature is not up-to-date, at the moment I use the labor version this thread is about. In fact with the old .83 the number of dsl resyncs was smaller and I had already the idea to rip the older dsl driver from the .83 and to implant it in a .86.

The EM detector idea is quite good, but since I don't have one at the moment I will have to find out by successively switching off equipment.

The power supplies might incompatible. The voltage is the same but the 7170 doesn't have the same power consumption the 7390 has so the 7170 supply could be weaker.

*edit* I found something in the new AVM FAQ section. The power supply of the 7390 must have the Type no. 311P0W062, otherwise it's the wrong one.

The EM detector thing worked for the guy I described because the influences to the power line were so heavy they even were hearable in FM receivers and, with his detector, they could be detected from the power cable which was two, three meters below the street.

Mh, ok, if you say you had much less problems with the older firmware then I would say this DSL laboratory FW doesn't suit your problems. Did you try the other lab FW (Preview)?
If you now plan to test it, set the "Störsicherheit" sliders back to "Max. Performance" position before you switch to the other FW.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hier wird ebenfalls keine Verbindung zum DSLAM hergestellt.
Erneutes Aufspielen, 24Std. von Strom und Kabeln trennen, sowie Werksreset hat nicht geholfen.
Laut meinen Ersatz W920V ist das ein Broadcom 145.13 - H0 0 B5004244434D.
Leider ist die 7390 mein Modem/Router meines Anbieters und ich bin es ehrlich gesagt Leid, alle paar Wochen die Box anzuschließen, zu flashen und verärgert feststellen zu dürfen, dass sich an meinem Anschluss rein gar nichts verbessert hat.

Damit stehst Du nicht alleine dar, tröste Dich mir geht es genau so. :motz:
The EM detector thing worked for the guy I described because the influences to the power line were so heavy they even were hearable in FM receivers and, with his detector, they could be detected from the power cable which was two, three meters below the street.
I now think there is a correlation between wlan and my vdsl resyncs. At home there are four iphones which all use the 2,4GHz wlan of the 7390. Since most resyncs occur when someone with an iphone is at home I am now hopeful that I have found the root of the problem. The thing with the iphone is that each time you make a call it wakes up and connects to wlan. Other mobile devices usually have the same behaviour. I think these "wlan connect spikes" are affecting the 7390's dsl stability (actually vdsl as I can't speak for adsl users).

I have also seen some other forum contributions of iphone users related to 7390 dsl stability so there seems a strong correlation. It never helped to set the Störsicherheit options Impulsstörfestigkeit (INP) and Erkennung von Funkstörungen (RFI) to maximum stability.

This morning I have switched off both wlans in the 7390 and I am very curious to see if my vdsl resyncs will still occur.
Die Verbindungsabbrüche sind bei mir weniger geworden, aber seltsamer weise habe ich immer noch 4-5 Verbindungsabbrüche zwischen zwischen 18:00 und 07:00! Dann läuft die Box wieder 12-13h stabil!
Kann noch jemand so etwas beobachten?

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