ERROR: Vanity code already in use or ambiguous!


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3 Mai 2007
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I've been using freetz since about a year now, but i noticed lately that the original fritz interface is behaving strangely with the "Phone Book", i am no more able to modify or delete phone book entries, anything that i do will result in the error: "ERROR: Vanity code already in use or ambiguous!"
all what i can do is add entries.

is it the fault of Freetz or the original fritz firmware?

I am using the latest 7140 firmware (39.04.57) and the the latest dev trunk of Freetz (of yesterday night)
Can you please have a look at the "ps" output. Is "pbd" (phonebookdaemon) running?

Hm, last idea.

Backup your existing configuration, start with a new one and try again?

If I remember correctly someone had this problem some 2-3 months ago, and it was solved somehow. Unfortunately, he had a german firmware with the german error message, which I can't recall.
Backup your existing configuration, start with a new one and try again?

I'd prefer to solve the issue without reseting all settings, i have 8 accounts configured with many phonebook entries
Then I suggest you should try without freetz.

I didn't try anything yet, but i also found that it doesn't even save dial plans !!! gives the same vanity code error !!!!!

Flashing back to original firmware, will remove all mods by freetz? then later i can reinsert freetz and have mods back with saved options?

@McNetic (or german users):
can you please try searching this forum in german for an error about saving addressbook or the dial plans, i don't know what to search for in german.
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AFAIR, it is sufficient just to clear the phonebook and (let the box?) create a new one. Maybe MaxMuster or buehmann can help you with this.
ok, even that i prefer not to erase whole phonebook, i'll try that way.

btw, in case germans doesn't know, the vanity code is the one associated for **8 dialing.

i found the thread, and with google translate i might have partially solved the issue.
I had 2 entries in the phonebook with the same vanity code, now i changed one and i can save records, and change dialing rules, but still i can't delete single records from the phonebook, page refreshes and the entry is still there...
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