Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

@tibor23: It does not surprise ME too much. My principle was and is always: The correct RECOVERY version is the one next below to the actually installed. So: 04.57-recovery is the "competent" recovery for all "normal" fws from 04.57 to..... the next recovery-version and so on.

There was another very experienced user (RalfFriedl) in another thread who suggested there that it did not matter which recovery would be used for a recover procedure. Your experience has proven (as I expected) that this theory is not right and I will continue to use and recommend my principle.
smokebellew sent me the following PN:

Here is my answer:

You have german FW 29.04.70 Annex B installed.
You want to change to english FW 58.04.67 Annex A.

Sorry for my late intervention, but I must strongly vote against this idea. Changing the firmware major version from 29 to 58 requires hand editing the flash memory blocks (mtd3, mtd3 and mtd4). It is much easier and safer to change to avme ( fritz_as_avme_newer.tar) and recover with the English 29.04.67 firmware. Then set it to annex A using fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar from the same source.

Best regards,
Sorry for my late intervention, but I must strongly vote against this idea ...
Hi, telefonicus

You are right! There is no need to change the major version.

It is easier and saver for a beginner to go your way. One avoids to enter ftp and one can do the entire job using only the update option at the menu with those useful pseudoimages written by you.

Dear all,

I have read almost all pages but I still wonder how I can, using Windows Vista, set my device WLAN to English language.

Using Run>cmd I cannot use the commands as stated, however I might do something wrong;). Furthermore it seems that I have AnnexA, however I cannot connect the DSL:mad:. I just want to replace my Zyxel router with the Fritzbox, other forums say that I need both (bridge the Zyxel), but I actually don't want to do that. Although I do understand German I somehow can't change a thing:confused:.

So if anyone has got a solution it would be very nice :groesste:
First Things First: Which Fb Model Are You Talking About? Which Firmware Actually On The Box?
Fb 7170

Dear imagomundi,

Fb Fon WLAN 7170
Firmware 29.04.49

Any other information needed? :)
Fb 710

Dear imagomundi,

I just upgraded to:


So my FW is now 29.04.70, but still no connectivity with the provider :spocht:

If anyone has a solution please tel me.

Upload "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" from [Post=971638] this [/Post] Post as a "firmware upgrade" and the box will connect if your network is really annex A AND the cabling is correct for your country (where is/shေll the box worki?)
The NO CONNECTIVITY is not a problem of the firmware!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Fb 7170

Dear Imagomundi,

I've tried and tried but without vain, I did not succeed to use:"fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" :mad:

When using cmd command in windows Vista and "ping" I got the following message:

C:\Users\Kaori>ping telnet
Ping request could not find host telnet. Please check the name and try again.

'fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.taring' is not recognized as an internal or
external command,
operable program or batch file.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Furthermore when connected to the Fb I see in the Ubersicht:

ADSL 2+ (ITU G.992.5)
Annex A

0.16 - H1 0

But somehow I cannot establish internet connection :blonk: with FreeOnline

The cables should be correct (bought it ibn the Netherlands for FB) and are connected to POTS splitter PF270AA-WR1

Any idea how to fix it?:huhu:
But somehow I cannot establish internet connection with FreeOnline
What makes you think you're not connected? I see
ADSL 2+ (ITU G.992.5)
Annex A

Did you enter account and log-in information correctly? Please compare with your Zyxel.
Fb 7170

Dear Telefonicus,

I know I am connected to my Fb aber nicht zum Provider, die account und login name sind gut eingegeben:mad:

I compared it with my Zyxel, but does it have something to do with the provider details in the Fb oder.....

I must say I'm flabbergasted that I cannot connect the Fb with the provider. So either I do something totally wrong or it is simply impossible, and as said before I don't want to make a Bridge connection.

Do I need to deleted all connections in Vista.

Probably not but you never know, or at least I DON'T know.

In die Niederlande, as far as I know, brauchen wir AnnexA and my Fb is AnnexA or!

My Zyxel settings are:
Encapsulation: ENET ENCAP
Multiplexing: LLC

Obtain an IP Address automatically


VCI 34

First and second DNS server none
Third DNS obtain from ISP

Active network address translation(NAT) SUA only

Enable SIP ALG

Any way I'm stucked!!!!!!!!!

What's my wrong doing?:noidea:
Hi to all,

This post is huge, so... I was wondering if anyone could help me out without me having to read a lot...
I have a Fritz!Box WLAN 7270 German Annex B
I want to make it english annex A
I want to know in short the steps and where to download the necessary files.

Many Thanks
.........if anyone could help me out without me having to read a lot...
....... where to download the necessary files.

Welcome to this forum, JamesPT! ACTIVE users willing to invest (reading) time first to help themselves are even more welcome!!

I will help you with the first part "HOWTO". First load up the file "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" like a normal fw upgrade. After this you will not have an interface until you RECOVER with RECOVER.EXE "FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270.en-de-es-it.04.67.recover-image.exe" which you will find here

Your turn: look for "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" - hint: its written by TELEFONICUS

My Zyxel settings are:
Encapsulation: ENET ENCAP
Multiplexing: LLC

Obtain an IP Address automatically


VCI 34

First and second DNS server none
Third DNS obtain from ISP

Active network address translation(NAT) SUA only

Enable SIP ALG

Let's have a look at your Fritzbox's connection data. Please post some screenshots:

Then click on the DSL tab.

Then please post a screenshot of your user settings (Zugangsdaten), both the upper and lower part of that page (you may black out the user name field).
Fb 7170

Dear Telefonicus,

Es tut mir leit das ich nicht herfor geschrieben hatte! But today I succeeded in connecting to the provider, it was after all my connection settings :mad: It was not required to use benutzername etc.:blonk:

Edoch now I've tried to install the: "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar", didn't work the I tried "fritz_as_avme_newer.tar" to change the language to English, but as you might guess: problems again: the Fb stays in a kind of loop with the upgrade (First Power/DSl blinks then WLAN, they become steady; Info starts blinking and then it starts all over again).

Have I somehow messed it up!:confused:

I was very pleased :dance: it worked now I am not so happy that I needed to change the language perse! :toilet:
Have I somehow messed it up!:confused:

Sorry for intervening again remembering what "telefonicus" said in #1102: "change to avme ( fritz_as_avme_newer.tar) and recover with the English 29.04.67 firmware. Then set it to annex A using fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar from the same source".
You missed the middle step: RECOVER with ENGLISH Recover-Exe 29.04.67!! Do this recover procedure exactly and the box should work. The box at this stage "believes" that it is an English box but the firmware loaded still is the German 04.70. Therefore the box is confused = rebooting because it cannot find an interface version (avme=english) matching the registered firmware (German)
Fb 7170

Dear Imagomundi,

I really appreciate all help!! ;)

But I cannot connect to the FB, tried via FTP! But no respons, my computer doesn't see the Fb or vice versa!

If I need to try with telnet I do not know how that works :confused:

So the big question for me is how do I get connected to the Fb? :noidea:
You do not have to connect to the box - simply do the RECOVER procedure. This has nothing to do with ftp or telnet! The recover program is looking for -and normally finding - the box by its own and then installs the fw.
Fb 7170

It seems that the recovery "" cannot work with Vista. Get an error saying win2000/XP only:mad:

Sorry used the wrong one, tried:"FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7170.AnnexA.en.04.67.recover-image.exe"

But got this as an answer:
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 firmware is incompatible with the recovery firmware

Will try the german one
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
It seems that the recovery "" cannot work ....

Where did you get this idea? Should just do what TELEFONICUS said: RECOVER with ENGLISH Recover-Exe 29.04.67 I know this is English B but it's ok. Too long to explain why.

AVM Recover Program works with XP and also with VISTA (I got both on different PC's) but you have to give your PC's network card a fix IP, my suggestion:
After that you simply run the recover-exe from - no other one!

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