Fritz!Box 7170 (1&1 Brand) does not show LAN1 setting?
Ok thanks!
Yeah the router that is orginally 1&1 brand (Black colour) is V1 & the non-1&1 is V2.
Here is the full outputs from both FB-7170 routers:
Friz!Box 7170 -V1 (NOT-WORKING: Originally 1&1 brand)
# more /proc/sys/urlader/environment
HWRevision 94
ProductID Fritz_Box_7170
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 1.124
bootserport tty0
bluetooth 00:04:0E:FF:FF:07
cpufrequency 211968000
firstfreeaddress 0x946AD0F0
firmware_version avm
firmware_info 29.04.59
flashsize 0x00800000
jffs2_size 12
maca 00:15:0C:42:F5:0D
macb 00:15:0C:42:F5:0E
macwlan 00:15:0C:42:F5:0F
macdsl 00:15:0C:42:F5:10
memsize 0x02000000
modetty0 38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1 38400,n,8,1,hw
mtd0 0x90000000,0x90000000
mtd1 0x90010000,0x90780000
mtd2 0x90000000,0x90010000
mtd3 0x90780000,0x907C0000
mtd4 0x907C0000,0x90800000
prompt AVM_Ar7
reserved 00:04:0E:FF:FF:00
req_fullrate_freq 125000000
sysfrequency 125000000
urlader-version 1124
usb_board_mac 00:15:0C:42:F5:11
usb_rndis_mac 00:15:0C:42:F5:12
usb_device_id 0x3D00
usb_revision_id 0x0200
usb_device_name USB DSL Device
usb_manufacturer_name AVM
wlan_key 1107051658871926
wlan_cal 000D,03F2,0012,00E1,010A,00E5,010A,02F0,02E1
Fritz!Box 7170 -V2 (WORKING- NON-1&1)
# more /proc/sys/urlader/environment
ProductID Fritz_Box_7170
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 1.153
bootserport tty0
bluetooth 00:04:0E:FF:FF:07
cpufrequency 211968000
firstfreeaddress 0x946AE530
firmware_version avm
firmware_info 29.04.59
flashsize 0x00800000
jffs2_size 12
maca 00:1A:4F:0F:05:82
macb 00:1A:4F:0F:05:83
macwlan 00:1A:4F:01:A3:14
macdsl 00:1A:4F:0F:05:84
memsize 0x02000000
modetty0 38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1 38400,n,8,1,hw
mtd0 0x90000000,0x90000000
mtd1 0x90010000,0x90780000
mtd2 0x90000000,0x90010000
mtd3 0x90780000,0x907C0000
mtd4 0x907C0000,0x90800000
prompt Eva_AVM
reserved 00:04:0E:FF:FF:00
req_fullrate_freq 125000000
sysfrequency 125000000
urlader-version 1153
usb_board_mac 00:1A:4F:0F:05:85
usb_rndis_mac 00:1A:4F:0F:05:86
usb_device_id 0x3D00
usb_revision_id 0x0200
usb_device_name USB DSL Device
usb_manufacturer_name AVM
wlan_key 1986670275297537
wlan_cal 0020,0010,0012,00F6,010A,00F6,010A,0396,0360