Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

I have been trying to downgrade the firmware first using telnet as the file "fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar" didn't change the annex. After getting connected to the box using telnet, I have powered off the box after "cat mtd2.bin > /dev/mtdblock3" which I think was a big mistake. Unfortunately I am not able to access the box anymore. All lights are flashing every 2 sec when powered on. To be honest I am not very good in making this kind of changes. Now it looks like I can say good bye to my fritzbox :(
Call Diversion problem: Frit!Box 7140

Dear friends again...
Now i have setup some VOIP accounts on my Fritz!Box 7140. I want to make some call diversion for my Fritz!Box. After setting the rules i call one number and then that number should divert the call to my mobile. When i make a phone call via the Fritz!Box then i get the diverted call on my mobile phone ringing however when i pick up my mobile phone it gives an error. i can see error in the Fritz!Box router as:

"Error in Internet telephony during connection with 8682354 over Reason for error: Not Acceptable Here (488 )"

i can't get the calls diverted. Any helpful advice will be much appreciated :D

thanks in advance!!
... when i pick up my mobile phone it gives an error. Reason for error: Not Acceptable Here (488 )
I don't know the reason for error 488, but I feel it could have to do with the diversion to a mobile phone.
Try if any diversion to a fixed line phone works. If so, we can look further.
Call Diversion problem: Frit!Box 7140

No success :(

I am still getting the same error message with the diversion with the fixed line number :rolleyes:
convert your 7140 into a 7170

I am still getting the same error message with the diversion with the fixed line number
I am also using a 7140. I found out that it is possible to install the Firmware of the 7170 onto the 7140. I did so with FW 29.04.57 - now I have a "real" 7170.
The 7170 FW has much more features and is much more confortable. And I hadn't any problem since I did the change.

You can find the "how to" [post=1102236]in this thread[/post] (I hope you can read german).
I'm nearly shure you will have no more problems with call diversion, if your 7140 becomes a 7170. And you will have many new features as answering machine, fax, remote access and, and, and ...

Good luck
convert your 7140 into a 7170

Hi "el_valiente",

thanks for a bright idea... my question is that did you also have the diversion problems with the firmware 7140?

I also looked at the page you told me. Although i dont have German expertises but i used the translater to get the idea. However I dont have the access to linux box. Do you have somwhere saved the file that i can upload to make my Fritz!Box from 7140 to 7170??

Much appreciated in advance :D
@apolo_d_or: These words are not meant to make you feel bad but there are moments where it needs some hard ones to tell the truth: In this forum there are many users who do have all the good will to help the newcomers - all have been newbies once and all of us needed help - and some times still do need it.
What you did is simply irresponsable. You are doing things without having no idea what you are really doing and only after that you ask for help.

The modem of thousands of fritz boxes work on annex a after they have been changed from annex b to a. The annex change has nothing to do with a DOWNGRADE: The rather simple methods for the annex change (basically there are three) have been described many times in this forum. Despite this the same question is asked again and again. Would you have asked before you acted you could have got the simple answer: Look for "telefonicus" archive "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar", download it to your pc and upload it like a firmware to your fritz box. Disregard message "firmware not authorized by avm" - upload anyway. Finally you would have got the message "upgrade fehlgeschlagen, fehler: kein fehler" which in fact means that the box is now working with modem mode set to annex a. It is as simple and easy as this.

And now?

Do a recover with "fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.04.31.recover-image.exe" from avm's ftp server ( and get your box back to annex b fw 14.04.31. Follow EXACTLY the steps to do a recover. They are also described many times in this forum and elsewhere (basically: give your network controller a fixed IP between and - I suggest - standard gateway IP =, first DNS adress/server = - extended properties>WINS> "activate netbios over TCP/IP"). After this start recover.exe from your PC (PC will shut down first to disable "mediasensing" if you use XP).
Post result here.
@rikrok321: What is easy for "el_valiente" who is an expert for many subjects might not necessarily be easy for you. Maybe it is worth to tackle ONLY your diversion problem. Could you post a screenshot of your box's diversion configuration page and the configuration of the page of that internet telephone number which is called from outside and should be diverted to your mobile phone?
thanks for a bright idea... my question is that did you also have the diversion problems with the firmware 7140?
I didn't use call diversion when the box was a 7140, so I don't know. But now, beeing a 7170, I have no problems with call diversion.

There is no special file to convert 7140 to 7170. It is the usual update file (*.image) for 7170, presently version 29.04.57. You may use the newest version. But you must follow a special way to load it into the 7140. There are 3 different options (Linux and Windows) to do it. They are all described in the thread.

If you read carefully (using the translator) all the posts in the thread I mentioned, you will get it. Others users were successfull, too!

Good luck!

P.S.: I just saw the comment from imagomundi, another expert in this field
... maybe it is worth to tackle ONLY your diversion problem ...
He might be right: If you are not experienced in modifying your Fritz!Box, it might be easier (and saver) for you to follow his suggestions.
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Call Diversion problem: Frit!Box 7140

Ok.. lets look at the call diversion error.... Please find enclosed the Web interface screenshot from my Fritz!Box 7140.

I have just airbrushed my mobile number in the screenshot from where i am making call to my home phone. when i call in to my Fritz!Box 7140 and when i get the call on my home local line then it should transfer to my office desk phone. However i can see that i receive the call on my desk phone because the bell rings on my desk phone from my home number but as soon as i pick up my office desk phone then i can hear message on my mobile, where i am calling from, that the subscriber can not be reached....

I really want to use this feature and was hoping that this router will allow me to use this :rolleyes:
Any help will be highly appreciated!!


  • Fritz!Box7140__call diversion error-1.jpg
    Fritz!Box7140__call diversion error-1.jpg
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I don't know the 7140 english interface. The only english interface I have at hand is an FBF and an FBFW, i.e. elder models. All my other boxes of my collection have german interface. Does the interface of your 7140 also offer -like the german interfaces do- "call diversion" and "call through"?
It's the screenshot(s) of these features that would be interesting to see - not the event log that only repeats and confirms what you already described with words.
I supppose that your configuration of these features might be not correct - or your PSTN telephone company does not allow any automatic call forwarding through their network.
Here comes a screenshot from my english FBF with fake numbers. Maybe you configured also a call-through using your mobile phone as the calling device/number? The same device/number cannot be configured as incoming call number that should be diverted through your PSTN to your office number and at the same time this same device/number should serve as the calling number that shall do "call-through" to a third number/party.


  • call diversion 1.jpg
    call diversion 1.jpg
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Call Diversion problem: Frit!Box 7140

Please find enclosed the screenshot of the diversion settings.There is no such a menu option called as "call through" present in the English web interface. Moreover if the configuration was incorrect then it will not get the call through since the Call Diversion configuration is quite simple. Wouldn't it?!?! :confused::confused:

The thing that i dont understand is that:

1. I can receive the phone ringing on my office desk phone but gets disconnected as soon as i pick it up?!?! If the diversion was prohibited then i can imagine then my office phone will not even ring at all?!?!

2. The Diversion configuration seems to be pretty simple so i dont know what can be wrong there?!?!

Once again i have air-brushed my personal details. In the first two boxes "All Calls to" & "divert via" contains my home phone number. "Destination" box contains my office phone number.

Any help will be highly appreciated.... The next step will be just some clarification about making my Fritz!Box 7140 -to 7170 and see if it can remove the problem. I do have a very basic knowledge of Linux commands so i am not hesitant to try it out however the thread that was suggested by Guru "el_valiente" is still not so clear :spocht: He mentioned that there are 3-ways to change Fritz!Box 7140 -to 7170. I can see there there is a kernal.image file witin both latest English firmware:


The thing that i didnt understand from the other thread whether how i update the kernel.image file that is present in var/tmp folder?!? And if i can avoid use of Adam2. If i have to only swap the kernel.image files then let me know and i can do that in Knoppix and then save them on my USB stick and then just do it with window Fritz!Box web interface to update the firmware......

If somebody can can kindly send me some windows based steps about how to updated the firmware so that i can upload 7170 successfully...i shall be very very thankful to all the helpful friends over here :D


  • Fritz!Box7140__call diversion error-2.jpg
    Fritz!Box7140__call diversion error-2.jpg
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Cannot use the same number/port (your PSTN) as the incoming and the diverting port! I think there is the conflict. You try to divert ALL incoming calls to your home number through this same home number to your office. This is tecnically not possible.
If somebody can kindly send me some windows based steps about how to updated the firmware so that i can upload 7170 successfully...
It's a nice feeling to see me named "Guru". Actually I'm little more than a greenhorn - perhaps in a dark green.
Anyway, I'll try to help you. There may be an easy way "only Windows" for you:
It seems, you stay at a AnnexA country and your 7140 is an AnnexA box. If so, you don't need to do any "forbidden" action. Because the Firmware for AnnexA international (english) is compatible with the Firmware for AnnexA CH/A (german).

So, do the following three steps (only if you have an AnnexA box):
a) enter the FTP server at the AVM homepage
b) download FW 39.04.57 AnnexA CH/A in german (extension = .image)
c) load the FW into your box using the standard upgrade option
After that, your box will still be a 7140, but it will have all the comfort of a 7170.
The only disadvantage : the menue will be written in german

If you have an AnnexB box, it is still possible to load the FW 39.04.57 to the box (or even the 29.04.57 from the 7170). But in that case one must go the stony way using ftp/adam2, which you are trying to avoid.

Best wishes, hoping that you have AnnexA
convert your 7140 into a 7170

@ Guru el_valiente: ;)
You & imagomundi certainly seemed to be the Grand Masters of Fritz!Box.... Any knowledge gained by you guys is certainly a privilege :p

OK-my German is 'zero'...:mad: My Fritz!Box 7140 was originally Annex B in German and i have converted it to Annex A in English. And i changed it to English Web Interface with the kind help of imagomundi.

Given what you mentioned in your reply to have my Fritz!Box with German for 7170 Interface i think that might be very uncomfortable for me so therefore I shall certainly take the plunge and would try even using Adam2 as long as i can have a Rock Solid 7170 (latest firmware) features with English Web Interface.

Its night time here in Sweden but if you can kindly send me some precise instructions, as you sent some instructions below, about what steps to take becuase in the other thread i was a little unclear... And I shall try to upgrade it now to have my Updated English Annex A 7140 to English Annex A 7170.
thanks a million Grand Guru..... :D
... therefore I shall certainly take the plunge and would try even using Adam2 as long as i can have a Rock Solid 7170 (latest firmware) features with English Web Interface.
I'm sorry, but in this case I can't help you. The latest international FW version for the 7170 is 58.04.56 - and it is practically the same as the 39.04.56. That means, it makes no sense to load it into the 7140.
So, if you must have an english FW, continue the search for a solution for the call diversion failure, together with the help of "Guru imagomundi".
In the meantime, "big brother AVM" hopefully will publish an english release of the FW version xx.04.57 (or higher), which will be worth to load into your Fritz!Box.

btw: I'm shure that call diversion must work on a 7140 as well as on a 7170. Think positive!

Have a good night ... it is dark night here in Switzerland, too.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
converting my Fritz!Box 7140 into a 7170

the Firmware for AnnexA international (english) is compatible with the Firmware for AnnexA CH/A (german).

@ Guru el_valiente: I hope you are still awake Guru ;)

Can you please let me know if i do want to try out the German interface as you said that the English Firmware doesnt have the comforts of 7170. Will I be able to reverse it back to "FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140, Firmware version 30.04.56" in case if i dont like the international CH/German version " Version 39.04.57"???

thanks very much and if you have gone to sleep then i hope you had a nice sleep...

cheers mate!! :D
Call Diversion problem: Frit!Box 7140

Cannot use the same number/port (your PSTN) as the incoming and the diverting port! I think there is the conflict. You try to divert ALL incoming calls to your home number through this same home number to your office. This is tecnically not possible.

I have got 9-different SIP accounts. Namely Sipgate, FWD and Swedish, American... i have tried number of different combination and the result is still the same. For example:

Diversion-1: Call coming on Sipgate-1. Then the Call will be diverted by my Malmo Number to my Office Desk Phone.

Diversion-1 (failure): Call coming on Sipgate-1 in my Fritz!Box. Then the Call will be diverted by my Home (Local) IP phone number to my Office Desk Phone.

Diversion-2 (failure): Call coming on Sipgate-2 in my Fritz!Box.Then the Call will be diverted by my Home (Local) IP phone number to my Office Desk Phone.

Diversion-3 (failure): Call coming on FWD in my Fritz!Box. Then the Call will be diverted by my Home (Local) IP phone number to my Office Desk Phone.

In all cases the syptoms and the results are the same as i described before :(. I see the same error in the Web Interface Event Log. I feel that there is a problem somewhere in the Fritz!Box?!? Because my Office desk Phone does ring and i can see the incoming call from my home(call orginating) number. However as soon as i answer the call then i can hear on the other side (call orginating side, where i am making the call from) that the call cant be established.
I have also done some other testing where i let my Office Desk Phone keep on rining and eventually it goes on the answering machine. I do have an answering service on my Office Desk phone and again as soon as my office sets off the answering machine then i hear that same call failure message on the call orginating side. It seems like somehow when the call is established then

I have managed to get two successful diversion and that is as follows:

Diversion-4 (Successful): Call coming on my Home (Local) IP phone number in my Fritz!Box. Then the Call will be diverted by my FWD to another FWD number.

Diversion-5 (Successful): Call coming on my Home (Local) IP phone number in my Fritz!Box. Then the Call will be diverted by my Sipgate-1 to another Sipgate number.

somehow somewhere either the Fritz!Box doesnt like some of the handshakes?!?!? :spocht:

Any troubleshooting advice about how can i check that my Fritz!Box is not faulty?!?!

Any thoughts will be highly appreciated. I just got the feeling if there is a problem in my router :mad:

Kindest regards to all the helpful friends here.......
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Will I be able to reverse it back to "FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140, Firmware version 30.04.56" in case if i dont like the international CH/German version " Version 39.04.57"???
Now you gave me more information:
1. The factory setting of your 7140 was AnnexB. Your box is still AnnexB, that means the parameter HWRevision has the value 95 (AnnexA would be HWRevision 107). Your box is not "real AnnexA", but it is patched to AnnexA, because you setted the parameter "kernel_args annex=A".
2. Originally your box had the setting "firmware_version avm" for german FW. You changed this parameter to "firmware_version avme" to be able to install the english FW, version 30.04.56

To switch to the german FW version 39.04.57 AnnexA you must:
1. change "HWRevision 95" into "HWRevision 107"
2. change "firmware_version avme" into "firmware_version avm"
3. change "firmware_info 30.04.56" into "firmware_info 39.04.57"
You should do these changes via telnet (*). Don't reset the box! Load FW 39.04.57 using the standard upgrade option at the menue. Restart the box. Done - now you have german version 39.04.57 with the whole comfort of the 7170!

Test the additional features of your new FW. Try if call diversion works. Happy?
If you decide to go back to the english version, you must switch back all parameters to their old values:
1. set parameter "HWRevision" to value "95"
2. set patameter "firmware_version" to value "avme"
3. set parameter "firmware_info" to value "30.04.56"
This time you should use ftp/adam2 (*). Don't reset the box! Re-install the english FW version executing the recovery file "...04.56.recover-image.exe". Done!

Switching to german version via telnet is less sophisticated then coming back to english version via ftp/adam2. Perhaps you will need some more information to be successful. Read carefully the threads which describe these procedures (*) in detail. Use the search function to find them. "Guru imagomundi" can help you, too.

Good luck!
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Help the community!

Can you please let me know if i do want to try out the German interface ...
I did read the history of your 7140. It seems to me that you will not stop before you have the 7170 FW installed at your box. And I have seen that imagomundi already helped you a lot.
Now I believe it has come the time, that you should contribute to the community in some way, too.
So I suggest the following: Read carefully [post=1102236]this thread[/post] and all the posts included. Afterwards, make an english translation, with the aid of your software translator. Then you post your translation here in this thread. I will repass and correct it, if neccessary. And then we could open a new thread in english, where all those users who don't understand german, can learn how to transform their 7140 to a 7170.
And, by the way, you will learn it, too.
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