[Problem] 7490 boot loop after freetz update


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4 Apr 2015
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Two days before i bought a FritzBox 7490 German edition.
I successfully converted it from avm to avme and put the international firmware.

I tried then to install Freetz. The first image with no more patches than the one proposed gave me a bootloop.
Then i went to a second computer and i created a second image. Same thing here.

I desided to go back to avm(German) Version to see if there the freetz image will work.
So i created a German freetz firmware upload it and it worked ok with no bootloop.

I went back to avme created a new freetz (en)firmware but when i tried to upload it, same thing happens(bootloop).

Any ideas?
Except the "quote SETENV firmware_version avme" shall i change anything else?
I searched the forum but did not find any solution.
You could install two different firmware versions (with Freetz to one partition set and without it to the other) and switch to the functioning one after such an unexpected reboot to get access to the log files (panic and/or crash) to detect (or at least try to do so) the cause of such reboots.

Switching between the two versions is done by changing the "linux_fs_start" environment variable (like you did with "firmware_version"). The value "0" will boot the box from partitions mtd0/mtd1 and "1" will boot from mtd2/mtd3 (look into the output of "cat /proc/mtd" on a well-running box).

You could even use my bootmanager script to detect the installed firmware versions and to understand the switching. Perhaps you've got the right versions in each partition already, if you've done a recovery with the original english version and tried (only a single try) to install an international Freetz version afterwards.

Each update process will change the currently inactive partition set and switch to it after it's successfully done. Running the recovery program - on the other hand - changes the content of the currently selected partitions (only tested with the german recovery program, but I'd think, there's no difference).

If my script mentioned above is not running well with the international version (it's not tested there), drop me a private message and I'll try to find the reason together with you ... but I'm not expecting any surprise here.
Thanks for the answer. I will give it a try now!
Because your problem isn't my script, it's better to continue here ... so later readers can get the same informations, while using private messages would leave this thread "unsatisfied" and incomplete.

Your problem summary:
You were able to switch between systems and booted the other one after the (perhaps watchdog initiated) reboot while running the Freetz version based on the international firmware.
Now you're unable to find the crash informations ...

My answer:
The crash and/or panic log is stored at the TFFS, which is shared between the two systems.

You can get their contents with
mkconfigfile /var/flash/crash.log 95
mkconfigfile /var/flash/panic 96
cat /var/flash/crash.log
cat /var/flash/panic
cat /proc/avm_panic_sd
cat /proc/avm_panic_cr
The two proc-based files are relatively new and were introduced not so long ago by AVM (afaik). It's possible, that the informations are duplicated ... but better to get the same information twice than missing both.

You should record the output of each of the above commands, 'cause it's possible that requesting the contents will clear the sources when done.

My hope is, that there will be any notification recorded, why your box is booting again and again, if you start it with the Freetz image.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
How do i do that? With ftp or telnet?
Sorry, if your question is really "How to execute the specified commands?", I would assume, that your current knowledge is insufficient to find (or even to look for) the reasons, why the international version isn't "freetzable".

That leads to the answer "Yes." for your question (via PN), if your decision to buy a FRITZ!Box was the wrong idea.

But to answer your question from above anyhow ... the specified commands should be entered line by line from a telnet session and the output (for the last four lines, the first two will not produce any reasonable output) should be recorded carefully (that means, at least you should use a "paging utility" to look into the recorded text).

To summarize/clarify the efforts, why we're trying to get these files and if that's a milestone or not: The firmware uses these two files (the /proc-based entries are only an alternative "viewport" for the same contents) to record the reasons for crashes and unexpected reboots, if they're initiated by software and not due to a hardware event.

This means, the files may help to find the cause of the reboot loop ... but it's not sure, they will do so. And even than, it's only the first step on a (possibly very long) way to find a working solution.

If you think, you're able to walk down this street together with people supporting you, we can continue. But if you'd rather think, that you don't have the needed patience (and knowledge), we should stop as soon as possible to avoid wasting any more time.

That's no offense ... it's only my point of view, because your previous question was very unexpected.
You did not understand my question then.
To sum up.
Yesterday after the above direction you wrote me i thought that i shall try first to downgrade my firmware to 113.04 to see how the things were going there. So i downloaded a recovery for 113.04 created a freetz image for 113.04 and have managed to install the image with no problem. Everything worked ok. Also the modem connected to VDSL2 for about 30 minutes and then re-synced to ADSL2+(I' ll find out later how to fix that).

Then i created again a freetz image for 113.06.20. Install and same bootloop again.
Changed to the other boot directory that has the original 113.06.20 with "linux_fs_start" command and booted ok.
But now telnet cannot be enabled with my phone. Don't know why. #96*7* does not do anything.
Ok, you're unable to start the telnet daemon now, as far as I understood? Sorry again, I was very astonished by your question.

The current finding with the telnet daemon sounds awesome ... I've no knowledge about any difficulties to start the telnet daemon with the original firmware from manufacturer. Did you try any other way (a phone book entry in conjunction with the dial helper is another possibility to dial #96*7*) to activate the daemon? Sometimes I've heard about difficulties to enable the telnet daemon using a DECT handset ... but with PSTN or ISDN devices I never made such an experience.

If you've managed to put the original firmware into the one set and the "freetzed" version into the other one, booted up with the Freetz modification and switched back to the original firmware afterwards, you've done all necessary provisions.

With some special settings the firmware tries to send error reports with crash/panic logs to AVM immediately after such a reboot, you should switch this to off prior to the next try, because sometimes the sent information will be cleaned up afterwards.

The telnet daemon activation state is managed within the fx_conf file (/var/flash/fx_conf). There's only a single instance of it for both systems and an earlier activated telnet daemon remains usually in this state even after updates and/or switching to an alternative partition set. Therefore I've absolutely no idea, why you can't start the telnet daemon or why it's not started automatically, if it was activated earlier (only a "factory reset" would deactivate it unexpectedly).

You could look into the "support data" (support.lua) to get the crash/panic log file(s) possibly, but that's only a workaround.

If you export your settings from the box, you could check the "telnet daemon" flag within the hexadecimal representation of "fx_conf" there. Somewhere here is a writing, where I mentioned the offset of this flag within the file ... but I can't remember yet, what the offset is.

Beside all written above I would think, you should be able to use a telnet session with 06.20 (7490 international) too. I would try to find the reason first, why the telnet daemon is not running ... the support data file contains a "ps" output too as a possible source, if the daemon is not running or there's something wrong with the local network settings of the box. A FRITZ!Box device without a telnet daemon is only a stub ... but I have no unused 7490 yet to check this by myself.
Hi Peter, Kokos,

Any progress made with this issue?

I have a 7490-international, and I observe a similar boot-loop if I load a freetz-image with original kernel.
I have seen two times that, after multiple boots (e.g. a hour of boot-loops), that the freetz-image was booted, but was not able to repeat this anmore.
(I created an image with 'replace kernel' and that one is booting normally. But gives the Voip issue: 2457.)

I can enable telnet via #96*7* without issues. (don't hear a voice acknowedgement that I remember from the far past, just a few beeps)

Bootmanager gives the following:
# ./bootmanager test
All needed binaries found using search path '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin'.
Hardware revision 185 is supported.
MTD numbers match our expectations.

# ./bootmanager
Boot Manager for FRITZ!Box 7490
Running system version is 113.06.20 (29172)
Running system date is 18.10.2014 14:43:00
Running system kernel is at MTD2
Running system filesystem is at MTD3
Running system core filesystem hash is 9cad7072b100661a330303be1e63af5c
Running system has 0 suitable settings backups on its wrapper filesystem
Alternative system version is 113.06.20 (29172)
Alternative system date is 18.10.2014 14:43:00
Alternative system kernel is at MTD0
Alternative system filesystem is at MTD1
Alternative system core filesystem hash is c379a3559f3c30ad02c925e1767a96c1
Alternative system has 0 suitable settings backups on its wrapper filesystem
The current system will be started at next system reboot again.
Please choose an action from below (press character at first column to select) :
a - Show running system version again
b - Show alternative system version again
c - Show next boot time system again
d - Switch next boot time system selection and retain current settings
f - Backup current settings for the running system to its wrapper filesystem
q - quit
Exited without saving changes.

The commands to create a character device:
# mkconfigfile /var/flash/crash.log
BusyBox v1.20.2 (2014-09-26 13:25:19 CEST) multi-call binary.


Create a special file (block, character, or pipe)

        -m MODE Creation mode (default a=rw)
        b       Block device
        c or u  Character device
        p       Named pipe (MAJOR and MINOR are ignored)

# mkconfigfile /var/flash/panic
BusyBox v1.20.2 (2014-09-26 13:25:19 CEST) multi-call binary.


Create a special file (block, character, or pipe)

        -m MODE Creation mode (default a=rw)
        b       Block device
        c or u  Character device
        p       Named pipe (MAJOR and MINOR are ignored)


# ls -la /dev/ > devlist.txt
# cat devlist.txt  | grep -i 'crash\|panic\|debu'
crw-rw-rw-    1 root     root      249,   0 Jan  1 01:00 debug
crw-r--r--    1 root     root      140,   1 Jan  1 01:00 tgt_crash
crw-r--r--    1 root     root      140,   0 Jan  1 01:00 tgt_debug

Can you help to create the correct character device?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
A "mkconfigfile" call requires the minor device ID after the file name. That's why your Busybox binary shows only the usage screen of the "mknod" applet.

It was my mistake to leave out the numbers in post #4, sorry (it's changed now). It should only show the concept, how to create the (perhaps) missing character device(s) to access vendor's panic/crash log file(s).

Usually "crash.log" is stored with minor ID 95 and "panic" with ID 96. Because some of the original components contain code to write to these files even if the character device is missing (they create it, before they try to write into), it's sometimes written even if there's no device created yet.

Are you sure, that the procfs-based access to your log files isn't possible?

And last but not least ... I've no idea, what and where your "devlist.txt" file is, but it's never used to create a character device to access a node within the TFFS driver (that's done one by one in /etc/init.d/S01-head) nor to create a procfs entry (such entries are exposed by kernel drivers implementing the appropriate interfaces).
Hi Peter,

Thanks a lot! With the addition of the number it worked fine.
/var/flash/crash.log didn't give any results, but the /var/flash/panic did.
Hope this log gives more insight on what goes wrong.

I did a compare in Notepad++, and the following 3 logs contain the same data, except the last few lines.
cat /var/flash/panic
cat /proc/avm_panic_sd
cat /proc/avm_panic_cr

Did got the impression that the panic logs do cover the time I plugged in the power until it finaly booted.
Also took dmesg and logread logs. these logs also look very similar.
In the last few lines you see I connected a LAN cable, and logged in. After this I took the logs.

I will add the logs as files.

Some status at the moment I obtained these logs:
The 7490 was in a bootloop for probably an hour, until it finally booted succefully, and allow me to take the logs.
From the Freetz web-interface:
Freetz report an uptime of 41 min
Status > Box info:
Operating hours counter1 hours 0 days 4 months 0 years (26 starts)
(remark: 4 months is not correct...)

Edit: added clarification of devlist.txt in previous post.
Edit 2: the Panic log shows in the first few lines that I have a USB connected, which is indeed the case.
Edit 3: adding cat /dev/debug which seems to give some more details on the crashes.


  • bootloop logs.zip
    46.4 KB · Aufrufe: 4
  • cat dev debug.zip
    2.6 KB · Aufrufe: 1
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Soldered a header for a serial connection, and from that I see the difference is that unsuccessfull boots end with a Panic:

[   57.920000] PANIC:
[   57.920000] Frame-XDU/OVR 1084
[   57.920000] yield-triggers: 0
[   57.920000]     bf100000:PCM_CTRLR 0000c101 bf100004:PCM_CTRLX 0000c101
[   57.920000]     bf100008:PCM_STATR 0000c101 bf10000c:PCM_STATX 0000c101
[   57.920000]     bf100010:PCM_FREQ(0xc101) dis DCL: 1
[   57.920000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
[   57.920000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   c101 bf10001c:PCM_TEST   c101
[   57.920000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE c101 bf100024:PCM_STAT 0000c101
[   57.970000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 0000c101 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 1 XTS 01
[   57.970000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 0000c101 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 1 XTS 01
[   57.980000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 0000c101 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 1 XTS 01
[   57.980000] [15] bf100064 CFG: 0000c101 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 1 XTS 01
[   57.990000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
[   58.090000] [xr9tdm_checkhw]TDM: FS: 7995 Hz CLK: 1931410 Hz
[   58.100000] get_ul_manager: error: ll_handle=(null)
[   58.110000] get_ul_manager: error: ll_handle=(null)
[   58.310000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   58.310000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   58.310000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   58.320000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   59.110000] Call Trace:
[   59.110000] [<800296a8>] dump_stack+0x8/0x40
[   59.110000] [<80060024>] panic+0x64/0x1a0
[   59.110000] [<8122f270>] pcmlink_ul_control+0x310/0x320 [pcmlink]
[   59.120000] [<8122b788>] l_controltimer_thread+0xe8/0x340 [pcmlink]
[   59.130000] [<80081a24>] kthread+0x84/0xa0
[   59.130000] [<80022890>] kernel_thread_helper+0x10/0x20
[   59.140000] 
[   59.140000] Kernel panic - not syncing: 
[   59.140000] No answer on upper layer Control channel! PCMLINK probably dead!
[   59.140000] 
[   59.150000] WARNING: use tffs in panic mode (minor 96)
[   59.300000] Rebooting in 5 seconds..
[   62.100000] [1]system-load 3  loadavg 2.30 0.59 0.20 - 107 tasks:59 % curr:pcmlink_ctrl(39 %) max:pcmlink_ctrl(39 %, pid:455), readytorun: 14, pgfault 3958/s (max 1 avg 10848.6)
The failing component (pcmlink) is responsible for some telephone features (ISDN, DECT).

I'd suggest another test with a "clean environment", that means a box after factory reset (I couldn't find any writing, that you did this already).

If the box keeps rebooting after such an action, you could switch to a german version to verify proper function of the box (hardware) first ... but I would expect, that the problem vanishes together with existing DECT device registrations.

Having a look at your /dev/debug output too, it should be a problem with the DECT part ... another hint would be to disconnect an ISDN cable (if any) from external and/or internal bus at least while booting the box and to track down the problem step by step adding phone equipment and settings.

Does the problem reoccur, if you honor these suggestions?

BTW: Did you use any "remove patch" while creating your Freetz image? If you did so, please use a different image without any remove patch next time ... these patches are rather old and do not always honor the dependencies for current firmware versions from vendor. While using a 7490 device they are no longer required to get enough free space for your own additions.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
To clarify, my 7490 is an original International one (unlike the initial post from kokos).
Can I load a German image?
Would like to see the behavior of an German Freetz image via Console.
Get from Kokos initial post I need to "quote SETENV firmware_version avm" (or should it be "quote SETENV firmware_version,avm"?)

Found some steps via google:
adam2 / adam2
quote SETENV firmware_version avm or quote SETENV firmware_version,avm
run recovery while still in Adam (Eva)
Do I need to changes some ohter parameters, just to boot without ADSL connected.

Suspect I tried with a limited config before, but just tried with factory-default (not even annex or country configured), and still see a similar Panic (see below).
Also booted mostly without ADSL, USB, Eth, Phone connected. Just standalone.

[   70.660000] PANIC:
[   70.660000] Frame-Violations 0.19 % (diff=89588674) from 7195 triggers irqs max-time between frame-trigger 209601 us
[   70.670000] Frame-XDU/OVR 8331
[   70.680000] yield-triggers: 7303
[   70.680000]     bf100000:PCM_CTRLR 00004000 bf100004:PCM_CTRLX 00000000
[   70.680000]     bf100008:PCM_STATR 00000000 bf10000c:PCM_STATX 80008000
[   70.680000]     bf100010:PCM_FREQ(0x0) dis DCL: 0
[   70.680000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
[   70.680000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   7fff bf10001c:PCM_TEST   0000
[   70.680000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE 7fff bf100024:PCM_STAT 00000003
[   70.720000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
[   70.720000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
[   70.730000] [02] bf100030 CFG: 00040004 RH 0 RTS: 04 XH 0 XTS 04
[   70.740000] [03] bf100034 CFG: 00060006 RH 0 RTS: 06 XH 0 XTS 06
[   70.740000] [04] bf100038 CFG: 00080008 RH 0 RTS: 08 XH 0 XTS 08
[   70.750000] [05] bf10003c CFG: 000a000a RH 0 RTS: 0a XH 0 XTS 0a
[   70.750000] [06] bf100040 CFG: 000c000c RH 0 RTS: 0c XH 0 XTS 0c
[   70.760000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
[   70.770000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
[   70.770000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
[   70.780000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
[   70.780000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
[   70.790000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
[   70.800000] [13] bf10005c CFG: 001a001a RH 0 RTS: 1a XH 0 XTS 1a
[   70.800000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
[   70.810000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
[   70.910000] [xr9tdm_checkhw]TDM: FS: 7975 Hz CLK: 1973655 Hz
[   70.930000] get_ul_manager: error: ll_handle=(null)
[   70.930000] get_ul_manager: error: ll_handle=(null)
[   71.130000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   71.130000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   71.130000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   71.140000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   71.280000] Target Reset Magic Patteren set in MDIO_REGS[]={0x3a3b, 0x3c3d, 0x3e3f, 0x4a4b, 0x4c4d, 0x4e4f, 0x5a5b, 0x5c5d, }
[   71.930000] Call Trace:
[   71.930000] [<800296a8>] dump_stack+0x8/0x40
[   71.940000] [<80060024>] panic+0x64/0x1a0
[   71.940000] [<8122f270>] pcmlink_ul_control+0x310/0x320 [pcmlink]
[   71.950000] [<8122b788>] l_controltimer_thread+0xe8/0x340 [pcmlink]
[   71.950000] [<80081a24>] kthread+0x84/0xa0
[   71.960000] [<80022890>] kernel_thread_helper+0x10/0x20
[   71.960000] 
[   71.960000] Kernel panic - not syncing: 
[   71.960000] No answer on upper layer Control channel! PCMLINK probably dead!
[   71.960000] 
[   71.980000] WARNING: failed to open tffs in panic mode (minor 96)
[   71.980000] Rebooting in 5 seconds..
[   71.980000] [0]system-load 1  loadavg 2.61 0.75 0.26 - 96 tasks:50 % curr:pcmlink_ctrl(6 %) max:ifx_ssc(23 %, pid:117), readytorun: 5, pgfault 1963/s (max 0 avg 9110.4)

Additional to the Panic I see a lot of FATAL ERROR's. Even the successfull boot shows a lot of these Fatal Errors.
I don't see these with an original image. Are these Fatal Errors also shown with a German Freetzed 7490?
1. You may switch between "international" and "german" version with the appropriate "firmware_version" setting, you've read about it already, if I understood it right.

2. The correct format for the "SETENV" command is "space" as delimiter between variable name and value.

3. Vendor firmware images contain only the "avm" or the "avme" branding, that's why you have to use the recovery program to flash an image with the correct branding.

4. You can try to build up a box, where the international and german version are united in "peaceful coexistence". You have to take precautions to switch the "firmware_version" value together with the "linux_fs_start" value while switching between the systems. That's only a hint, if you would like to compare the two versions directly and boot sometimes the one and sometimes the other one.

5. If I use a Freetz image on my (german) 7490, I do not get any fatal error from pcmlink within my log file.
Jan  1 01:00:54 FB7490 syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.23.2
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.notice kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.23.2 (2015-05-20 12:37:27 CEST)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.notice kernel: [    0.000000] Linux version (hjortmann@EmbeddedVM) (gcc version 4.8.1 (Buildroot 2013.05) ) #2 SMP Mon Oct 27 16:49:55 CET 2014
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 user.notice FREETZMOD: Starting syslogd ... done.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] phym = 10000000, mem = 10000000, max_pfn = 00010000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] Reserving memory for CP1 @0xb0000000, size 0x00000000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.000000] [init_avm_kernel_config] AVM Kernel Config (ptr 806c2000)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.000000] [init_avm_kernel_config] AVM Kernel Config: module memory entry
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] CPU revision is: 00019556 (MIPS 34Kc)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Determined physical RAM map:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] Zone PFN ranges:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000]   Normal   0x00000000 -> 0x00010000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] Movable zone start PFN for each node
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000]     0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00010000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 65536
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 806c15c0, node_mem_map 81000000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    0.000000]   Normal zone: 512 pages used for memmap
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    0.000000]   Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    0.000000]   Normal zone: 65024 pages, LIFO batch:15
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] [module-alloc-by-name] 'modulemem' not in use, use AVM Kernel Config (6651904 bytes, reserved for module mem)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.000000] [module-alloc] use 0x658000 bytes at 0x81202000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] 1 available secondary CPU TC(s)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @8185e000 s5760 r8192 d14720 u65536
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s5760 r8192 d14720 u65536 alloc=16*4096
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 65024
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.notice kernel: [    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8r nor_size=0MB sflash_size=1024KB nand_size=512MB ethaddr=08:96:D7:CA:FE:00 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.000000] [NAND] nand_size = 0x20000000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.000000] wait instruction: r4k_wait_irqoff
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] [avm_cache_set_coherency]: setting cache coherency for HWRevision=185 to write back allocate 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 32 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Writing ErrCtl register=00000000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Readback ErrCtl register=00000000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Memory: 245316k/262144k available (4743k kernel code, 16480k reserved, 2172k data, 216k init, 0k highmem)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] NR_IRQS:181
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] [mips_cpu_irq_init] irq_base 0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] SRSConf0 0x3feffbfe: SRS1: 0xffffffff, SRS2 0xffffffff, SRS3 0xffffffff
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.020000] Calibrating delay loop... 332.59 BogoMIPS (lpj=1662976)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.240000] Security Framework initialized
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.240000] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.250000] kernel_init: started
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.250000] kernel_init: kernel locked
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.250000] Limit of 2 TCs set
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.250000] TLB of 32 entry pairs shared by 2 VPEs
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.250000] VPE 0: TC 0, VPE 1: TC 1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.250000] IPI buffer pool of 8 buffers
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.260000] CPU revision is: 00019556 (MIPS 34Kc)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.490000] TC 1 going on-line as CPU 1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.500000] Brought up 2 CPUs
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.510000] [yield_context_init] cpu=1 tc=2 mask=300
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.510000] [yield_context_init] cpu=0 tc=3 mask=410
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.620000] NET: Registered protocol family 16
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.620000] Lantiq GPIO driver, version 1.3.2, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.630000] Reboot Status is: Soft-Reboot
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    0.630000] FPU Affinity set after 4980 emulations
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    0.630000] [avmnet] [avmnet_cfg_init] Driver version:  -  Revision 1496:2776  -  Mo 27. Okt 16:49:27 CET 2014
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.950000] Lantiq PCIe Root Complex driver, version 2.0.0, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    0.960000] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.960000] ifx_pcie_rc_class_early_fixup port 0: fixed pcie host bridge to pci-pci bridge
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.970000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.970000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# disabled
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    0.970000] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 10 64bit mmio: [0x000000-0x001fff]
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.980000] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.980000] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# disabled
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.990000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge, secondary bus 0000:01
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    0.990000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   IO window: disabled
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.000000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   MEM window: 0x1c000000-0x1c0fffff
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.000000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   PREFETCH window: disabled
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    1.010000] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:00.0 to 64
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.010000] NET: Registered protocol family 8
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.010000] NET: Registered protocol family 20
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.020000] NET: Registered protocol family 2
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.020000] IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.020000] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.020000] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 163840 bytes)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.030000] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.050000] TCP reno registered
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.050000] NET: Registered protocol family 1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    1.050000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    1.060000] pci 0000:01:00.0: xHCI controller failing to respond
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.070000] IFX DMA driver, version ifxmips_dma_core.c:v1.0.17 ,(c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.070000]  skb_shared_size:344
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.080000] Lantiq CGU driver, version 1.1.32, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.090000] squashfs: version 3.4 (2008/08/26) Phillip Lougher
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.100000] fuse init (API version 7.13)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    1.100000] yaffs: yaffs built Oct 27 2014 16:49:31 Installing.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.100000] msgmni has been set to 479
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.100000] io scheduler noop registered (default)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    1.110000] [avm_membench_init]
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    1.930000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name tffs (2)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.940000] Lantiq SPI flash driver, version 1.1.9, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.940000] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.950000] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <[email protected]>
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    1.960000] IFX SWITCH API, Version
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.960000] SWAPI: Registered character device [switch_api] with major no [81]
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    1.970000] Switch API: PCE MicroCode loaded !!
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    1.970000] res = 8f933500
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.970000] i2c /dev entries driver
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.notice kernel: [    1.980000] CAPI Subsystem Rev
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.980000] AVM PA 4.3.10 2014-09-21
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.980000] AVM PA skb pktinfo at offset 128 size 196
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.990000] [loadcontrol]module avm_pa registered
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    1.990000] IPv4 over IPv4 tunneling driver
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.000000] TCP cubic registered
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.000000] mcfw: IGMPv3 fast forwarding
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.010000] NET: Registered protocol family 10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.010000] IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.020000] NET: Registered protocol family 17
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.020000] NET: Registered protocol family 8
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    2.020000] atmpvc_init() failed with -17
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    2.030000] KOAM is loaded successfully.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.030000] l2tp_core: L2TP core driver, V2.0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.040000] l2tp_ip: L2TP IP encapsulation support (L2TPv3)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.040000] l2tp_netlink: L2TP netlink interface
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.050000] l2tp_eth: L2TP ethernet pseudowire support (L2TPv3)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.050000] l2tp_ip6: L2TP IP encapsulation support for IPv6 (L2TPv3)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.060000] 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <[email protected]>
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    2.060000] All bugs added by David S. Miller <[email protected]>
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    6.170000] yaffs: yaffs_read_super: is_checkpointed 1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    6.170000] VFS: Mounted root (yaffs filesystem) readonly on device 31:1.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    6.180000] Freeing unused kernel memory: 216k freed
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    6.230000] trying /sbin/init
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    6.530000] [squashfs] use zip compression 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    7.050000] TFFS Name Table K
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    7.180000] yaffs: dev is 32505860 name is "mtdblock4" rw
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [    7.190000] yaffs: passed flags ""
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    7.190000] yaffs: yaffs: Attempting MTD mount of 31.4,"mtdblock4"
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [    7.210000] yaffs: yaffs_read_super: is_checkpointed 0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    8.700000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x1a000 bytes at 0x81202000 to module 'led_modul_Fritz_Box_HW185' (0x63e000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    8.710000] led_modul_Fritz_Box_HW185: module license '
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    8.710000] (C) Copyright 2012 by AVM
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    8.710000] ' taints kernel.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [    8.720000] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [    8.750000] [LED] use GPIO 45 for 'gpio_avm_led_power'
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   16.960000] yaffs: yaffs_read_super: is_checkpointed 1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   17.730000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x66000 bytes at 0x8122b000 to module 'pcmlink' (0x5c9000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   17.740000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x66000 bytes used, 0x65db8 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   17.910000] [pcmlink]svn: 2091
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   18.120000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0xdb000 bytes at 0x81291000 to module 'isdn_fbox_fon5' (0x4ee000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   18.130000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0xdb000 bytes used, 0xdd72c bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   18.680000] avm_stack_attach: cpu0 -> cpu1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   18.690000] driver params overwritten io_addr=0x0 irq_num=0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   18.690000] lavm_stack_attach_oncpu: cpu1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   18.700000] [pcmlink]chrony-support
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   18.800000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 40 act 770 shadow 1107770
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   18.800000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 48 act 660 shadow 1106660
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   18.910000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 40 act 770 shadow 1107770
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   18.910000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 48 act 660 shadow 1106660
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   19.010000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x69000 bytes at 0x8136c000 to module 'capi_codec' (0x485000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   19.020000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x69000 bytes used, 0x6a4d8 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   19.130000] capicodec_init()
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   19.130000] [capi_codec] support fax
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   19.140000] [capi_codec] support Codecs
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   19.210000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x44000 bytes at 0x813d5000 to module 'avm_dect' (0x441000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   19.220000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x44000 bytes used, 0x46008 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   19.290000] [pcmlink] configure REG_PCM_CTRL_DECT=0xcba9ed00
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   19.300000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x4000 bytes at 0x81419000 to module 'dect_io' (0x43d000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   19.310000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x4000 bytes used, 0x483c bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   22.820000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x10000 bytes at 0x8141d000 to module 'fat' (0x42d000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   22.830000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x10000 bytes used, 0x11424 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   22.890000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x3000 bytes at 0x8142d000 to module 'vfat' (0x42a000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   22.900000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x3000 bytes used, 0x46a0 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   23.380000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2b000 bytes at 0x81430000 to module 'usbcore' (0x3ff000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.410000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x4b000 bytes at 0x81498000 to module 'dsl_vr9' (0x377000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.420000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x4b000 bytes used, 0x4bb20 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.520000] [dsl drv] Lantiq CPE API Driver version: DSL CPE API V4.16.6-pd1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.530000] [dsl drv] Predefined debug level: 4
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.530000] [dsl drv] dynamically registered major number 238 for dsl_vr9
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.680000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x27000 bytes at 0x814e3000 to module 'ifxmips_ppa_datapath_vr9_e5' (0x350000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.740000] Loading E5 (MII0/1) driver ...... 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.750000] drivers/net/avm_cpmac/switch/ifx/vr9/ifxmips_ppa_datapath_vr9_e5.c:3243:init_local_variables: [init_local_variables] g_eth_wan_mode=0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.750000] 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.760000] drivers/net/avm_cpmac/switch/ifx/vr9/ifxmips_ppa_datapath_vr9_e5.c:3302:init_local_variables: g_wan_itf=0x80, g_wanqos_en=8
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.760000] 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.790000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device wasp has not been initialised!
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.800000] CPU_TO_WAN_TX_DESC_BASE[0] =0xbe227400
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.810000] [avmnet] [avmnet_swi_7port_disable_learning] Configuring CPU-port to receive all unknown unicast frames 0x48
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   27.820000] [avmnet] [avmnet_swi_7port_disable_learning] Configuring CPU-port to receive all unknown multicast frames 0x48
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.830000] [ppe_e5_init] Succeeded!
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.830000] PPE datapath driver info:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.830000]   Version ID:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.830000]   Family    : VR9
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.830000]   DR Type   : Normal Data Path | Indirect-Fast Path
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.830000]   Interface : MII0 | MII1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   27.830000]   Mode      : Routing
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000]     bf100010:PCM_FREQ(0x0) dis DCL: 0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   7fff bf10001c:PCM_TEST   0000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE 7fff bf100024:PCM_STAT 00000003
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [02] bf100030 CFG: 00040004 RH 0 RTS: 04 XH 0 XTS 04
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [03] bf100034 CFG: 00060006 RH 0 RTS: 06 XH 0 XTS 06
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [04] bf100038 CFG: 00080008 RH 0 RTS: 08 XH 0 XTS 08
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [05] bf10003c CFG: 000a000a RH 0 RTS: 0a XH 0 XTS 0a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [06] bf100040 CFG: 000c000c RH 0 RTS: 0c XH 0 XTS 0c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [13] bf10005c CFG: 001a001a RH 0 RTS: 1a XH 0 XTS 1a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.240000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.240000] [cpu=1 tc=2]yield: mask=0x300 trigger=0 stack-used=40(stack-start=8f871068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.240000] [cpu=0 tc=3]yield: mask=0x410 trigger=85488 stack-used=124(stack-start=8f887068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.240000] 	[ 4]handler: ltdm_yield_fastframeyield+0x0/0x40 [pcmlink] enable=1 count=85488 unhandled=0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.240000] 			cycle-stat: [85490]consumption: min=304 max=7776 avg=894
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.240000] 			cycle-stat: [85490]trigger: min=21868 max=35492 avg=31249
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.430000] IRQ requested ok
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.430000] MEI_DRV: MEI_IfxRequestIrq(IRQ = 57, .., ), lock = 1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.430000] ^M
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] DECT_CTRL
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] Frame-Violations 0.0 % (diff=0) from 1616 triggers irqs max-time between frame-trigger 130 us
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] Frame-XDU/OVR 1466
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] yield-triggers: 86024
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000]     bf100000:PCM_CTRLR 00004000 bf100004:PCM_CTRLX 00000000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000]     bf100008:PCM_STATR 00000000 bf10000c:PCM_STATX 80008000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000]     bf100010:PCM_FREQ(0x0) dis DCL: 0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   7fff bf10001c:PCM_TEST   0000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE 7fff bf100024:PCM_STAT 00000003
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [02] bf100030 CFG: 00040004 RH 0 RTS: 04 XH 0 XTS 04
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [03] bf100034 CFG: 00060006 RH 0 RTS: 06 XH 0 XTS 06
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [04] bf100038 CFG: 00080008 RH 0 RTS: 08 XH 0 XTS 08
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [05] bf10003c CFG: 000a000a RH 0 RTS: 0a XH 0 XTS 0a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [06] bf100040 CFG: 000c000c RH 0 RTS: 0c XH 0 XTS 0c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [13] bf10005c CFG: 001a001a RH 0 RTS: 1a XH 0 XTS 1a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.440000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.440000] [cpu=1 tc=2]yield: mask=0x300 trigger=0 stack-used=40(stack-start=8f871068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.440000] [cpu=0 tc=3]yield: mask=0x410 trigger=87104 stack-used=124(stack-start=8f887068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.440000] 	[ 4]handler: ltdm_yield_fastframeyield+0x0/0x40 [pcmlink] enable=1 count=87104 unhandled=0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.440000] 			cycle-stat: [1616]consumption: min=384 max=2053 avg=694
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.440000] 			cycle-stat: [1615]trigger: min=30878 max=31754 avg=31249
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.630000] check this C
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.630000] about to check device status
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.640000] MEI_DRV[00]: INIT DEVICE, phy addr = 0x1E116000, virt addr = 0xBE116000 IRQ = 57
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   29.640000] ^M
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.770000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x184000 bytes at 0x81533000 to module 'kdsldmod' (0x1a3000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   29.780000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x184000 bytes used, 0x184570 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.100000] kdsldmod: init start (Oct 27 2014 13:42:00) sizeof(struct sk_buff)=440
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.120000] userman: device registerd (userman_url) with major=232
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.120000] kdsld: ttychannel: ldisc 8 registered
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.130000] PCP_NL: PCP netlink interface
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   33.130000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0xa000 bytes at 0x816b7000 to module 'usb_storage' (0x199000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.140000] kdsldmod: init done
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.190000] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.200000] scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   33.200000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   33.200000] usb-storage: device found at 2
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   33.200000] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   39.030000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device eth3 was enabled already
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   39.040000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth3: link is not ready
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   39.050000] device eth3 entered promiscuous mode
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   40.110000] kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   40.110000] EXT3 FS on sda2, internal journal
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   40.110000] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with writeback data mode.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   40.130000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): guest: link is not ready
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   40.890000] kdsld: kdsld_vcc_preunregister: *
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   40.940000] kdsld: nr_ipv4 0 nr_ipv6 0 nr_vpn 0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   41.100000] kdsld: kdsld_vcc_preregister: predsl1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   41.110000] kdsld: kdsld_vcc_preregister: vcc->ifaces=(null)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.110000] kdsld: internet: set_rcv_ipaddr:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.130000] kdsld: IPv6: mstv: link local fe80::a96:d7ff:fe00:cafe remote ::
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.140000] kdsld: mstv: set_rcv_ipaddr:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.220000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth2: link becomes ready
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.240000] lan: port 3(eth2) entering forwarding state
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   41.270000] [dma_device_write] auto open tx_chan_no:2
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.630000] kdsld: route-dsl: set_snd_ipaddr:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.640000] kdsld: route-dsl: set_rcv_ipaddr:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   41.700000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device wasp has not been initialised!
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   41.730000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wasp: link is not ready
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   41.920000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x1e000 bytes at 0x816c5000 to module 'aae' (0x177000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   41.930000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x1e000 bytes used, 0x1ccec bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.100000] [wlan_config] Given config is:
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.100000] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=3 (full)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.110000] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=3 (full)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.120000] [wlan_config] hwrev=185 hwsubrev=3 maca=08:96:d7:ca:fe:01
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.120000] [wlan_config] country=276 reg_domain_a=12 reg_domain_b=34
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.130000] [WLAN_HEARTBEAT] start
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.130000] [WLAN_COM] INFO: using dev 'wasp' (src=00:de:ad:be:ef:ca, dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   42.160000] [WLAN_COM] avm_wlan_com_tx_thread start
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.200000] [wlan_eeprom] Calibration data blocks found = 2
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.210000] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.210000] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="AVM7490_CAL1_V1"
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.220000] [wlan_eeprom] Old tempSlope2g values found - patching
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.230000] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.9
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.240000] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.240000] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="AVM7490_CAL2_V1"
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.240000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   42.270000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wasp: link becomes ready
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   43.040000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x20000 bytes at 0x816e3000 to module 'adf' (0x157000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   43.050000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x20000 bytes used, 0x1f64c bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   43.220000] [0]system-load 4  loadavg 1.63 0.40 0.13 - 106 tasks:54 % curr:fritznasdb_cont(0 %) max:ctlmgr(14 %, pid:1288), readytorun: 4, pgfault 2911/s (max 1 avg 0.1)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   43.240000] [1]system-load 2  loadavg 1.63 0.40 0.13 - 108 tasks:0 % curr:telefon(0 %) max:fritznasdb_cont(0 %, pid:1673), readytorun: 5, pgfault 2357/s (max 3 avg 1.8)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   43.300000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x4000 bytes at 0x81703000 to module 'hif_gmac' (0x153000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   43.310000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x4000 bytes used, 0x4654 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   45.970000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x81735000 to module 'sch_tbf' (0x123000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   45.980000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2000 bytes used, 0x291c bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   46.030000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x3000 bytes at 0x81737000 to module 'sch_llq' (0x120000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   46.040000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x3000 bytes used, 0x3dc4 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   46.070000] sch_llq: Oct 27 2014 16:49:42
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   46.090000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x8173a000 to module 'sch_sfq' (0x11e000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   46.090000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2000 bytes used, 0x2c58 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   46.540000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0xa000 bytes at 0x8173c000 to module 'ulpcmlink' (0x114000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   46.540000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0xa000 bytes used, 0xa728 bytes expected
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   46.590000] nla_init
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   46.590000] nla_init-Success
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   46.680000] rpc_unix_server_thread
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   46.680000] rpc_unix_server_thread D.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.210000] HIF GMAC parametrs sent
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.210000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.210000] 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.210000] Start Downloading all images
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.230000] 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   47.230000] net wasp: firmware: requesting ath_tgt_fw2.fw
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   7fff bf10001c:PCM_TEST   0000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE 7fff bf100024:PCM_STAT 00000003
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [02] bf100030 CFG: 00040004 RH 0 RTS: 04 XH 0 XTS 04
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [03] bf100034 CFG: 00060006 RH 0 RTS: 06 XH 0 XTS 06
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [04] bf100038 CFG: 00080008 RH 0 RTS: 08 XH 0 XTS 08
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 user.err ctlmgr[1288]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [05] bf10003c CFG: 000a000a RH 0 RTS: 0a XH 0 XTS 0a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [06] bf100040 CFG: 000c000c RH 0 RTS: 0c XH 0 XTS 0c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.460000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [13] bf10005c CFG: 001a001a RH 0 RTS: 1a XH 0 XTS 1a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.460000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.460000] [cpu=1 tc=2]yield: mask=0x300 trigger=0 stack-used=40(stack-start=8f871068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.460000] [cpu=0 tc=3]yield: mask=0x410 trigger=231271 stack-used=124(stack-start=8f887068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.460000] 	[ 4]handler: ltdm_yield_fastframeyield+0x0/0x40 [pcmlink] enable=1 count=231271 unhandled=0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.460000] 			cycle-stat: [1595]consumption: min=599 max=1804 avg=758
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.460000] 			cycle-stat: [1595]trigger: min=30944 max=31522 avg=31249
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.660000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.770000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   47.800000] kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   47.800000] EXT3 FS on sda3, internal journal
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   47.800000] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with writeback data mode.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000] DECT_CTRL
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000] Frame-Violations 0.0 % (diff=0) from 3252 triggers irqs max-time between frame-trigger 133 us
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000] Frame-XDU/OVR 1468
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000] yield-triggers: 233412
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000]     bf100000:PCM_CTRLR 00004000 bf100004:PCM_CTRLX 00000000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000]     bf100008:PCM_STATR 00000000 bf10000c:PCM_STATX 80008000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000]     bf100010:PCM_FREQ(0x0) dis DCL: 0
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   7fff bf10001c:PCM_TEST   0000
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE 7fff bf100024:PCM_STAT 00000003
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   47.860000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   47.860000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] [13] bf10005c CFG: 001a001a RH 0 RTS: 1a XH 0 XTS 1a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   48.060000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   48.060000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   48.060000] [cpu=1 tc=2]yield: mask=0x300 trigger=0 stack-used=40(stack-start=8f871068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   48.060000] [cpu=0 tc=3]yield: mask=0x410 trigger=236144 stack-used=124(stack-start=8f887068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   49.180000] .....................................................................
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.180000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   49.180000] .....................................................................
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.180000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   49.180000] .....................................................................
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.180000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   49.180000] .....................................................................
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.180000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   49.180000] ....................................................................
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.180000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   49.180000] .....................................................................
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 user.notice AVMMULTID: Reloading AVM multid ... done.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   49.530000] .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [02] bf100030 CFG: 00040004 RH 0 RTS: 04 XH 0 XTS 04
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [03] bf100034 CFG: 00060006 RH 0 RTS: 06 XH 0 XTS 06
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [04] bf100038 CFG: 00080008 RH 0 RTS: 08 XH 0 XTS 08
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [05] bf10003c CFG: 000a000a RH 0 RTS: 0a XH 0 XTS 0a
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [06] bf100040 CFG: 000c000c RH 0 RTS: 0c XH 0 XTS 0c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   49.530000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   50.040000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   50.040000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   50.040000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   50.040000] [cpu=1 tc=2]yield: mask=0x300 trigger=0 stack-used=40(stack-start=8f871068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   50.040000] [cpu=0 tc=3]yield: mask=0x410 trigger=250715 stack-used=124(stack-start=8f887068) from 4096 bytes
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   50.040000] 			cycle-stat: [3171]consumption: min=502 max=5679 avg=1105
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   50.040000] 			cycle-stat: [3171]trigger: min=30226 max=32222 avg=31249
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   50.230000] 
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   50.230000] All images completed.
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_cpuclock: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=100 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=0 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_systemclock: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=100 mul=0 div=1 offset=2000 NormP=2000 mW -> SumNormP=2000 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_loadrate: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=95 mul=15 div=1 offset=0 NormP=1500 mW -> SumNormP=4500 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_dsl: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=100 mul=15 div=1 offset=0 NormP=1500 mW -> SumNormP=6000 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_dect: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=48 mul=200 div=78 offset=150 NormP=406 mW -> SumNormP=6406 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_analog: norm_power_rate=200 act_rate=0 mul=141 div=10 offset=100 NormP=2920 mW -> SumNormP=9326 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_isdnte: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=-2147418012 mul=1 div=1 offset=0 NormP=100 mW -> SumNormP=9526 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_usb_host: norm_power_rate=500 act_rate=100 mul=55 div=10 offset=0 NormP=2750 mW -> SumNormP=12276 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_usb_host2: norm_power_rate=500 act_rate=0 mul=55 div=10 offset=0 NormP=2750 mW -> SumNormP=15026 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   50.480000] [avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_wlan: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=0 mul=77 div=1 offset=300 NormP=8000 mW -> SumNormP=23026 mW
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   50.480000] SysRq : Changing Loglevel
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   50.480000] Loglevel set to 4
Jan  1 01:00:55 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   53.550000] [1]system-load 7  loadavg 2.68 0.66 0.22 - 119 tasks:95 % curr:playerd_tables(33 %) max:playerd_tables(33 %, pid:1817), readytorun: 2, pgfault 2908/s (max 3 avg 1.5)
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   56.290000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x3000 bytes at 0x81746000 to module 'x_tables' (0x111000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 user.err multid[1375]: DHCPD on lan:0 skipped, is virtual interface
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   56.450000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x3000 bytes at 0x81749000 to module 'ip_tables' (0x10e000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   56.490000] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   56.610000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x1000 bytes at 0x8174c000 to module 'iptable_filter' (0x10d000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   56.870000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x8174d000 to module 'ipt_LOG' (0x10b000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   56.900000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x1000 bytes at 0x8174f000 to module 'ipt_REJECT' (0x10a000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:56 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   56.930000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x1000 bytes at 0x81750000 to module 'xt_multiport' (0x109000 bytes left)
Jan  1 01:00:57 FB7490 user.err ctlmgr[1288]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jun  7 22:06:57 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   58.470000] [ifx_hsnand_command] read block is critical (column: 0x0 page: 0x12950)
Jun  7 22:06:57 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   58.470000] {ifx_hsnand_micron_read_page_hwecc} page 0x12950 Sector 3 1 Biterror 0 OOB-Biterror 0 ECC-Biterror
Jun  7 22:06:57 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   58.700000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jun  7 22:06:58 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   58.830000] [WLAN_COM] INFO: received discovery pkt from 00:03:7f:ff:ff:ff
Jun  7 22:06:58 FB7490 user.err ctlmgr[1288]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jun  7 22:06:58 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   59.720000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'HW (2.4 + 5 GHz, wifi0)' registered with minor 129.
Jun  7 22:07:00 FB7490 user.notice FREETZMOD: configuring nhipt gui ... /usr/ipt iptables reconfigured
Jun  7 22:07:00 FB7490 user.err ctlmgr[1288]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   61.950000] Netlink interface number created: 22
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   61.970000] wifi mac address name 0 wifi0  :8:96:d7:6e:9a:33 
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   61.970000] wifi mac address name 1 wifi1  :8:96:d7:6e:9a:34 
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   61.970000] __gmac_dev_event: wifi0: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=13 (events/0)
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   62.000000] __gmac_dev_event: wifi1: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=13 (events/0)
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   62.010000] __adf_net_register_wpscb: Registerd wps callback for wifi0 
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   62.010000] ATD APPBR Netlink iface number created: 21
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 user.notice FREETZMOD: Setting up SSH authorized_keys for root ... done.
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   62.140000] [WLAN_HEARTBEAT] sending pings to 00:03:7f:ff:ff:ff
Jun  7 22:07:01 FB7490 authpriv.info dropbear[2723]: Running in background
Jun  7 22:07:02 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   63.280000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'AP (2.4 + 5 GHz, ath0)' registered with minor 131.
Jun  7 22:07:02 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   63.290000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'AP (2.4 + 5 GHz, ath0)' registered with minor 132.
Jun  7 22:07:02 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   63.330000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:02 FB7490 user.err ctlmgr[1288]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jun  7 22:07:02 FB7490 user.notice Dropbear: Dropbear service was started
Jun  7 22:07:03 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   64.210000] [1]system-load 100 % loadavg 3.65 0.94 0.31 - 133 tasks:93 % curr:phonebook(1 %) max:playerd_tables(41 %, pid:1817), readytorun: 5, pgfault 7197/s (max 3 avg 1.6)
Jun  7 22:07:03 FB7490 cron.info crond[2867]: crond (busybox 1.23.2) started, log level 8
Jun  7 22:07:03 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   64.490000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0xd (NETDEV_PRE_UP), pid=1869 (hostapd)
Jun  7 22:07:03 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   64.740000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0x1 (NETDEV_UP), pid=1869 (hostapd)
Jun  7 22:07:03 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   64.750000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0x9 (NETDEV_GOING_DOWN), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   64.940000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0x2 (NETDEV_DOWN), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   64.950000] __gmac_dev_event : NETDEV_DOWN:
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   64.970000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0xd (NETDEV_PRE_UP), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   65.160000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0x1 (NETDEV_UP), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   65.330000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'AP2 (2.4 + 5 GHz, ath1)' registered with minor 137.
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   65.350000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'AP2 (2.4 + 5 GHz, ath1)' registered with minor 138.
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   65.400000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 user.err telefon[1692]: set initial telefon time from linux time to 22:07:04 7.06 2015!
Jun  7 22:07:04 FB7490 user.err ctlmgr[1288]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jun  7 22:07:05 FB7490 auth.info login[2609]: root login on 'pts/0'
Jun  7 22:07:05 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   66.440000] [0]system-load 100 % loadavg 4.8 1.7 0.36 - 142 tasks:19 % curr:ifx_ssc(3 %) max:ctlmgr(3 %, pid:1288), readytorun: 4, pgfault 2501/s (max 2 avg 0.3)
Jun  7 22:07:05 FB7490 user.notice ShowVPNState: ShowVPNState service has failed
Jun  7 22:07:05 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   66.540000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0xd (NETDEV_PRE_UP), pid=1869 (hostapd)
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   66.770000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0x1 (NETDEV_UP), pid=1869 (hostapd)
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   66.790000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0x9 (NETDEV_GOING_DOWN), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   66.940000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0x2 (NETDEV_DOWN), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   66.950000] __gmac_dev_event : NETDEV_DOWN:
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   66.980000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0xd (NETDEV_PRE_UP), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 user.notice NoAutoIP: NoAutoIP service started, next run scheduled at 07.06. 22:23
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   67.200000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0x1 (NETDEV_UP), pid=1546 (wland)
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   67.520000] device wlan entered promiscuous mode
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   67.520000] lan: port 5(wlan) entering forwarding state
Jun  7 22:07:06 FB7490 user.err ctlmgr[1288]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jun  7 22:07:07 FB7490 user.info capiotcp_server[3073]:   capiotcp_server - Version 	TCP/UDP Port = 5031 	MaxCntrl     = 5 	OffsetCntrl  = 0
Jun  7 22:07:08 FB7490 user.notice VPN: Added a route to remote address or network ( via dev dsl
Jun  7 22:07:08 FB7490 user.notice VPN: Added a route to remote address or network ( via dev dsl
Jun  7 22:07:09 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   69.880000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x11000 bytes at 0x81751000 to module 'userman_mod' (0xf8000 bytes left)
Jun  7 22:07:09 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   69.890000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x11000 bytes used, 0x121a4 bytes expected
Jun  7 22:07:09 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   69.940000] userman: LAN Client Internet-Accounting and Blocking
Jun  7 22:07:09 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   69.940000] userman: device registerd with major=228
Jun  7 22:07:09 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   69.940000] userman: init ok
Jun  7 22:07:09 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   70.480000] Target Reset Magic Patteren set in MDIO_REGS[]={0x3a3b, 0x3c3d, 0x3e3f, 0x4a4b, 0x4c4d, 0x4e4f, 0x5a5b, 0x5c5d, }
Jun  7 22:07:10 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   71.270000] kdsld: flushing internet sessions
Jun  7 22:07:10 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   71.330000] kdsld: flushing internet sessions
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   73.910000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x13000 bytes at 0x81762000 to module 'ifxmips_ppa_hal_vr9_e5' (0xe5000 bytes left)
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   73.960000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x15000 bytes at 0x81775000 to module 'ifx_ppa_mini_sessions' (0xd0000 bytes left)
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   73.970000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x15000 bytes used, 0x16c78 bytes expected
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   74.000000] Register LANTIQ_PA @ AVM_PA
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.000000] [avm_pa_multiplexer_register_instance] 
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.000000] 	add:avm_pa_add_ifx_session+0x0/0x16c0 [ifx_ppa_mini_sessions] 
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.000000] 	remove:avm_pa_remove_ifx_session+0x0/0x340 [ifx_ppa_mini_sessions]
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.020000] [ifx_ppa_mini_session_init]
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.020000] [ifx_ppa_mini_session_init] avm_pa sessionh_lookup table
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.030000] max_lan_entries       192
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.030000] max_wan_entries       192
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.030000] max_mc_entries        32
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.040000] max_bridging_entries  2048
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.040000] max_ipv6_addr_entries 128
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.040000] max_fw_queue          8
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.050000] max_6rd_entries       4
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   74.050000] AVM - Lantiq-PPA: minimalist and slim Session Management: --- init successful
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   74.050000] Session-Table Size: 256 * 200 byte = 50 kb
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.070000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x8178a000 to module 'ifx_ppa_mini_qos' (0xce000 bytes left)
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   74.080000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2000 bytes used, 0x28f0 bytes expected
Jun  7 22:07:13 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [   74.090000] AVM - Lantiq-PPA: minimalist and slim QoS Management: --- init successful
Jun  7 22:07:14 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: Sync!!!!!!; vdsl_available=1
Jun  7 22:07:14 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: nr=0, dsld.udslinterfaces[nr]=0x44bf24, attached=1
Jun  7 22:07:14 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: dsl_encap=1, use_dhcp=1
Jun  7 22:07:14 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: nr=2, dsld.udslinterfaces[nr]=0x44c00c, attached=1
Jun  7 22:07:14 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: dsl_encap=4, use_dhcp=1
Jun  7 22:07:14 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: syncdelaytimer: 3 secs
Jun  7 22:07:14 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: sync_group->syncdelaytimer=719856000
Jun  7 22:07:17 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [   78.100000] device ptm_vr9 entered promiscuous mode
Jun  7 22:07:17 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [   78.200000] avm_pa: prioack enable ptm_vr9 1048580
Jun  7 22:07:17 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!route_add: default: metric=2, iface=dsl
Jun  7 22:07:17 FB7490 kern.err kernel: [   78.200000] kdsld: HOTSPOT: no hotspots configured
Jun  7 22:07:17 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: udslinterface_set_forwardrules: group=2
Jun  7 22:07:17 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: udsliface=0(0x44bf24), udsliface->attached=1, udsliface->enabled=1
Jun  7 22:07:17 FB7490 user.err dsld[1579]: udsliface=2(0x44c00c), udsliface->attached=1, udsliface->enabled=1
Jun  7 22:07:40 FB7490 user.notice CRLUpdate: CRLUpdate service started, next update scheduled at 08.06. 22:08
Jun  7 22:07:41 FB7490 kern.info kernel: [  102.730000] kdsld: internet: set_snd_ipaddr:
Jun  7 22:07:42 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [  102.810000] [0]system-load 3  loadavg 3.65 1.29 0.46 - 148 tasks:18 % curr:clt:upnp(0 %) max:ctlmgr(3 %, pid:1288), readytorun: 11, pgfault 1838/s (max 1 avg 0.0)
Jun  7 22:07:42 FB7490 user.notice ONLINECHANGED[3966]: [onlineipv6] sleeping
Jun  7 22:07:42 FB7490 kern.warn kernel: [  103.550000] [1]system-load 4  loadavg 3.65 1.29 0.46 - 151 tasks:2 % curr:ftpd_stunnel(1 %) max:ftpd_stunnel(1 %, pid:3928), readytorun: 2, pgfault 2008/s (max 3 avg 2.0)
Jun  7 22:07:44 FB7490 user.notice STunnel: STunnel service was started
Jun  7 22:07:48 FB7490 daemon.info chronyd[4180]: chronyd version 1.25-pre1 starting
Jun  7 22:07:48 FB7490 daemon.info chronyd[4180]: Initial txc.tick=10000 txc.freq=0 (0.00000000) txc.offset=0 => hz=100 shift_hz=7
Jun  7 22:07:48 FB7490 daemon.info chronyd[4180]: set_config_hz=0 hz=100 shift_hz=7 basic_freq_scale=1.28000000 nominal_tick=10000 slew_delta_tick=833 max_tick_bias=1000
Jun  7 22:07:48 FB7490 daemon.info chronyd[4180]: Linux kernel major=2 minor=6 patch=32
Jun  7 22:07:48 FB7490 daemon.info chronyd[4180]: calculated_freq_scale=1.00000000 freq_scale=1.00000000
Jun  7 22:07:48 FB7490 daemon.warn chronyd[4180]: Could not open driftfile /var/tmp/chrony.drift for reading
Jun  7 22:07:49 FB7490 user.notice FREETZMOD: Setting up onlinechanged scripting ... done.
Jun  7 22:07:50 FB7490 user.notice FREETZMOD: external detected on nand.
Jun  7 22:07:50 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Starting external (/var/media/ftp/external):
Jun  7 22:07:50 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Waiting for mod-startup:
Jun  7 22:07:50 FB7490 user.notice ONLINECHANGED[3966]: [onlineipv6] approved
Jun  7 22:07:50 FB7490 user.notice ONLINECHANGED[3966]: [onlineipv6] executing /etc/onlinechanged/00-get_ip
Jun  7 22:07:50 FB7490 user.notice ONLINECHANGED[3966]: [onlineipv6] executing /tmp/flash/onlinechanged/onlinechanged-cgi
Jun  7 22:07:50 FB7490 user.notice ONLINECHANGED[3966]: [onlineipv6] finished
Jun  7 22:07:51 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL:  done.
Jun  7 22:07:52 FB7490 daemon.info chronyd[4180]: Selected source
Jun  7 22:07:52 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: inotify is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:53 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: iptables is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:54 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Creating DSS host key Unknown key type 'dss' Usage: dropbearkey -t <type> -f <filename> [-s bits] -t type	Type of key to generate. One of: 		rsa -f filename    Use filename for the secret key.                ~/.ssh/id_dropbea
Jun  7 22:07:54 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: DavFS2 is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:55 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: openvpn is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:55 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: stunnel is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:55 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Asterisk is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:56 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Net-SNMP daemon is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:56 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: RRDstats is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:56 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: rsync is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:57 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Samba-nmbd is disabled. Samba-smbd is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:58 FB7490 user.notice AVMMULTID: Reloading AVM multid ... done.
Jun  7 22:07:58 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Starting Shell in a Box ... done.
Jun  7 22:07:58 FB7490 user.err multid[1375]: DHCPD on lan:0 skipped, is virtual interface
Jun  7 22:07:58 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: SMStools3 is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:58 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: sshfs-fuse is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:59 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: SSLH is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:59 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: vnstat is disabled.
Jun  7 22:07:59 FB7490 user.notice EXTERNAL: Starting external finished.
Jun  7 22:08:03 FB7490 user.notice FREETZMOD: rc.mod finished.
Jun  7 22:08:03 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [  123.980000] avm_pa: telephony_reduce 65
Jun  7 22:08:03 FB7490 kern.debug kernel: [  123.980000] avm_pa: mswin 300 400
Jun  7 22:08:47 FB7490 user.notice alive: Signalling result was : OK, return code was : 0, next id is : LVc60b88
If you keep getting these errors, I would assume, your hardware is defect. But to know it for sure, you should switch off DECT completely (if it's enabled after factory reset) to exclude any side effect from incompatible DECT devices near by the box.

And last but not least ... are you absolutely sure, that you've not used any remove patch while building your image? Could you provide a console log (you can use fmake to store it while making an image) of a fresh image build and the used .config file please? It sounds a little bit silly (if no hardware defect is the issue), that the international version uses a different pcmlink module. Quite the opposite, I would assume that there's no (or only a slight) difference between these versions ... that means only the pcmlink module, not any other part of the firmware.
Hi Peter,

Tested with a German image, and there I don't see any Fatal or Panic messages.
So guess something with the Freetz process breaks the International 7490 image with regards to the pcmlink module (pulse code modulation).

I tested first with a minimal image, and secondly with an image with all packages I would normally use.

Below the serial console capture from the boot of the German image with all packages installed (only Ethernet cable connected, no configuration, no USB).


(AVM) EVA Revision: 1.1964 Version: 2964
(C) Copyright 2005 AVM Date: Nov 27 2013 Time: 14:33:10 (0) 3 0x0-0x740D

[FLASH:] MACRONIX Uniform-Flash 1MB 256 Bytes WriteBuffer
[FLASH:](Eraseregion [0] 16 sectors a 64kB) 
[NAND:] 512MB MICRON 2048 Pagesize 128k Blocksize 4096 Blocks 8Bit 1 CS HW
[SYSTEM:] VR9 on 500MHz/250MHz/250MHz

.Atheros 8030/35 detected

Eva_AVM >##........................................
Lantiq xDSL CPE VR9
[    0.000000] Linux version (hjortmann@EmbeddedVM) (gcc version 4.8.1 (Buildroot 2013.05) ) #2 SMP Mon Oct 27 16:49:55 CET 2014
[    0.000000] phym = 10000000, mem = 10000000, max_pfn = 00010000
[    0.000000] Reserving memory for CP1 @0xb0000000, size 0x00000000
[    0.000000] [init_avm_kernel_config] AVM Kernel Config (ptr 806c2000)
[    0.000000] [init_avm_kernel_config] AVM Kernel Config: module memory entry
[    0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled
[    0.000000] CPU revision is: 00019556 (MIPS 34Kc)
[    0.000000] Determined physical RAM map:
[    0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
[    0.000000] Zone PFN ranges:
[    0.000000]   Normal   0x00000000 -> 0x00010000
[    0.000000] Movable zone start PFN for each node
[    0.000000] early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
[    0.000000]     0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00010000
[    0.000000] [module-alloc-by-name] 'modulemem' not in use, use AVM Kernel Config (6651904 bytes, reserved for module mem)
[    0.000000] [module-alloc] use 0x658000 bytes at 0x81202000
[    0.000000] 1 available secondary CPU TC(s)
[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @8185e000 s5760 r8192 d14720 u65536
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s5760 r8192 d14720 u65536 alloc=16*4096
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 65024
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8r nor_size=0MB sflash_size=1024KB nand_size=512MB ethaddr=34:31:C4:47:BE:A5 
[    0.000000] [NAND] nand_size = 0x20000000
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    0.000000] wait instruction: r4k_wait_irqoff
[    0.000000] [avm_cache_set_coherency]: setting cache coherency for HWRevision=185 to write back allocate 
[    0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 32 bytes
[    0.000000] Writing ErrCtl register=00044400
[    0.000000] Readback ErrCtl register=00044400
[    0.000000] Memory: 245316k/262144k available (4743k kernel code, 16480k reserved, 2172k data, 216k init, 0k highmem)
[    0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:181
[    0.000000] [mips_cpu_irq_init] irq_base 0
[    0.000000] SRSConf0 0x3feffbfe: SRS1: 0xffffffff, SRS2 0xffffffff, SRS3 0xffffffff
[    0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[    0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    0.020000] Calibrating delay loop... 332.59 BogoMIPS (lpj=1662976)
[    0.240000] Security Framework initialized
[    0.240000] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[    0.250000] kernel_init: started
[    0.250000] kernel_init: kernel locked
[    0.250000] Limit of 2 TCs set
[    0.250000] TLB of 32 entry pairs shared by 2 VPEs
[    0.250000] VPE 0: TC 0, VPE 1: TC 1
[    0.250000] IPI buffer pool of 8 buffers
[    0.260000] CPU revision is: 00019556 (MIPS 34Kc)
[    0.490000] TC 1 going on-line as CPU 1
[    0.500000] Brought up 2 CPUs
[    0.510000] [yield_context_init] cpu=1 tc=2 mask=300
[    0.510000] [yield_context_init] cpu=0 tc=3 mask=410
[power_managment_setup] reset 'DSL, DFE, AFE, VOICE, DSLTC, ARC'
[power_managment_setup] reset 'LDO'
[power_managment_setup] power down 'PPE TC, PPE EMA, LEDC, DFEV1, DFEV0'
[power_managment_setup] power down 'MSI1, PDI1 PCIE1 PCIE1_PHY'
[power_managment_setup] power down 'USB CTRL'
[power_managment_setup] power down 'GPHY'
[power_managment_setup] disable power domain 'DSL + DFE'
[final_setup_dcdc] start
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBF106A17) = 0x5A;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBF106A18) = 0x46;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBF106A11) = 0x13;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a00) = 0;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a01) = 0;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a02) = 0xFF;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a03) = 0xE6;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a04) = 0;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a05) = 0x1B;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a15) = 0x8b;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a17) = 0x80;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a18) = 0x28;
*((volatile unsigned char *)0xBf106a06) = 0x52;
[final_setup_dcdc] done
[    0.620000] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.620000] Lantiq GPIO driver, version 1.3.2, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
: 27 CET 2014
[    0.950000] Lantiq PCIe Root Complex driver, version 2.0.0, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
[    0.960000] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.960000] ifx_pcie_rc_class_early_fixup port 0: fixed pcie host bridge to pci-pci bridge
[    0.970000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
[    0.970000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# disabled
[    0.980000] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
[    0.980000] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# disabled
[    0.990000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge, secondary bus 0000:01
[    0.990000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   IO window: disabled
[    1.000000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   MEM window: 0x1c000000-0x1c0fffff
[    1.000000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   PREFETCH window: disabled
[    1.010000] NET: Registered protocol family 8
[    1.010000] NET: Registered protocol family 20
[    1.020000] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    1.020000] IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    1.020000] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    1.020000] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 163840 bytes)
[    1.030000] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
[    1.050000] TCP reno registered
[    1.050000] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    1.050000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
[    1.060000] pci 0000:01:00.0: xHCI controller failing to respond
[    1.070000] IFX DMA driver, version ifxmips_dma_core.c:v1.0.17 ,(c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG
[    1.070000]  skb_shared_size:344
[    1.080000] Lantiq CGU driver, version 1.1.32, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
[    1.090000] squashfs: version 3.4 (2008/08/26) Phillip Lougher
[    1.100000] fuse init (API version 7.13)
[    1.100000] msgmni has been set to 479
[    1.100000] io scheduler noop registered (default)
[    1.110000] [avm_membench_init]
[    1.380000] avm_net_trace: Up and running.
[    1.380000] [loadcontrol] set auto - scale=1
[    1.380000] [avm] configured: watchdog event debug 
[    1.390000] AVM_WATCHDOG: Watchdog Driver for AR7 Hardware (Version 1.0, build: Oct 27 2014 16:49:00)
[    1.400000] ifx_pmu_init: Major 247
[    1.400000] Lantiq PMU driver, version 1.2.6, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
[    1.410000] Infineon Technologies RCU driver version 1.0.7 
[    1.420000] Lantiq Thermal Sensor driver, version 1.0.3, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
[    1.420000] ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1e100c00 (irq = 107) is a PORT_IFX_ASC
[    1.440000] loop: module loaded
[    1.440000] nbd: registered device at major 43
[    1.460000] Generic platform RAM MTD, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics
[    1.460000] Platform NOR MTD, (c) AVM 2010
[    1.470000] [HSNAND] Hardware-ECC activated
[    1.470000] NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x2c, Chip ID: 0xdc (Micron NAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bit)
[    1.480000] Scanning device for bad blocks
[    1.830000] Creating 6 MTD partitions on "ifx_hsnand":
[    1.830000] 0x000000000000-0x000000400000 : "kernel"
[    1.840000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name kernel
[    1.840000] 0x000000400000-0x000003400000 : "filesystem"
[    1.850000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name filesystem
[    1.850000] 0x000003400000-0x000003800000 : "reserved-kernel"
[    1.860000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name reserved-kernel
[    1.860000] 0x000003800000-0x000006800000 : "reserved-filesystem"
[    1.870000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name reserved-filesystem
[    1.870000] 0x000006800000-0x000006a00000 : "config"
[    1.880000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name config
[    1.880000] 0x000006a00000-0x000020000000 : "nand-filesystem"
[    1.890000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name nand-filesystem
[    1.890000] Lantiq SSC driver, version 2.4.1, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
[    1.900000] Creating 3 MTD partitions on "ifx_sflash":
[    1.910000] 0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "urlader"
[    1.910000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name urlader
[    1.920000] 0x000000040000-0x0000000a0000 : "tffs (1)"
[    1.920000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name tffs (1)
[    1.930000] 0x0000000a0000-0x000000100000 : "tffs (2)"
[    1.930000] {ifx_mtd_add_notifier} name tffs (2)
[    1.940000] Lantiq SPI flash driver, version 1.1.9, (c) 2001-2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
[    1.940000] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[    1.950000] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <[email protected]>
[    1.960000] IFX SWITCH API, Version
[    1.960000] SWAPI: Registered character device [switch_api] with major no [81]
[    1.970000] Switch API: PCE MicroCode loaded !!
[    1.970000] res = 8f933500
[    1.970000] i2c /dev entries driver
[    1.980000] CAPI Subsystem Rev
[    1.980000] AVM PA 4.3.10 2014-09-21
[    1.980000] AVM PA skb pktinfo at offset 128 size 196
[    1.990000] [loadcontrol]module avm_pa registered
[    1.990000] IPv4 over IPv4 tunneling driver
[    2.000000] TCP cubic registered
[    2.000000] mcfw: IGMPv3 fast forwarding
[    2.010000] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[    2.010000] IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
[    2.020000] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    2.020000] NET: Registered protocol family 8
[    2.020000] atmpvc_init() failed with -17
[    2.030000] KOAM is loaded successfully.
[    2.030000] l2tp_core: L2TP core driver, V2.0
[    2.040000] l2tp_ip: L2TP IP encapsulation support (L2TPv3)
[    2.040000] l2tp_netlink: L2TP netlink interface
[    2.050000] l2tp_eth: L2TP ethernet pseudowire support (L2TPv3)
[    2.050000] l2tp_ip6: L2TP IP encapsulation support for IPv6 (L2TPv3)
[    2.060000] 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <[email protected]>
[    2.060000] All bugs added by David S. Miller <[email protected]>
[    2.070000] <ifx_fix_timing>
[    2.080000] TFFS: tiny flash file system driver. GPL (c) AVM Berlin (Version 2.0)
[    2.080000]       mount on mtd7 and mtd8 (double buffering)
[    2.090000] Adam2 environment variables API installed.
[    2.090000] [simple-profiling]: 2 performance counters implemented, NEW_34K
[    2.100000] Enable Performance Counter 0 for Data cache load/stores (User-Mode enabled Supervisor-Mode enabled Kernel-Mode enabled Exeption-Mode disable)
[    2.110000] Setup tcs=0x2 current_tc_mask=0x2, reg=0
[    2.120000] [simple-profiling]: 2 performance counters implemented, NEW_34K
[    2.130000] Enable Performance Counter 1 for Data cache load/store misses (User-Mode enabled Supervisor-Mode enabled Kernel-Mode enabled Exeption-Mode disable)
[    2.140000] Setup tcs=0x2 current_tc_mask=0x2, reg=1
[    2.150000] AVM Simple Profiling enabled Version 3.0
[    2.150000] {avmnet_cfg_netinit}
[    2.150000] [avmnet] No config found for HWRev 185, HWSubRev 4, Profile-ID 0, trying base config for HWSubRev
[    2.160000] [avmnet] No config found for HWRev 185, HWSubRev 4, trying base config for HWRev
[    2.180000] [avmnet] [avmnet_swi_7port_init] Init on module swi_vr9 called.
[    2.600000] Loading AVM Net Common Datapath Driver for 7Port Switch...... 
[    2.610000] [ppe_eth_init] init_hw()
[    2.610000] [init_hw] ppe_hw_init=0xff successful
[    2.620000] [ppe_eth_init] ifx_proc_file_create()
[    2.620000] [ppe_eth_init] dma_setup_init()
[    2.630000] [avmnet] [avmnet_swi_7port_disable_learning] Configuring CPU-port to receive all unknown unicast frames 0x48
[    2.640000] [avmnet] [avmnet_swi_7port_disable_learning] Configuring CPU-port to receive all unknown multicast frames 0x48
[    6.090000] [avm_pa_multiplexer_init] start 
[    6.090000] [avm_pa_multiplexer_init] init complete 
[    6.090000] [avm_pa_multiplexer_register_instance] 
[    6.090000]  add:avmnet_7port_pce_add_session+0x0/0x5a0 
[    6.090000]  remove:avmnet_7port_pce_remove_session+0x0/0x80
[    6.120000] [avmnet_create_netdevice] setup offload_cpu_link on device wasp
[    6.120000] kernel_init: basic setup done
[    6.130000] SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on mtdblock1
[    6.130000] yaffs: dev is 32505857 name is "mtdblock1" ro
[    6.140000] yaffs: passed flags ""
[    6.170000] VFS: Mounted root (yaffs filesystem) readonly on device 31:1.
[    6.170000] Freeing unused kernel memory: 216k freed
[    6.220000] trying /sbin/init
init started: BusyBox v1.23.2 (2015-06-08 20:44:29 CEST)
[    6.420000] [squashfs] use zip compression 
[VR9-flash] -- Test --
mount: mounting proc on /proc failed: Device or resource busy
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
source files in group 0 ...
/etc/init.d/S00-signal    /etc/init.d/S05-watchdog  /etc/init.d/S09-config
/etc/init.d/S01-head      /etc/init.d/S06-logging   /etc/init.d/S09-rtc
/etc/init.d/S02-led       /etc/init.d/S08-tffs
processing /etc/init.d/S00-signal
processing /etc/init.d/S01-head
[    6.880000] TFFS Name Table K
[config-space] detected mtdmtd4: size '2097152'
modprobe: module nand not found in modules.dep
[config-space][yaffs] driver is loaded
[config-space] using mtd[    6.960000] yaffs: dev is 32505860 name is "mtdblock4" rw
[    6.970000] yaffs: passed flags ""
4 for /var/flash
[config-space] /var/flash assigned @ /dev/mtdblock4
mknod: /var/flash/freetz: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/multid.leases: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/ar7.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/net.update: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/vpn.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/tr069.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/rext.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/nlr.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/cert.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/usb.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/xdslmode: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/umts.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/usbgsm.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/maild.xml: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/timeprofile.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/stat.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/wlan.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/user.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/userstat.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/voip.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/voipd_call_stat: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/telefon_misc: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/fx_cg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/fx_moh: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/fx_lcr: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/fx_conf: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/calllog: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/phonebook: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/fonctrl: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/tamconf: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/dect_misc: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/dect_eeprom: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/dmgr_handset_user: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/aura-usb: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/configd: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/browser-data: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/websrv_ssl_key.pem: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/websrv_ssl_cert.pem: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/aha.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/ahausr.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/ahastat.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/ahadect.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/ahanet.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/ahaglobal.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/ahapushmail.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/featovl.cfg: File exists
mknod: /var/flash/modulemem: File exists
[yaffs_to_tffs_node] ignoring TFFS Node (minor: 60)
processing /etc/init.d/S02-led
[    8.480000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x1a000 bytes at 0x81202000 to module 'led_modul_Fritz_Box_HW185' (0x63e000 bytes left)
[    8.490000] led_modul_Fritz_Box_HW185: module license '
[    8.490000] (C) Copyright 2012 by AVM
[    8.490000] ' taints kernel.
[    8.500000] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[    8.530000] [LED] use GPIO 45 for 'gpio_avm_led_power'
[    8.540000] [LED] use GPIO 47 for 'gpio_avm_led_internet'
[    8.540000] [LED] use GPIO 36 for 'gpio_avm_led_festnetz'
[    8.550000] [LED] use GPIO 35 for 'gpio_avm_led_wlan'
[    8.550000] [LED] use GPIO 33 for 'gpio_avm_led_info'
[    8.560000] [LED] use GPIO 46 for 'gpio_avm_led_info_red'
[    8.560000] [BUTTON] use GPIO 29 for 'gpio_avm_button_wlan'
[    8.570000] [BUTTON] use GPIO 1 for 'gpio_avm_button_dect'
[    8.570000] [register_bug_debug_table] name='led-modul' 0x8120eec4 - 0x8120eed8
processing /etc/init.d/S05-watchdog
[    8.590000] AVM_WATCHDOG: System Init UEberwachung 240 Sekunden
processing /etc/init.d/S06-logging
processing /etc/init.d/S08-tffs
P-Defaults: do nothing
processing /etc/init.d/S09-config
processing /etc/init.d/S09-rtc
[    8.920000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x8121c000 to module 'rtc_avm' (0x63c000 bytes left)
[    8.940000] rtc-avm rtc-avm.0: rtc core: registered avm as rtc0
[    8.950000] [avm-rtc]: avm_rtc_probe: register: ret=0x8f3cc600
[    8.950000] [avm-rtc]: avm_rtc_probe: success
executing files in group 0 ...
executing /etc/init.d/E05-basemodules
group 0 done ...
source files in group 1 ...
/etc/init.d/S10-html        /etc/init.d/S12-default
/etc/init.d/S10-vm          /etc/init.d/S15-filesys
/etc/init.d/S11-config_def  /etc/init.d/S17-capi
/etc/init.d/S11-piglet      /etc/init.d/S17-tam
processing /etc/init.d/S10-html
processing /etc/init.d/S10-vm
processing /etc/init.d/S11-config_def
processing /etc/[    9.140000] 
[    9.140000] [avm_debug] standard kernel-messages
PigletMode: 0
[    9.260000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0xd000 bytes at 0x8121e000 to module 'Piglet_noemif' (0x62f000 bytes left)
[    9.270000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0xd000 bytes used, 0xeb80 bytes expected
[    9.300000] [piglet]use settings for 185(7 gpios from hw_config)
[    9.300000] 
[    9.380000] patch_dectfw: c0a2b000, totallen = 43514(a9fa)
[    9.390000] patch_dectfw: patch_adress: a0 max_len: 26 with Version 2 Len: 17
[    9.390000] dect_loader: slow-bootmode
[   10.310000] *
[   10.600000] *********************************************
[   11.580000] [1]system-load 2  loadavg 0.39 0.8 0.3 - 38 tasks:73 % curr:busybox(18 %) max:init(47 %, pid:1), readytorun: 1, pgfault 1645/s (max 1 avg 1.0)
[   11.610000] ***************************************
[   12.510000] dect144xx_file_process: upload of '/lib/modules/dectfw_secondlevel_441.hex' successfull
[   14.530000] [piglet]bitfile for autodetect '/lib/modules/bitfile_isdn.bit'
[   14.540000] [piglet] try to preload in progress-context: /lib/modules/bitfile_isdn.bit
[   15.610000] [piglet] bitfile 72761 bytes done
[   15.620000] [piglet] "wyatt_earp_unload_xilinx" not loaded
[   20.720000] [piglet] use preload[0] /lib/modules/bitfile_pots.bit
[   21.780000] [1]system-load 2  loadavg 0.63 0.14 0.5 - 38 tasks:19 % curr:busybox(19 %) max:busybox(19 %, pid:413), readytorun: 1, pgfault 0/s (max 0 avg 0.0)
[   21.800000] [piglet] bitfile 72761 bytes done
[   21.800000] [piglet]-> POTS-Mode
[   21.900000] [piglet]TDM: FS: 8005 Hz CLK: 2046315 Hz 
processing /etc/init.d/S12-default
checkempty: : No such file or directory
processing /etc/init.d/S15-filesys
modprobe: module nand not found in modules.dep
[yaffs] driver is loaded
[yaffs] nand-mtd: mtd5: 19600000 00020000 "nand-filesystem"
[   22.240000] yaffs: dev is 32505861 name is "mtdblock5" rw
[   22.240000] yaffs: passed flags ""
[yaffs] Internal Memory assigned @ /var/media/ftp
[Internal Memory] is NOT empty
[Internal Memory] initially filling skipped
processing /etc/init.d/S17-capi
[   23.080000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x66000 bytes at 0x8122b000 to module 'pcmlink' (0x5c9000 bytes left)
[   23.090000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x66000 bytes used, 0x65db8 bytes expected
[   23.250000] [pcmlink]svn: 2091
[   23.470000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0xdb000 bytes at 0x81291000 to module 'isdn_fbox_fon5' (0x4ee000 bytes left)
[   23.480000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0xdb000 bytes used, 0xdd72c bytes expected
[   24.040000] avm_stack_attach: cpu0 -> cpu1
[   24.040000] driver params overwritten io_addr=0x0 irq_num=0
[   24.040000] lavm_stack_attach_oncpu: cpu1
[   24.050000] [pcmlink]chrony-support
[   24.150000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 40 act 774 shadow 1107770
[   24.150000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 48 act 660 shadow 1106660
[   24.260000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 40 act 774 shadow 1107770
[   24.260000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 48 act 660 shadow 1106660
[   24.370000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x69000 bytes at 0x8136c000 to module 'capi_codec' (0x485000 bytes left)
[   24.370000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x69000 bytes used, 0x6a4d8 bytes expected
[   24.480000] capicodec_init()
[   24.480000] [capi_codec] support fax
[   24.490000] [capi_codec] support Codecs
[   24.560000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x44000 bytes at 0x813d5000 to module 'avm_dect' (0x441000 bytes left)
[   24.570000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x44000 bytes used, 0x46008 bytes expected
[   24.640000] [pcmlink] configure REG_PCM_CTRL_DECT=0xcba9ed00
[   24.650000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x4000 bytes at 0x81419000 to module 'dect_io' (0x43d000 bytes left)
[   24.660000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x4000 bytes used, 0x483c bytes expected
processing /etc/init.d/S17-tam
TAM: create directory /data/tam
executing files in group 1 ...
executing /etc/init.d/E15-device
mknod led c 242
mknod tffs c 243
mknod avm_power c 253
mknod debug c 249
mknod avm_event c 251
mknod capi_oslib c 68
mknod dect_io c 227
group 1 done ...
source files in group 2 ...
/etc/init.d/S20-modload  /etc/init.d/S21-udev
processing /etc/init.d/S20-modload
Loading /var/flash/freetz ... done.
Loading users, groups and passwords ... done.
Loading hosts ... done.
Loading config ... done.
Loading modules ... [   26.760000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x10000 bytes at 0x8141d000 to module 'fat' (0x42d000 bytes left)
[   26.770000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x10000 bytes used, 0x11424 bytes expected
[   26.820000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x3000 bytes at 0x8142d000 to module 'vfat' (0x42a000 bytes left)
[   26.830000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x3000 bytes used, 0x46a0 bytes expected
[   26.970000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x42000 bytes at 0x81430000 to module 'reiserfs' (0x3e8000 bytes left)
processing /etc/init.d/S21-udev
executing files in group 2 ...
group 2 done ...
source files in group 3 ...
processing /etc/init.d/S30-ledcfg
executing files in group 3 ...
group 3 done ...
source files in group 4 ...
Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'tty' unknown

Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'dialout' unknown

Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'kmem' unknown

Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'video' unknown

Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'audio' unknown

Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'lp' unknown

Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'disk' unknown

/etc/init.d/S42-ptest     /etc/init.d/S46-usb
/etc/init.d/S44-hostname  /etc/init.d/S48-configd
Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'floppy' unknown

Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'cdrom' unknown

processing /etc/init.d/S42-ptest
Jan  1 01:00:27 udevd[681]: specified group 'tape' unknown

processing /etc/init.d/S44-hostname
processing /etc/init.d/S46-usb
[   27.450000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2b000 bytes at 0x81472000 to module 'usbcore' (0x3bd000 bytes left)
[   27.460000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2b000 bytes used, 0x2b088 bytes expected
[   27.620000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[   27.630000] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[   27.630000] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[   27.870000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x10000 bytes at 0x8149d000 to module 'xhci' (0x3ad000 bytes left)
[   27.880000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x10000 bytes used, 0x10d60 bytes expected
[   27.910000] xhci_hcd 0000:01:00.0: xHCI Host Controller
[   27.910000] xhci_hcd 0000:01:00.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[   27.920000] pci_bus 0000:01: firmware: requesting xhcifw.mem
[   28.040000] xhci_hcd 0000:01:00.0: irq 138, io mem 0x1c000000
[   28.040000] xHCI: PORT POWER on, delay 200ms
[   28.260000] usb usb1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has no SuperSpeed companion descriptor
[   28.270000] usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[   28.270000] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[   28.270000] hub 1-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
[   28.280000] AVM: disable USB3 port#1 status = 0x2a0
[   28.280000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'usb1' registered with minor 161.
XHCI USB 3.0 Host with port_config:1 started
processing /etc/init.d/S48-configd
executing files in group 4 ...
/etc/init.d/E40-dsl   /etc/init.d/E46-net   /etc/init.d/E47-voip
executing /etc/init.d/E40-dsl
[   29.580000] [0]system-load 2  loadavg 0.66 0.16 0.5 - 68 tasks:6 % curr:hotplug_env(0 %) max:ifx_ssc(1 %, pid:117), readytorun: 5, pgfault 1433/s (max 2 avg 1.0)
[dsl sus] dsl line test calib factory file available
[dsl get xtse] ANNEX=A DSLMODE=0
[dsl get xtse] setting ADSL Annex A/L/M and VDSL2 oPOTS
[dsl get xtse] 04 00 04 00 0C 01 04 07
[dsl sus] diagforce enabled
[dsl sus] starting vr9 dsp...
[   31.550000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2d000 bytes at 0x814ad000 to module 'mei_vr9' (0x380000 bytes left)
[   31.560000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2d000 bytes used, 0x2e094 bytes expected
[   31.630000] [dsl_mei] Lantiq (VRX) DSL CPE MEI driver, version 1.4.4, (c) 2013 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH
[   31.640000] [dsl mei] tried to set GDBG Level to 4
[   31.640000] 
[   31.640000] [dsl mei] debug_level=4, Global UsrDbgLevel=4 MEI_DRV UsrDbgLevel=4 MEI_MEI_ACCESS UsrDbgLevel=4
[   31.640000] 
[   31.660000] [dsl mei] debug_level=4, Global IntDbgLevel=4 MEI_DRV IntDbgLevel=4 MEI_MEI_ACCESS IntDbgLevel=4
[   31.660000] 
[   31.670000] [dsl_vr9] AVM_MEI_PowerUpDSLSubsystem enable power domain 'DSL + DFE'
[   31.670000] [AVM_MEI_PowerUpDSLSubsystem] power up 'PPE TC, PPE EMA, LEDC, DFEV1, DFEV0'
[   31.700000] [dsl_vr9] AVM_MEI_PowerUpDSLSubsystem unreset 'DSL, DFE, AFE, VOICE, DSLTC, ARC'
[   31.710000] spi_clc=0x00000200
[dsl sus] loaded vr9 mei driver: mei_vr9.ko with params: , avmDslDiagEnabled=1
[   31.810000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x4b000 bytes at 0x814da000 to module 'dsl_vr9' (0x335000 bytes left)
[   31.810000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x4b000 bytes used, 0x4bb20 bytes expected
[   31.910000] [dsl drv] Lantiq CPE API Driver version: DSL CPE API V4.16.6-pd1
[   31.920000] [dsl drv] Predefined debug level: 4
[   31.920000] [dsl drv] dynamically registered major number 238 for dsl_vr9
[dsl sus] loaded vr9 dsl driver: .ko with params: 
[dsl sus] created vr9 dsl device node /dev/dsl_vr9/0 (major: 238 , minor: 0)
[dsl sus] created vr9 mei device node /dev/mei_vr9 (major: 239 , minor: 0)
[dsl sus] invoke /sbin/notify_avmnet --broadband_type DSL hw_start_tm_ptm
[   32.050000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x27000 bytes at 0x81525000 to module 'ifxmips_ppa_datapath_vr9_e5' (0x30e000 bytes left)
[   32.110000] Loading E5 (MII0/1) driver ...... 
[   32.120000] drivers/net/avm_cpmac/switch/ifx/vr9/ifxmips_ppa_datapath_vr9_e5.c:3243:init_local_variables: [init_local_variables] g_eth_wan_mode=0
[   32.120000] 
[   32.140000] drivers/net/avm_cpmac/switch/ifx/vr9/ifxmips_ppa_datapath_vr9_e5.c:3302:init_local_variables: g_wan_itf=0x80, g_wanqos_en=8
[   32.140000] 
[   32.170000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device wasp has not been initialised!
[   32.170000] CPU_TO_WAN_TX_DESC_BASE[0] =0xbe227400
[   32.180000] [avmnet] [avmnet_swi_7port_disable_learning] Configuring CPU-port to receive all unknown unicast frames 0x48
[   32.190000] [avmnet] [avmnet_swi_7port_disable_learning] Configuring CPU-port to receive all unknown multicast frames 0x48
[   32.200000] [ppe_e5_init] Succeeded!
[   32.200000] PPE datapath driver info:
[   32.200000]   Version ID:
[   32.200000]   Family    : VR9
[   32.200000]   DR Type   : Normal Data Path | Indirect-Fast Path
[   32.200000]   Interface : MII0 | MII1
[   32.200000]   Mode      : Routing
[   32.200000]   Release   : 0.1.1
[   32.230000] PPE firmware info:
[   32.230000]   Version ID:
[   32.230000]   Family    : VR9
[   32.230000]   FW Package: D5
[   32.230000]   Release   : 2.11.1
[   32.230000] PPE firmware feature:
[   32.230000]   ATM/PTM TC-Layer Bonding        Support
[   32.230000]   L2 Trunking                     Support
[   32.230000]   Packet Acceleration             Support
[   32.230000]   IPv4                            Support
[   32.230000]   IPv6                            Support
[   32.230000]   6RD                             Support
[   32.230000]   DS-Lite                         Support
FIO_MEI_FW_MODE_STAT_GET failed!: Operation not permitted
[dsl sus] started dsl_control (configuration: -i04_00_04_00_0C_01_04_07 -f/var/dsl/dspfw/vr9-A-dsl.bin -n/etc/dsl/notify/dsl_notify.sh  )
[dsl sus] started dsl_monitor
[dsl sus] ....vr9 dsp started
executing /etc/init.d/E46-net
[   32.880000] activating IRQ mode
[   32.880000] requesting IRQ
[   32.880000] request_irq 
[   32.890000] usedIrq: 57 | usedIsrHandler: 814bc820 | usedFlags: 0x4000 | pUsedDevName: mei_vr9 | pUsedDevId: -1919563392
[   32.900000] IRQ requested ok
[   32.900000] MEI_DRV: MEI_IfxRequestIrq(IRQ = 57, .., ), lock = 1
check this C0] 
[   32.910000] about to check device status
[   32.910000] MEI_DRV[00]: INIT DEVICE, phy addr = 0x1E116000, virt addr = 0xBE116000 IRQ = 57
[   32.910000] 
[   33.100000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x184000 bytes at 0x8154c000 to module 'kdsldmod' (0x18a000 bytes left)
[   33.100000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x184000 bytes used, 0x1846a0 bytes expected
[   34.000000] [1]system-load 2  loadavg 1.1 0.24 0.8 - 73 tasks:23 % curr:busybox(9 %) max:busybox(9 %, pid:995), readytorun: 4, pgfault 2259/s (max 1 avg 1.0)
[   36.410000] kdsldmod: init start (Feb  2 2015 14:24:29) sizeof(struct sk_buff)=440
[   36.420000] userman: device registerd (userman_url) with major=232
[   36.420000] kdsld: ttychannel: ldisc 8 registered
[   36.430000] PCP_NL: PCP netlink interface
[   36.430000] kdsldmod: init done
Jan  1 01:00:37 l2tpv3d[1087]: starting.
Jan  1 01:00:37 l2tpv3d[1087]: verbose: DISABLED
[   39.400000] [avm_power] eth: port 0 force normal  CON t0
[   39.400000] [avm_power] eth: port 1 force throttle  CON t0
[   39.410000] [avm_power] eth: port 2 force throttle  CON t0
[   39.410000] [avm_power] eth: port 3 force throttle  CON t0
Jan  1 01:00:39 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wlan_plugin_init:605: svn revision 1830
Jan  1 01:00:39 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: weak_wlan_check:81: Missing weak 'process_wlanmail'.
Jan  1 01:00:39 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: weak_wlan_check:84: Missing weak 'wlan_enabled_changed'.
Jan  1 01:00:39 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: weak_wlan_check:87: Missing weak 'wlan_wcfgutil_set_output'.
Jan  1 01:00:39 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: weak_wlan_check:88: Missing weak 'wlan_wcfgutil_set_dbg_level'.
AVMMULTID: Starting AVM multid ... done.
[   40.840000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): lan: link is not ready
[   40.870000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device eth0 was enabled already
[   40.870000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   40.880000] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
[   40.890000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device eth1 was enabled already
[   40.890000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
[   40.900000] device eth1 entered promiscuous mode
[   41.420000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device eth2 was enabled already
[   41.430000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready
[   41.440000] device eth2 entered promiscuous mode
[   41.950000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device eth3 was enabled already
[   41.960000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth3: link is not ready
[   41.970000] device eth3 entered promiscuous mode
rc.wlan: Start WLAN...
WLAND:[01175]:01:00.42/[42.14]:Build = Nov 26 2014 15:33:16
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: startup ($Revision: 1.160 $$CompileDate: Feb  2 2015 14:24:06 $)
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: set_preconfig1
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: sync_group in ar7.cfg:
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: sync_group:sync_dsl(enabled=1), nr=0
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]:   vcc:1/32
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]:     dsliface:internet
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]:     dsliface:voip
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: sync_group: dsl
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: sync_dsl is igd_device
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: set_preconfig2
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1192]: add_vcc_connection: dsl
AVMDSLD: Starting AVM dsld ... done.
executing /etc/init.d/E47-voip
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: DSL Mac 34:31:c4:47:be:a9
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[119[   42.840000] kdsld: kdsld_vcc_preunregister: *
4]: VOIP Mac 34:31:c4:47:be:aa
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: VCC2 Mac 34:31:c4:47:be:ab
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: VCC3 Mac 34:31:c4:47:be:a6
[   42.930000] [avmnet] [avmnet_mcfw_enable] Device wasp has not been initialised!
[   42.940000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wasp: link is not ready
Jan  1 01:00:42 [   42.940000] kdsld: nr_ipv4 0 nr_ipv6 0 nr_vpn 0
dsld[1194]: voip: ppptarget voip disabled, ignored
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: sync_group(prepare_interfaces): dsl: inet_nr=0
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: nach prepare_interfaces: dsld.dsliface_default_inet_nr=0, dsld.dsliface_voip_nr=-1
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: get_queueindex: none: not found
Jan  1 01:00:42[   42.980000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): guest: link is not ready
 dsld[1194]: queue 0: prio 0 weight 0 shrate 0 shburst 0 wan
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: queue 1: prio 10 weight 0 shrate 0 shburst 0 wan
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: queue 2: prio 20 weight 0 shrate 0 shburst 0 wan
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: queue 3: prio 30 weight 0 shrate 0 shburst 0 wan
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: queue 4: prio 100 weight 90 shrate 0 shburst 0 wan
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: queue 5: prio 100 weight 10 shrate 0 shburst 0 wan
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: queue 6: prio 200 weight 0 shrate 0 shburst 0 wan
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: appl 0: sip-appl result 1
Jan  1 01:[   43.040000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x1e000 bytes at 0x816d0000 to module 'aae' (0x16c000 bytes left)
[   43.040000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x1e000 bytes used, 0x1ccec bytes expected
00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark sip" result 1
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark rtp" result 1
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark sip_internet" result 1
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark rtp_internet" result 1
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark sipdns,ntpdns,tr069dns,tr069" result 2
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark igmp" result 3
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark webdav" result 4
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: local "localmark dns" result 2
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: lan "udp.dport 43962,47806" result 2
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: lan "ip.proto IPv6-ICMP" result 2
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: lan "ip.proto icmp" result 2
Jan  1 01:00[   43.130000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wasp: link becomes ready
:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: lan "udp.dport 53" result 2
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: lan "udp.dport 5060" result 5
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: lan "dhcpoption 12 FRITZ!Media* mediatab" result 6
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: classifer: lan "ethsrctab mediatab" result 6
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: result 0: tos 65535 vprio 65535 queue 5 appl 65535 bridge 65535 forward 65535
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: result 1: tos 65535 vprio 65535 queue 2 appl 65535 bridge 65535 forward 65535
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: result 2: tos 65535 vprio 65535 queue 1 appl 65535 bridge 65535 forward 65535
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: result 3: tos 65535 vprio 65535 queue 0 appl 65535 bridge 65535 forward 65535
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: result 4: tos 65535 vprio 65535 queue 6 appl 65535 bridge 65535 forward 65535
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: result 5: tos 65535 vprio 65535 queue 2 appl 0 bridge 65535 forward 65535
Jan  1 01:00:42 dsld[1194]: result 6: tos 65535 vprio 65535 queue 3 a[   43.220000] [wlan_config] Given config is:
[   43.220000] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=3 (full)
[   43.230000] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=3 (full)
ppl 65535 bridge 65535 forward 65535
Jan  1 01[   43.240000] [wlan_config] hwrev=185 hwsubrev=4 maca=34:31:c4:47:be:a5
[   43.240000] [wlan_config] country=276 reg_domain_a=12 reg_domain_b=34
[   43.240000] [WLAN_HEARTBEAT] start
[   43.240000] [WLAN_COM] INFO: using dev 'wasp' (src=00:de:ad:be:ef:ca, dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
[   43.240000] [WLAN_COM] avm_wlan_com_tx_thread start
[   43.250000] [wlan_eeprom] Calibration data blocks found = 2
[   43.260000] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[   43.260000] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="AVM7490_CAL1_V3"
[   43.260000] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[   43.260000] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[   43.260000] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="AVM7490_CAL2_V1"
[   43.270000] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface lo [   43.320000] kdsld: kdsld_vcc_preregister: predsl1
[   43.320000] kdsld: kdsld_vcc_preregister: vcc->ifaces=(null)
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface l[   43.330000] kdsld: internet: set_rcv_ipaddr:
o up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface tunl0 added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface sit0 added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth0 added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth0 up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth1 added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth1 up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth2 added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth2 up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth3 added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface eth3 up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface wasp added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface wasp up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface ptm_vr9 added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface adsl added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface lan added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface lan up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface guest added.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: interface guest up.
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: start register_vccs_and_ifaces_on_kdsld for sync_dsl
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: setup_dslchannel: ifname=
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: kdsld_preregister_vcc: predsl1
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: kdsld_preregister_vcc: kdsld_vccidx=0
Jan  1 01:00:43 multid[1147]: DHCPD on lan:0 skipped, is virtual interface
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: udslcb_created: nr=0 (sync_dsl)
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: udsliface->attached=1(0x44bf44)
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: udslinterface_set_internet_forwardrules: FORWARDRULES_INTERNET_NORMAL=13
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: udslinterface_set_forwardrules: group=13
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: notify_due_to_pm
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: udslinterface_set_forwardrules: group=10
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: notify_due_to_pm: timer already running
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: udslinterface_set_forwardrules: group=11
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: notify_due_to_pm: timer already running
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: udslinterface_set_forwardrules: group=12
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: notify_due_to_pm: timer already running
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: notify_due_to_pm: timer already running
Jan  1 01:00:43 dsld[1194]: verbose: DISABLED
Jan  1 01:00:43 telefon[1232]: use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)!
Jan  1 01:00:43 telefon[1232]: NoOldMSNNames
[   43.820000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x20000 bytes at 0x816ee000 to module 'adf' (0x14c000 bytes left)
[   43.830000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x20000 bytes used, 0x1f64c bytes expected
[   44.010000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x4000 bytes at 0x8170e000 to module 'hif_gmac' (0x148000 bytes left)
[   44.020000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x4000 bytes used, 0x4654 bytes expected
mknod: /var/flash/fx_def: File exists
telefon: SIGCHLD PID 1248 received!
Jan  1 01:00:44 telefon[1232]: WARNING No config file '/var/flash/fx_def' !
Jan  1 01:00:44 telefon[1232]: INFO No MOH file '/var/flash/fx_m[   44.070000] tgt_if =wasp 
[   44.070000] mac address  dest -->  0:de:ad:be:ef:ca   
[   44.070000]  mac address  src--> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff   
[   44.070000]  
[   44.080000] __gmac_dev_event: wasp: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=1251 (busybox)
[   44.090000] __gmac_dev_event: wasp: 0x1 (NETDEV_UP), pid=1251 (busybox)
oh' !
Jan  1 01:00:44 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
[   44.130000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x81712000 to module 'athlogger' (0x146000 bytes left)
[   44.140000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2000 bytes used, 0x33c0 bytes expected
[   44.160000] 
[   44.160000] athlogger mode: host
[   44.170000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
[   44.180000] lan: port 1(eth0) entering forwarding state
[   44.210000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x4000 bytes at 0x81714000 to module 'fwd' (0x142000 bytes left)
[   44.220000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x4000 bytes used, 0x4b80 bytes expected
[   44.250000] FWD:loaded
[   44.250000] 
[   44.380000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x28000 bytes at 0x81718000 to module 'atd' (0x11a000 bytes left)
[   44.390000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x28000 bytes used, 0x29cd0 bytes expected
[   44.480000] [dma_device_write] auto open tx_chan_no:2
[   44.500000] net wasp: firmware: requesting ath_tgt_fw1.fw
[   44.540000] FWD:loaded1 over MDIO MAC 0 
telefon: SIGCHLD PID 1260 received!
Jan  1 01:00:44 telefon[1253]: NoOldMSNNames
group 4 done ...
source files in group 5 ...
mknod: /var/flash/fx_def: File exists
telefon: SIGCHLD PID 1268 received!
Jan  1 01:00:44 telefon[1253]: WARNING No config file '/var/flash/fx_def' !
executing files in group 5 ...
group 5 done ...
source f[   45.250000] FWD:loaded1 
[   45.250000] mdio_start_handshake waiting for target to up unit 0
iles in group 6 ...
executing files in group 6 ...
group 6 done ...
source files in group 7 ...
/etc/init.d/S73-capitcp  /etc/init.d/S76-media    /etc/init.d/S78-aha
processing /etc/init.d/S73-capitcp
Jan  1 01:00:45 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
[   45.450000] mdio handshake is good 
[   45.450000] mdio_block_send exchanging block write parameters 
[   45.460000] .
[   45.460000] mdio_block_send - start_address 0xbd003000 length 0x00003084 exec_address 0xbd003000
[   45.470000] .Checksum for the file fda4d151
[   45.470000] ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[   45.710000] [1]system-load 3  loadavg 2.14 0.52 0.17 - 92 tasks:58 % curr:busybox(8 %) max:ctlmgr(15 %, pid:1094), readytorun: 3, pgfault 1992/s (max 2 avg 0.4)
[   45.730000] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................done!
[   45.870000] Send  waiting for lock
[   45.890000] MDIO FWD GOOD  - releasing the lock
[   45.890000] total transfer time in jiffies 440
processing /etc/init.d/S76-media
/etc/init.d/rc.S: /etc/init.d/S76-media: line 6: /etc/init.d/rc.media: not found
processing /etc/init.d/S78-aha
[   46.770000] [0]system-load 2  loadavg 2.14 0.52 0.17 - 91 tasks:7 % curr:busybox(5 %) max:busybox(5 %, pid:1258), readytorun: 1, pgfault 1984/s (max 4 avg 1.5)
[   47.180000] .
[   47.180000] HIF GMAC parametrs sent
[   47.180000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
[   47.180000] 
[   47.180000] Start Downloading all images
[   47.190000] 
[   47.190000] net wasp: firmware: requesting ath_tgt_fw2.fw
[   47.200000] [tdmlink]ltdm_frameyieldrxtxcpy_prepare: ERROR: BUSY
[   47.290000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
[   47.400000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
[   47.510000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
[   47.620000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
Jan  1 01:00:47 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_rol[   47.730000] Discovery pkt from  wasp 
e_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jan  1 01:00:47 telefon[1253]: Stop DECT
[   47.830000] FWD: size: 2778564, upload_addr: 81a00000, exec_addr: 81a00000
[   47.840000] Downloading target firmware image        Waiting for Download complete... 
[   47.850000] ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[   47.970000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x81740000 to module 'sch_tbf' (0x118000 bytes left)
[   47.970000] ............................................................................................
[   47.990000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2000 bytes used, 0x291c bytes expected
[   47.990000] ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[   48.050000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x3000 bytes at 0x81742000 to module 'sch_llq' (0x115000 bytes left)
[   48.060000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x3000 bytes used, 0x3dc4 bytes expected
[   48.080000] .
[   48.080000] sch_llq: Oct 27 2014 16:49:42
[   48.090000] ...........................................................................................................................
[   48.110000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x2000 bytes at 0x81745000 to module 'sch_sfq' (0x113000 bytes left)
[   48.120000] .
[   48.120000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x2000 bytes used, 0x2c58 bytes expected
[   48.130000] .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................l
[   48.720000] Downloading target firmware completed.
[   48.730000] 
[   48.730000] All images completed.
rc.wlan: Start WLAN...
executing files in group 7 ...
rc.wlan: WLAN daemon already running
group 7 done ...
source files in group 8 ...
processing /etc/init.d/S85-apps
executing files in group 8 ...
group 8 done ...
source files in group 9 ...
/etc/init.d/S99-tail       /etc/init.d/S99-zzz-rcmod
processing /etc/init.d/S99-tail
run_clock demon [   49.220000] AVM_WATCHDOG: System Init UEberwachung abgeschlossen (199380 ms noch verfuegbar)

mknod: /var/flash/debug.cfg: File exists
[   49.250000] SysRq : Changing Loglevel
[   49.250000] Loglevel set to 4
processing /etc/init.d/S99-zzz-rcmod
Jan  1 01:00:49 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
rc.mod version freetz-devel-13159M
crond is disabled.
AVM telnetd is disabled.
Starting Freetz webinterface ... done.
swap is disabled.
syslogd is disabled.
Jan  1 01:00:51 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Starting inetd ... done.
Setting up SSH authorized_keys for root ... done.
Jan  1 01:00:53 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
[   53.780000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x11000 bytes at 0x81747000 to module 'userman_mod' (0x102000 bytes left)
[   53.790000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x11000 bytes used, 0x121a4 bytes expected
rc.mod finished.
executing files in group 9 ...
group 9 done ...
System init finished ...

Please press Enter to activate this console. Jan  1 01:00:55 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jan  1 01:00:57 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
Jan  1 01:00:59 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
[   60.910000] __gmac_dev_event: wifi0: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=13 (events/0)
[   60.920000] __gmac_dev_event: wifi1: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=13 (events/0)
Jan  1 01:01:01 ctlmgr[1094]: WLANLIB: wland_role_config_init:100: CFG2/API: WLAND configuration file(/var/tmp/wlan_roles) missing.
[   61.750000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=1178 (wland)
[   62.160000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0xd (NETDEV_PRE_UP), pid=1323 (hostapd)
[   62.410000] __gmac_dev_event: ath0: 0x1 (NETDEV_UP), pid=1323 (hostapd)
[   62.640000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0x5 (NETDEV_REGISTER), pid=1178 (wland)
[   63.210000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0xd (NETDEV_PRE_UP), pid=1323 (hostapd)
[   63.420000] __gmac_dev_event: ath1: 0x1 (NETDEV_UP), pid=1323 (hostapd)
telefon: SIGCHLD PID 1267 received!
telefon: SIGCHLD PID 1310 received!
[   68.740000] Target Reset Magic Patteren set in MDIO_REGS[]={0x3a3b, 0x3c3d, 0x3e3f, 0x4a4b, 0x4c4d, 0x4e4f, 0x5a5b, 0x5c5d, }

See just the following messages:
[    1.060000] pci 0000:01:00.0: xHCI controller failing to respond
[    2.020000] atmpvc_init() failed with -17
mount: mounting proc on /proc failed: Device or resource busy
[    6.130000] SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on mtdblock1	
[   24.150000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 40 act 774 shadow 1107770
[   24.150000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 48 act 660 shadow 1106660
[   24.260000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 40 act 774 shadow 1107770
[   24.260000] [pcmlink]workaround_regfailure: addr= 48 act 660 shadow 1106660
FIO_MEI_FW_MODE_STAT_GET failed!: Operation not permitted
[   47.200000] [tdmlink]ltdm_frameyieldrxtxcpy_prepare: ERROR: BUSY
I don't see the /proc and squashfs related messages in your log output.

Any suggestions I should try while still using a German image on my 7490?

Edit: Btw, the international Freetz image that seldom boots (once every hour of continues reboots) is not an minimal image, and does have a remove patch for tr069.
But I have not been able to get the minimal International Freetz image to boot.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I've no idea, where the /proc mount error belongs to ... but the error message regarding the squashfs superblock is "normal behavior". While mounting the MTD device, the first attempt assumes a SQUASHFS filesystem ... but it's really a YAFFS2 filesystem, which is detected immediately after this error. The same message is present in my "dmesg" log file ... it's missing in #15, because this is only a "syslog" dump.

EDIT: The proc mount error is triggered by the "/sbin/flash_update" script from the wrapper file system. This is normally used to write the kernel and filesystem while executing a recovery boot to their respective partitions. You can look into this script using the path "/wrapper/sbin/flash_update". The third line contains the failing mount command. Usually it's not seen, because it's shown so early in the boot process, that only your serial connection reveals it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi Peter,

Thanks for finding the reasons for the errors in my log, you know your stuff...

Just tried configuring the German image, and All seems to work.
My incoming calls are routed via an external switch to my DECT, only outgoing calls go via the 7490 using VoIP.
So Annex-B seems fine for my specific case.

Just need to get used to German settings... Not easy, but manageable.

Of cause I would like to see the International version to work also.
Any suggestions for a possible next step?
Did some additional testing.

Verified both revision 11675 and revision 11792 successfully.
These are the first and last revisions to work with FRITZ.Box_7490.en-de-es-it-fr.113.06.03.image.

Next I tried revision 11793 and revision 12635
These are the first and last revisions to work with FRITZ.Box_7490.en-de-es-it-fr-pl.113.06.04.image.
11793 was working fine, but 12635 didn't work at first.
Found that revision 12634 caused both 12634 and 12635 not to work.
Rolled back the 12634 changes with rm freetz-trunk/make/busybox/patches/000-busybox-1.22.1-lzop.patch and rm freetz-trunk/make/busybox/patches/000-busybox-1.22.1-zcat-no-ext.patch.
This make both 12634 (obvious) and 12635 work.

But unfortunately the rollback of the 12634 didn't make 12636 work.
12636 is the first revision with FRITZ.Box_7490.en-de-es-it-fr.113.06.20.image.
12636 did show a lot of Fatal Errors (Frame Violations), and finally a Panic.

[   24.830000] FATAL ERROR (state activ)
[   24.830000] Frame-Violations 0.0 % (diff=0) from 9082 triggers irqs max-time between frame-trigger 138 us
[   24.840000] Frame-XDU/OVR 6567
[   24.840000] yield-triggers: 9183
[   24.840000]     bf100000:PCM_CTRLR 00004000 bf100004:PCM_CTRLX 00000000
[   24.840000]     bf100008:PCM_STATR 00000000 bf10000c:PCM_STATX 80008000
[   24.840000]     bf100010:PCM_FREQ(0x0) dis DCL: 0
[   24.840000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
[   24.840000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   7fff bf10001c:PCM_TEST   0000
[   24.840000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE 7fff bf100024:PCM_STAT 00000003
[   24.880000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
[   24.890000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
[   24.890000] [02] bf100030 CFG: 00040004 RH 0 RTS: 04 XH 0 XTS 04
[   24.900000] [03] bf100034 CFG: 00060006 RH 0 RTS: 06 XH 0 XTS 06
[   24.910000] [04] bf100038 CFG: 00080008 RH 0 RTS: 08 XH 0 XTS 08
[   24.910000] [05] bf10003c CFG: 000a000a RH 0 RTS: 0a XH 0 XTS 0a
[   24.920000] [06] bf100040 CFG: 000c000c RH 0 RTS: 0c XH 0 XTS 0c
[   24.920000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
[   24.930000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
[   24.940000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
[   24.940000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
[   24.950000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
[   24.950000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
[   24.960000] [13] bf10005c CFG: 001a001a RH 0 RTS: 1a XH 0 XTS 1a
[   24.970000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
[   24.970000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
[   24.980000] [cpu=1 tc=2]yield: mask=0x300 trigger=0 stack-used=40(stack-start=8f871068) from 4096 bytes
[   24.980000] [cpu=0 tc=3]yield: mask=0x410 trigger=10263 stack-used=124(stack-start=8f887068) from 4096 bytes
[   24.980000]  [ 4]handler: ltdm_yield_fastframeyield+0x0/0x40 [pcmlink] enable=1 count=10263 unhandled=0
[   24.980000]                  cycle-stat: [10265]consumption: min=254 max=4314 avg=525
[   24.980000]                  cycle-stat: [10264]trigger: min=26182 max=32668 avg=31248

[   44.670000] PANIC:
[   44.670000] Frame-Violations 0.2 % (diff=67464497) from 8519 triggers irqs max-time between frame-trigger 268960 us
[   44.680000] Frame-XDU/OVR 8580
[   44.690000] yield-triggers: 8627
[   44.690000]     bf100000:PCM_CTRLR 00004000 bf100004:PCM_CTRLX 00000000
[   44.690000]     bf100008:PCM_STATR 00000000 bf10000c:PCM_STATX 80008000
[   44.690000]     bf100010:PCM_FREQ(0x0) dis DCL: 0
[   44.690000]     bf100014:PCM_CFG(0000c101) en DS=1 PCMXO=1 DCK=0 XS=0 RS=0 ND=0 SF=0 PCMRO=1
[   44.690000]     bf100018:PCM_EN   7fff bf10001c:PCM_TEST   0000
[   44.690000]     bf100020:PCM_MODE 7fff bf100024:PCM_STAT 00000003
[   44.730000] [00] bf100028 CFG: 00000000 RH 0 RTS: 00 XH 0 XTS 00
[   44.730000] [01] bf10002c CFG: 00020002 RH 0 RTS: 02 XH 0 XTS 02
[   44.740000] [02] bf100030 CFG: 00040004 RH 0 RTS: 04 XH 0 XTS 04
[   44.750000] [03] bf100034 CFG: 00060006 RH 0 RTS: 06 XH 0 XTS 06
[   44.750000] [04] bf100038 CFG: 00080008 RH 0 RTS: 08 XH 0 XTS 08
[   44.760000] [05] bf10003c CFG: 000a000a RH 0 RTS: 0a XH 0 XTS 0a
[   44.760000] [06] bf100040 CFG: 000c000c RH 0 RTS: 0c XH 0 XTS 0c
[   44.770000] [07] bf100044 CFG: 000e000e RH 0 RTS: 0e XH 0 XTS 0e
[   44.780000] [08] bf100048 CFG: 00100010 RH 0 RTS: 10 XH 0 XTS 10
[   44.780000] [09] bf10004c CFG: 00120012 RH 0 RTS: 12 XH 0 XTS 12
[   44.790000] [10] bf100050 CFG: 00140014 RH 0 RTS: 14 XH 0 XTS 14
[   44.790000] [11] bf100054 CFG: 00160016 RH 0 RTS: 16 XH 0 XTS 16
[   44.800000] [12] bf100058 CFG: 00180018 RH 0 RTS: 18 XH 0 XTS 18
[   44.810000] [13] bf10005c CFG: 001a001a RH 0 RTS: 1a XH 0 XTS 1a
[   44.810000] [14] bf100060 CFG: 001c001c RH 0 RTS: 1c XH 0 XTS 1c
[   44.820000] bf101010: YIELD_EN 0x10
[   44.820000] [cpu=1 tc=2]yield: mask=0x300 trigger=0 stack-used=40(stack-start=8f871068) from 4096 bytes
[   44.820000] [cpu=0 tc=3]yield: mask=0x410 trigger=147011 stack-used=124(stack-start=8f887068) from 4096 bytes
[   44.820000]  [ 4]handler: ltdm_yield_fastframeyield+0x0/0x40 [pcmlink] enable=1 count=147011 unhandled=0
[   44.820000]                  cycle-stat: [9710]consumption: min=254 max=4717 avg=718
[   44.820000]                  cycle-stat: [9710]trigger: min=8718 max=67239778 avg=38168
[   44.960000] [xr9tdm_checkhw]TDM: FS: 8005 Hz CLK: 2039395 Hz
[   44.980000] get_ul_manager: error: ll_handle=(null)
[   44.980000] get_ul_manager: error: ll_handle=(null)
[   45.120000] [module-alloc-by-name] give 0x20000 bytes at 0x816ac000 to module 'adf' (0x18f000 bytes left)
[   45.130000] [module-alloc-by-name] 0x20000 bytes used, 0x1f64c bytes expected
[   45.180000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   45.180000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   45.180000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48
[   45.190000] [pcmlink_ul] writeregister: not registered=48

Changing my 7490 to support German images, and using revision 12636 with the German image (FRITZ.Box_7490.113.06.20.image) worked without issues
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi Ron,

r12634 has nothing to do with the problems you observe with 7490int.06.2x. r12634 broke each box and has been reverted in r12645 and then properly fixed in r12646 (s. #2588 for details).

It looks like the firmware version bump (r12636) done by chance at the same time as the busybox changes is the actual reason. I.e. 113.06.04 works, 113.06.20 doesn't work anymore - without any freetz changes that might yield this behavior.


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