7390 International+freetz trunk and not availible NFSD,no sources by AVM

These sources don't fit for the international firmware...


I understand, thank you!
** update: works since trunk 11951 **
** thanks **

In terms of " no source available "...

Can one update trunk for international 7390 to latest firmware 84.06.06 please? TiA!
( ftp://ftp.avm.de/fritz.box/fritzbox...x_Fon_WLAN_7390.en-de-es-it-fr.84.06.06.image )

Checked out revision 11948 and seems still no go [dl/fw/FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7390.en-de-es-it-fr.84.06.03.image] Error 3.
Not sure if I do a softlink, calling 03 to 06 that will be sufficient as it seems to build OK ...


cd ~/trunk/dl/fw
wget ftp://ftp.avm.de/fritz.box/fritzbox...x_Fon_WLAN_7390.en-de-es-it-fr.84.06.06.image
ln -s FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7390.en-de-es-it-fr.84.06.06.image FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7390.en-de-es-it-fr.84.06.03.image

cd ~/trunk
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