2 outgoing lines via internet on the same moment?


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8 Nov 2006
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First of all: sorry to speak English here, no problem to read German (so feel free to answer in german), but writing German myself is a bit too difficult. Thanks for understanding.

My question: I've got a FritzBox Fon with 1 analog fixed line for incoming calls and two outgoing VOIP-accounts (voipcheap.com). I connected the first outgoing VOIP-account to FON1 and the second to FON2. FON2 is a fax.

Is it possible to call someone with FON1 and VOIP-account 1, and on the same moment send a fax with FON2 and VOIP-account 2? I can't get it to work that way.

Maybe FritzBox can't manage two outgoing internetlines at the same moment? It works fine if FON1 uses the VOIP-account and FON2 the fixed line to call out, but I want both FON1 and FON2 to use the internet-accounts.

Thanks for any help!
Hi and welcome,

the FritzBox is able to handle two VoIP calls at the same time. But some VoIP providers don't allow more than one call with the same account.
And fax through VoIP is absolutely problematic. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes it arrives corrupted. Use fixed line for faxes and try parallel calls with normal speech.

Hello, thanks for your quick reply! Yes, it works indeed to do a parallel call when I connect a normal phone to FON2 and tell FritzBox in the settings that it's a phone, and not a fax-machine.

But connecting the fax to FON2 and telling FritzBox that it's a phone-extension in the settings, just gives a bad faxresult.

So, maybe just don't fax and call at the same moment... Using the fixed line to fax is not an option since our incoming fixed line is too expensive to do outbound calls with.
Update: sending a fax through VOIP seems difficult indeed... it worked in the past, now we cancelled our fixed line for outgoing calls... it doesn't work anymore.

Anyway, I'll let it rest and hope sending a fax will be possible when I need it. Or maybe one more try: how can I add the fax-profile to the fritzbox fon?

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