Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

YEP schrieb:
The existance/option of using the G.729 codec is not a matter of hardware but "only" a question of firmware or a mix of both?? Does this apply for all of these 7050 / 7140 / 7141 & 7150 ??
Ohhhh that is a hard one to answer as I am not an expert. I would say that fundamentally a codec is software after all it is the method in which something is done.

Really the point or problem is that because Germany has a great Patent/court system (G.729 is patented technology) and AVM a poor idea on customer service they choose to simply take out access to G.729. This saves them money, but, for the people that think G.729 is a good option these people do not have the choice of paying for this codec. On could say that because AVM is in bed with companies in germany such as 1und1 and thus Telekom, AVM is simply a puppet for these companies. For example it is no surprise that few of these companies support G.729.

AVM did however put G.729 into the international versions and here is where the problem lies. I thought that if I put the software of the international version onto my fritzbox (manufactured as a german box) it would have the G.729 codec. It does not.

Has anyone else solved this issue?

YEP schrieb:
As I understand from my searching online there's no similar process yet for the 7140/7141/7150 routers - is that correct (well looks like it's in late Beta stages elsewhere on this site at least - correct me if I'm wrong)
sorry no idea at all about this one.
7050 with all leds flashing after convertion

valterroque schrieb:
To Late guys, but thanks anyway.
I think i screw up my box. I try to recover with sirkubax way, and after past the sentence : echo "firmware_version avme" > /proc/avalanche/env, box not died,So i try to recover and Recover exe, says could not determin version..., even the annex B recover.
Now my box has all lights blinking. Can not telnet nor web. Sorry Arnvet, you was maybe rigth, but some how i was not confortable usin your way.

Hi all,

I also bought a German 7050 (1&1), and started the conversion.

What I got was a box with all lights flashing (8 times, top, and again 8 times).

I noticed that everyone was able to recover with the firmware exe, but I'm not getting any results.

What I have done:

1- Configured my Windows XP PC with the IP address of, the IP mask to and the IP gateway

2- Open a "COMMAND" console and entered the line "ftp"

3- When finally got a connection, at the login prompt enter "adam2" as user and password.

220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready.

530 Please login with USER and PASS.
USER adam2
331 Password required for adam2.
PASS adam2
230 User adam2 successfully logged in.

4- Now I have entered the following commands:

quote SETENV annex,A
quote SETENV HWRevision,77
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexA
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme
quote SETENV firmware_info,14.04.20

5- Finally have entered "bye" closing the ftp connection.

6- Now I tried to run the recovery program, "fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.annexa.en.04.20.recover-image.exe" with no results. The application keeps telling that is searching for

Every time I connect the power on the power led stays lit for several seconds (approximately 12 seconds) and then all led’s start flashing in sequence (8 flash, stop, repeated the cycle).

Anyone could help me?


Your Fritz is not a brick!

Enter the "arp -d" command to clear the MAC table before starting recovery. Also, setting your LAN adapter to 10 Mbit/s Half Duplex may be a good idea (AVM recommends it. AVM also recommends to use the red LAN cable for firmware updates/recoveries as it is quite short).

Instead of the ...image.exe program you can try recovery.exe. Copy the program from your CD to where your update image is, in my example: D:\FritzBox\Firmware

Then open a command console window and enter:

cd D:\FritzBox\Firmware

If you have just said bye to ftp you don't have to re-power the box. Otherwise proceed as you did before you started the ftp session.

enter the command:

recover -f fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.annexa.en.14.04.20.image

and watch the output:

recover: Firmware von fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.annexa.en.14.04.20.image geladen
recover: Suche FRITZ!Box ...
recover: FRITZ!Box (
recover: Uebertrage kernel.image (720896)
recover: kernel.image uebertragen
recover: Uebertrage filesystem.image (2939904)

at this point go for a coffee or two :)

When you come back you should read:

recover: filesystem.image uebertragen

If not, retry. If not successful retry the image.exe again. Try another computer too.

Good luck!
finally got it, my mistake
I was using LAN B instead of LAN A Sokect. The one near th power sokect must be used.
Also I used a Windows 2000 with the ethernet adpter configured for 10M/Half Duplex. I dont know if that helped but, never knows....

Now I was able to recover the Inglish firmware Annex A.
Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box 7140 to an International version

telefonicus schrieb:
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
USER adam2
331 Password required for adam2.
PASS adam2
230 User adam2 successfully logged in.
Untill here it worked with FBF 7140, too.

Bis zu diesem Punkt klappt das bei der FBF 7140 auch.
telefonicus schrieb:
Now enter the following commands:

quote SETENV annex,A
quote SETENV HWRevision,77
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexA
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme
quote SETENV firmware_info,14.04.20

Changing to Annex B would be respectively:
quote SETENV annex,B
quote SETENV HWRevision,76
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexB
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme
quote SETENV firmware_info,14.04.15
When I enter one of these commands, I get a Syntax Errror: Invalid number of parameters. Any solution for this?

Bei der Eingabe von diesen Kommandos bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung:
Syntax Error: Invalid number of parameters. Muss ich bei der FBF 7140 etwas anders eingeben?
Another happy user with a German fritzBoxFon Wlan 7050, from e-bay, branded from a german isp 1&1, converted from Annex B(ISDN) to Annex A(PSTN) with english menu now.
Thanks to telefonicus and post #167.
I skiped the first part with setting the ip adresses and I didn't run any un-brand exe/tar to remove the 1&1 hardware/menu settings.
I just connected 7050 with the red cable via Lan A, and tryied to connect with ftp.
It took me 5-6 times to login, and after that I copy/paste all the commands for Annex A.
After that I ran the recovery program fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.annexa.en.04.20.recover-image.exe , but the first time the recovery was unsuccesfull, and gave me an error message "Could not recover the partition mtds!Win error 10060". Shit!
After that I restarted the pc and run the fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.annexa.en.04.20.recover-image.exe again, this time was successfull.
I tested my new hacked 7050 with 2 phones and 3 pc lan and it works very good for a week now.
Thank you all guys for the work you've done.
Can somebody please give me the procedure to change a german Fritz!Box FON WLAN (ISDN) 7140 with version 30.04.12 to a english version?

Al the information on this site confuses me a bit... because they usally intended for the 7050.

I'm understanding that I first had to downgrade to a older version (with the german and english interfaces both included) and then upgrade to the latest english version (in my case version 30.04.24 ???). But which old version do I have to use???
Toetsje schrieb:
Can somebody please give me the procedure to change a german Fritz!Box FON WLAN (ISDN) 7140 with version 30.04.12 to a english version?

It should be possibe now but I don't know if anybody ever tried. I would proceed similar to these instructions
and use recover.exe from the CD. Recover with

Before you do this, could you please start the FTP and post the env file?

get env

this produces a little file called "env" in the actual directory (better cd to a directory of your choice before, e.g. cd \). Change the name "env" to "env.txt" and post it's content here.
Toetsje schrieb:
But which old version do I have to use???

There is no such old version since this model is relatively new.
telefonicus schrieb:
It should be possibe now but I don't know if anybody ever tried. I would proceed similar to these instructions
and use recover.exe from the CD. Recover with

Before you do this, could you please start the FTP and post the env file?

get env

this produces a little file called "env" in the actual directory (better cd to a directory of your choice before, e.g. cd \). Change the name "env" to "env.txt" and post it's content here.

There is no such old version since this model is relatively new.

Thanks !

The get env option didn't work for me, but I extracted all the information with some tricks....

This is the information from the box:

ProductID: Fritz_Box_7140
SerialNumber: 0000000000000000
annex: B
autoload: yes
bootloaderVersion: 1.136
bootserport: tty0
bluetooth: 00:04:0E:FF:FF:07
cpufrequency: 211968000
firstfreeaddress: 0x946AD700
firmware_version: avm
firmware_info: 30.04.12
flashsize: 0x00800000
maca: 00:15:0C:87:92:66
macb: 00:15:0C:87:92:67
macwlan: 00:15:0C:87:92:68
macdsl: 00:15:0C:87:92:69
memsize: 0x02000000
modetty0: 38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1: 38400,n,8,1,hw
mtd0: 0x90000000,0x90000000
mtd1: 0x90010000,0x90780000
mtd2: 0x90000000,0x90010000
mtd3: 0x90780000,0x907C0000
mtd4: 0x907C0000,0x90800000
prompt: AVM_Ar7
reserved: 00:04:0E:FF:FF:00
req_fullrate_freq: 125000000
sysfrequency: 125000000
urlader-version: 1136
usb_board_mac: 00:15:0C:87:92:6A
usb_rndis_mac: 00:15:0C:87:92:6B
usb_device_id: 0x3D00
usb_revision_id: 0x0200
usb_device_name: USB DSL Device
usb_manufacturer_name: AVM

Do you think that the recover method will work? And I think that I need the following firmware ( instead of your suggested version.... because my box is an annex B model and not a annex A, isn't it?
Convertion of fritzbox fon WLAN 7050 faild

Hi all,
While trying downgrade of the firmware ( modem not found) restore software did't found the box he searching at and not x.x.x.1?.
i have the red cable used but he take a long time for searching than i have stopped this and tried via ftp ( remote host has disconnected ) then tried with telnet this:
echo "annex A" > /proc/avalanche/env
echo "HWRevision 64" > /proc/avalanche/env
echo "ProductID Fritz_Box_Fon_AnnexA" > /proc/avalanche/env
echo "firmware_version avme" > /proc/avalanche/env

and after reboot i see that everything not in orde all led's goning blinking 8 times and stop a while and so on loop and the telnet did't work anymore.
with recover.exe tried but i got this:

recover: Firmware von fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.14.03.86.image geladen
recover: Suche FRITZ!Box ...
recover: csock_udpserver failed
recover: error = 3

is this box dead of may be not because the only thing that work is DHCP and i can ping to.
any idea for solution?

doperz schrieb:
... then tried with telnet this:
echo "annex A" > /proc/avalanche/env
echo "HWRevision 64" > /proc/avalanche/env
echo "ProductID Fritz_Box_Fon_AnnexA" > /proc/avalanche/env
echo "firmware_version avme" > /proc/avalanche/env...

The problem lies in the wrong syntax of the second and third line, which, in the case of FBF 7050, should read as follows:

echo "HWRevision 77" > /proc/avalanche/env
echo "ProductID Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexA" > /proc/avalanche/env

If I get it right, what you want is to convert the 7050 to an English Annex A one.
If you can still "telnet" the Box, try to copy-paste all four lines, using the correct ones.
thanks for reply i want to convert the 7050 to an English Annex A one
i did it as mentioned in
but you have a right i used the wrong one for another type:confused:
because i can't connect via FTP but only telnet session and now the telnet didn't work anymore after the reboot and i can't activate it with #96*7* from the telephone connected to Fon 1.
i have totally lost the connection with the box the only thing is DHCP and i always get :

the web browser do nothing too. no connect to the box, maybe can i try with TFTP! but maybe someone help with instructions or another solution.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
**** IT WORKS :) ****

Ok, I converted a 7140 german AOL box to a English version.

This is how it should work:

-Download and update to the latest german version (found on:

-Convert the box from the AOL to a AVM version using the fritz_als_avm_new.tar script

-Connect to the box using FTP (use the instructions above)

-Enter exactly the following command between the quotes ("): "quote SETENV firmware_version avme"
Note: somebody above me complains that this command won't work, just leave the comma after firmware_version !

-Run the recovery program (fritz.box_fon_wlan_7140.en.04.24.recover-image.exe)
Disable DHCP (automatic IP address negotiation)!!!

Then try this:

If Adam2's (pseudo) ftp doesn't work any more try the recover-image.exe program from AVM:

There is a slight chance that it works. If this version gets rejected you'll have to recover with the Fritz!Box Fon (not WLAN) recover-image.exe first since that is what your environment variables are set up for. Then proceed like above

Good Luck!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Toetsje schrieb:
**** IT WORKS :) ****


But shouldn't it be fritz_als_avme_new.tar instead of fritz_als_avm_new.tar?

What else did you have to change? (and yes, a comma is needed as a separator)
Toetsje schrieb:
**** IT WORKS :) ****

Ok, I converted a 7140 german AOL box to a English version.

This is how it should work:
.....-Run the recovery program (fritz.box_fon_wlan_7140.en.04.24.recover-image.exe)

Could you let me know where you have found the "recover" .exe for 7140?

I am asking, because on the AVM ftp server I can find only the English firmware update image files
telefonicus schrieb:
Disable DHCP (automatic IP address negotiation)!!!

Then try this:

If Adam2's (pseudo) ftp doesn't work any more try the recover-image.exe program from AVM:

There is a slight chance that it works. If this version gets rejected you'll have to recover with the Fritz!Box Fon (not WLAN) recover-image.exe
this worked thanks but i have the wrong type firmware but i tried via ftp or telnet but got no connection, how to get it back to WLAN version again without ftp or telnet?
Dead FritzBox?

I converted my wlan 7050 from Annex B German to Annex B international Engish. It worked flawless excepted for the voip connections, therefor I performed factory reset. After the reset, the power light blinks. I cannot web into the interface. DHCP does not work. I tried recovery software for annex b and a: they find the the fritzbox, and then cannot determine the version of the fritzbox and the recovery ends. I then tried the ftp suggestions and it will not connect to the fritzbox. I performed a ethereal trace and see no activity from the fritzbox. Please help.
Can you give us some more details? What versions did you try? What responses did you get? You can copy and paste the output of the ...recover.image.exe programs.

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