Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

Thanks for your answer; indeed, I accessed the box via telnet, after I "upgraded" it with international firmware.

I hope that the message is just annoying and nothing more. I 'm not going to do the whole #167-stuff, each time I 'm telnetting to the box.

I wonder if there soon will be a patch for the DNS?

Again, thanks for all the help.

FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 Annex A, Firmware version 14.04.20
The modifications to your FRITZ!Box are not supported by the manufacturer.

More information.
I had this a long time ago with my german box and at that time there was a patch which you could run as pseudo firmware which got rid of it. I am not sure if that little patch still is here. I did a quick search and found this
I have no idea if this will work for the english version.

Also here is something you can look at

telefonicus schrieb:
This message is shown if you have ever accessed the box via telnet. I managed to get rid of it by recovering to the latest (.15) Annex-B German version and then converting again to Annex-A English using the FTP method described in post #167 earlier in this thread.

Mine is not showing, after i recover with (.20) Annex-A English.
Rj45/Rj11 adapters

I am not being able to make my regular analog phone plugged to FON1 work.
I got my box over ebay, but the Rj45/Rj11 adapters for ISDN/Analog and DSL was not coming inside package. I manage to make it work on DSL by plug the Rj11 on midle of DSL socket. But somehow the Rj11 plugged on Isdn/analog port seams to not work(phone gives me the busy signal). Can someone point me where can get these adapters? Or any known tricks?.
Thank you for reading.
But somehow the Rj11 plugged on Isdn/analog port seams to not work(phone gives me the busy signal). Can someone point me where can get these adapters? Or any known tricks?.
Use a standard UTP cable with RJ45 plugs. Cut it in two. A side with RJ45 goes into the Fritz!box. On the other side connect wires 1 and 8 (orange/white and brown) to a RJ11 plug. (The other wires are for the ISDN connection).
I made a cable with on one side a RJ11 connector and on the other side a RJ45 connector. Pin 2 and pin 3 of the RJ11 connector (the middle pins) are connected to pin 1 and pin 8 of the RJ45 connector (the outer pins).
hi valterroque

i had the same problem with connecting analog Fon 1 phone.
it use first and last pin of RJ45 as Wortelstok said

i have my Fritz working

i hope you too

telefonicus schrieb:
quote SETENV annex,A
quote SETENV HWRevision,66
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_WLAN
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme


recover -f fritz.box_fon_wlan.annexa.en.08.04.21.image

Hello telefonicus,
For FBF WLAN, shouldn't line 3 be "ProductID,Fritz_Box_Fon_WLAN, since there is also a FritzBox WLAN model with no "fon" (VoIP)?
Could you please advise on the HW Revision number of FBF WLAN Annex B?
maxorfo schrieb:
Hello telefonicus,
For FBF WLAN, shouldn't line 3 be "ProductID,Fritz_Box_Fon_WLAN, since there is also a FritzBox WLAN model with no "fon" (VoIP)?
Could you please advise on the HW Revision number of FBF WLAN Annex B?

HWRevision 61
ProductID Fritz_Box_WLAN
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 0.18.01
bootserport tty0
bluetooth 00:04:0E:FF:FF:07
cpufrequency 150000000
firstfreeaddress 0x947310d8
firmware_version aol
firmware_info 08.04.01
flashsize 0x00400000
maca 00:04:0E:56:4D:2F
macb 00:04:0E:FF:FF:02
macwlan 00:04:0E:56:4D:30
macdsl 00:04:0E:56:4D:31
memsize 0x02000000
modetty0 38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1 38400,n,8,1,hw
mtd0 0x900C0000,0x903C0000
mtd1 0x90010000,0x900C0000
mtd2 0x90000000,0x90010000
mtd3 0x903C0000,0x903E0000
mtd4 0x903E0000,0x90400000
prompt AVM_Ar7
reserved 00:04:0E:FF:FF:00
req_fullrate_freq 125000000
sysfrequency 125000000
urlader-version 93
usb_board_mac 00:04:0E:56:4D:32
usb_rndis_mac 00:04:0E:56:4D:33
usb_device_id 0x3D00
usb_revision_id 0x0100
usb_device_name USB DSL Device
usb_manufacturer_name AVM
wlan_key 30383533363734393332343732
Only one question!!!

First of all, sory for my english (and german too :) )
I'm living in Russia and find that FBFW7050 is ideal for my internet home center, but I doubt in correct baying of this device on (as I know in Germany in use Annex B standart for ISDN-lines, but in my home work Annex A line) These standart differ as well as analogue part in modem and DSLAM too. Is this true that it is possible to correct converting such device from Annex B German (partN 20002306) to Annex A International (partN 20002326 hmm...)? In this case, I shall buy it.
garikkk schrieb:
Is this true that it is possible to correct converting such device from Annex B German (partN 20002306) to Annex A International (partN 20002326 hmm...)?

Yes it's true. That's why we named this thread "Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version" :)

There are several ways to do it. I myself prefer the way I described in post number 167.
telefonicus schrieb:
Yes it's true. That's why we named this thread "Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version" :)
Ok. But I still doubt in occasion of an electric part the same convertation.
DSLAM of my provider has Annex A standart and my old modem too and they work fine. After that conversation the new device only at a level of an firmware becomes AnnexA, and at an electric level remains Annex B.
Or I am not right? :)
Whether I shall collide with problems at converting the device 7050 from 1und1 (black box) which I have bought on for 62 euro?
Big thanx!
garikkk schrieb:
Whether I shall collide with problems at converting the device 7050 from 1und1 (black box) which I have bought on for 62 euro?
Big thanx!

It works, believe it or not :)
Hi guys, I got it to work ( FON1) with your tips.
Thank you all.

I have a 7140 with firmware 30.04.01 .annex b

What I want is annex a....

so my question is:

when I do an upgrade with firmware 30.04.12 is it still possible with the upgrade to go from annex b to annex a
so the question is which firmware works ok with the modification

regards ronald10
With an established telnet connection, go to the var directory on the Fritz!Box:

cd /var
ls -l

you will see that there is a link called “html” pointing to /usr/www/avm/en

I d ont see the directorie. this command dónt work!
fritz box 7050 annex B

valterroque schrieb:
Hi guys, I got it to work ( FON1) with your tips.
Thank you all.
olá amigo, vejo que entendes alguma coisa destas fritz Box eu comprei uma no ebay, 7050 anexo B tentei converte-la para anexo A com o tal ficheiro *.tar disponibilizado neste forum, mas apesar de no DSL Information estar agora que a box é Annex A, continuo sem sinal de ADSL Porquê? continua com a web interfeice em Alemão e tive dificuldades com a interfeice após o update, pois não consigo FTP à box só telnet mas não sei bem que comandos utilizar na telnet aqueles que vi no site quote SETENV annex,A
quote SETENV HWRevision,77
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexA
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme

Changing to Annex B would be respectively:
quote SETENV annex,B
quote SETENV HWRevision,76
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexB
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme
não funcionam. Dá-me um erro qualquer ...
Neste momento parece tudo funcionar menos a ADSL diz que o cabo está desligado ou no hardware suported..
um abraço o meu inglês é muito fraco alemão não entendo.

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