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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    FB 7320 converting possible Hi forum, Recently my 7170 died, I lost the receipt and no chance it will be made :mad: I got a FB 7320 an was wondering if there is any chance that someone converted a FB 7320 to an Int version or is it impossible? :nemma: Cheers, Taido :-?
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    AVM Fritzbox 7320 DE-Version Annex B auf Annex A umflashen

    Fritzbox 7320 Hallo, Ich habe versucht meine 7320 (1&1) umflashen nach Annex A mit der ruKernelTool aber ohne Erfolg. :confused: emirdagli2002 sagt "Die Firmware bietet eine Auswahl im Web-Interface, wo man annex A aber auch Annex B wählen kann... " aber ich habe dass nicht gefunden oder...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear Imagomundi, First of all many thanks for your telcon help. I've sucesfully changed it back to the German version, but.... I cannot get DSL connected :confused: Whatever I've tried no avail! I am astonished as I thought all is back as to before (#1115). I then saved the...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Imagomundi at this moment the English version but when you say the German version is a bit better than I need to convert it back, so how will I do that? And do I need to set it back to Annex A or... furthermore now when checking the DSL overview I see no connection between Fb and DSL...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear Imagomundi :groesste: Ich habe es Geschäft, es ist den Problem von Vista Ultimate. Ich hatte mit den XP ohne "stony way" gemacht. Aber jetzt wollte ich kein Fehler mehr machen :blonk:, was ist den folgender Schritt? Do I need to connect to my provider and ....or???
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 I don't know if I'm allowed to say but I took it from here: ftp://ftp.***.de/ But cannot find the other one, is it under the German one? (found it, sorry to bother you)
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear imagomundi, Where can I get the file; "fritz.box_fon_5140.04.37.recover-image.exe" furthermore is it important that the DNS server address got a string? I'll try first thing in the morning. Vielen dank and I hope it will work! and that I've not killed the box.:mad:
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 The answer: en.29.04.67 The reason I stated this is due to the fact that in those >20 times tryings it seemed that it automatically returned (without the "en") to previous name 29.04.67, except avme stayed!
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear Imagomundi, Done it all as per your "direction" but without vail.:heul: Whenever I do it according what you said (done it over 20 times) the led of Power/DSL only once stopped and continue blinking. Furthermore it seems that it now stays in _info "en.29.04.67" can I not...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear Imagomundi, Tried the things you said but despite all parameters are still correct as per below when using the RECOVER: FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7170.AnnexB.en.04.67.recover-image.exe it states "Could not determine the version!" :mad: Can it be that between what I've set in the Fb...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear Telefonicus: quote GETENV HWRevision : quote GETENV ProductID: Fritz_Box_7170 quote GETENV annex: B quote GETENV firmware_version: avme quote GETENV firmware_info: 29.04.70 quote GETENV bootloaderVersion: 1.136 quote GETENV urlader-version: 1136 Can only connect...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb 7170 Dear el_valiente, Forgot to mention that :oops: , I indeed did that! ("quote SETENV firmware_version avme") And after succesfully have done it I have done it 2 more times to make sure it was correct! I furthermore asume that after have done RECOVER and it reboots itself I have...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear Imagomundi and Telefonicus, It seems I got one step further :) First I got when entered: quote SETENV firmware_info AnnexB.en.29.04.67 the 502 Command not implemented, after six tries I got: 200 SETENV command succesful. :rock: But when starting the recover tool it, after it...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb7170 Dear Imagomundi, Indeed it has been a long time ago when I did change networks. But I now know again! :) I've set it ip address as per your instruction (subnet mask automatically generated when entered); deafault gateway; Preferred DNS! Regarding your...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb 7170 Why O why! First I have to make my own computer address static IPV4 or Then press start; run and type ftp. This will open, in my case, firefox Then happens nothing, I see that the connection isn't connected a red cross, its only good for a few secs... What is...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb 7170 Dear Imagomundi, I've tried about 20 times without any success. I opened Run: CMD and couldn't type ftp. but ftp without the dot.:confused: Waited the 2 secs and entered! But still no connection, yeah just for a few seconds! And that is to short for...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Dear Imagomundi, As you said I've tried to Recover with that particular file but get the next message: One system found! - Detecting the current version. Could not determine the version! I also got a pop-up asking for username etc, I've only once set up username to enter the Fb. So obviously...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb 7170 It seems that the recovery "" cannot work with Vista. Get an error saying win2000/XP only:mad: Sorry used the wrong one, tried:"FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7170.AnnexA.en.04.67.recover-image.exe" But got this as an answer: FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb 7170 Dear Imagomundi, I really appreciate all help!! ;) But I cannot connect to the FB, tried via FTP! But no respons, my computer doesn't see the Fb or vice versa! If I need to try with telnet I do not know how that works :confused: So the big question for me is how do I get...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Fb 7170 Dear Telefonicus, Es tut mir leit das ich nicht herfor geschrieben hatte! But today I succeeded in connecting to the provider, it was after all my connection settings :mad: It was not required to use benutzername etc.:blonk: Edoch now I've tried to install the...
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