Zwangstrennung durch den Anbieter verschieben in die Zeit zwischen ?! Meaning?


Mitglied seit
4 Jan 2006
Punkte für Reaktionen
Can anyone explain what it means?? It's set on 1-2 uhr, what does it change if I select more uhr? Or if I disable that box?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Here in Germany most DSL-ISPs disconnect the DSL-Connection for a short moment, to avoid a connection with a static IP-adress.
This option in the Fritz!Box allows you to determine the moment where the box shortly disconnects to avoid a interruption of a phone call, etc.

Sorry for my terrible english ;)


Uhr is german for clock.
It also marks a time.

I for example set this to 4-5.
beause at this time of night it is most unlikely that anyone would use the Internet or VoIP.
Ok, then if I disable this box, my modem won't ever disconnect... I had a doubt since every night at 1.13h the modem looses the connection...
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