WiFi Firmware Upgrade procedure


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10 Jul 2007
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Hello 2 all
I wonder if somebody knows the exactly WiFi Firmware Upgrade procedure.
I red about it but still confused :(
How to edit those files for sms, etc...


  • WiFi Firmware Upgrade procedure.pdf
    233.1 KB · Aufrufe: 112
Search posts from user c0ke
Tnx woprr
But after numerous trying still no success for getting procedure started.:mad:
I wonder if some knows how trigger that upgrade, may be by sms??:confused:
Sorry for incompetence:(
Yeah! :p
It works; the upgrade starts if the charger is in.
The phone doesn’t ask for it.
All this was tested on another phone.
My phone’s USB port is damaged. :(
And the problem is how to change this setting
in it’s system.ini


By SMS, E-mail, etc... Any idea????
By tc300ex which dis- and reassembles a firmware *.img file in/from its contained files.
Download link is in the sticky thread above and in the wiki link in my signature.
I don't think that there's a way to change the requested setting in the system.ini on the phone itself.
The hint of woprr isn't useful for you because this presumes that you are able to update the ini-modified firmware which isn't possible because of your broken usb-port. And an update via Wifi needs the ini-modified firmware (for an update without power-connector) already on the phone.
To summarize: You need a firmware that allows wifi update without power-connector (which you can build following the hint of woprr) but you have no chance to get this firmware onto the phone (because your USB-Port is damaged and the alternative way using Wifi needs an intact usb-port in your current settings that aren't changeable on the phone). -> OK, there should be a chance...
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@woprr thank you for your replay
Thank you for understanding the essence of my problem.
I read in the file that I attached before:
There are only two ways to configure the parameters listed above:
- Configuring the factory settings
- Sending an OTAP SMS to the phone
In the first case the settings are put into the phone during the first firmware upgrade, only with a new upgrade allow to change the settings.
In the latter case it is possible !!! to send an SMS to the phone that contains all the settings with the required values.
Refer to DP-L10 OTAP spec to have more information regarding OTAP."
It is possible to trigger a firmware upgrade sending an OTAP message. As example below is present the OTAP template to schedule a firmware upgrade:
When DMP receives the SMS it asks user to accept the configuration, and then, after a reboot, the DMP sends the HTTP request to server A asking for the configuration file."

Unfortunately the template in the document that I have is missing so I can't try any further. Hoping somebody has the original document with attachment in it. Or maybe knows anything about it.:noidea:
That what I googled right now: dp-l10 is " OTAP: OMA Client Provisioning v1.1 " ????
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I have the same broken pdf-file, so no template.
But I have another file with some FAQs, maybe some could help you:

19. Can the DMP be upgraded by remote control?
The DMP can be upgraded remotely using OTAP SMS messages on the GSM network. The OTAP SMS can provision the SIP configuration, WAP configuration, WI-FI configuration, MMS configuration and then it can upgrade the DMP with a new firmware release.
Concerning the release upgrading, the OTAP SMS are used for sending DMP the instructions about the HTPP server that contains the firmware. The remote upgrade is performed on the WiFi side, so the WiFi network must be up.
Pirelli Broadband Solutions has also developed the DuMan (Dual Mode Manager), a remote management platform, to manage automatically the DP-L10 settings and firmware upgrade. To have further information, please refer to the DuMan documentation.

So you should try to find the DuMan. I've already googled for this but with no success.

29. How can I do the parameters provisioning?
Three ways are available:
1) DMP could contain a setup wizard which helps the user to configure the phone.
2) Pirelli developed Home Access Gateway that is able to configure automatically the phone.
3) Service provider can send a SMS to configure a lot of parameters. The protocol used is OTAP, and Pirelli developed a software platform, called DuMan, to manage automatically the provisioning and the firmware upgrade.
It’s also possible to pre-configure WiFi settings as default or to change it manually on each DMP.

On the site http://www.pirellibroadband.com/web/products-solutions/access-products/default.page (scroll down) is a link to a pdf-file for the DuMan, but unfortunaly none for the program itself.

44. Does the DP-L10 support OTA Provisioning?
Yes it supports OMA client provisioning v1.1.
45. Which profile could be provisioned using OTA messages?
Using OTA provisioning you can configure all WiFi, MMS, WAP and also the SIP profile. Moreover you can also provision the information IP address for firmware download. The DuMan can manage the OTA provisioning, using such software the customer can work only on the parameters without any OTA knowledge.

So the only solution for you is to find this DuMan, I think. Then you should be able to create such an OTAP-file. But I have no idea where to find, sorry.

Btw, did you use the settings from this post for wifi-update? http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showpost.php?p=954460&postcount=3
And what program do you use as web-server?

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