Where is rsync?


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3 Jan 2006
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I'm sorry for using English here, but I don't speak German.

I would like to add rsync to my Freetz image for 7240. But unfortunately I cannot find it in menuconfig, while it is listed on http://trac.freetz.org/wiki/packages . I have checked Freetz 1.1.2 and stable-1.1.

Can anyone tell how can get rsync for my image?

Thank you,
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dies ist die automatische Übersetzung, weil ich nicht sprechen Deutsch.

Ich möchte hinzufügen, rsync, um meine Freetz Bild für 7240. Aber leider kann ich nicht finden in menuconfig, während sie auf http://trac.freetz.org/wiki/packages aufgeführt ist. Ich habe Freetz 1.1.2 und stabile-1.1 überprüft.

Kann jemand sagen, wie kann rsync für mein Bild zu bekommen?

Possibly it's only available in trunk so you shoul wait until a freetz-1.2 is released.
Any ideas when Freetz 1.2 would be available? Is trunk version stable enough to use it?
It will be available when it is done. The trunk is unstable by definition, and not supported, so you must decide for yourself whether you want to try it.
The same answer for you as for everyone else: When it's done. No minute earlier or later than this.

Your other question: trunk mybe working, but even maybe not working and brick your box so you have to recover. The behavior changes sometimes. But if you want to pre-alpha-test: be welcome but keep in mind that you should be able to help yourself with linux-questions and be able to recover your box by your own and even be able to use the searchfunktion in wiki an forum. And cause your german isn't ass good as it could be you should be able to use a kind of translation system.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I think I meet all the criteria. Recovering is not something I'm affraid of, but rather that internet or phone stops working when I'm out of home. Believe me - my wife wouldn't be happy about it.

Actually I'm a software developer and Linux was my primary platform for some period of time (though I didn't know I can search with "/" in menuconfig; thanks for tip (but I grepped ".config" whole sources for rsync before asking)). Also Google Translate is actully a must to play with Fritz. I really appreciate the English parts of the freetz.org, but German ones are much, much wider.
Feel free to participate the english part of our wiki after automated translation an some test by yourself.
For those who would be interesed I've made rsync run on freetz 1.1. This is what I did:

1. Compile Freetz from trunk with rsync selected.
2. Copy build/modified/filesystem/usr/bin/rsync and all files from build/modified/filesystem/usr/lib/freetz (maintain links) to disk attached to Fritz
3. Create rsyncd.conf in the same destination directory with this content:

uid = ftpuser
gid = root
use chroot = yes

        path = /var/media/ftp/uStor01
        charset = UTF-8
        read only = false

4. Run rsync daemon with command:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ./rsync --daemon --config=rsyncd.conf

And you have rsync service running :) Obviously you will need to run the step 4 after every reboot. I think I'll add it to my next Freetz image so it autostarts (unless 1.2 is sooner).

One note here - I force UTF-8 charset because if I add "unix charset = UTF-8" option to Freetz Samba, then you can have national characters in both Windows share and rsync in consistent way. I'll need to check how to do it for FTP also (probably I'll need vsftp package). I couldn't make Polish characters working without it. But keep in mind that file names in SSH console won't be proper.

Another note here. Why I need rsync so much? Because this is the most convenient backup tool for me. You can very easily (see script below) run incremental builds (only changed files will take storage; it is using hard links) but from file system perspective you have separate snapshots for every backup, and you can remove any of those without breaking any dependencies.

The script looks like this (you need Cygwin for Windows):


if [ ! -z "$3" ] ; then
prev=$( rsync $dst/ | grep -oE '[^ ]+' | tail -1 )

if [ "$OS" = "Windows_NT" ] ; then
  fixperm='--chmod=ug=rwX --chmod=o=rX'

rsync -av --link-dest=../$prev $fixperm $extraOptions "$src/" "$dst/$( date +'%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S' )"

And you run it like this (assuming you name it backup_rsync.sh and you have "backup" dir on your external drive):

./backup_rsync.sh /dir/to/backup rsync://firtz.box/uStor01/backup

I know duplicity is probably taking even fewer space and it does not require any service on storage, but it does not provide such easy access to backup. I could also probably mount the CIFS share and run rsync as on local files system ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The step 4. can be automated with rc.custom (or debug.cfg?).
Yes you can add your command to rc.custom.

What is this? There should be a path inside the parentheses.

The LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable allows to provide additional directories where shared libraries are storred. If you put variable assignment together with executing a program, the variable will be changed only in environment for this program. In this way you are not intrusive.

I assumed you have everything in current directory, therefore I've added "." to the path. Though I've made a small bug (I forgot "$") - it should be like this:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ./rsync --daemon --config=rsyncd.conf
A bit of a status. With larger transfers (eg. initial backup) with rsync, Fritz is rebooting. I had 3 or 4 reboots to transfer less than 100GB. In top it looks like the memory consumption for rsync process is growing during transfer and it is not going down when transfer is done. But I'm not sure if it is not including the "cached memory".

But I also had some problems with larger transers over Samba.

I'm using 7240 with Freetz stable-1.1, probably latest version, since there was not updates several days ago.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
In top it looks like the memory consumption for rsync process is growing during transfer and it is not going down when transfer is done.
You could try to prevent the growing of memory consumption during transfer, with trickle: click & click
The article shows using trickle on client side, which would result only in reduced bandwith. Should I then wrap rsync daemon on Fritz with trickle? I will try this evening. Just curiosity - how can it help in this?
Rsync has its own option to limit the bandwith.
And I also don't know why it should reduce memory usage.

On the other hand, "less than 100GB" is quite a lot for a small box. Did you transfer new files or modify existing ones?
That was initial copy. Now the updates will be much, much smaller. 100G is quite a lot, but as long as it goes to external drive I think it should be just a matter of how long it takes. Obviously unless rsync is keeping history about files already received. But I also wonder why the whole box reboots. I would more expect the rsync alone to crash. Maybe this is CPU overheating when used too long with 100% utilization.

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