#!/usr/bin/php -q
// Version 1.10 2005-09-20
// ------------
// CONFIG Parms
// ------------
// If the application is having problems you can log to this file
$parm_error_log = '/tmp/wakeup.log';
// Set to 1 to turn on the log file
$parm_debug_on = 1;
// This is where the Temporary WakeUp Call Files will be created
$parm_temp_dir = '/tmp';
// This is where the WakeUp Call Files will be moved to when finished
$parm_call_dir = '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing';
// How many times to try the call
$parm_maxretries = 3;
// How long to keep the phone ringing
$parm_waittime = 60; // How long to keep the phone ringing
// Number of seconds between retries
$parm_retrytime = 60;
// Caller ID of who the wakeup call is from Change this to the extension you want to display on the phone
$parm_wakeupcallerid = '"WakeUpCall" <44>';
// Set to 1 to use the Channel
// Set to 0 for Caller ID, Caller IS is assumed just a number ### or "Name Name" <##>
// The big difference is using caller ID will call ANY phone with that extension number
// Where using Channel will only wake up the one specific phone
$parm_chan_ext = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Which application to run when the call is connected.
$parm_application = 'MusicOnHold';
$parm_data = '';
// -- Use this for the ANNOY application
//$parm_application = 'AGI';
//$parm_data = 'wakeconfirm.agi';
// ----------------------------------------------------
GLOBAL $stdin, $stdout, $stdlog, $result, $parm_debug_on, $parm_test_mode;
// These setting are on the WIKI pages http://www.voip-info.org
$stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'r' );
$stdout = fopen( 'php://stdout', 'w' );
// You will see a whole bunch of this its for development or if you change anything and
// want to write to a log file in the TMP directory
if ($parm_debug_on)
$stdlog = fopen( $parm_error_log, 'w' );
fputs( $stdlog, "---Start---\n" );
// ASTERISK * Sends in a bunch of variables, This accepts them and puts them in an array
// http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk%20AGI%20php
while ( !feof($stdin) )
$temp = fgets( $stdin );
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, $temp );
// Strip off any new-line characters
$temp = str_replace( "\n", "", $temp );
$s = explode( ":", $temp );
$agivar[$s[0]] = trim( $s[1] );
if ( ( $temp == "") || ($temp == "\n") )
// There are two ways to contact a phone, by its channel or by its local
// extension number. This next session will extract both sides
// split the Channel SIP/11-3ef4 or Zap/4-1 into is components
$channel = $agivar[agi_channel];
if (preg_match('.^([a-zA-Z]+)/([0-9]+)([0-9a-zA-Z-]*).', $channel, $match) )
$sta = trim($match[2]);
$chan = trim($match[1]);
// Go Split the Caller ID into its components
$callerid = $agivar[agi_callerid];
// First look for the Extension in <####>
if (preg_match('/<([ 0-9]+)>/', $callerid, $match) )
$cidn = trim($match[1]);
else // Did not find the <##...> look for the first number in the string to use as CID
if (preg_match('/([0-9]+)/', $callerid, $match) )
$cidn = trim($match[1]);
$cidn = -1; // I'm saying an error no caller id # found
// Check if we have an outstanding Wakeup Call file
if ( $parm_chan_ext )
$dir_check = "$chan.$sta.call";
$dir_check = "ext.$cidn.call";
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Checking Directory [$parm_call_dir] Check=[$dir_check]\n" );
// I started to think we could have many outstanding wakup calls, but then
// it got very confusing on how to delete just one of them. I wasn't about
// to prompt each and every one. So I went back to JUST ONE wakeup call
// But this will get a list of all of them incase of problems
$dir_handle = opendir( $parm_call_dir );
while( $file = readdir($dir_handle ) )
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "File=$file\n" );
// Check if we have an outstanding wakup call
if (strstr( $file, $dir_check ) )
$out[$outc++] = $file;
closedir( $dir_handle );
// This is where we interact with the caller. Answer the phone and so on
$rc = execute_agi( "ANSWER ");
sleep(1); // Wait for the channel to get created and RTP packets to be sent
// On my system the welcome you would only hear 'elcome' So I paused for 1 second
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE welcome \"\" ");
// They have an outstanding wakup call
if ( $outc )
$i = 0;
while ( $out[$i] )
$wtime = strtok( $out[$i], '.' );
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "wakeup found=$out[0] saying time $wtime\n" );
say_wakeup( $wtime );
// Check if any outstanding wakeup calls
if ( $outc )
// Start prompting them if they want to create or delete a wakeup call
while ( !$rc[result] )
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE for-wakeup-call \"12\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE press-1 \"12\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE to-cancel-wakeup \"12\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE press-2 \"12\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "WAIT FOR DIGIT 15000");
if ( $rc[result] != -1 )
if ( $rc[result] == 49 || $rc[result] == 50 )
; // Do nothing
// This was just for fun, if they press something other than 1 or 2
$rc[result] = 0;
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE you-dialed-wrong-number \"\" ");
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE wrong-try-again-smarty \"\" ");
else // Default to Creating a wakeup call
$rc[result] = '49';
// Process which key they pressed
// I check most of my Return Codes incase the call is hung up
// Being a phone person, I want to be able to skip the prompts, so I allow for entry over
// The prompts. Makes for more code, but make for quicker entry after you know what to key
switch( $rc[result] )
case '49': // Pressed 1 - This is to schedule a NEW wakeup call
$rc[result] = 0;
while ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE please-enter-the \"0123456789\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE time \"0123456789\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE for \"0123456789\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE your \"0123456789\" ");
// If we get here, they haven't pressed anything yet.
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "GET DATA wakeup-call 15000 4");
if ( $rc[result] != -1 )
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "We have num digits:" . strlen( $rc[result]) . "- $rc[result] \r\n\r\n" );
// This check how many digits, if 2 then they pre-pressed a digit,
// Otherwise it will be 4
if ( strlen( $rc[result] ) == 2 )
$num= $rc[result]-48;
while ( strlen($num) < 4 && $rc[result] > 0 )
$rc = execute_agi( "WAIT FOR DIGIT 15000");
if ( $rc[result] >= 48 && $rc[result] <= 57 )
$num .= $rc[result] - 48;
$rc[result] = 0;
if (strlen($num) == 4 )
$rc[result] = $num;
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Checking Results [$rc[result]] \r\n\r\n" );
// They entered 4 digits, check if its a valid time or they hung up
if ( $rc[result] > 2359 || strlen( $rc[result]) < 4 || substr($rc[result],2,2) > 59 || $rc[result] < 0)
$rc[result] = 0;
//$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE invalid \"\" ");
//$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE time \"\" ");
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE please-try-again \"\" ");
if (strlen( $rc[result] ) == 4 && $rc[result] == 0 )
$rc[result] = -2; // Special 00:00 time
if ( $rc[result] == -2 )
$rc[result] = '0000';
else if ( $rc[result] == -1 )
exit; // The user hung up
// Save the time entered
$wtime = $rc[result];
// We don't know who the user is, so if its less than 1300 it could be AM or PM, so prompt
// them for am pm
if ( $wtime != -1 && $wtime < 1300 )
$rc[result] = 0;
while ( !$rc[result] )
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "GET DATA 1-for-am-2-for-pm 15000 1");
switch( $rc[result] )
case '1': // Set to AM should be under 1159 or less
if ( $wtime > 1159 )
$wtime -= 1200;
$rc[result] = 0;
case '2': // Set to PM should be equal or over 1200
if ( $wtime < 1159 )
$wtime += 1200;
$rc[result] = 0;
// At this point we have a millitary time in the $wtime variable
if ( $parm_chan_ext )
$wakefile = "$parm_temp_dir/$wtime.$chan.$sta.call";
$callfile = "$parm_call_dir/$wtime.$chan.$sta.call";
$wakefile = "$parm_temp_dir/$wtime.ext.$cidn.call";
$callfile = "$parm_call_dir/$wtime.ext.$cidn.call";
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Wakeup File [$wakefile]\n" );
// Open up a wakeup file to write it out.
$wuc = fopen( $wakefile, 'w');
if ( $wuc )
// Delete any old Wakeup call files this one will override
for ($i=0; $i < $outc; $i++ )
if( file_exists( "$parm_call_dir/$out[$i]" ) )
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Unlinking Old File [$parm_call_dir/$out[$i]]\n" );
unlink( "$parm_call_dir/$out[$i]" );
// I've noticed that the other WAKEUP example has a different format. This worked for me
// Here is where we either make the call to the Extension or the Channel. Extension
// is the better way to go, but required the caller ID information. Where Channel
// should always get you back to where you were called from, provided its on your system
if ( $parm_chan_ext )
fputs( $wuc, "channel: $chan/$sta\n" );
fputs( $wuc, "channel: Local/$cidn@$agivar[agi_context]\n" );
fputs( $wuc, "maxretries: $parm_maxretries\n");
fputs( $wuc, "retrytime: $parm_retrytime\n");
fputs( $wuc, "waittime: $parm_waittime\n");
fputs( $wuc, "callerid: $parm_wakeupcallerid\n");
fputs( $wuc, "application: $parm_application\n");
fputs( $wuc, "data: $parm_data\n");
fclose( $wuc );
$w = getdate();
$w['hours'] = substr( $wtime, 0, 2 );
$w['minutes'] = substr( $wtime, 2, 2 );
$time_wakeup = mktime( substr( $wtime, 0, 2 ), substr( $wtime, 2, 2 ), 0, $w[mon], $w[mday], $w[year] );
$time_now = time( );
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, 'time_wakeup=' . date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A', $time_wakeup) . " ($time_wakeup) | time_now=" . date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A',$time_now) . " ($time_now)\n" );
if ( $time_wakeup <= $time_now )
$time_wakeup += 86400; // Add One Day on
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, 'Setting WAKEUP file to =' . date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A', $time_wakeup) . " - $time_wakeup\n" );
touch( $wakefile, $time_wakeup, $time_wakeup );
rename( $wakefile, $callfile );
// Couldn't open the file. Make sure you created the /var/lib/asterisk/wakeups directory
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Error opening file [$wakefile]\n" );
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE something-terribly-wrong \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE goodbye \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "HANGUP");
// If we have a caller ID and waking up by extension say the extension number
if ( $cidn && $parm_chan_ext == 0 )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE for \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE extension \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "SAY DIGITS $cidn \"\" ");
say_wakeup( $wtime );
$rc[result] = 0;
// This is the END Of a new wakeup call
case '50': // Pressed 2 - Delete old wakeup calls
// Go through the list of old files and unlink/delete them
for ($i=0; $i < $outc; $i++ )
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Checking Directory [$parm_call_dir] Check=[$parm_call_dir/$out[$i]]\n" );
if( file_exists( "$parm_call_dir/$out[$i]" ) )
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Unlinking Wakeup File [$parm_temp_dir/$out[$i]]\n" );
unlink( "$parm_call_dir/$out[$i]" );
// If Caller ID and recording by Extension then say the extension
if ( $cidn && $parm_chan_ext == 0 )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE for \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE extension \"\" ");
$L = strlen( $cidn );
for( $i = 0; $i < $L && !$rc[result]; $i++ )
$cid_digits = substr( $cidn, $i, 1 );
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "SAY NUMBER $cid_digits \"\" ");
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE wakeup-call-cancelled \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE goodbye \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
$rc = execute_agi( "HANGUP");
if ($parm_debug_on)
// ----------------------------------------------
// This will say military time in AM/PM format
// ----------------------------------------------
function say_wakeup( $wtime )
GLOBAL $stdin, $stdout, $stdlog, $parm_debug_on;
$pm = 0;
if ($wtime > 1159 )
$wtime -=1200;
$pm = 1;
if ($wtime <= 59 )
$wtime += 1200;
if ( strlen( $wtime ) == 3 )
$wtime = '0' . $wtime;
$h = substr( $wtime, 0, 2 );
$h1 = substr( $wtime, 0, 1 );
$h2 = substr( $wtime, 1, 1 );
$m = substr( $wtime, 2, 2 );
$m1 = substr( $wtime, 2, 1);
$m2 = substr( $wtime, 3, 1);
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Wakeup time is set to $wtime\n" );
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE rqsted-wakeup-for \"\" ");
if ( !$rc[result] )
if ( $h1 == 0 )
$rc = execute_agi( "SAY NUMBER $h2 \"\"");
$rc = execute_agi( "SAY NUMBER $h \"\"");
if ( !$rc[result] )
if ($m == 0 )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE digits/oclock \"\" ");
if ( $m1 == 0 )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE digits/oh \"\" ");
$rc = execute_agi( "SAY NUMBER $m2 \"\" ");
$rc = execute_agi( "SAY NUMBER $m \"\"");
if ( !$rc[result] )
if ( $pm )
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE digits/p-m \"\" ");
$rc = execute_agi( "STREAM FILE digits/a-m \"\" ");
// This function will send out the command and get
// the response back
function execute_agi( $command )
GLOBAL $stdin, $stdout, $stdlog, $parm_debug_on;
fputs( $stdout, $command . "\n" );
fflush( $stdout );
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, $command . "\n" );
$resp = fgets( $stdin, 4096 );
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, $resp );
if ( preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,3}) (.*)/", $resp, $matches) )
if (preg_match('/result=([-0-9a-zA-Z]*)(.*)/', $matches[2], $match))
$arr['code'] = $matches[1];
$arr['result'] = $match[1];
if (isset($match[3]) && $match[3])
$arr['data'] = $match[3];
return $arr;
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Couldn't figure out returned string, Returning code=$matches[1] result=0\n" );
$arr['code'] = $matches[1];
$arr['result'] = 0;
return $arr;
if ($parm_debug_on)
fputs( $stdlog, "Could not process string, Returning -1\n" );
$arr['code'] = -1;
$arr['result'] = -1;
return $arr;