- Mitglied seit
- 11 Mrz 2006
- Beiträge
- 38
- Punkte für Reaktionen
- 0
- Punkte
- 6
Moin Leute,
ich bin hier schon seit Tagen am verzweifeln mit Wireguard.
Das Problem:
Nach dem verbinden vom Handy läuft sehr selten die Verbindung zum LAN (wozu ich es eigentlich brauche), etwas öfters funktioniert die Verbindung ins Web, aber meistens geht gar nichts.
Das Ziel:
Eine zuverlässige Verbindung zu meinen LAN-Geräten.
Mein Routing:
Raspi (statisch -> hängt am Xiaomi Router ( -> hängt (mit statischer IP: am Vodafone Router ( -> hat einen DDNS Dienst für feste IP (xxxxxx.mooo.com)
Was ich bisher versucht habe:
- ping auf DDNS (xxxxxx.mooo.com) -> richtige IP wird immer aufgelöst
- Xiaomi - Router getauscht -> war vorher TP-Link -> gleiches Problem
- Vodafone Router getauscht -> war vorher Speedport -> gleiches Problem
- In den Wireguard configs 100x gefummelt (mit wenig Ahnung) -> keine Veränderung
Ich poste mal meine configs:
Raspi: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf:
[Edit Novize: Riesenbild gemäß der Forumsregeln auf Vorschau verkleinert]
wg show auf dem Raspi zeigt, wenn gar nichts geht:
Log aus der Handy App, wenn gar nichts geht:
Danke schon mal im Voraus, dass Ihr euch mit meinen Problemen beschäftigt
EDIT: Ip des Xiaomi Routers korrigiert (Verschreiber). Es ist natürlich:
EDIT2: copy & paste Fehler der Raspi - Config behoben
ich bin hier schon seit Tagen am verzweifeln mit Wireguard.
Das Problem:
Nach dem verbinden vom Handy läuft sehr selten die Verbindung zum LAN (wozu ich es eigentlich brauche), etwas öfters funktioniert die Verbindung ins Web, aber meistens geht gar nichts.
Das Ziel:
Eine zuverlässige Verbindung zu meinen LAN-Geräten.
Mein Routing:
Raspi (statisch -> hängt am Xiaomi Router ( -> hängt (mit statischer IP: am Vodafone Router ( -> hat einen DDNS Dienst für feste IP (xxxxxx.mooo.com)
Was ich bisher versucht habe:
- ping auf DDNS (xxxxxx.mooo.com) -> richtige IP wird immer aufgelöst
- Xiaomi - Router getauscht -> war vorher TP-Link -> gleiches Problem
- Vodafone Router getauscht -> war vorher Speedport -> gleiches Problem
- In den Wireguard configs 100x gefummelt (mit wenig Ahnung) -> keine Veränderung
Ich poste mal meine configs:
Raspi: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf:
MTU = 1420
Address =
ListenPort = 6666
PrivateKey = ...... (ersetzt weil geheim )
#replace eth0 with the interface open to the internet (e.g might be wlan0 if wifi)
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
PublicKey = abcde.....(ersetzt weil geheim )
AllowedIPs =
EndPoint = xxxxxx.mooo.com:6666
[Edit Novize: Riesenbild gemäß der Forumsregeln auf Vorschau verkleinert]
wg show auf dem Raspi zeigt, wenn gar nichts geht:
pi@raspi4B:~ $ sudo wg show
interface: wg0
public key:.............
private key: (hidden)
listening port: 6666
peer: abcde....
allowed ips:
latest handshake: 1 hour, 29 minutes, 6 seconds ago
transfer: 392 B received, 218.30 KiB sent
Log aus der Handy App, wenn gar nichts geht:
--------- beginning of events
02-14 17:12:37.848 31493 31493 I am_on_restart_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performRestartActivity]
02-14 17:12:37.854 31493 31493 I am_on_start_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,handleStartActivity]
02-14 17:12:37.855 31493 31493 I am_on_resume_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
02-14 17:13:12.851 31493 31493 I am_on_paused_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performPause]
02-14 17:13:13.448 31493 31493 I am_on_stop_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,LIFECYCLER_STOP_ACTIVITY]
02-14 17:13:13.450 31493 31493 I am_on_destroy_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performDestroy]
02-14 17:14:41.059 31493 31493 I am_on_create_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performCreate]
02-14 17:14:41.073 31493 31493 I am_on_start_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,handleStartActivity]
02-14 17:14:41.074 31493 31493 I am_on_resume_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
02-14 17:14:49.448 31493 31493 I am_on_paused_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performPause]
02-14 17:14:49.469 31493 31493 I am_on_stop_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM]
02-14 18:22:16.959 31493 31493 I am_on_restart_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performRestartActivity]
02-14 18:22:16.961 31493 31493 I am_on_start_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,handleStartActivity]
02-14 18:22:16.965 31493 31493 I am_on_resume_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
--------- beginning of main
02-14 18:22:19.121 31493 31512 I WireGuard/GoBackend: Bringing tunnel Raspi4-org UP
02-14 18:22:19.122 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend: Requesting to start VpnService
02-14 18:22:19.311 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend: Go backend eb6302c
02-14 18:22:19.311 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Attaching to interface tun0
02-14 18:22:19.311 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: UAPI: Updating private key
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 4 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 6 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 2 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 2 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 4 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 1 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 4 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 2 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 1 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 5 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 1 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 3 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 5 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 8 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 5 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 7 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 3 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 7 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 7 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 3 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: TUN reader - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: handshake worker 8 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 8 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32712 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: event worker - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: UAPI: Updating listen port
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: UAPI: Removing all peers
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: decryption worker 6 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: encryption worker 6 - started
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - UAPI: Created
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - UAPI: Adding allowedip
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - UAPI: Adding allowedip
02-14 18:22:19.312 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - UAPI: Updating endpoint
02-14 18:22:19.313 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - UAPI: Updating persistent keepalive interval
02-14 18:22:19.313 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: UDP bind has been updated
02-14 18:22:19.313 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Starting
02-14 18:22:19.313 31493 31518 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: receive incoming v4 - started
02-14 18:22:19.313 31493 31518 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Routine: receive incoming v6 - started
02-14 18:22:19.314 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending keepalive packet
02-14 18:22:19.314 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Routine: sequential sender - started
02-14 18:22:19.314 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:22:19.314 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Routine: sequential receiver - started
02-14 18:22:19.315 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Interface state was Down, requested Up, now Up
02-14 18:22:19.315 31493 31512 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: Device started
02-14 18:22:19.326 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Received handshake response
02-14 18:22:21.896 31493 31493 I am_on_paused_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performPause]
02-14 18:22:21.936 31493 31493 I am_on_stop_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM]
02-14 18:22:31.744 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Received handshake initiation
02-14 18:22:31.744 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake response
02-14 18:22:34.794 31493 3251 E WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Failed to send data packet: write udp4> sendto: network is unreachable
02-14 18:22:34.816 31493 31521 E WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Failed to send data packet: write udp4> sendto: network is unreachable
02-14 18:22:34.816 31493 31521 E WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Failed to send data packet: write udp4> sendto: network is unreachable
02-14 18:22:47.332 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Retrying handshake because we stopped hearing back after 15 seconds
02-14 18:22:47.332 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:22:48.667 31493 31493 I am_on_restart_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performRestartActivity]
02-14 18:22:48.678 31493 31493 I am_on_start_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,handleStartActivity]
02-14 18:22:48.680 31493 31493 I am_on_resume_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
02-14 18:22:52.426 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 2)
02-14 18:22:52.426 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:22:56.428 31493 31493 I menu_item_selected: [0,Einstellungen]
02-14 18:22:56.446 31493 31493 I am_on_paused_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,performPause]
02-14 18:22:56.461 31493 31493 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@af56da9
02-14 18:22:56.485 31493 31493 I am_on_create_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.SettingsActivity,performCreate]
02-14 18:22:56.527 31493 31493 I am_on_start_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.SettingsActivity,handleStartActivity]
02-14 18:22:56.528 31493 31493 I am_on_resume_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.SettingsActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
02-14 18:22:56.544 31493 31513 W WireGuard/RootShell: Root check did not return correct UID: null
02-14 18:22:57.034 31493 31493 I am_on_stop_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.MainActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM]
02-14 18:22:57.537 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 3)
02-14 18:22:57.537 31493 3251 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:23:02.485 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Retrying handshake because we stopped hearing back after 15 seconds
02-14 18:23:02.739 31493 31518 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 2)
02-14 18:23:02.739 31493 31518 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:23:04.039 31493 31493 I am_on_paused_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.SettingsActivity,performPause]
02-14 18:23:04.057 31493 31493 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@f81a03e
02-14 18:23:04.086 31493 31493 I am_on_create_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.LogViewerActivity,performCreate]
02-14 18:23:04.087 31493 31493 I am_on_start_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.LogViewerActivity,handleStartActivity]
02-14 18:23:04.088 31493 31493 I am_on_resume_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.LogViewerActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
02-14 18:23:04.581 31493 31493 I am_on_stop_called: [0,com.wireguard.android.activity.SettingsActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM]
02-14 18:23:07.774 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 3)
02-14 18:23:07.774 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:23:13.005 31493 31518 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 4)
02-14 18:23:13.005 31493 31518 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:23:17.657 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Retrying handshake because we stopped hearing back after 15 seconds
02-14 18:23:18.011 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 2)
02-14 18:23:18.011 31493 32711 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:23:23.201 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 3)
02-14 18:23:23.201 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:23:28.408 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying (try 4)
02-14 18:23:28.408 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Sending handshake initiation
02-14 18:23:33.055 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Retrying handshake because we stopped hearing back after 15 seconds
02-14 18:23:33.501 31493 31521 D WireGuard/GoBackend/Raspi4-org: peer(2Dvn…nFgc) - Handshake did not complete after
Danke schon mal im Voraus, dass Ihr euch mit meinen Problemen beschäftigt
EDIT: Ip des Xiaomi Routers korrigiert (Verschreiber). Es ist natürlich:
EDIT2: copy & paste Fehler der Raspi - Config behoben
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