Using another modem ADSL


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5 Nov 2006
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I bought F!B 7141 Annex B. I couldn't convert it to Annex A.
So i bought new ADSL modem Annex A - DSL-300G+ ADSL Modem.

And I don't know how to connect it. I know how do do this if it would be with router, but this modem doesn't have it.

Please help me, becouse now I don't know what to do!:confused:

The point is to configure internet connection like that:
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I know how to configure modem. It's OK.
But I don't know how to configure Fritzz Box!Fon 7141...

Modem gives changeable IP address (it hanges one time peer hour - Polish Neostrada) to computer or router.
The point is that in the LAN is no router - modem doesn't have it. Also I don't know how to use router in Fritz if even it has.

So, my question is: how to configure Fritz with modem ADSL, which doesn't have router?

Thanks a lot.
Yes, it's German box - everything is in German. I bought it in eBay.
I totally don't understand German.
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for a generell information how to configure your Fritz please take look here (7050 User's Manual - english version).

Then, if you still want to integrate the Fritz in your existing Network please take a look in this manual (Fritz fon ata, here especially pages 34/35). In this case, the only way to connect your computer with the Fritz is IMHO using a wireless link (7050 User's Manual, p. 55 - 59).

Wish you success
en tot ziens

PS: Sorry for my english - lack of training ... ;)
I've already read it. I've found nothing about my problem.

The point is that my modem ADSL has no router. Modem gives IP to one computer or router (WAN) in network.
The modem is not a Gateway!
If I connect modem to LAN it doesn't work. I should connect to WAN port, but there is only port for telephone line.

Please don't give me manuals becouse I've read it and I'm not a beginnier.
Read my posts carrerfoully and understand the problem.

dont be angry, O.K.? :)

Do you know what IP you get from the Modem?
You can proof that with the DOS-Console (cmd) and
ipconfig / all.
Next command should be:
to see, what Number the DSN-Server shows.

The Box must have a fixed IP with one Number the Modem gives through and the DHCP-Server of the Box must turned off!
EDIT: The Best way to configure the Box is to connect the PC via LAN allone. The PC should have by connecting the first Time with the Box.

BtW you know the english Site of AVM? The link ist the FAQ-Site. Please have a look at the Site. May be there is something to solve your Problem!
Thanks. :)
I can't do that, becouse my IP changes one time peer hour. Also when I disconect and connect IP is not the same.
Also when I connect through WLAN new computer it won't work (then will be 2 - box and computer for one IP from modem).

I think it is not possible to connect the modem to LAN. It needs router, but I don't know how to turn it on and use with LAN port.

Thanks a lot.
please remove the Box from the Modem.
Then connect the Box via LAN-Cable with the PC.
The PC must have the fixed IP
Now you should be able to logon to the Box.
At the Webinterface you can do the Settings under "Einstellungen - System - Netzwerkeinstellungen".
BtW, under "Ansicht" mark the "Expertenansicht" for more details, O.K.?
OK. I see that you know what you're talking about! :D

But I don't know what I should put in the gaps?
Also in the section internet which option should I choose?

use "Einstellungen" - "System" - "Netzwerkeinstellungen" - "IP-Adressen" and put the IP's in you got with ipconfig, O.K.? Please deactivate DHCP!
you only will see the Options when you turn on "Ansicht" "Expertenansicht".
Please have a look at Page 69 of the Manual. ;)
I had Expert mode. It was something else, but now is OK.
But you still think that I have one IP from modem. It changes when I connect and disconnect modem.
I think need to change settings in "Internet" => "Zugangsdaten". I tried all options, but it is not working...
Yes i think so, therefore you have to do the commands at the Console (cmd) i wrote.
Please do so and post the result.
Then we will continue, O.K.?
It is working! :D :rock:
Thanks a lot for help!
I just needed to wait a while for connecting modem.

DHCP can be turned on.
The point is to configure internet connection like that:
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Pleasure! You are Welcome! :D
Congratualtions, because it ist not easy to understand my English! ;)
Congratiulations, also!

Please don't give me manuals becouse I've read it and I'm not a beginnier.
Read my posts carrerfoully and understand the problem.

Think, I did. The solution you found is explained p. 34f. in the Fon-Ata-User's Manual ...

Tot ziens
Bofore I wriote this topic i read them. Also there was nothing important, but only general informations.
I did it the same before, but I didn't wait to let the modem connect. It needs 30 seconds to connect with ADSL.

Yesterday I waited a moment and it conneced rightly.

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