twintel (Arcor) firmware

Sorry, I can't give you an answer and documentation - is like your last question --- every time "try and error".

If you found out, what the


do, just tell me. I can't see any differents. Perhaps it has something do with the right klick of the Coursor, but I don't use my tell with GSM, only with WLAN so ??????


To activate 2 or more sip profiles 4 things.

1. copy any entry with S0 to S1 -- but don't change the order in the ini file -- do the copy in the [CUSTOMIZATION] and [WiFi Setting] of S0

2. Set

3. Don't miss to set
S0_NAME= and
to different names

3. For sending DTMF Signal set
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Hab ein modifiziertes "DMT Utility" gefunden, in welchem das versteckte Menü "Engineer Mode" freigeschalten wurde. Scheint aber nicht von nutzen zu sein. Die neuen Möglichkeiten sind:

1. Wechsel der Sprache (de/en)
2. Start Debug (hat bei mir gar nichts bewirkt :confused:)

[Edit wichard: Link entfernt]
everythings ok now,

Looking for a way to translate the firmware and also to edit the images in the firmware (.art files).

I didn't find yet what about the WIFI_PROFAUTOMAPPINGSIPPROFID entry...
I will keep you informed.


For ART Converter see here and send a PN to rac for user and Password.

MiniMe schrieb:
Also den Namen des SIP-Profils kannst du relativ einfach ändern:

Beim Profil 0 steht ja

Bei S1_Name musst du nur etwas ähnliches einfügen.
Also für VOIP2 z.B.


da bin ich verwirrt:confused:
Ich habe die SIP Namen wie oben geändert, aber Twintel zeigt immer "VoIP" und "SIP Profil 2":(

Hab ich da was übersehen ?

Versuche es mal mit:

Bei mir wird das korrekt angezeigt.
Tippfehler schrieb:
Versuche es mal mit:

Bei mir wird das korrekt angezeigt.

Leider ohne Erfolg. Könnte es sein, dass es bei Sipgate Firmware nicht funktioniert?

Diese Anzeige kommt nur, wenn in der INI Datei ein Fehler ist. Entweder nicht alle Parameter korrekt, oder die Reihenfolge nich korrekt.

Diskussion zur abgestrahlten Leistung verschoben nach Allgemein.

Bekomme seit einiger Zeit keine Verbindung mehr zu meinem 2ten Router hergestellt (WEP). Ich bekomme einfach keine IP mehr zugeteilt. Vor meinen zahlreichen Aenderungen an der wifi_voip.ini ging noch alles. Am Router (Speedport W 500V) hab ich nichts verstellt. Hat jemand eine Idee woran es liegen könnte? (Verbindung mit anderem Router und WPA2 klappt prima)

Edit: Hab meine wifi_voip.ini wieder entfernt. Hab mal die unmodifizierte Firmware PU_D910.0.3.99c_ACR.img (von Arcor) aufgespielt und das Problem besteht immernoch. Mit der Vorversion gab es keine Probleme mit der Verbindung. Liegt also wohl an dem Firmware-Versionsunterschied.

Deshalb mal noch ne andere Frage, war die Vorversion von Arcor PU_D910.0.3.91_ACR.img oder gabs dazwischen auch noch ne Version? Und hat jemand ähnliche Probleme mit der 99c Version?

Das Problem lag an meinem Router (W 500V), welcher mir keine IP-Adresse zugeteilt hat. Hab auf WPA umgestellt und nun keine Probleme mehr. Mehr Infos unter:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
unnötiges fullquote gelöscht von rollo
hi there, I'm italian and I can't speak german :(
But I had a problem with my tc300 twintel and this forum seems to be the best palce for an help request:

After an upgrade to the last arcor firmware (99c acr) the memory is definitively full, there's no space for kamera pics, sounds and so on, but not only:
I cannot up or downgrade the FW, because at 3% of the process it gives me an interruption message for memory full.

Every time i restart the phone, it forgets all the wlan and sip settings, and the language prefs....

I tried many times to make every kind of resets, with many combinations such as ####810# (that restarts the phone) or ####4444# (nothing seems to happen...) but nothing.

I have no pics, contacts or sound, the phone is brand new, my need was only to have 2 sip profiles available, but now is impossible to do nothing.... :(

Any suggestion?
Thank you giuseppe

p.s. only the .91 version FW seems to load, but every time it goes to 21% it stops with the memory full message :(

sorry, what does displaybild deaktivieren and how to do it?

please help me! thank you!

i had the same problem, but i could figure it out by switching to the .98 firmware with the twintel dmt-utility.first is to delete any picture and ringtone.It didn't work the first time, you will have to try manytimes.

tc300 and others

got the same problem...

Rebooting My pc also the tc300 and having the program from Pirelli solves the problem.

Hope it helps

Did he cross-post?

haven't seen that.
your answer to his post is quiet not friendly, just my point of view...

Best regards,

even follups are unwanted. Please use the "Ändern" (Edit) Button ;)

just a question, is it a forum?
Or something where you are the boss telling to all, just shut up...

Very friendly, I must say.

kind regards,

zolivier schrieb:
just a question, is it a forum?

It is indeed. And quite a popular one. One of the reasons it continues to be a popular forum is the application of a couple of forum rules by its members (or, well, most of them).

You may have had trouble to read these rules as they are in German, it is clearly indicated there that full-quotes are not acceptable in this forum. Same for cross-postings or posting again in the same thread, without any answer given before (which you have done twice now already).

So before ranting around, I would advise you to do some research - these subjects have been discussed endlessly here already. But instead of you judging a mod here I would be very interested in your opinion of what to think about a guy who doesn't even have ten posts yet but feels entitled to rant about an old forum member with plenty of merits?

Last not least - there are spell checkers around ...


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