[0mAsterisk 11.23.0, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2013 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <[email protected]>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
[0m[0mConnected to Asterisk 11.23.0 currently running on raspbx (pid = 1742)
[0K == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[0K -- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-trunk-sip-Telekom ausgehend:1] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "GROUP()=OUT_1") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-trunk-sip-Telekom ausgehend:2] Goto("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "from-trunk,<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480,1") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (from-trunk,<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480,1)
[0K -- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-trunk:1] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Catch-All DID Match - Found <RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480 - You probably want a DID for this.") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-trunk:2] Log("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "WARNING,Friendly Scanner from") in new stack
[0K[2016-09-08 19:12:51] WARNING[4047][C-0000008b]: Ext. <RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480:2 @ from-trunk: Friendly Scanner from
-- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-trunk:3] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__FROM_DID=<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-trunk:4] Goto("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "ext-did,s,1") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (ext-did,s,1)
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:1] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(__FROM_DID=s)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:2] Gosub("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "sub-record-check,s,1(in,s,dontcare)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:1] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?initialized") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__REC_STATUS=INITIALIZED") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:3] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "NOW=1473354771") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:4] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__DAY=08") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:5] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__MONTH=09") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:6] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__YEAR=2016") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:7] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__TIMESTR=20160908-191251") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:8] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__FROMEXTEN=unknown") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:9] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__MON_FMT=wav") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:10] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Recordings initialized") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:11] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(ARG3=dontcare)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:12] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "REC_POLICY_MODE_SAVE=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:13] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(REC_STATUS=NO)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:14] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "2?checkaction") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,s,17)
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:17] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?sub-record-check,in,1") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,in,1)
[0K -- Executing [in@sub-record-check:1] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Inbound Recording Check to s") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [in@sub-record-check:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "FROMEXTEN=unknown") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [in@sub-record-check:3] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "13?Set(FROMEXTEN=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [in@sub-record-check:4] Gosub("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "recordcheck,1(dontcare,in,s)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [recordcheck@sub-record-check:1] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Starting recording check against dontcare") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [recordcheck@sub-record-check:2] Goto("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "dontcare") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,recordcheck,3)
[0K -- Executing [recordcheck@sub-record-check:3] Return("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [in@sub-record-check:5] Return("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:3] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CDR(did)=<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:4] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1 ?Set(CALLERID(name)=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:5] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:6] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__MOHCLASS=default") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:7] Ringing("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:8] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__REVERSAL_REJECT=FALSE") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:9] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?post-reverse-charge") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (ext-did,s,11)
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:11] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:12] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__CALLINGNAMEPRES_SV=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:13] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__CALLINGNUMPRES_SV=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:14] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CALLERID(name-pres)=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:15] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CALLERID(num-pres)=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:16] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CallerID Entry Point") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@ext-did:17] Goto("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "from-did-direct,30,1") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (from-did-direct,30,1)
[0K -- Executing [30@from-did-direct:1] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__RINGTIMER=15") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [30@from-did-direct:2] Macro("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "exten-vm,30,30,0,0,0") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:1] Macro("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "user-callerid,") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:1] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "TOUCH_MONITOR=1473354771.201") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "AMPUSER=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:3] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?report") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:4] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:5] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "AMPUSER=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:6] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?limit") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:7] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:8] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?report") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,14)
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:14] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?continue") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:15] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__TTL=64") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:16] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?continue") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,27)
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:27] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CALLERID(number)=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:28] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CALLERID(name)=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:29] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CDR(cnum)=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:30] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CDR(cnam)=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:31] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CHANNEL(language)=en") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "RingGroupMethod=none") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:3] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__EXTTOCALL=30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:4] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__PICKUPMARK=30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:5] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "RT=15") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:6] Gosub("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "sub-record-check,s,1(exten,30,dontcare)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:1] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "13?initialized") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,s,10)
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:10] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Recordings initialized") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:11] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(ARG3=dontcare)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:12] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "REC_POLICY_MODE_SAVE=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:13] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(REC_STATUS=NO)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:14] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "5?checkaction") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,s,17)
[0K -- Executing [s@sub-record-check:17] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?sub-record-check,exten,1") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,exten,1)
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:1] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Exten Recording Check between <MOBILFUNKNUMMER> and 30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CALLTYPE=external") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:3] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(CALLTYPE=)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:4] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "CALLEE=dontcare") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:5] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(CALLEE=dontcare)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:6] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?callee") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,exten,11)
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:11] Gosub("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "recordcheck,1(dontcare,external,30)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [recordcheck@sub-record-check:1] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Starting recording check against dontcare") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [recordcheck@sub-record-check:2] Goto("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "dontcare") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (sub-record-check,recordcheck,3)
[0K -- Executing [recordcheck@sub-record-check:3] Return("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [exten@sub-record-check:12] Return("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:7] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?macrodial") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (macro-exten-vm,s,13)
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:13] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?clrheader,1()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:14] Macro("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "dial-one,15,Ttr,30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:1] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "DEXTEN=30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "DIALSTATUS_CW=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:3] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?screen,1()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:4] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?cf,1()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:5] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?skip1") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (macro-dial-one,s,8)
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:8] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?nodial") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:9] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?continue") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:10] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "EXTHASCW=ENABLED") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:11] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?next1:cwinusebusy") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (macro-dial-one,s,23)
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:23] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?next3:continue") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (macro-dial-one,s,25)
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:25] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?nodial") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:26] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?dstring,1():dlocal,1()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:1] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "DSTRING=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "DEVICES=30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:3] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Return()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:4] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(DEVICES=0)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:5] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "LOOPCNT=1") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:6] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "ITER=1") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:7] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "THISDIAL=SIP/30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:8] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?zap2dahdi,1()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:1] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Return()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:2] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "NEWDIAL=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:3] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "LOOPCNT2=1") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:4] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "ITER2=1") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:5] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "THISPART2=SIP/30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:6] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(THISPART2=DAHDI/30)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:7] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "NEWDIAL=SIP/30&") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:8] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "ITER2=2") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:9] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?begin2") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:10] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "THISDIAL=SIP/30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [zap2dahdi@macro-dial-one:11] Return("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:9] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?docheck") in new stack
[0K -- Goto (macro-dial-one,dstring,12)
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:12] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?skipset") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:13] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "DSTRING=SIP/30&") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:14] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "ITER=2") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:15] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?begin") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:16] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Return()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:17] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "DSTRING=SIP/30") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [dstring@macro-dial-one:18] Return("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:27] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?nodial") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:28] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?skiptrace") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:29] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?ctset,1():ctclear,1()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [ctset@macro-dial-one:1] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "DB(CALLTRACE/30)=<MOBILFUNKNUMMER>") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [ctset@macro-dial-one:2] Return("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:30] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "D_OPTIONS=Ttr") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:31] NoOp("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "Blind Transfer: , Attended Transfer: , User: , Alert Info: ") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:32] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(ALERT_INFO=)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:33] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(ALERT_INFO=)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:34] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?Set(ALERT_INFO=)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:35] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?func-set-sipheader,s,1(Alert-Info,)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:36] ExecIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=default)") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:37] GosubIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?qwait,1()") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:38] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__CWIGNORE=") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:39] Set("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "__KEEPCID=TRUE") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:40] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "0?usegoto,1") in new stack
[0K == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
[0K == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[0K -- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-sip-external:1] NoOp("SIP/tmobile.de-000000ca", "Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to <RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-sip-external:2] Set("SIP/tmobile.de-000000ca", "DID=<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480") in new stack
-- Executing [<RUFNUMMER MIT VORWAHL>-480@from-sip-external:3] Goto("SIP/tmobile.de-000000ca", "s,1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-sip-external,s,1)
-- Executing [s@from-sip-external:1] GotoIf("SIP/tmobile.de-000000ca", "0?checklang:noanonymous") in new stack
-- Goto (from-sip-external,s,5)
-- Executing [s@from-sip-external:5] Set("SIP/tmobile.de-000000ca", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=15") in new stack
-- Channel will hangup at 2016-09-08 19:13:06.304 CEST.
-- Executing [s@from-sip-external:6] Log("SIP/tmobile.de-000000ca", "WARNING,"[COLOR=#b22222]Rejecting unknown SIP connection from[/COLOR]"") in new stack
[2016-09-08 19:12:51] WARNING[4048][C-0000008c]: Ext. s:6 @ from-sip-external: "Rejecting unknown SIP connection from"
-- Executing [s@from-sip-external:7] Answer("SIP/tmobile.de-000000ca", "") in new stack
[0K -- Executing [s@macro-dial-one:41] GotoIf("SIP/Telekom ausgehend-000000c9", "1?godial") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dial-one,s,46)