Telefon-Labor-Firmware 29.04.97-8853


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Mitglied seit
15 Feb 2006
Punkte für Reaktionen
Habe gerade gesehen, dass AVM eine neue Telefon-Laborfirmware auf dem Server hat.
Auch wenn ich mich bisher erfolgreich von Laborfirmwares ferngehalten habe, macht mich das Changelog diesmal sehr neugierig:

Verbesserungen in der Version 29.04.97-8853

    * Anrufbeantworternachrichten per Mail weiterleiten
    * internes Fax: einkommende Faxe per Mail weiterleiten

Leider habe ich keine Zweitbox zum Spielen, aber falls jemand zu dieser Firmware einen positiven Erfahrungsbericht liefern kann, wäre ich sehr dankbar.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Whoopie schrieb:

Ok, ich präzisiere: Den ds-mod zu opfern steht definitiv nicht zur Debatte. D.h. mich interessiert, ob jemand die Firmware erfolgreich mit dem ds-mod verheiratet hat.
Wir sind schon schnell, die neuen A-CH-Firmwares haben wir ja auch schon drin, obwohl sie inzwischen wieder vom Server entfernt wurden. Die neue Labor wird bestimmt auch bald drin sein, Oliver ist da fix (ich mache gerade etwas anderes), nur bräuchten wir uns im Grunde gar nicht so zu beeilen, weil Ihr ja vor dem nächsten Release sowieso nichts davon habt.
Für die die es interessiert, ich habe es mal probiert.
der 110-rc.S-mknod.patch fällt auf die Nase.

applying patches
  applying patches (7170_labor_phone-de)
    applying patch file ./patches/100-profile.patch
    patching file etc/profile
    applying patch file ./patches/110-system_status.patch
    patching file usr/bin/system_status
    applying patch file ./patches/120-inittab_console.patch
    patching file etc/inittab
    applying patch file ./patches/130-fstab.patch
    patching file etc/fstab
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/
    patching file etc/init.d/
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/110-rc.S-mknod.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 269.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file etc/init.d/rc.S.rej
ERROR: modpatch: Error in patch-file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/110-rc.S-mknod.patch
make: *** [firmware-nocompile] Fehler 2


carlos schrieb:
Für die die es interessiert, ich habe es mal probiert.
der 110-rc.S-mknod.patch fällt auf die Nase.

Nicht nur der, das ist aber alles trivial (bisschen white space, hier und da ein bisschen Kontext, insgesamt hatte sich glaube ich nur eine Zeile wirklich geändert).

Schwieriger war da schon, meine Config soweit abzuspecken, dass sie auch mit dieser Firmware wieder in die 8 MB passte ;)
Hast du da einen patch dafür ?
Dann würde ich es mal probieren, ansonsten kann ich gerne auf das neue dsmod release warten

carlos schrieb:
Hast du da einen patch dafür ?

Einen patch nicht direkt, aber ich kann Dir mal anhängen, wie die Patches in 7170_labor_phone jetzt bei mir aussehen. Disclaimer: Die ersten paar Korrekturen habe ich gemacht, bevor ich das Auto-Fuzz-Feature gefunden habe, als ich "-l" wegen der Whitespace-Geschichte (AVM hat hier und da ein paar Tabs wegoptimiert) einbauen wollte - was dann aber auch nicht wirklich funktioniert hat. Evtl. hätte man mit AUTO_FIX_PATCHES weniger machen müssen. Aber so wie sie jetzt sind, laufen sie jedenfalls auch ohne durch - zumindest hier.

(Edit: Disclaimer2 wäre dann noch, dass das ganze ungetestet ist. Das Image wird generiert und ich denke, die Patches patchen was sie sollen. Aber sie sind nicht "sauber" neu gebaut.)

(edit: Anhang gelöscht. Neue Version weiter unten.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Danke für den Patch, aber jetzt geht es bei mir dann hier nicht mehr weiter:

applying wol patch
    applying patch file ./patches/cond/de/webmenu-wol-7170_labor_phone.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_fon.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 75.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_fon.html.rej
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homehome.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 47.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homehome.html .rej
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homekonfig.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 14.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/ ml.rej
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_internet.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 89 with fuzz 1.
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_software.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 14.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_software.html .rej
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_system.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 92.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_system.html.r ej
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_usb.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 33.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_usb.html.rej
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_wlan.html
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 50.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_wlan.html.rej
ERROR: modpatch: Error in patch-file ./patches/cond/de/webmenu-wol-7170_labor_phone.patch
make: *** [firmware-nocompile] Fehler 2

carlos schrieb:
Danke für den Patch, aber jetzt geht es bei mir dann hier nicht mehr weiter:

applying wol patch ...

Womit dann klar geworden sein dürfte, dass das WOL-CGI in meiner Konfig nicht
drin ist. Ist aber wieder nur das Tab-Problem (leicht modifiziert dadurch, dass dieser Patch bereits gepatchte Dateien verändert und ich die Tabs in den Modifikationen drin gelassen hatte).

Probier mal diesen. (.txt bitte entfernen - die Forensoftware erlaubt .patch leider nicht) (edit: Anhang gelöscht. Neue Version weiter unten.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So damit wird das image generiert
Vielen Dank nochmal für die patches.
Werde sie mal auf meiner 2. 7170 drauf machen.
Mal schauen wie sie läuft.
Danke nochmal.


ändere doch bitte deinen Titel aus "ds-mod ds26-15.2 mit neuer laborfirmware" o.ä.
Ich glaube dann kommen auch ein paar Antworten mehr.

also ich habe mit den beiden Patchen eine neu FW gebacken. Make lief auch ohne grössere Fehlermeldungen durch.
feisty@feisty-laptop:~/ds26-15.2$ STEP 1: UNPACK
unpacking firmware image
splitting kernel image
unpacking filesystem image
  created 1162 files
  created 94 directories
  created 202 symlinks
  created 155 devices
  created 0 fifos
unpacking var.tar

applying patches
  applying patches (7170_labor_phone-de)
    applying patch file ./patches/100-profile.patch
    patching file etc/profile
    applying patch file ./patches/110-system_status.patch
    patching file usr/bin/system_status
    applying patch file ./patches/120-inittab_console.patch
    patching file etc/inittab
    applying patch file ./patches/130-fstab.patch
    patching file etc/fstab
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/
    patching file etc/init.d/
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/110-rc.S-mknod.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 270 with fuzz 2.
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/120-rc.S-dev.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 83 (offset 11 lines).
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/130-rc.S-logging.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 76 with fuzz 1.
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/290-replace_websrv-remove_igdd.patch
    patching file bin/prepare_fwupgrade
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 42 (offset 4 lines).
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 107 (offset 11 lines).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 121 (offset 11 lines).
    patching file etc/init.d/
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 231 (offset 4 lines).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 289 (offset 5 lines).
    Hunk #4 succeeded at 306 (offset 6 lines).
    Hunk #5 succeeded at 357 (offset 19 lines).
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/de/130-foncalls.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/fon/foncalls.js
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 147 with fuzz 2.
    applying patch file ./patches/7170_labor_phone/de/190-webmenu.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_fon.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 69 (offset -5 lines).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homehome.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homekonfig.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_internet.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_software.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_system.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 95 (offset 4 lines).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_usb.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 31 (offset -1 lines).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_wlan.html
  creating symlink /tmp and /mod
  setting subversion 'ds26-15.2'
  renaming ar7login to make way for wrapper script
  applying printk patch
  applying wol patch
    applying patch file ./patches/cond/de/webmenu-wol-7170_labor_phone.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_fon.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 70 (offset -5 lines).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homehome.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homekonfig.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_internet.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_software.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_system.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 96 (offset 4 lines).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_usb.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 32 (offset -1 lines).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_wlan.html
  applying webmenu signed patch
  applying USB storage patch
    applying patch file ./patches/cond/usbstorage.patch
    patching file etc/hotplug/run_mount
  removing assistant
  removing avm's libcrypto
  patching tr069.cfg
  removing avm's libssl
  patching run_mount
    applying patch file ./patches/cond/storage.patch
    patching file etc/hotplug/storage
  removing oem: freenet
installing mod base
  copying files
  installing libs
replacing busybox
  replacing busybox-8mb_26
  installing symlinks
  installing modules
  generating modules.dep
  copying files
  installing libs
installing packages
invoking custom script

  Checking for left over Subversion directories
squashfs blocksize
  hidden squashfs: 65536
  root filesystem: 65536
packing var.tar
creating filesystem image
merging kernel image
  kernel image size: 5799424 (max: 7798784)
packing 7170_labor_phone_04.97-ds26-15.2.de_20071013-081620.image

Wenn ich die FW jedoch auf die Box lade startet diese alle paar Minuten neu und das WebIF ist extrem langsam.
TR69.cfg ist auf no umgesetzt, daher sollten die reboots also nicht kommen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Guten Morgen Alexander,
wollte soeben die neue FW für 7170 ANNEX A downloaden.
Sitzte da in Österreich mit eine nagelneuen 7170 Annex A und brauch die neue FW.

Kannst du mir helfen ??
Warum wurde die FW wieder entfernt ?
Es wurmt mich, dass ich die FW nicht sofort abgeholt habe.


Die A-CH-Firmwares wurden wieder vom Server entfernt, weil es eine Reboot-Schleife damit gab.

MfG Oliver
hallo Oliver,
hast du schon irgendwelche Infos ob diese FW auch mit dem DS-Mod funktioniert.
Bei mir endet das Ganze in einer Rebootschleife und einem langsamen Web-IF.
Wenn ich was testen kann, nur zu :)
Dann hätte ich gerne die Ausgabe von ps und top. Eventuell noch dmesg und logread... :)

MfG Oliver
brauchst du diese Ausgaben mit oder ohne mod?
mit mod wird die zeit nicht reichen diese befehle auszuführen und zu kopieren.
ohne mod:
# ps
  PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command
    1 root        304 S   init       
    2 root            SWN [ksoftirqd/0]
    3 root            SW< [events/0]
    4 root            SW< [khelper]
    5 root            SW< [kthread]
    6 root            SW< [kblockd/0]
   23 root            SW< [pdflush]
   24 root            SW< [pdflush]
   26 root            SW< [aio/0]
   25 root            SW  [kswapd0]
   62 root            SW  [pm_info]
   69 root            SW  [mtdblockd]
   95 root            SW  [tffsd_mtd_0]
  435 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd6]
  484 root            SW< [capi_oslib]
  485 root            SW< [capi_oslib]
  488 root            SW  [capitransp]
  510 root            SW< [khubd]
  601 root       3108 S N ctlmgr 
  638 root       1568 S N websrv 
  644 root       1948 S   igdd 
  659 root       1568 S N websrv 
  660 root       1568 S N websrv 
  662 root       1568 S N websrv 
  687 root       1944 S   multid 
  722 root       1812 S   dsld -i -n 
  748 root       3084 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  750 root       3084 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  751 root       3084 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  752 root       3084 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  762 root       2480 S < voipd 
  771 root        892 S   pbd 
  772 root        892 S   pbd 
  779 root        892 S   pbd 
  780 root        892 S   pbd 
  791 root        180 S   /bin/run_clock -c /dev/tffs -d 
  801 root        304 S   init       
  832 root            SWN [scsi_eh_0]
  833 root            SWN [usb-storage]
  878 root       1948 S   igdd 
  879 root       1948 S   igdd 
  880 root       1948 S   igdd 
  881 root       1136 S   capiotcp_server -p5031 -m99 
  902 root       1476 S   usermand 
  922 root       3084 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  923 root       3084 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  924 root       3084 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
 1014 root        296 S   ftpd -D -q -t 120 -m 15 -h FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 
 1029 root            RWN [kdsld_token]
 1426 root        548 S   /bin/sh /var/tmp/tsb/websrv TSBDAEMON start 
 1788 root        648 S   wpa_authenticator 
 3552 root        232 S   sleep 60 
 3555 root        272 S   telnetd -l /sbin/ar7login 
 3556 root        412 S   -sh 
 3599 root        340 R   ps 
# top
-sh: top: not found
# dmesg 
>Calling initcall 0x941fa224: serial8250_init+0x0/0x10c()
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 1 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
ttyS0 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 15) is a OHIO_UART
[uart_add_one_port] dont register console port->type = 16
port->cons = 0x941c61f0 port->cons->flags = 0x7
[uart_add_one_port] success
Calling initcall 0x941fac18: noop_init+0x0/0xc()
io scheduler noop registered
Calling initcall 0x941fac24: cpmac_main_probe+0x0/0xd8()
Calling initcall 0x941facfc: cpphy_entry_probe+0x0/0x188()
[setup_irq]: irq 10 irqaction->handler 0x940f1350 (adm_interrupt+0x0/0x28 )
[cpmac] [cpmac_if_register] dev cpmac0 (phy_id 0) registered
Calling initcall 0x941faf14: net_olddevs_init+0x0/0x100()
Calling initcall 0x941fb07c: tun_init+0x0/0x90()
tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <[email protected]>
Calling initcall 0x941fb154: cmdline_parser_init+0x0/0xc()
Calling initcall 0x941fb160: init_mtdchar+0x0/0xc0()
Calling initcall 0x941fb220: init_mtdblock+0x0/0xc()
Calling initcall 0x941fb22c: cfi_probe_init+0x0/0x24()
Calling initcall 0x941fb250: cfi_amdstd_init+0x0/0x30()
Calling initcall 0x941fb280: cfi_intelext_init+0x0/0x4c()
Calling initcall 0x941fb2cc: jedec_probe_init+0x0/0x24()
Calling initcall 0x941fb2f0: map_ram_init+0x0/0x24()
Calling initcall 0x941fb314: init_physmap+0x0/0x170()
physmap flash device: 400000 at 10000000
phys_mapped_flash: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
phys_mapped_flash: Swapping erase regions for broken CFI table.
number of CFI chips: 1
RedBoot partition parsing not available
Calling initcall 0x941fb484: platram_init+0x0/0x30()
Generic platform RAM MTD, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics
Calling initcall 0x941fb4b4: init_ohio_flash+0x0/0x868()
Ohio flash driver (size->0x400000 mem->0x10000000)
Ohio flash memory: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank
[genprobe_ident_chips] 4 i 0 j 0
[genprobe_ident_chips] 5 i 0 j 1
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
Ohio flash memory: Swapping erase regions for broken CFI table.
number of CFI chips: 1
[mtd]: jffs2_size = 28 * 64KByte (0x1c0000 Bytes)
[ohio_find_hidden_filesystem]: super block found: bytes_used: 0x462b0e/4598542
[init_ohio_flash] find hidden filesystem size=0x6cb200 offset=0xb4e00
[mtd] configure jffs2 partition
[mtd] fs_size=0x510000 max=0x260000 is=0x1c0000 max jffs2_size value 38
[mtd] ohio_flash_map: name=Ohio flash memory bankwidth=2 virt=0xb0000000 phys=0x10000000 size=0x800000
Creating 7 MTD partitions on "Ohio flash memory":
0x000b4e00-0x00780000 : "filesystem"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
mtd: partition "filesystem" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only
0x00010000-0x00780000 : "kernel"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x00000000-0x00010000 : "bootloader"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x00780000-0x007c0000 : "tffs (1)"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x007c0000-0x00800000 : "tffs (2)"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x005c0000-0x00780000 : "jffs2"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x00010000-0x005c0000 : "Kernel without jffs2"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
partition_info[0]: name=filesystem offset=b4e00 size=6cb200
partition_info[0]: 0xb00b4e00: 0x73717368 0x64d
partition_info[1]: name=kernel offset=10000 size=770000
partition_info[1]: 0xb0010000: 0xfeed1281 0xa4db5
partition_info[2]: name=bootloader offset=0 size=10000
partition_info[2]: 0xb0000000: 0x40809000 0x40809800
partition_info[3]: name=tffs (1) offset=780000 size=40000
partition_info[3]: 0xb0780000: 0x40001 0xefffffff
partition_info[4]: name=tffs (2) offset=7c0000 size=40000
partition_info[4]: 0xb07c0000: 0x40001 0xf0ffffff
partition_info[5]: name=jffs2 offset=5c0000 size=1c0000
partition_info[5]: 0xb05c0000: 0x20031985 0xc
partition_info[6]: name=Kernel without jffs2 offset=10000 size=5b0000
partition_info[6]: 0xb0010000: 0xfeed1281 0xa4db5
Calling initcall 0x941fbefc: kcapi_init+0x0/0x9c()
Calling initcall 0x941fc040: capi_oslib_init+0x0/0x8()
Calling initcall 0x941fcb0c: blackhole_module_init+0x0/0xc()
Calling initcall 0x941fd7fc: inet_init+0x0/0x504()
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
TCP reno registered
Calling initcall 0x94200214: init+0x0/0x8()
Calling initcall 0x9420021c: bictcp_register+0x0/0xc()
TCP bic registered
Calling initcall 0x94200228: mcfw_init_module+0x0/0x2c()
mcfw: IGMPv3 fast forwarding
Calling initcall 0x94200254: af_unix_init+0x0/0xa0()
NET: Registered protocol family 1
Calling initcall 0x942002f4: packet_init+0x0/0x80()
NET: Registered protocol family 17
Calling initcall 0x94200374: br_init+0x0/0x68()
Calling initcall 0x94200430: atm_init+0x0/0xec()
NET: Registered protocol family 8
NET: Registered protocol family 20
Calling initcall 0x942005d4: br2684_init+0x0/0x54()
Calling initcall 0x941eb024: ohio_install_dummy_irq_functions+0x0/0x58()
[setup_irq]: irq 1 irqaction->handler 0x94001590 (dummy_timer_irq+0x0/0x14 )
[setup_irq]: irq 6 irqaction->handler 0x940015a4 (dummy_system_irq_2+0x0/0x14 )
Calling initcall 0x940017e4: ohio_late_init+0x0/0x3c()
Calling initcall 0x941eb160: ohio_clk_switch_init+0x0/0x60()
Calling initcall 0x941eb3dc: speedup_init+0x0/0x3c()
Calling initcall 0x941f881c: seqgen_init+0x0/0x20()
Calling initcall 0x940cdff0: avm_event_push_button_init+0x0/0x130()
[avm_new] push_button_gpio=8 value=1 enabled
Calling initcall 0x941f9a98: tffs_init+0x0/0x224()
TFFS: tiny flash file system driver. GPL (c) AVM Berlin (Version 2.0)
      mount on mtd4 and mtd5 (double buffering)
Adam2 environment variables API installed.
Calling initcall 0x941fa8e8: early_uart_console_switch+0x0/0xb4()
Calling initcall 0x94124db8: net_random_reseed+0x0/0x34()
Calling initcall 0x941fed1c: ip_auto_config+0x0/0x1120()
[prepare_namespace] new mount root /dev/mtdblock1
use lzma compression 
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly.
Freeing prom memory: 0kb freed
Freeing unused kernel memory: 112k freed (7582 free)
[setup_irq]: irq 15 irqaction->handler 0x940da01c (serial8250_interrupt+0x0/0x13c )
[setup_irq]: irq 15 irqaction->handler 0x940da01c (serial8250_interrupt+0x0/0x13c )
[setup_irq]: irq 15 irqaction->handler 0x940da01c (serial8250_interrupt+0x0/0x13c )
AR7WDT: System Init UEberwachung 240 Sekunden
TFFS Name Table 9
Piglet: module license '
(C) Copyright 2005 by AVM
' taints kernel.
EMIF: asize=1 ta=3 r_hold=0 w_strobe=6 r_strobe=6 ew=1
[avm_new]push_button 'Wlan-Taster', released: GPIO=8 presses=9250 key=button_key_3
JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) (C) 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc.
registered device TI Avalanche SAR
tiatm driver (patch_annex=0xc00ddeec)
[tiatm] Set StrictPriority=0
DSP binary filesize = 330196 bytes
[tiatm] INFO V2U-BRIDGEREGISTER: 0x00000019
[setup_irq]: irq 23 irqaction->handler 0xc00c5208 (tn7atm_sar_irq+0x0/0x30 [tiatm] )
[setup_irq]: irq 31 irqaction->handler 0xc00c5238 (tn7atm_dsl_irq+0x0/0x28 [tiatm] )
[tiatm]: Powermanagment (States => 1,3,10) supported!
Texas Instruments ATM driver: version:[]
ubik2 driver (ubik2 - 0x10=0xc00390d4)
atm_dsp_register_ubik2: ubik2_ToMIPS_notify=0xc0028bfc
atm_dsp_register_ubik2: dsp mem pointer 0xa1c113ec
ubik2_init_interface: DSP-Link Version v3 8600
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mit dsmod wäre schon besser. Wie soll ich sonst einen Fehler sehen?

MfG Oliver
OK, i will do my best :)
kann aber bis heute abend dauern.
Ging doch schneller
~ $ ps
  PID  Uid        VSZ Stat Command
    1 root       1432 S   init       
    2 root            SWN [ksoftirqd/0]
    3 root            SW< [events/0]
    4 root            SW< [khelper]
    5 root            SW< [kthread]
    6 root            SW< [kblockd/0]
   23 root            SW< [pdflush]
   24 root            SW< [pdflush]
   26 root            SW< [aio/0]
   25 root            SW  [kswapd0]
   62 root            SW  [pm_info]
   69 root            SW  [mtdblockd]
   95 root            SW  [tffsd_mtd_0]
   97 root       1432 S   init       
   98 root       1500 S   /bin/sh /etc/init.d/rc.S 
  152 root            Z   [mknod]
  153 root            Z   [mknod]
  272 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd6]
  288 root       1432 S   cat /dev/debug 
  295 root            SW< [capi_oslib]
  296 root            SW< [capi_oslib]
  297 root            SW  [capitransp]
  312 root            SW< [khubd]
  377 root            Z N [hub]
  380 root            Z N [ctlmgr]
  381 root      12340 R N ctlmgr 
  404 root       1988 S   wpa_authenticator 
  446 root            Z N [storage]
  461 root            SWN [scsi_eh_0]
  462 root            SWN [usb-storage]
  464 root            Z N [usb-stor-scan]
  501 root            Z   [usermand]
  502 root       5604 S   usermand 
  507 root            Z   [websrv]
  508 root       5580 R N websrv 
  511 root            Z   [igdd]
  512 root       6780 S   igdd 
  523 root       1448 S N /bin/sh /etc/hotplug/run_mount 002 /proc/bus/usb/001/
  529 root       5580 S N websrv 
  530 root       5580 S N websrv 
  533 root       5580 S N websrv 
  566 root            Z   [dnsmasq]
  567 root        836 S   dnsmasq -p 53 
  569 root            Z   [multid]
  570 root       5844 S   multid 
  575 root            Z   [multid]
  576 root            Z   [multid]
  584 root            Z   [dsld]
  585 root       6424 S   dsld -i -n 
  599 root            Z   [telnetd]
  600 root       1432 S   telnetd -l /sbin/ar7login 
  601 root      10668 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  608 root            Z   [voipd]
  609 root      10096 S < voipd 
  611 root      10668 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  612 root      10668 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  614 root       3820 S   pbd 
  615 root       3820 S   pbd 
  618 root       3040 S   faxd -a 
  622 root      10668 S   telefon a127.0.0.1 
  624 root       3820 S   pbd 
  625 root       3820 S   pbd 
  633 root        948 S   /bin/run_clock -c /dev/tffs -d
 $ dmesg 
g initcall 0x941fb220: init_mtdblock+0x0/0xc()
Calling initcall 0x941fb22c: cfi_probe_init+0x0/0x24()
Calling initcall 0x941fb250: cfi_amdstd_init+0x0/0x30()
Calling initcall 0x941fb280: cfi_intelext_init+0x0/0x4c()
Calling initcall 0x941fb2cc: jedec_probe_init+0x0/0x24()
Calling initcall 0x941fb2f0: map_ram_init+0x0/0x24()
Calling initcall 0x941fb314: init_physmap+0x0/0x170()
physmap flash device: 400000 at 10000000
phys_mapped_flash: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
phys_mapped_flash: Swapping erase regions for broken CFI table.
number of CFI chips: 1
RedBoot partition parsing not available
Calling initcall 0x941fb484: platram_init+0x0/0x30()
Generic platform RAM MTD, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics
Calling initcall 0x941fb4b4: init_ohio_flash+0x0/0x868()
Ohio flash driver (size->0x400000 mem->0x10000000)
Ohio flash memory: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank
[genprobe_ident_chips] 4 i 0 j 0
[genprobe_ident_chips] 5 i 0 j 1
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
Ohio flash memory: Swapping erase regions for broken CFI table.
number of CFI chips: 1
[mtd]: jffs2_size = 28 * 64KByte (0x1c0000 Bytes)
[ohio_find_hidden_filesystem]: super block found: bytes_used: 0x4e218e/5120398
[init_ohio_flash] find hidden filesystem size=0x6cb200 offset=0xb4e00
[mtd] configure jffs2 partition
[mtd] fs_size=0x590000 max=0x1e0000 is=0x1c0000 max jffs2_size value 30
[mtd] ohio_flash_map: name=Ohio flash memory bankwidth=2 virt=0xb0000000 phys=0x10000000 size=0x800000
Creating 7 MTD partitions on "Ohio flash memory":
0x000b4e00-0x00780000 : "filesystem"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
mtd: partition "filesystem" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only
0x00010000-0x00780000 : "kernel"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x00000000-0x00010000 : "bootloader"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x00780000-0x007c0000 : "tffs (1)"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x007c0000-0x00800000 : "tffs (2)"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x005c0000-0x00780000 : "jffs2"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
0x00010000-0x005c0000 : "Kernel without jffs2"
        'Bits can be cleared (flash)'
        'Has an erase function'
partition_info[0]: name=filesystem offset=b4e00 size=6cb200
partition_info[0]: 0xb00b4e00: 0x73717368 0x715
partition_info[1]: name=kernel offset=10000 size=770000
partition_info[1]: 0xb0010000: 0xfeed1281 0xa4db5
partition_info[2]: name=bootloader offset=0 size=10000
partition_info[2]: 0xb0000000: 0x40809000 0x40809800
partition_info[3]: name=tffs (1) offset=780000 size=40000
partition_info[3]: 0xb0780000: 0x40001 0xefffffff
partition_info[4]: name=tffs (2) offset=7c0000 size=40000
partition_info[4]: 0xb07c0000: 0x40001 0xeeffffff
partition_info[5]: name=jffs2 offset=5c0000 size=1c0000
partition_info[5]: 0xb05c0000: 0x20031985 0xc
partition_info[6]: name=Kernel without jffs2 offset=10000 size=5b0000
partition_info[6]: 0xb0010000: 0xfeed1281 0xa4db5
Calling initcall 0x941fbefc: kcapi_init+0x0/0x9c()
Calling initcall 0x941fc040: capi_oslib_init+0x0/0x8()
Calling initcall 0x941fcb0c: blackhole_module_init+0x0/0xc()
Calling initcall 0x941fd7fc: inet_init+0x0/0x504()
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
TCP reno registered
Calling initcall 0x94200214: init+0x0/0x8()
Calling initcall 0x9420021c: bictcp_register+0x0/0xc()
TCP bic registered
Calling initcall 0x94200228: mcfw_init_module+0x0/0x2c()
mcfw: IGMPv3 fast forwarding
Calling initcall 0x94200254: af_unix_init+0x0/0xa0()
NET: Registered protocol family 1
Calling initcall 0x942002f4: packet_init+0x0/0x80()
NET: Registered protocol family 17
Calling initcall 0x94200374: br_init+0x0/0x68()
Calling initcall 0x94200430: atm_init+0x0/0xec()
NET: Registered protocol family 8
NET: Registered protocol family 20
Calling initcall 0x942005d4: br2684_init+0x0/0x54()
Calling initcall 0x941eb024: ohio_install_dummy_irq_functions+0x0/0x58()
[setup_irq]: irq 1 irqaction->handler 0x94001590 (dummy_timer_irq+0x0/0x14 )
[setup_irq]: irq 6 irqaction->handler 0x940015a4 (dummy_system_irq_2+0x0/0x14 )
Calling initcall 0x940017e4: ohio_late_init+0x0/0x3c()
Calling initcall 0x941eb160: ohio_clk_switch_init+0x0/0x60()
Calling initcall 0x941eb3dc: speedup_init+0x0/0x3c()
Calling initcall 0x941f881c: seqgen_init+0x0/0x20()
Calling initcall 0x940cdff0: avm_event_push_button_init+0x0/0x130()
[avm_new] push_button_gpio=8 value=1 enabled
Calling initcall 0x941f9a98: tffs_init+0x0/0x224()
TFFS: tiny flash file system driver. GPL (c) AVM Berlin (Version 2.0)
      mount on mtd4 and mtd5 (double buffering)
Adam2 environment variables API installed.
Calling initcall 0x941fa8e8: early_uart_console_switch+0x0/0xb4()
Calling initcall 0x94124db8: net_random_reseed+0x0/0x34()
Calling initcall 0x941fed1c: ip_auto_config+0x0/0x1120()
[prepare_namespace] new mount root /dev/mtdblock1
use lzma compression 
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly.
Freeing prom memory: 0kb freed
Freeing unused kernel memory: 112k freed (7582 free)
[setup_irq]: irq 15 irqaction->handler 0x940da01c (serial8250_interrupt+0x0/0x13c )
AR7WDT: System Init UEberwachung 240 Sekunden
TFFS Name Table 9
Piglet: module license '
(C) Copyright 2005 by AVM
' taints kernel.
[avm_new]push_button 'Wlan-Taster', released: GPIO=8 presses=8000 key=button_key_3
EMIF: asize=1 ta=3 r_hold=0 w_strobe=6 r_strobe=6 ew=1
JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) (C) 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc.
registered device TI Avalanche SAR
tiatm driver (patch_annex=0xc00ddeec)
[tiatm] Set StrictPriority=0
DSP binary filesize = 330196 bytes
[tiatm] INFO V2U-BRIDGEREGISTER: 0x00000019
[setup_irq]: irq 23 irqaction->handler 0xc00c5208 (tn7atm_sar_irq+0x0/0x30 [tiatm] )
[setup_irq]: irq 31 irqaction->handler 0xc00c5238 (tn7atm_dsl_irq+0x0/0x28 [tiatm] )
[tiatm]: Powermanagment (States => 1,3,10) supported!
Texas Instruments ATM driver: version:[]
ubik2 driver (ubik2 - 0x10=0xc00390d4)
atm_dsp_register_ubik2: ubik2_ToMIPS_notify=0xc0028bfc
atm_dsp_register_ubik2: dsp mem pointer 0xa1c113ec
ubik2_init_interface: DSP-Link Version v3 8600
driver params overwritten io_addr=0x0 irq_num=0
[tiatm] DSL in training!
[capi_codec] support fax
usbcore: registered new driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new driver hub
        AHCI RevisionID = 0x02, RamSize = 16384, NumPorts= 1
[setup_irq]: irq 9 irqaction->handler 0xc00bb490 (ahci_irq+0x0/0x880 [usbahcicore] )
ahci : new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
kdsldmod: init start (Sep 14 2007 12:49:34) sizeof(struct sk_buff)=176
kdsldmod: init done
kdsld: PPP led: off (value=0)
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
[tiatm] DSL in training!
avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN' registered with minor 0.
usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using ahci and address 2
SCSI subsystem initialized
[ohio_vlynq_init] device 0
[setup_irq]: irq 29 irqaction->handler 0x940059ac (vlynq_interrupt+0x0/0x34 )
[setup_irq]: irq 79 irqaction->handler 0xc0401fac (tiwlan_ddaVlynqIsr+0x0/0x28 [tiap] )
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
USB Mass Storage device (08ec:0016) detected...
scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
usb-storage: device found at 2
usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
usbcore: registered new driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
[tiatm] ioctl wird von chrdev nicht unterst
[avm_power] : ethernet port 0 status 2
[avm_power] : ethernet port 1 status 2
[avm_power] : ethernet port 2 status 2
[avm_power] : ethernet port 3 status 2
userman: LAN Client Internet-Accounting and Blocking
userman: device registerd with major=228
userman: init ok
  Vendor: Kingston  Model: DataTraveler U3   Rev: 6.15
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 00
SCSI device sda: 988159 512-byte hdwr sectors (506 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 45 00 00 08
sda: assuming drive cache: write through
SCSI device sda: 988159 512-byte hdwr sectors (506 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 45 00 00 08
sda: assuming drive cache: write through
 sda: sda1
Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
  Vendor: Kingston  Model: DataTraveler U3   Rev: 6.15
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 00
usb-storage: device scan complete
[setup_irq]: irq 27 irqaction->handler 0x940eaa8c (cpmac_main_isr+0x0/0x78 )
[cpmac] cpmac_main_ioctl, unknown ioctl 35142
device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
device cpmac0 entered promiscuous mode
lan: port 1(eth0) entering learning state
lan: topology change detected, propagating
lan: port 1(eth0) entering forwarding state
device tiwlan0 entered promiscuous mode
lan: port 2(tiwlan0) entering learning state
lan: topology change detected, propagating
lan: port 2(tiwlan0) entering forwarding state
device wdsup0 entered promiscuous mode
lan: port 3(wdsup0) entering learning state
lan: topology change detected, propagating
lan: port 3(wdsup0) entering forwarding state
device wdsdw0 entered promiscuous mode
lan: port 4(wdsdw0) entering learning state
lan: topology change detected, propagating
lan: port 4(wdsdw0) entering forwarding state
device wdsdw1 entered promiscuous mode
lan: port 5(wdsdw1) entering learning state
lan: topology change detected, propagating
lan: port 5(wdsdw1) entering forwarding state
device wdsdw2 entered promiscuous mode
lan: port 6(wdsdw2) entering learning state
lan: topology change detected, propagating
lan: port 6(wdsdw2) entering forwarding state
device wdsdw3 entered promiscuous mode
lan: port 7(wdsdw3) entering learning state
lan: topology change detected, propagating
lan: port 7(wdsdw3) entering forwarding state
[tiatm] DSL in Sync
kdsld: showtime
kdsld: unsetup done.
kdsld: VCC 0: registered (1/32)
kdsld: 0:  VPI/VCI 1/32 PPPoE internet 00:15:0c:ce:44:fb (32,0) mc upstream
kdsld: internet: set_rcv_ipaddr:
kdsld: dsl: registered
kdsld: VCC 0: iface internet dslencap PPPoE pcapencap ETHER llctype ether
kdsld: VCC 0: pcapencap RFC1843
kdsld: setup done.
kdsld_token_thread: start
kdsld: Channel 0 up (physical outgoing)
kdsld: internet: set_snd_ipaddr:
kdsld: internet: set_snd_mtu: 1492
kdsld: internet: connected
mcfw: forward enabled (vcc0: 00:15:0c:ce:44:fb, vlan 0, pppoe 12018)
kdsld: PPP led: on (value=1)
AR7WDT: System Init UEberwachung abgeschlossen (191140 ms noch verfuegbar)
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_cpuclock: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=99 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=0 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_dspclock: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=100 mul=154 div=10 offset=974 NormP=2514 mW -> SumNormP=2514 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_systemclock: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=83 mul=65 div=10 offset=1793 NormP=2443 mW -> SumNormP=4957 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_wlan: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=100 mul=84 div=10 offset=100 NormP=940 mW -> SumNormP=5897 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_isdnnt: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=0 mul=1 div=1 offset=0 NormP=100 mW -> SumNormP=5997 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_isdnte: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=-2147418012 mul=1 div=1 offset=0 NormP=100 mW -> SumNormP=6097 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_analog: norm_power_rate=300 act_rate=0 mul=141 div=10 offset=100 NormP=4330 mW -> SumNormP=10427 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_dect: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=0 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=10427 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_ethernet: norm_power_rate=467 act_rate=83886344 mul=1 div=1 offset=50 NormP=517 mW -> SumNormP=10944 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_dsl: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=0 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=10944 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_usb_host: norm_power_rate=500 act_rate=94 mul=55 div=10 offset=50 NormP=2800 mW -> SumNormP=13744 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_usb_client: norm_power_rate=0 act_rate=0 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=13744 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_charge: norm_power_rate=446 act_rate=0 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=13744 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_loadrate: norm_power_rate=100 act_rate=70 mul=29 div=10 offset=-17 NormP=273 mW -> SumNormP=14017 mW
SysRq : Changing Loglevel
Loglevel set to 4
CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000004, epc == c011967c, ra == c01195f8
Oops in arch/mips/mm/fault.c::do_page_fault, line 167[#1]:
Cpu 0
$ 0   : 00000000 1000ce00 00000000 c011dfb0
$ 4   : c0120000 00000000 00000000 00000008
$ 8   : 00000034 940b041c 00000000 00000000
$12   : 94a7bd3c fffffffb 0000000a ffffffff
$16   : 94bf9cbc 9536a000 94bf9c80 00008000
$20   : 9536a000 94a8fa00 00000001 00000001
$24   : 00000000 00000000                  
$28   : 94a78000 94a7bc70 94a7bcd0 c01195f8
Hi    : 00000000
Lo    : 00000000
epc   : c011967c fat_fill_super+0x104/0xee8 [fat]     Tainted: P     
ra    : c01195f8 fat_fill_super+0x80/0xee8 [fat]
Status: 1000ce03    KERNEL EXL IE 
Cause : 10800008
BadVA : 00000004
PrId  : 00018448
Modules linked in: userman vfat fat nls_cp437 nls_iso8859_1 usb_storage sd_mod scsi_mod tiap kdsldmod usbahcicore usbcore capi_codec isdn_fbox_fon4 ubik2 tiatm jffs2 Piglet
Process mount (pid: 1016, threadinfo=94a78000, task=94d0fbf0)
Stack : 00000000 00000001 94a7bd3b 94a7bd0c 941c0000 ffffffff 00000002 94a7bd57
        94a7bd38 00000020 0a4ce000 04a00000 0a4ce00c 00000000 0000000a ffffffff
        ffffffff 00000002 952c7a4c 94a7bd38 952c7a40 00000001 9536a000 9536a000
        9536a000 00490000 9536a000 94a8fa00 94a8fa00 94a8fa00 9428ea18 00008000
        9536a000 9536a000 9536a000 00490000 004a8030 c0130e9c 00000001 00008000
Call Trace:
 [<c0130e9c>] vfat_fill_super+0x2c/0x78 [vfat]
 [<9406b0e8>] get_sb_bdev+0x154/0x1c8
 [<94072f58>] link_path_walk+0x158/0x1b4
 [<9400f1ec>] fixup_exception+0x2c/0x60
 [<94071c00>] do_lookup+0x30/0x228
 [<c0130f0c>] vfat_get_sb+0x24/0x38 [vfat]
 [<c0130e70>] vfat_fill_super+0x0/0x78 [vfat]
 [<9406b3b8>] do_kern_mount+0x70/0x10c
 [<94073118>] path_lookup+0x164/0x184
 [<940464bc>] filemap_nopage+0x1a0/0x420
 [<94082494>] do_mount+0x574/0x5d8
 [<9408200c>] do_mount+0xec/0x5d8
 [<94072f58>] link_path_walk+0x158/0x1b4
 [<9400fab0>] tlb_do_page_fault_0+0x100/0x108
 [<94073118>] path_lookup+0x164/0x184
 [<940714c8>] getname+0x28/0xc8
 [<940b043c>] memset_partial+0x40/0x6c
 [<94081e34>] copy_mount_options+0x38/0x124
 [<94185f94>] __lock_text_end+0xd30/0x1218
 [<940714c8>] getname+0x28/0xc8
 [<940828f4>] sys_mount+0xa4/0xfc
 [<9400da40>] stack_done+0x20/0x3c
 [<9400da40>] stack_done+0x20/0x3c

Code: ae020004  8f820000  8c420320 <8c420004> a6020008  a602000a  3c02c012  8c42e024  ae030010
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