Sipgate auf Windows Mobile 6


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23 Jun 2007
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Hey Leute,
ich habe mir ein HP iPAQ 514 Voice Messenger mit Windows Mobile 6 zugelegt. Kann ich damit zu sipgate connecten? Wenn ja, wie?
Habe mittlerweile Millionen von Konfigurationen ausprobiert, aber irgendwie ist da kein durchkommen. Andere Anbieter wie funktionieren ohne weiteres.
Hat schon jemand das geschaft und kann mir sagen, was ich wie einstellen muss? Die HowTo's auf der Seite von Sipgate haben mir leider auch nicht weiter geholfen.

It works just fine with the WM6 VoIP client.
Download the attachments from post #60 and read my post #65

It works excellent via Wifi, but I have some trouble via T-Mobile GPRS/Edge
(see my previous post in this forum)
Doesn't work

thanks for that fast answer. I tried and failed :-/
Whenever I execute the SipConfig.exe I receive following error:


at a.i()
at a..ctor()
at b.a()

Do you have any suggestions where the error is?

That happens also for me, forget about that configure tool. Unfortunately you will have to create a file called "_setup.xml" where the settings go. That file you must convert to a .cab file (e.g. "") and install it on your PDA.

The full process is nicely described here:
(don't download the though, stick to the ones you downloaded already)
ich habe zwei 514er
gleichen sipgate account auf beiden eingetragen. funzt.
wenn du immer noch probleme hast, poste ich heute abend mal die konfig
hecky: your iPaq 514 already has the VoIP client pre-installed? which options can you configure? can you select a codec?
My HP iPAQ 514 has the VoIP client already installed, but with the shipped HP tool I wasn't able to configure it. With the threads on it worked out without any problems.
Send me your setup-values and I'll try them. Maybe I made a mistake.
Thanks & Regards,
Thx for your offer, but I also got it to work already :)
What I would like to know is if the VoIP files on your 514 are of a later version. Can you check filesize and date of the following files in /Windows:

What I also would like to know whether you have additional codecs in your VoIP client and whether these are selectable.

Hey there,
here the information:

2072 Bytes, 2007/03/09 16:35:30

2857 Bytes, 2007/02/11 12:03:12

1644132 Bytes, 2007/04/01 11:31:18

126212 Bytes, 2007/03/09 16:35:30
Thx flubb. Your version is definitely newer. Would you mind to attach them in a .zip file ?
kannst deine Sipgate Konfiguration mal posten? Hast du den IPAQ Set-Up- Assistant benutzt?
config ist wohl übertrieben.
habe beim hp setup assistenten einfach domäne und den proxy angegeben ( und dann fluppte es. (bis ich mal versuchte über das 514er per sipgate eine andere sipgate nummer zu erreichen). aber das wird ja wohl eher an der firewall liegen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hey guys,

Jocky: sorry for taking so long, but I was out on a business tour. Unfortunately I'm not able to copy these files to my PC. I can't see those files in my PC's Windows Explorer and if I would like to copy them within the iPAQ to another directory; I receive an error message, that the access is denied. I tried to send them via email to my host as well, but empty (0-Byte) files arrived :-/
Just tell me how and I'll post them asap.

For all the guys who have an iPAQ 514 and want to use sipgate, I collected all necessary data from other threads and modified them in a right manner to connect to sipgate easily. Have a look at

Thanks & Regards,
flubb schrieb:
Jocky: sorry for taking so long, but I was out on a business tour. Unfortunately I'm not able to copy these files to my PC. I can't see those files in my PC's Windows Explorer and if I would like to copy them within the iPAQ to another directory; I receive an error message, that the access is denied. I tried to send them via email to my host as well, but empty (0-Byte) files arrived :-/
Just tell me how and I'll post them asap.
Hi Max, on my device (HTC S710) I can copy the files of from \Windows by:
1. Disable Internet Calling (Internet Calling: Off)
2. Configure Windows Explorer view settings: show hidden files and show system files

If on your 514 the files are in ROM this will not work. In that case you have to dump your ROM. You have to be a bit sporty for that :) Afaik you can use the same tools as for my S710. The dump process is described here:
No worries if you don't wonna do this :)

For all the guys who have an iPAQ 514 and want to use sipgate, I collected all necessary data from other threads and modified them in a right manner to connect to sipgate easily. Have a look at

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