Du verwendest einen veralteten Browser. Es ist möglich, dass diese oder andere Websites nicht korrekt angezeigt werden. Du solltest ein Upgrade durchführen oder ein alternativer Browser verwenden.
I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask. But it seems the problem came out after installing Freetz, so I address here.
I have a Fritz!Box 7170 SL and enabled the dynamic DNS and remote management. It was successful to connect to 7170 via https remotely.
When Freetz 1.0 came out, I installed it with some packages like Dropbear. The first problem I had was that I could not access the web interface anymore. Then after searching this forum, I solved it by deactivate tr069. However, I could not access the FB remotely via either SSH or https.
I suspected that Freetz caused the problem, so I loaded AVM firmware and enabled tr069 again. But still got no chance to connect to 7170 remotely.
What might cause this problem and how to solve it? I have searched the forum with keyword "Fernwartung" but could not find a solution. Did I miss something due to my poor German?
as you write i see that you cannot forward external ports to you fritz!box directly (usually with the ip in this case in this case you have to rebuild your freetz with the virtualip-cgi.
aber flashing this you can set a second ip address to your fritzbox (for example the standard you can enter this "new" ip adress, that in maintained by the virtual eth0:1 device in the firewall settings/rules.
Thank you for your reply!
But what I don't understand is that before testing Freetz 1.0 the remote management worked relatively well. It seems there is no problem for forwarding the external ports to FBF at that time. So I suspect that Freetz (or I) changed some setting or replaced some files which were not recovered by loading back the AVM firmware. But I don't know what it is.
Does anyone have clues?
Thank you for your reply!
But what I don't understand is that before testing Freetz 1.0 the remote management worked relatively well. It seems there is no problem for forwarding the external ports to FBF at that time. So I suspect that Freetz (or I) changed some setting or replaced some files which were not recovered by loading back the AVM firmware. But I don't know what it is.
Does anyone have clues?
i think the reason for your problem is maybe a new firmware.
i don't know since which version it is not allowed to forward port to the box itself.
in my own case i use the freetz webinterface (on the box at port 81) but from external (via dyndns host) it ist port 4081.
this forward can ONLY be done by virtualip.
another case is forwarding for torrent stuff like ctorrent.
bei mir geht es auch nicht. Wenn ich https://[meine Dyndns-Adresse]:499 aufrufe bekomme ich noch im Firefox die Fehlermeldung zum "Zertifikat von unbekannter Zertifizierungsstelle". Nach annehmen des Zertifikats kommt dann nur noch "Fehler: Verbindung fehlgeschlagen"
Firmware-Version 29.04.59freetz-devel-2489
Mit dem Standardport auch nicht und die alte Portweiterleitung von Port 443 ist auch gelöscht.
/var/mod/root # ctlmgr -fv
/var/mod/root # ctlmgr: process priority is 19
ctlmgr: [main.c:821] **** cwd -> {/var/mod/root}
ctlmgr: msg_endpoint: second instance already running
ctlmgr: msg_endpoint_create 'logic' failed
Die Box, die ich heute mit nach Frankreich gegeben habe ist so auch nicht erreichbar, selber Fehler. Ist die neuste deutsche Annex A Firmware mit dem Freetz-Trunk von gestern drauf.
Viel weniger Pakete als bei mir, aber als Gemeinsamkeiten haben beide Boxen z.B. replace Kernel und das Webinterface für die AVM-Firewall. Kann aber auch gerne mal die gesamte Config. der Boxen posten.
Mich stört es auch nicht sonderlich da ich den Fernzugang per https dank ssh (Portforwarding auf der Box vergessen) und VPNs (auch noch keine Verbindung erstellt )
eigentlich nicht wirklich brauche. Auch hier komme ich ja über den Umweg eines Rechners hinter der Fritzbox und UltraVNC SC auch problemlos weiter...
Du hast die openssl-Libs getauscht. Damit funktioniert die Fernwartung nicht mehr. Entweder aktivierst du die libavmhmac aus Freetz oder du wählst openvpn oder stunnel ab.
gut zu wissen und ein Hinweis in der Wiki und menuconfig wären nicht schlecht, wenn nicht eh schon vorhanden. Ich werde bei mir aber openssl lassen. Der Fernzugang war jeweils nur eine Option, um die Konfiguration am Standort abzuschließen.
Danach hätte ich ihn eh abgeschaltet. Einen weiteren unnötigen, offenen Port, besonders weil die Einstellungen von AVM den auch nur im Bereich der Standardports unter 1024 zulassen, will ich eh nicht auf Dauer haben. VPN und SSH Tunnel reichen mir vollkommen aus.
Daher hab ich mich auch erst zu dem Thema gemeldet, als es eh hier im Forum stand. Aber vielen Dank für deine Hilfe.
Du hast die openssl-Libs getauscht. Damit funktioniert die Fernwartung nicht mehr. Entweder aktivierst du die libavmhmac aus Freetz oder du wählst openvpn oder stunnel ab.
I guess I have the same problem, but I will check it with "ctlmgr -fv".
So the reason is that some original AVM Libs was replaced by openssl-Libs while installing Freetz, isn't it? If I activate the "libavmhmac" in Freetz, then the original AVM Libs will be loaded back and the remote management will work but openvpn or stunnel won't work any more. If I live with current openssl Libs, I can still access it with openvpn or stunnel even without remote management. Did I understand correctly?
Sorry for some newbie questions.
Thank everyone for your help!
If you select the libavmhmac in Freetz, then you will still have the openssl-libs from freetz, but now they are compatible with the libavmhmac and the remote-management and Openvpn should work.
If you select the libavmhmac in Freetz, then you will still have the openssl-libs from freetz, but now they are compatible with the libavmhmac and the remote-management and Openvpn should work.
Thanks for the quick reply!
It sounds good with libavmhmac. Now I am curious why Freetz does not use libavmhmac as default. Are there any drawbacks with it?
The problem is that it is not tested that much and I think there are some issues with the fritz-mini.
But the normal remote-management feature should work quite good.
I have installed the new Freetz Firmware-Version 29.04.63freetz-devel-2527 with libavmhmac enabled. However I still can not access the FBF remotely either via https or SSH. Here is the log of ctlmgr -fv. Could anyone see what is the problem?
Thank you!
/var/mod/root # ctlmgr -fv
/var/mod/root # ctlmgr: process priority is 19
ctlmgr: [main.c:1015] **** cwd -> {/var/mod/root}
ctlmgr: FactoryDefault=/etc/default/avm/user.cfg (user)
ctlmgr: load_config(user): factory default loaded
ctlmgr: dlopen(/usr/share/ctlmgr/libdect.so) failed: File not found
ctlmgr: VPNConn_Register called...
ctlmgr: dlopen(/usr/share/ctlmgr/libmini.so) failed: File not found
ctlmgr: dlopen(/usr/share/ctlmgr/libgsm.so) failed: File not found
ctlmgr: internal vcc:
ctlmgr: name=voip vpi=1 vci=32 encap=1 sep_config=0 vcc=0x2aab5a80
ctlmgr: name=internet vpi=1 vci=32 encap=1 sep_config=0 vcc=0x2aab5a80
ctlmgr: mapping to info-LED already exist
ctlmgr: box init ok
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp 0'
ctlmgr: forwardrules: internal rule
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'udp'
ctlmgr: forwardrules: internal rule
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp 0 # Tuo
tu TCP'
ctlmgr: FWRule ON TCP 4781 4781
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'udp 0 # Tuo
tu UDP'
ctlmgr: FWRule ON UDP 4791 4791
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 '# tcp 0 # HTTP
ctlmgr: FWRule OFF TCP 80 80
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp 0 # Telnet
ctlmgr: FWRule ON TCP 23 23
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp 0 # do
nkey TCP'
ctlmgr: FWRule ON TCP 5620 5620
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'udp 0 # do
nkey UDP'
ctlmgr: FWRule ON UDP 5624 5624
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp 0 # AMS
ctlmgr: FWRule ON TCP 80 4080
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp 0 # ML
Donkey telnet'
ctlmgr: FWRule ON TCP 4000 4000
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 '# tcp 0 # HTT
P-Server test'
ctlmgr: FWRule OFF TCP 4080 80
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp 0 # FTP-Se
ctlmgr: FWRule ON TCP 21 21
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp'
ctlmgr: forwardrules: internal rule
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'udp'
ctlmgr: forwardrules: internal rule
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'tcp'
ctlmgr: forwardrules: internal rule
ctlmgr: ipmasqfwruleex_parse ret=0 'udp'
ctlmgr: forwardrules: internal rule
ctlmgr: next auto check for firmware updates sheduled in 310343 seconds (2008-09
-15 02:11:29)
ctlmgr: sipextra my_init
ctlmgr: capiotcp My_Init
ctlmgr: FactoryDefault=/etc/default/avm/vpn.cfg (vpn)
ctlmgr: load_config(vpn): factory default loaded
ctlmgr: VPNConn_Register called...
ctlmgr: VPNConn_Init called...
ctlmgr: /dev/avm_power <-- MODE=dsl
ctlmgr: [../webserver/webserver.c:618] Initialisation of webserver configuration
ctlmgr: https access enabled
ctlmgr: unable to set certificate chain from PEM file /var/websrv_ssl_cert.pem
ctlmgr: csock_ssl_context_server_alloc failed
ctlmgr: symbol TI_Interpreter_LookupDBField not found
ctlmgr: startup (Aug 1 2008 11:07:40)
ctlmgr: [main.c:1355] *** WEBSERVER started successfully
ctlmgr: status change eth-interfaces
ctlmgr: box_led_update_status
ctlmgr: got led event 16
ctlmgr: Now doing actions: ActionMask is 0x2800
ctlmgr: calling samba_control reconfig_pw
mkdir: cannot create directory '/var/samba/private': File exists
1 samba users written to /var/samba/private/smbpasswd
ctlmgr: Now doing actions: ActionMask is 0x800
Sep 11 11:59:10 usermand[615]: load_config(user): factory default loaded
ctlmgr: status change eth-interfaces
Thanks, Oliver! Do you mean it worked last time when you enabled the libavmhmac?
Do you know what these error messages mean?
ctlmgr: https access enabled
ctlmgr: unable to set certificate chain from PEM file /var/websrv_ssl_cert.pem
ctlmgr: csock_ssl_context_server_alloc failed
ctlmgr: symbol TI_Interpreter_LookupDBField not found