[new mod] FreePOPs: webmail to pop3 email downloader, possible?


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3 Mai 2007
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I was checking the website of FreePOPs*, the application that gives access of many popular web mail (hotmail, yahoo, libero, gmail....) to any pop3 email program, plugin based, so new webmails can always be added, based on lua scripts.

On the download page, I noticed that there is a version made for OpenWrt and kamikaze, (http://www.cs.unibo.it/~tassi/beta/freepops-openwrt/kamikaze/) can this be useful to port this little app to fritzbox ??

PS: Just a note that i was also the developer of the gmail plugin for this application :cool:
application that gives access of web mail to any pop3
That sounds interesting :)

there is a version made for OpenWrt ... can this be useful to port this little app to fritzbox ??
In general one could use the FreePOPS makefile from OpenWrt and start making one for ds-mod. Unfortunatly they are not inside kamikaze trunk and also not available on the author's website. He only provides binary packages.

Background: Once the format of the makefiles (*.mk) of OpenWrt and ds-mod where pretty close to each other (since lots of earlier ds-mod development was lent from there) but nowadays they have moved away from each other pretty much.

PS: Building makefiles for ds-mod toolchain aint that difficult at all. Simply take one from another package and learn from it.
DEPENDS:=+libpthread +liblua +liblua-filesystem +liblua-curl +liblua-expat
Quite some libs required. libpthread is there allready but the rest needs to be build before you can go for the main app itself.
i started to look how to build this package into fritz, but all i got were german errors in the stinky linux dsmod build....

i should do the build backwards, meaning i should start from the libs then the main freepops makefile? and all libs should go in make/build?
First read make/README.Makefiles in your ds-mod build directory.

Then start looking at a typical *.mk file, for example make/libs/lzo.mk and make/lua/lua.mk

You have to create *.mk files for all required libs and the main app itself.
I started to see if i can do something here, but still stuck on the first library, lua.... as dsmod already has a lua but as binary and not library, and it is making conflicts.
i tried changing names of files etc, but full of german errors.

anyway, i stopped for now, trying to install and configure debian in english (90% done) to use it as build station instead of stinky.

can someone help by making a buildfile for 1 library? for example make the lua build as library and not binary, so that i can compare with the openwrt build file to make the rest.... or shall i forget everything ?!?:confused:
OT: Maybe you want to change the language of Stinky from German to English in order to get English messages.
nobody yet had the opportunity to port the FreePOPs to freetz?
Everybody had the opportunity to port it to Freetz, including yourself.

From the first post you should also have both the ability and the motivation to do so.
Everybody had the opportunity to port it to Freetz, including yourself.

From the first post you should also have both the ability and the motivation to do so.

but unfortunately, not the time...
It is always easier to wait for someone else to do it, but not necessarily faster.

You know that you shouldn't post full quotes of the post before your post.

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