New look for Freetz, what do you say?

How should the Freetz interface be?

  • Leave current DS-MOD like interface.

    Stimmen: 13 11.4%
  • Switch to this new design by ramik (need to be competed yet).

    Stimmen: 96 84.2%
  • Some other interface design.

    Stimmen: 5 4.4%

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


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I've been messing with the freetz trying to change its look, and here is an alpha of what i have in mind.

Changes have been done on styles.css, and added a couple of new image files, still some issues between IE and firefox, but all can be fixed when i have some minutes to check what to do next.


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the idea to make a new design is good. Your draft looks nice.
I have a question: how do you want to make the submenus?

BTW. the logo is nice ;-) I will try to make a new (better) one.
I changed a bit the way submenu's are written, but they still need more work to be done.

it could be done much better if we can separate setting files to per package submenu rather than all setting files in one section, ie the "modreg file" should take a parameter for which package this file is being added so that later the settings for that package show also config files.

I got the logo from this forum, someone posted it first day the freetz was released.
I am like the new Interface, its modern, clear and very good.
I think it is a very good idea, for the next subversions the new Webinterface to intigrate.

Perhaps: Kriegaex, Oli & Co musst say, or yes or no!

Ich wäre schon dafür ;)
i would also vote for that look...
very cute/nice...
friendly and open...
I have to say that I like the old interface better. I think that if you start creating a new interface design, the user should be able to choose which one to use. But this would also mean *not* to change the page structure (or move changes to the page structure to a different change set, so the old design will also adapt to this), and make all changes to the user interface by css styles alone. It would be ok to do one cleanup of the html structure, but without design changes, to make css styling easier.
I know that the old design was good, very simple, and easy to use, and i know that this is a hardware device that will be configured once in a while and having an attracting interface is not much useful, but if we can make give it a new look it won't hurt.

anyway, i was thinking about a way to allow users choose a style to apply, something like the brandings selector (which i don't know how it works, as my fritz has only avme english), or during the build phase.

about my suggestion of changing structure, it is not necessary, but could be useful, as in the settings section (to edit config files), sometimes they have some ambiguous names and it is not known to which package it belongs, in recent trunks some packages writes the name of the package before the config file (such as OpenVPN: CRL etc), but having a method of organizing config files per package could be useful.
the current structural changes i made are to change the menu items from div to li elements to allow easy css stylings.
Could you please add a fourth option to the poll: 'Implement interface designs only by css and make design configurable in make menuconfig'? This would be my option.
a fourth option to the poll: 'Implement interface designs only by css
i never have thought that this would not be the case. i'd like to change my vote in favor of this choice, too!
Ok, but to be able to implement this choice few changes have to be made on the current design, later this option can be valid.

(anyway, i can't edit the poll once it's open, or am i missing something ??)
That should be ok. You should then edit the current design with the structural changes, and afterwards supply a css style sheet for your new design as an option.

(I don't know if editing the poll is possible. It's your poll, so if someone can do this, you can.)
Well, i made some progress with new interface: I made a good change in the base structure, to allow skin changing by css only, and made 2 css styles, one that shows the classical actual UI:

and a new skin (unfinished yet):

(the only difference is the style.css file and style.sel)
but there are still a couple of issues out there, with some widths, and the dropdown menus in the new skin, when i figure them out, i will publish some public beta :)
looks good :)
but in future please attach your pictures as attachments with the forum-software and not with an external hoster.
Good work
This looks awesome. Nice work.
It would be cool to have additional submenues for the packages.
habe eine frage: wo gibt es die sourcen?

und kommt es mal eventuell mal ins Freetz?
Falls jemand Interesse hätte, die Anzeige von gemounteden Partitionen inclusive Füllstand auf der Freetz Statusseite anzeigen zu lassen, kann dies hier tun: 000-status_cgi-MOUNTED_n_STYLE.patch (muss im menuconfig aktiviert werden)
Fehler dazu bitte in Ticket #31
Thought this is an english speaking thread...
Your second approach looks much better than the first one, judging from the screenshot as my single point of reference. What I like about it is that it looks clean, not overloaded with graphical elements, but still chique. If it proves functional and cross-browser-capable in practice, I think there is a chance to get it into Freetz upstream, especially if it is really possible to switch to classic and other skins just based on CSS.
wann werden die sourcen oder was auch immer für das Interface veröffentlicht?

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