Dann würde ich mal bretthart darauf tippen, daß da der Patch tatsächlich nicht angewandt wurde ... am ehesten würde ich dann einen C&P-Fehler annehmen, daher hier noch mal die Datei mit 7z gepackt als Anhang.Also wenn ich den Patch anwende kommt:
'patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line'
applying symlinks, deleting additional webinterfaces in: usr/www usr/www.nas usr/www.myfritz
applying patches
applying patches: 06_2X/[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]7390[/COLOR][/B]-de (06_2X 06_2X/de 06_2X/7390 06_2X/7390/de)
Language specific HTML directory: none
LUA directory: build/modified/filesystem/usr/www/all/lua
applying patch file ./patches/devices/06_2X/120-rc.S-dev.patch
patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
[COLOR="#FF0000"]applying patch file ./patches/devices/06_2X/190-webmenu.patch[/COLOR]
patching file usr/www/all/templates/menu_page_end.html
patching file usr/www/all/menus/menu_freetz.lua
patching file usr/www/all/templates/menu_page_head.html
creating symlinks /tmp, /mod and /home
creating /mnt and /opt
setting freetz-version 'freetz-devel-[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]12884[/COLOR][/B]M'
setting AVM firmware subversion 'freetz-devel-12884M'
applying patch file ./patches/scripts/010-no_exit_at_the_end_of_sysinit.sh
removing 'exit 0' at the end of the sysinit script
peterpawn@devel_vm:~/trunk_7390$ patch -p0 < wol-link.patch
patching file patches/devices/06_2X/190-webmenu.patch
patch -p0 < freetz-wol.patch
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file patches/devices/06_2X/190-webmenu.patch
patch unexpecedly Ends in middle of line
patch unexpecedly Ends in middle of line
Häh? :wiejetzt:1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file...
Index: fwmod_custom
--- fwmod_custom (revision 12884)
+++ fwmod_custom (working copy)
@@ -8,7 +8,14 @@
# ./kernel - unpacked kernel & hidden kernel squashfs
all() {
- dummy=0
+ rm -r ./filesystem/etc/internal_memory_default_de/*
+ ln -s /usr/mww/cgi-bin/wol ./filesystem/usr/www/cgi-bin/freetz_wol
+ patch ./filesystem/usr/www/all/templates/menu_page_head.html <<-EOP
+> box.out([[<div id="MainFreetzWolhead" class='main_menu_bubble'>]])
+> menu.write_menu('freetz-wol')
+> box.out([[</div>]])
clean() {