How can I access to Fritzbox via telnet/ssh


And SSH has never been supported anyway.

Telnet/SSH are only possible with modifications, e.g.:
->https:// en。AVM。De/service/知识库/Dok/FRITZ-Box-7490/1635_Access-to-the-FRITZ-Box-via-Telnet-is-not-supported/

[URL unfurl = "true"]https:// www。知识产权-相信De/44-和-7590 。 De/fritz-box-7580-firmware-153-06-90-telnet-service-freischalten-geht-auch-f % C3 % BCr-7560-and-7590。296678/[/包括]
Oh I meet some questions. I am using britzbox 7590 and fritzos 7.29.Any way to extract firmware completely? I tried to extract from 7.29.image but I cant find httpd and other important binary files.
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@55k, @er13 will probably not comply with the request (see maintenance note):

And the firmware will be completely unpacked. There is no (separate) httpd in FRITZ!OS. The Webinterface is provided by a proprietary service (ctlmgr) and the httpd is a part of the busybox.
Thanks for reply. That project seems stopped update. I still wonder that how can freetz-ng and yourfritz be used. According peterpawn I guess linking usr/sbin/telnetd to bin/busybox and change some flags and packing up as image, then using the image update the firmware can enable telnet works. Is it real?And can work in fritzos 7.29 ?Sorry for so many questions.
You may try to translate and read THIS post:

Everything you need is a running Linux system (on a supported platform, see here: - then you could use this script: with some changes (you've to disable some unneeded "modscripts" at the top of this file).

Afterwards you've to install the newly created image to your device (via FTP session to EVA) to get shell access (Telnet is supported out-of-the-box by modfs, SSH isn't). For the first time access, you need to enable Telnet start by phone code, if it's NOT enabled already or was activated otherwise.

If you want to use a different FRITZ!OS version (not one of the current), you've to change the URL in this line:

Changing line 50 only or specifying the wanted version as parameter, will not work in most cases, because AVM provides only the latest versions via its service.

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