Hilfe: FritzBox selbst-reset


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24 Mai 2008
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Hallo Alle,

Gestern hatte Ich ein Power outage, meine FritzBox 7170 hatte keinen Strom mehr. Wann der Strom zuruck war, kann die Box jetzt nicht mehr das DSL signal bekommen. Hier ist was es tut:
-Netzeil einstecken, startet auf, wlan led ein, DSL led blinkt 2 mal und dann Pause. Dauert ungefahr 30 sekunden und dann tut die Box ein selbst-reset und dass startet alles noch einmal.

Wenn Ich den Y-Kabel fuer das DSL Linie nicht einstecke, bleibt die Box stabil in DSL led 2mal blinken, aber kein reset mehr.

Weiss jemand wass Ich tun kan? Vielen Dank im vorraus!!!

Und entschuldigung fuer mein Deutsch... Here quickly my problem in english if it was not clear above:
-my FritzBox 7170 lost power, when it came back, it cycles through a DSL led blinking twice quickly, waits about 30 seconds, then self-resets. If I remove the DSL cable from the other end of the Y-Cable, the box is stable and doesn't reset, although of course there's no Internet! Anyone know of this kind of problem? Thanks!

hi danielp68

you can write in english ;) the most member are able to read/write english (a little bit ;) )

why the 7170 lost Power? a Lightning?
... Power outage ... 7170 ... -Netzeil einstecken, startet auf, wlan led ein, DSL led blinkt 2 mal und dann Pause. Dauert ungefahr 30 sekunden und dann tut die Box ein selbst-reset und dass startet alles noch einmal ...
Daniel, start without the DSL-Cable, make a software reset, remove all cables for 5 minutes and enter your configuration again manually.
If the box still does'nt work, call AVM for a replacement, as you have a five year guaranty. The guaranty might be forfeit if the damage is lightning related. But that is up to AVM to decide.
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If you have an original AVM firmware, you should write to AVM.

You can also try to start your box and connect the DSL cable later, but even if that works, it is no solution in the long run.
Thanks for your help (and in english, much appreciated!)

It was not lightning, but simply a power outage (blackout). I'll try a soft reset tonight. Is there anything like a hard reset also?

... I'll try a soft reset tonight. Is there anything like a hard reset also? ...
Daniel, that is semantics only: the 'hard reset' should follow the soft reset and is called Power on Reset (PoR): you take all cables off and wait for at least 5 minutes.
Before you then call AVM, you could take your CD, which delivered together with the box and try a recovery. Depending on the level of FW you are operating on you might as well wish to use the recent recovery.exe from AVM downloads. Take care to follow the operating procedure for the recovery to the point, otherwise it might not work.
Thanks loeben for that remark.
I should be on the latest firmware (CH-AT version, as I'm in Genf), but I'll keep those links handy in case nothing else works!

Update: the soft reset did the trick, I'm writing this from home on my FritzBox, happily working again. Thanks again!
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