Help for setting Fritzbox 7170 for voip in Kabel BW

@edevau: Sorry wenn ich nicht allwissend bin, aber ich habe versucht zu helfen weil es sonst keiner getan hat, aber wenn Du es besser kannst solltest Du dein Glück mal versuchen.

Mir war schon bewußt was ich mache, aber ich habe halt gefragt weil ich mir unsicher geworden bin. Was ja wohl erlaubt sein darf, oder ?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nachtrag: Aber wie ich sehe hat sich doch jemand bereit erklärt zu helfen.

Ich für meinen Teil bin jetzt hier raus und lese nur noch mit :mad:

@KunterBunter: Du hast recht, aber ich wußte nicht wie das geht und deshalb wollten wir zuerst den für mich einfacheren Weg gehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
There was a bit of nonsense in this thread, so let me put things right.

First: Kabel-BW does not provide telephony via VoIP to be configured in customer devices. The cable modems (Motorola and Arris for analogue lines, Siemens or Stollmann for ISDN lines) only provide one or two telephone jacks where you may plug in your own devices (telephones, fax machines, PBX) just as you would do using any standard T-Com or other provider's fixed line.

Second: in consequence, the telephony configuration for your Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7170 is rather simple. Follow the instructions to configure the Fritz!Box Fon to use fixed line telephony and connect the respective cable to the cable modem telephony ports instead of any classical POTS line.

If you have a CleverKabel plan with analogue telephony ports, you may only use one at a time in your Fritz!Box Fon as it supports only one external (analogue) line. In this case, use one of the RJ11-TAE adapter cables coming with the cable modem and use them with plug in the original TAE plug coming with the Fritz!Box Fon, everything connected as described in the Fritz!Box Fon manual for fixed line setups. Configure the number provided on the respective cable modem telephony port as the (only, analogue) fixed like number in your Fritz!Box Fon.

If you have a CleverKabel plan with ISDN, simply connect the RJ45 plug to the respective cable modem port just as you would have done before with a T-ISDN socket. Select ISDN in your Fritz!Box Fon as the type of public line and set up the max. six numbers (MSN) you were assigned.

As for VoIP providers, you may use the exactly same configuration as before. Nothing in terms of registrar, account credentials or other settings should have to be changed. However, in order to make it work, you need to set up a proper Internet connection via LAN1 on your Fritz!Box Fon, of course. Unless you have a rather old model of the 7170, this should work by using LAN1 as the WAN port connected to the cable modem's Ethernet port, using NAT Router but without credentials, and setting the box to get its IP address via DHCP.

That's it. Now you may make telephone calls via the cable modem and Kabel-BW.


Thanks for all your help.

@gandalf94305 & kunterbunter,

Thanks for reply.

I have manged to set up my Fritzbox in KabelBW modem, Internet thru LAN & WLAN works fine,also Internet telephony works with Sipgate. The only problem is SIP settings for "Actionvoip" this is provider I use to call India.This VOIP provider does not give a specific telephone No to cutomer, but only Username, password & other SIP settings as( registrar,
With Telekom it was working fine (without entering Internet telephone number) but with Fritzbox asks for Internet telephone number which I dont have.
so whenever I call thru this port I get dial tone but after dialling the tel nr for e.g. 0091xxxxxxxx to India , I get busy tone after some secs & in Log file I can see that " Internet telefonie for 0091xxxxx war nicht erforglich Fehler:503
But I can call thru PC & Notebook using the software without any problem.
Can you please help out with this issue?

Many Thanks in Advance..........
You should not tick the "Internetrufnummer für die Anmeldung verwenden" box. In that case, the "Internetrufnummer" is irrelevant and you may - in fact - invent one. It's the "number" which will be signalled on the FON S0 ISDN bus of the Fritz!Box Fon in case a call comes in through that provider.

Ah, and in case you need that authoritative answer: check the respective page at actionvoip. It does not say you should tick the "Internetrufnummer für die Anmeldung verwenden" box ;-)

[EDIT: Absolutely unnecessary full quote of gandalf94305's posting removed. --gandalf.]

Hi Gandalf,

Thanks for reply.

I tried without ticking the "Internetrufnummer für die Anmeldung verwenden" box but still it does not work.also I gave fake no in "Internetrufnummer".

I get a dial tone but after dialing no to india 0091xxxxxx after some secods comes a busy tone(beep beep beep.....) also log file shows that"internet telefonie for 0091xxxx war nict erforglich fehler:503 "
What is this Error 503?
With Telekom it was working fine...... also now Sipgate works fine....
How can I proceed?
your help will be very much appreciated......

Thanks in advance.......
I tried without ticking the "Internetrufnummer für die Anmeldung verwenden" box but still it does not work.

But you did check "Internetrufnummer verwenden" on top? Got credit in your actionvoip account?
But you did check "Internetrufnummer verwenden" on top? Got credit in your actionvoip account?

Thanks for reply..

I have already enough money in ActionVoip account, I also called using Landline access no.

I also did check " Internetrufnummer verwenden"


Thanks for reply.

I believe you also use some Betamax Voip Providers, Can you please help me on this issue?

Thanks in advance....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I also called using Landline access no.

If the connection worked through ActionVoip landline access number it is even more likely that the problem is with your provider. The million-dollar question is: Which problem and how to resolve it? Give it a try to configure a STUN server with your FRITZBox ActionVoip account:


Can you please help me on this issue?

I would gladly do so - but do not have any idea at this moment - my BETAMAX providers do work to my preferred destinations without any big problem.

Maybe you could send me by PN the telephone number you are trying ot reach in India and I would try to call with my different BETAMAX providers. If this works it would mean that the problem is most probably with your cable provider (as your actionvoip account works with the landline access number the problem cannot be with actionvoip either).
[EDIT: Absolutely unnecessary full quote of imagomundi's posting removed. --gandalf.]

Thanks for the reply.

I have also Telecom DSL till end of this month. Also Actionvoip works fine with phone connected to Sppedport W701V .
I tried to check the tracing the route of Actionvoip server in command prompt, it gives requested time out.
I feel that means with my Provider Kabel Bw there is problem to reach the Actionvoip server.

Should I talk to KabelBW support?

What is your opinion?

Thanks in advance.......
Should I talk to KabelBW support?

Die you try to register STUN? This is ONE difference between SIPGATE and ADTIONVOIP: if you look into the voip.cfg. you will see that Sipgate got his own STUN automatically configured ( and actionvoip does not! Therefore my first suggestion: (or without adding :3478).
Second suggestion. Try to find out KabelBWs server name and register it as "proxy" in the actionvoip account.

If all this does not result give a call to the provider. But I fear this will not help either.
Hi Imagomundi,

I will try using Stun Server settings in the evening.Also I tried Traceroute for ActionVoip in Command prompt but I get message that"connection Timed out"

Also I will give a pingtest for Action voip.....

Where can I find the server name of KabelBW?

Can I PM you in case of further help?

Hi Imagomundi,

I tried with stun server as well but it does not work. Also I did ping test for Actionvoip but no reply. Also router ports are ok.

any further suggestions?

Thanks in advance
Where can I find the server name of KabelBW?
What kind of server do you expect to find of Kabel-BW? Kabel-BW is only the ISP and has nothing whatsoever to do with VoIP or any other applications you run over your connection.

So, let's try this a bit more systematically.

(1) You have your Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7170 connected to the Kabel-BW cable modem with LAN1 and your PC is on LAN2, LAN3 or LAN4? Check the serial number of your FBF 7170 if it is in one of the ranges
  • ####. - ####.
  • ####. - ####.
  • ####. - ####.221.00.999.999.
If so, this is not your lucky day. These early models you cannot reliably operate on a cable modem. If the serial is not in the range, consider yourself lucky :)

(2) What is the firmware version on your FBF 7170? If it is some xx.04.yy, this should work. You may want to upgrade to the latest firmware, which is 29.04.80. You can get it from the official AVM download server.

(3) Connect the cable modem to the FBF 7170 with a straight Ethernet patch cable between the Ethernet port of the cable modem and LAN1 of the FBF 7170. Connect a PC to LAN2. Configure the FBF as follows (menu "Internet" -> "Zugangsdaten"):
  • "Internetzugang über LAN1"
  • "Internetverbindung selbst aufbauen (NAT-Router mit PPPoE oder IP)"
  • "Zugangsdaten werden nicht benötigt (IP)"
  • "IP-Adresse automatisch über DHCP beziehen"
  • Enter credible values for upstream/downstream further below
  • Save this form's settings
Now power off your cable modem and the FBF 7170. Wait 20 seconds. Power the cable modem on again. Wait 60 seconds. Switch on the FBF 7170. Wait 30 seconds. Power on your computer (which is on LAN2). Point a browser to the Fritz!Box Fon and check that there is a proper Internet connection. Try to verify the Internet connection.

(4) Point the browser to and see if it works. Open a DOS window and ping (the registrar server of actionvoip). This should look like
$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=248 time=109 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=248 time=10 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=248 time=13 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=248 time=11 ms
. . . . .
I also have Kabel-BW CleverKabel and can ping the SIP server. You should be able to do the same.

(5) Delete from the "Internettelefonieanbieter" configuration of VoIP providers any entries you don't need. Create a new one for ActionVoIP according to the instructions given on their web site.
  • Tick "Internetrufnummer verwenden" at the top
  • Internettelefonie-Anbieter: "anderer Anbieter"
  • Internetrufnummer: 8000
  • Benutzername: your actionvoip user name
  • Kennwort & Kennwortbestätigung: your actionvoip password
  • Registrar:
  • Proxy-Server: leave empty
  • STUN-Server: leave empty
  • Internetrufnummer für die Anmeldung verwenden: don't tick this box
  • Rufnummernformat according to your location
This should set up ActionVoIP as a provider. You should see in the overview page that this account registered. If not, you'll get an error message in the log.

(6) Try to make a call using this provider using the respective *12x# prefix code on an analogue telephone connected to the FBF 7170. Make sure the number format is correct (depending on the "Rufnummernformat" you specified).

If you should get stuck in any step, let's know what happened. If we end up getting your box running, I should probably put this text into the wiki for further reference.

Hi Gandalf94305,

Thanks for your reply. I will give you pointwise detailed answer.

1) My Firtzbox 7170 is Compatible with Kabelbw, I checked the serial no Earlier myself & also confirmed with AVM Hotline before switching from Telekom to KabelBw.
2)I also Have Latest Version of Firmware. before Installing,I upgraded to newest version.
3) I also did the installation same way as you mentioned.Internet,Wlan everything works fine.
4) I have no response from ActionVoip server from Ping will say server is not reachable but I can still use Actionvoip services using softphone in PC & Notebook. Also I can use the Telephone connected to Speedport W701v(Telekom DSL which is ending next week)
5)Also SIP configurations were did in similar manner as mentioned here only InternetRufnummer I put a fake one as ActionVoip doesnot give InternetRufnr.
Rest all were similar
6)Only I called directly tel nr to India (As I always use to do with Telekom) like 0091xxxxxxxxxxx Should I use Suffix *121 before 0091xxxxxxxxx ?(here I am little confused....)
Also second Analoge phone port in Fritzbox, I did settings for SIPGATE VOIP & works fine (I use it without any *12#)
Also Main problem is after dialing the 0091xxxxxxxxxxxx to India thru Actiovoip (First Analoge port in Fritzbox) I get busy tone.......... (Initially I get dial tone to dial tel no)

The Log file in Telefonie in Fritzbox shows that " Internettelefonie for Rufnr 0091xxxxxxxxxxxx über war nicht erforglich error 503"

any further Idea on this issue?

Thanks in advance.....
Thanks for verifying the steps. As for the ping, I have no clue why it should work from my connection but not from yours. Anyway, if you can make calls using the softphone via Kabel-BW, that's a good confirmation that ActionVoIP should also work fine with the Fritz!Box Fon.

I don't know whether it is allowed to have multiple clients at the same time, so please make sure that when you make your Fritz!Box Fon experiments, neither the Speedport via DSL, nor any softphone is up and registering itself with ActionVoIP. To be safe, the FBF should be the only client accessing ActionVoIP with the credentials used.

What I could see as a possible issue is the number formatting used for ActionVoIP. Maybe this should be different. Can you attach a screenshot of the relevant number formatting configuration (if there should be actual phone numbers or user names visible, please blacken them at least partly before posting)? The numbers should be in international format
ActionVoIP FAQ schrieb:
Please note that when you call a number (even if it's local) you should always dial 00 + countrycode + areacode + subscribernumber
Can you check for any differences between the Speedport configuration and the Fritz!Box Fon configuration?

Another idea: is there any other information in the 503 status code? It could be that there is an assumed fair-use policy violation. In that case, ActionVoIP will also indicate status 503.

Next fainter idea: what did you set for the speech quality/codecs? Try "Festnetzqualität verwenden". This will use G.711 which should use fine with the Betamax providers.

Thanks For Reply.

When I experiment with Fritzbox, only Fritzbox is connected as single device Actionvoip rest all Speedport & softphone are shut down.

All the time "00 +CountryCode+Areacode+TelNr" as TelNr format in ActionVoip even to call locally in Germany.......

Only difference in VOIP set up in Fritzbox & Speedport is "InternetNr verwenden" as Speedport there is no this type of field and also there is field for Port(5060) where in Fritzbox there is no field for port to use.

Also there is no further describtion of Error code 503 in log file in Fritzbox.....

Also Call log file in Actionvoip home page this Error is not indicated......... as the log files are only of those which are successfully fulfilled.....

I will try this "Festnetzqualität verwenden" today evening when I am at home.......

I am only surprised that How you can ping actionvoip & I am not?(Should I contact KabelBW technical support for this?)
If the fair-use policy connected with your IP address should be the problem, you could try to change the MAC address of LAN1 of your Fritz!Box Fon ;-) This will force Kabel-BW (after power-off/power-on of the cable modem) to give you a different IP address than before. Normally, your IP address does not change as long as you only connect the same device with the same MAC address to the cable modem.

However, as you can see, I am running out of real options... the lack of ping replies, however, is curious.

Thanks for reply.

Should I Technical help from KabelBW?

By the Way,How to change Mac Address of Fritzbox (LAN1)?

Thanks in advance?
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