Gibt es denn dazu:
schon mal ein Bericht?
schon mal ein Bericht?
Ich habe das mal ausprobiert und bekomme ein CAP-File, aber kein Wave-File.Gibt es denn dazu:ür-etherreal-trace-und-audiodaten-extraktion-v2-0.232682/post-2452579
schon mal ein Bericht?
Unable to determine codec from payload type:
Kannst du sie mit Wireshark "hörbar" machen? Wird vermutlich an der Verschlüsselung liegen.Analysiere ich die CAP-Datei mit Wireshark finde ich ebenfalls eine RTP-Streams.
Hm. Möglicherweise weil dein Anbieter die Fritzbox überKomisch ist, dass die Gespräche als verschlüsselt unter "Sprachübertragung" angezeigt werden, obwohl die Verschlüsselung deaktiviert ist:
Hey cool, wenn ich damit recht hatteTR-064 deaktivieren!!!!!
siehe hier: Update auf 9.29 waren bei mir alle Verbindungen verschlüsselt, obwohl verschlüsselung von mir nicht aktiviert war. Hab dann über ftp den Bootsektor auf andere Partition booten lassen und 9.28 funktioniert noch. Allerdings findet Wireshark auch jetzt nur udp Pakete und keine RTP Strems.
Prüfe mal hier: (So wie bei mir, den Haken raus)Oder muss man das noch anderer Stelle deaktivieren?
Das Missverständnis: Nicht TR-064, sondern TR-069 sind die Anbieter-DiensteDann hast du TR-064 wohl noch nicht wirklich abgeschaltet.
Na klar, du hast gnadenlos recht. Hab es korrigiert, ist mir selbst gar nicht mehr aufgefallen.Das Missverständnis: Nicht TR-064, sondern TR-069 sind die Anbieter-Dienste
Dann bin ich gerade mal ratlos. TR-069 deaktiviert und Neustart gemacht?Anbieterdienste (TR-069) habe ich deaktiviert - leider ohne Besserung, d.h. die Gespräche sind weiterhin verschlüsselt und sind auch als solche unter "Sprachübertragung" aufgeführt.
Probiert es mal und schreibt, ob ihr den gleichen Erfolg melden könnt.
{'len': 218, 'chunk': 160, 'offs': 58, 'encap' : 'VODAFONE' }, # VODAFONE
2021-12-14 23:53:48,697 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Telnet:'14.12.21 23:53:48;RING;0;{ANRUFERNUMMER};{FESTNETZNUMMER};SIP1;'
2021-12-14 23:53:48,698 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [INFO ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Ring (ID:0, ActiveCalls.:1, Caller:{ANRUFERNUMMER}, DialedNumber:{FESTNETZNUMMER}, LinePort:SIP1)
2021-12-14 23:53:48,698 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] There is at least 1 active call. Send start_capture event to the CaptureMonitor.
2021-12-14 23:53:48,699 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::start_capture ] start_capture called.
2021-12-14 23:53:48,699 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Wait for call monitor status change.
2021-12-14 23:53:48,699 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] pre_capture wait() finished.
2021-12-14 23:53:48,700 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] pre_capture release lock.
2021-12-14 23:53:48,700 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] pre_capture release lock finished.
2021-12-14 23:53:48,700 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Login attempt to the the FritzBox (box_name:
2021-12-14 23:53:48,701 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Call the challange token url (url:'')
2021-12-14 23:53:50,603 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] SID HTTP result:200
2021-12-14 23:53:50,604 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Call the read seed token url (url:'', data:'login:command/response=7332f0f0-750af20c766960a863ed7324b89590a8&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml').
2021-12-14 23:53:50,815 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Telnet:'14.12.21 23:53:50;CONNECT;0;11;{ANRUFERNUMMER};'
2021-12-14 23:53:50,816 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [INFO ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Connect (ID:0, ActiveCalls.:1, Caller:{ANRUFERNUMMER}, DialedNumber:{FESTNETZNUMMER}, LinePort:SIP1)
2021-12-14 23:53:50,816 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Wait for call monitor status change.
2021-12-14 23:53:53,380 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Login HTTP result:200
2021-12-14 23:53:53,381 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Login OK (SID: 62c59447bfa0e9f6)
2021-12-14 23:53:53,382 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::sub_start_capture ] data_map:{'dialed.numbername': '{FESTNETZNUMMER}', 'pbook_number.0048177111222': 'MeineFrau-Handy', '': '', 'tcape': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), '': '', 'pbook_name.ZuHause': '0448556694', 'me.numbername': '{FESTNETZNUMMER}', 'tcaps': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 14, 23, 53, 53, 381804), 'dialed.number': '{FESTNETZNUMMER}', '': '', 'callpartner.numbername': '{ANRUFERNUMMER}', 'pbook_name.MeineFrau-Handy': '0048177111222', 'pbook_number.080033010000': 'Telekom', 'tdisc': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'callpartner.number': '{ANRUFERNUMMER}', 'tcall': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 14, 23, 53, 48, 671366), 'caller.number': '{ANRUFERNUMMER}', 'tstart': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 14, 23, 52, 12, 576239), 'pbook_number.0177111222': 'MeineFrau-Handy', 'caller.numbername': '{ANRUFERNUMMER}', '': '', 'acalls.number': 1, 'pbook_number.0448556694': 'ZuHause', 'pbook_name.Telekom': '080033010000', 'todisc': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tconn': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 14, 23, 53, 50, 815175), 'tocall': time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=12, tm_mday=14, tm_hour=23, tm_min=53, tm_sec=48, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=348, tm_isdst=-1), '': 'RING', 'toconn': time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=12, tm_mday=14, tm_hour=23, tm_min=53, tm_sec=50, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=348, tm_isdst=-1), '': 'SIP1', 'me.number': '{FESTNETZNUMMER}'}
2021-12-14 23:53:53,387 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_capture_file ] Initialize capture file (folder:captures/2021-12-14/, file:capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap).
2021-12-14 23:53:53,388 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [INFO ] [ capture_monitor::sub_start_capture ] Start capture (capture_file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap').
2021-12-14 23:53:53,388 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::sub_start_capture ] Send capture start request to the box (url:'', capture_file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap').
2021-12-14 23:53:53,389 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [exception_logging_thread::__init__ ] ExceptionLoggingThread().
2021-12-14 23:53:53,389 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::sub_start_capture ] Send capture start request to the box finished (url:'', capture_file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap').
2021-12-14 23:53:53,392 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture acquire lock.
2021-12-14 23:53:53,394 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture acquire lock finished.
2021-12-14 23:53:53,394 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture wait().
2021-12-14 23:53:53,427 [ Thread-5::1944056928] [DEBUG ] [ tracer::run_logic ] Trace started (url:'', filename:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap')
2021-12-14 23:53:53,935 [ Thread-5::1944056928] [DEBUG ] [ tracer::run_logic ] Trace finished (url:'', filename:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap')
2021-12-14 23:54:04,974 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Telnet:'14.12.21 23:54:05;DISCONNECT;0;15;'
2021-12-14 23:54:04,975 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [INFO ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Disconnect (ID:0, ActiveCalls.:0, Caller:{ANRUFERNUMMER}, DialedNumber:{FESTNETZNUMMER}, LinePort:SIP1)
2021-12-14 23:54:04,976 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] There is no more active calls. Send stop_capture event to the CaptureMonitor.
2021-12-14 23:54:04,976 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::stop_capture ] stop_capture called.
2021-12-14 23:54:04,977 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture wait() finished.
2021-12-14 23:54:04,977 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture wait(9.999489).
2021-12-14 23:54:04,976 [ Thread-4::1981785184] [DEBUG ] [ call_monitor::run_logic ] Wait for call monitor status change.
2021-12-14 23:54:14,977 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture wait(9.999489) finished.
2021-12-14 23:54:14,978 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture release lock.
2021-12-14 23:54:14,978 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] post_capture release lock finished.
2021-12-14 23:54:14,978 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Login attempt to the the FritzBox (box_name:
2021-12-14 23:54:14,978 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Call the challange token url (url:'')
2021-12-14 23:54:15,608 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] SID HTTP result:200
2021-12-14 23:54:15,609 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Call the read seed token url (url:'', data:'login:command/response=17a4d2d3-a75f32508a0f3108e96ede54c8e8cb1c&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml').
2021-12-14 23:54:16,890 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Login HTTP result:200
2021-12-14 23:54:16,891 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::init_login ] Login OK (SID: 7d9c0930fca02b33)
2021-12-14 23:54:16,891 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::sub_stop_capture ] Send capture stop request to the box (url:'', capture_file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap').
2021-12-14 23:54:17,967 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::sub_stop_capture ] Send capture stop request to the box finished (url:'', capture_file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap').
2021-12-14 23:54:17,968 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [INFO ] [ capture_monitor::sub_stop_capture ] Capture finished (capture_file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap').
2021-12-14 23:54:17,968 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::sub_stop_capture ] Add captured file 'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap' to the decoding work queue.
2021-12-14 23:54:17,969 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] pre_capture acquire lock.
2021-12-14 23:54:17,969 [ Thread-2::1960834144] [INFO ] [ capfile_worker::process ] Decode process started (worker_id:1, file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap')
2021-12-14 23:54:17,970 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] pre_capture acquire lock finished.
2021-12-14 23:54:17,970 [ Thread-3::1971319904] [DEBUG ] [ capture_monitor::run_logic ] pre_capture wait().
2021-12-14 23:54:17,971 [ Thread-2::1960834144] [ERROR ] [ pcap_parse::parse ] Seems, there is no valid PCAP file
2021-12-14 23:54:17,972 [ Thread-2::1960834144] [INFO ] [ capfile_worker::process ] Decode process finished (worker_id:1, file:'captures/2021-12-14/capture_20211214-23-53-53_RING_{FESTNETZNUMMER}_{ANRUFERNUMMER}.cap')
0kb-caps Dateien sind ein Hinweis darauf, dass die Daten in der nicht mehr passen.Lief super und WAV-Dateien wurden auch erzeugt. Nun habe ich ein Fritzbox-Update auf 7.29 gemacht und jetzt bekomme ich nur noch 0 kb cap-Dateien...
Die Kodierung ist G.711 und Mitschnitte der "1. Internetverbindung" über fritz.bos/html/capture.html kann ich mit Wireshark über "Telephonie > RTP > RTP Streams" einwandfrei wiedergeben.