fritzcap: Tool für Etherreal Trace und Audiodaten-Extraktion v2.0


ich habe gerade Fritzcap getested mit meiner Fritzbox 7390. In der fritzcap.conf hab ich nichts veraendert als den Kommentar-# vor passwort zu entfernen und mein Fritzbox Passwort dort einzugeben. Dies hier kam dabei raus:

python -c -d -m
2012-05-03 11:11:16,550 - FritzCap started.
2012-05-03 11:11:16,552 - Connect to the call monitor service on
2012-05-03 11:11:16,562 - Cannot create connection to the call monitor service on
2012-05-03 11:11:17,955 - FritzCap finished.

Ich lasse das ganze auf Ubuntu 12.04 laufen.

Hat jemand von euch schon mal ein aehnliches Problem gesehen?


ich habe ein FritzBox 6360 von Kabel Deutschland FirmwareVersion 05.22. Gibt es hier eine Möglichkeit gespräche aufzuzeichnen? Ich habe fritzcap 2.0.0 heruntergeladen, leider kann ich dies nicht ausführen, weil die Dateien keine ausfühbare Programme sind. Gibt es hierzu eine Installationsanweisung?


ich bin jetzt weiter gekommen :) Mein Problem ist, dass firtzcap die Aufnahme auf pc macht. Gibt es eine Möglichkkeit die Mitschnitte auf die USB Stick zu speichern die hinten am Fritzbox hängt? Also fritzcap funzt super, nur dass ein Rechner immer an sein muss ist nicht optimal für mich.


..., nur dass ein Rechner immer an sein muss ist nicht optimal für mich.
Hast Du dich schon mal erkundigt, ob Du die FritzBox 6360 von KD, modifizieren _kannst_ bzw. modifizieren _darfst_?

die meinten dass ich dann diese Router kaufen muss, wenn das über USB funktioniert(ohne PC) und nur dann aufnimmt wenn anrufe ein oder ausgehen, werde ich dies dann auch erwerben.

Sehr gutes program, vielen dank fur ihren arbeit!

I installed the tool on my Synology NAS, works perfect.

I have a question, maybe simple to answer. In fritzcap.conf I can specify the file capture name. I would like to include the caller and the dialed number in the capture filename. I tried to include _%(caller)_%(dialed) in the cap_file string, but this doesn't work as expected. Any simple solution/syntax for this?
Thanks in advance, vielen dank,
Hat noch jemand anders Probleme mit dem 1.9 Windows-Progrämmchen mit der neuen Beta 841 der 7390? Seit dem Update läuft der Mitschnitt bei mir nicht mehr.

danke für dieses witzige Tool. Ich habe jedoch folgendes Problem:

mpw@Server0:~/fritzcap-2.0.0$ ./ --box_name -p XXX -m
2012-11-18 19:55:31,168 - FritzCap started.
2012-11-18 19:55:31,169 - Connect    to the call monitor service on
2012-11-18 19:55:31,170 - Connected  to the call monitor service on
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/mpw/fritzcap-2.0.0/core/", line 123, in run
    self.capture_monitor.set_data("", command)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_data'

Diese Exception tritt genau dann auf, wenn ein Anruf kommt. Es wird nichts aufgezeichnet, weitere Anrufe werden auch nicht mehr registriert. Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben?


ich habe jetzt mal dieses Tool angetestet.

Habe in der fritzcap.conf das Passwort für meine FritzBox 7390 eingetragen.

Wenn ich jetzt in der DOS-Box fritzcap starte kommt folgendes:
C:\Users\p190200\Downloads\fritzcap-2.0.0> -c -d -m
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 - FritzCap started.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 - Connect    to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 - Cannot create connection to the call monitor service o
2012-11-20 18:53:29,506 - FritzCap finished.

In der log_debug_fritzcap.txt ist folgendes zu finden:
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [MainThread::6940 ] [INFO    ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] FritzCap started.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [MainThread::6940 ] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] Command line parameters: ['C:\\Users\\p190200\\Downloads\\fritzcap-2.0.0\\', '-c', '-d', '-m']
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [MainThread::6940 ] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] Parsed parameters:       Namespace(after_capture_time=10, box_name='', call_service_port=1012, cap_file='capture_%(tcaps.YmdHMS).cap', cap_folder='captures/%(tcaps.Y-m-d/HMS)/', capture_files=True, config_file=<open file 'fritzcap.conf', mode 'r' at 0x01DE9338>, decode_files=[], decode_workers_count=2, default_login='getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&errorpage=../html/index.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=home&var:menu=home&=&login:command/password=%s', logging_config='logging.conf', login_not_required=None, monitor_calls=True, password='xxxxxxx', protocol='http', sid_challenge='getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', sid_login='login:command/response=%s&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', start_str='?start=1&start1=Start', stop_str='?stop=1&stop1=Stop')
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [MainThread::6940 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::__init__          ] CapfileWorker(worker_id:0, decode_work_queue:<Queue.Queue instance at 0x01DEDE18>).
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [MainThread::6940 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::__init__          ] CapfileWorker(worker_id:1, decode_work_queue:<Queue.Queue instance at 0x01DEDE18>).
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [MainThread::6940 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::__init__          ] CaptureMonitor(decode_work_queue:'<Queue.Queue instance at 0x01DEDE18>', data_map:'{'tcall': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tconn': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tdisc': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'pbook_number.0177111222': 'MeineFrau-Handy', 'pbook_number.0048177111222': 'MeineFrau-Handy', 'tocall': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tcape': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'pbook_name.MeineFrau-Handy': '0048177111222', 'toconn': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'pbook_name.ZuHause': '0448556694', 'pbook_number.0448556694': 'ZuHause', 'tstart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 20, 18, 53, 28, 57000), 'tcaps': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'pbook_number.8556694': 'ZuHause', 'todisc': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0)}', box_name:'', password:'xxxx', protocol:'http', cap_folder:'captures/%(tcaps.Y-m-d/HMS)/', cap_file:'capture_%(tcaps.YmdHMS).cap', login_required:'True', default_login:'getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&errorpage=../html/index.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=home&var:menu=home&=&login:command/password=%s', sid_challenge:'getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', sid_login:'login:command/response=%s&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', start_str:'?start=1&start1=Start', stop_str:'?stop=1&stop1=Stop', after_capture_time:'10')
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [MainThread::6940 ] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::__init__          ] CallMonitor(capture_monitor:'<CaptureMonitor(Thread-3, initial)>', box_name:'', call_service_port:'1012').
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [  Thread-4::7784 ] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [  Thread-4::7784 ] [INFO    ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Connect    to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 18:53:28,165 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,165 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Login attempt to the the FritzBox (
2012-11-20 18:53:28,165 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Call the challange token url (url:'')
2012-11-20 18:53:28,275 [  Thread-2::6284 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,290 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Call the read seed token url (url:'', data:'login:command/response=cb9a9ba8-e210077327521df7d8e1d9ead5e12315&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml').
2012-11-20 18:53:28,384 [  Thread-1::8168 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,400 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Login OK (SID: 30e9f61eb0eae367)
2012-11-20 18:53:28,400 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture acquire lock.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,400 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture acquire lock finished.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,400 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture wait().
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-4::7784 ] [ERROR   ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Cannot create connection to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-4::7784 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::stop              ] Received signal to stop the thread.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-4::7784 ] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Thread stopped.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture wait() finished.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture release lock.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture release lock finished.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] The capture was not started. Not need to stop the capture. Can stop immediately.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-3::7260 ] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] Thread stopped.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-2::6284 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Became None element, put a None element to the queue for the others workers and break the work.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-2::6284 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread stopped.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-1::8168 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Became None element, put a None element to the queue for the others workers and break the work.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [  Thread-1::8168 ] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread stopped.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,506 [MainThread::6940 ] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] There is no more active threads. Exiting.
2012-11-20 18:53:29,506 [MainThread::6940 ] [INFO    ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] FritzCap finished.

und in der log_info_fritzcap.txt:
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [INFO    ] FritzCap started.
2012-11-20 18:53:28,056 [INFO    ] Connect    to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 18:53:29,085 [ERROR   ] Cannot create connection to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 18:53:29,506 [INFO    ] FritzCap finished.

Mehr wie das PAsswort in der Config muss man ja nicht angeben oder?

Das seltsame ist, das es mit FritzCap 1.9 beta (c) funktioniert nur nicht mit der 2.0 aus diesem Thread.

Falls noch mehr Infos von mir benötigt werden nur her damit.

Kann mir bitte jemand helfen das Problem zu lösen? Wäre echt super.

Vielen Dank.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So habe jetzt in der Config das Protokoll von HTTP auf HTTPS geändert jetzt verhält es sich folgendermaßen:

In der log_debug_fritzcap.txt steht:
2012-11-20 19:24:49,734 [MainThread::139866919728896] [INFO    ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] FritzCap started.
2012-11-20 19:24:49,734 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] Command line parameters: ['./', '-c', '-d', '-m']
2012-11-20 19:24:49,734 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] Parsed parameters:       Namespace(after_capture_time=10, box_name='', call_service_port='1012', cap_file='capture_%(tcaps.YmdHMS).cap', cap_folder='captures/%(tcaps.Y-m-d/HMS)/', capture_files=True, config_file=<open file 'fritzcap.conf', mode 'r' at 0x2926270>, decode_files=[], decode_workers_count=2, default_login='getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&errorpage=../html/index.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=home&var:menu=home&=&login:command/password=%s', logging_config='logging.conf', login_not_required=None, monitor_calls=True, password='xxxx', protocol='https', sid_challenge='getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', sid_login='login:command/response=%s&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', start_str='?start=1&start1=Start', stop_str='?stop=1&stop1=Stop')
2012-11-20 19:24:49,735 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::__init__          ] CapfileWorker(worker_id:0, decode_work_queue:<Queue.Queue instance at 0x292c3b0>).
2012-11-20 19:24:49,735 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::__init__          ] CapfileWorker(worker_id:1, decode_work_queue:<Queue.Queue instance at 0x292c3b0>).
2012-11-20 19:24:49,735 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::__init__          ] CaptureMonitor(decode_work_queue:'<Queue.Queue instance at 0x292c3b0>', data_map:'{'tcall': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tconn': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tdisc': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tocall': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tcape': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'toconn': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'tstart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 20, 19, 24, 49, 731203), 'tcaps': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'todisc': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0)}', box_name:'', password:'xxxxx', protocol:'https', cap_folder:'captures/%(tcaps.Y-m-d/HMS)/', cap_file:'capture_%(tcaps.YmdHMS).cap', login_required:'True', default_login:'getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&errorpage=../html/index.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=home&var:menu=home&=&login:command/password=%s', sid_challenge:'getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', sid_login:'login:
command/response=%s&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml', start_str:'?start=1&start1=Start', stop_str:'?stop=1&stop1=Stop', after_capture_time:'10')
2012-11-20 19:24:49,735 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::__init__          ] CallMonitor(capture_monitor:'<CaptureMonitor(Thread-3, initial)>', box_name:'', call_service_port:'1012').
2012-11-20 19:24:49,735 [  Thread-4::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 19:24:49,735 [  Thread-4::139866878670592] [INFO    ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Connect    to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 19:24:49,739 [  Thread-4::139866878670592] [ERROR   ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Cannot create connection to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 19:24:49,739 [  Thread-4::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::stop              ] Received signal to stop the thread.
2012-11-20 19:24:49,739 [  Thread-4::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Thread stopped.
2012-11-20 19:24:49,836 [  Thread-3::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 19:24:49,836 [  Thread-3::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Login attempt to the the FritzBox (box_name:
2012-11-20 19:24:49,836 [  Thread-3::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Call the challange token url (url:'')
2012-11-20 19:24:49,936 [  Thread-2::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 19:24:50,036 [  Thread-1::139866870277888] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Become signal from the system (signum:'2', stack:'<frame object at 0x2675c30>').
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call stop method to the thread:'<CallMonitor(Thread-4, stopped 139866878670592)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::stop              ] Received signal to stop the thread.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call join signal to the thread:'<CallMonitor(Thread-4, stopped 139866878670592)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call stop method to the thread:'<CaptureMonitor(Thread-3, stopped 139866878670592)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::stop              ] Received signal to stop the thread.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call join signal to the thread:'<CaptureMonitor(Thread-3, stopped 139866878670592)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call stop method to the thread:'<CapfileWorker(Thread-2, started 139866878670592)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::stop              ] Received signal to stop the thread.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,656 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call join signal to the thread:'<CapfileWorker(Thread-2, started 139866878670592)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [  Thread-2::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Became None element, put a None element to the queue for the others workers and break the work.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [  Thread-2::139866878670592] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread stopped.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call stop method to the thread:'<CapfileWorker(Thread-1, started 139866870277888)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::stop              ] Received signal to stop the thread.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [  Thread-1::139866870277888] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Became None element, put a None element to the queue for the others workers and break the work.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [  Thread-1::139866870277888] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread stopped.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Call join signal to the thread:'<CapfileWorker(Thread-1, stopped 139866870277888)>'
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::signal_handler    ] Become signal from the system (signum:'2', stack:'<frame object at 0x2675c30>') finished.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [MainThread::139866919728896] [DEBUG   ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] There is no more active threads. Exiting.
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [MainThread::139866919728896] [INFO    ] [        fritzcap::<module>          ] FritzCap finished.

In der log_info_fritzcap.txt:
2012-11-20 19:24:49,734 [INFO    ] FritzCap started.
2012-11-20 19:24:49,735 [INFO    ] Connect    to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 19:24:49,739 [ERROR   ] Cannot create connection to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 19:24:52,657 [INFO    ] FritzCap finished.

und in der Konsole wenn ich fritzcap starten will:
Code: -c -d -m
2012-11-20 19:28:13,710 - FritzCap started.
2012-11-20 19:28:13,711 - Connect    to the call monitor service on
2012-11-20 19:28:13,719 - Cannot create connection to the call monitor service on
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/f2b/Downloads/fritzcap-2.0.0/core/", line 86, in run
    if (not self.init_login()):
  File "/home/f2b/Downloads/fritzcap-2.0.0/core/", line 202, in init_login
    command = urllib.urlopen(self.protocol + '://' + self.box_name + '/cgi-bin/webcm', self.default_login % self.password)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 88, in urlopen
    return, data)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 209, in open
    return getattr(self, name)(url, data)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 436, in open_https
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 954, in endheaders
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 814, in _send_output
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 776, in send
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1157, in connect
    self.timeout, self.source_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 571, in create_connection
    raise err
IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 111] Connection refused

Auf der FritzBox selber muss man ja nichts ändern oder?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ist denn keiner hier, der mir bei meinem Problem weiter helfen kann? :(

habe seit Umstellung auf auf die FW FRitzOS 05.50 Probleme beim Verbindungsaufbau, habe davor einen Test mit Fritz OS 05.22 keine Probleme gehabt.
Hat sich für den Login irgendwas geändert?

Anbei die Fehlermeldung:
2013-01-18 16:49:35,810 [  Thread-4::-1228465296] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 16:49:35,811 [  Thread-4::-1228465296] [INFO    ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Connect    to the call monitor service on
2013-01-18 16:49:35,812 [  Thread-4::-1228465296] [INFO    ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Connected  to the call monitor service on
2013-01-18 16:49:35,812 [  Thread-4::-1228465296] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Wait for call monitor status change.
2013-01-18 16:49:35,911 [  Thread-3::-1236858000] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 16:49:35,911 [  Thread-3::-1236858000] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Login attempt to the the FritzBox (box_name:
2013-01-18 16:49:35,911 [  Thread-3::-1236858000] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Call the challange token url (url:'')
2013-01-18 16:49:36,011 [  Thread-2::-1245250704] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 16:49:36,112 [  Thread-1::-1253643408] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 16:49:38,337 [  Thread-3::-1236858000] [ERROR   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Login attempt was made, but something was wrong: 
2013-01-18 16:49:38,338 [  Thread-3::-1236858000] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] Could not login. Stop the capture thread.
2013-01-18 16:49:38,338 [  Thread-2::-1245250704] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Became None element, put a None element to the queue for the others workers and break the work.
2013-01-18 16:49:38,338 [  Thread-2::-1245250704] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread stopped.
2013-01-18 16:49:38,338 [  Thread-3::-1236858000] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] Thread stopped.
2013-01-18 16:49:38,339 [  Thread-1::-1253643408] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Became None element, put a None element to the queue for the others workers and break the work.
2013-01-18 16:49:38,339 [  Thread-1::-1253643408] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread stopped.

Mit der alten Version sieht der Login Versuch so aus, also positiv...
2013-01-18 14:42:52,211 [  Thread-4::-1228240016] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 14:42:52,211 [  Thread-4::-1228240016] [INFO    ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Connect    to the call monitor service on
2013-01-18 14:42:52,257 [  Thread-4::-1228240016] [INFO    ] [    call_monitor::init_connection   ] Connected  to the call monitor service on
2013-01-18 14:42:52,257 [  Thread-4::-1228240016] [DEBUG   ] [    call_monitor::run               ] Wait for call monitor status change.
2013-01-18 14:42:52,312 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 14:42:52,312 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Login attempt to the the FritzBox (box_name:
2013-01-18 14:42:52,312 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Call the challange token url (url:'')
2013-01-18 14:42:52,418 [  Thread-2::-1245025424] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 14:42:52,518 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Call the read seed token url (url:'', data:'login:command/response=b47a77d8-8e10f6515199fbb9ae965ddeeaba78f3&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml').
2013-01-18 14:42:52,519 [  Thread-1::-1253418128] [DEBUG   ] [  capfile_worker::run               ] Thread started.
2013-01-18 14:42:52,740 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::init_login        ] Login OK (SID: 697f63196251bc98)
2013-01-18 14:42:52,741 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture acquire lock.
2013-01-18 14:42:52,741 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture acquire lock finished.
2013-01-18 14:42:52,741 [  Thread-3::-1236632720] [DEBUG   ] [ capture_monitor::run               ] pre_capture wait().

Hat vielleicht jemand fritzcap mit FritzOS 05.50 im Einsatz?
Liegt es vielleicht an meinem Freetz Image?!

Bin für jeden Tipp dankbar, Ciao Stef.
Hi all,
Anybody had a look already to my question?

Sehr gutes program, vielen dank fur ihren arbeit!

I installed the tool on my Synology NAS, works perfect.

I have a question, maybe simple to answer. In fritzcap.conf I can specify the file capture name. I would like to include the caller and the dialed number in the capture filename. I tried to include _%(caller)_%(dialed) in the cap_file string, but this doesn't work as expected. Any simple solution/syntax for this?
Thanks in advance, vielen dank,
Hallo an Alle
gibt es schon eine Lösung für die Boxen mit der neuen Firmware 5.50
@sampy, F2B

ihr müsst vorher den port 1012 freischalten.
Am Telefon zum einschalten wählen:
zum abschalten:
Nach 2 Jahren erfolgreichen benutzung von fritzcap bin ich hier wieder da :)

die meiste Probleme, die hier aufgetretten sind, sind Verbindungs Probleme. Falls Fehler passieren bitte versuchen manuell die Seite z.B.:
wobei die IP Addresse eures fritzboxes ist. sollte prinzipiell auch immer mit immer funktionieren. wichtig ist auch dass der Serviceport 2012 eingeschaltet ist. Wie man es einschaltet, hatte @Stan.Dard erläutert.

Ein weiteres Punkt ist, dass fritzcap nicht auf fritzbox direkt gestartet wird, sondern man braucht schon einen Extrarechner um die "Daten" von der Fritzbox zu herunterzuladen. Vorteil ist, dass auf einer Extramaschine eine grössere Festplatte verfügbar ist und Dekodieren von längeren Gesprächen auch schneller fertig ist.

Wie gesagt benutze ich fritzcap 2.0 erfolgreich mit Fritzbox 7270, möchte aber zu Kabel Deutschland wechseln (FritzBox 6360) und überlege, ob es auch dort funktioniert... Kann es jemand bestätigen?

Viel Spaß beim mitsniffen :)

Seit Firmware 5.50 klappt der Zugriff nicht mehr.

[ERROR ] Login attempt was made, but something was wrong:

Bei der Anmeldung hat sich geändert, dass Benutzername und Kennword angegeben werden müssen. Genügt es die "fritzcap.conf" oder "" anzupassen?
Ich habe die geändert, jetzt klappt fritzcap auch unter Firmware 5.50.

def init_login(self):
self.logger.debug("Login attempt to the the FritzBox (box_name:%s)" % (self.box_name))

# Try to get a session id SID
conn_url = ''
self.logger.debug("Call the challange token url (url:'%s')" % conn_url)
self.sid = urllib.urlopen(conn_url)
if self.sid.getcode() == 200:
# Read and parse the response in order to get the challenge (not a full blown xml parser)
readed_chalange_str =
challenge ='<Challenge>(.*?)</Challenge>', readed_chalange_str).group(1)

# Create a UTF-16LE string from challenge + '-' + password, non ISO-8859-1 characters will except here (e.g. EUR)
challenge_bf = (challenge + '-' + self.password).decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-16le')

# Calculate the MD5 hash
m = hashlib.md5()

# Make a byte response string from challenge + '-' + md5_hex_value
response_bf = challenge + '-' + m.hexdigest().lower()

# Answer the challenge
conn_url = '' + response_bf
self.logger.debug("Call the read seed token url (url:'%s', data:'%s')." % (conn_url,self.sid_login % response_bf))
login = urllib.urlopen(conn_url)

if login.getcode() == 200:
readed_login_str =
self.SID ='<SID>(.*?)</SID>', readed_login_str).group(1)

if (self.SID == '0000000000000000'):
self.logger.error("Could not login to the FritzBox: Not authorized.")
self.logger.debug("Login OK (SID: %s)" % self.SID)
return True

self.logger.error("Could not login to the FritzBox: Unknown error")
self.logger.error("Could not login to the FritzBox: Error 404.")
# Legacy login
command = urllib.urlopen(self.protocol + '://' + self.box_name + '/cgi-bin/webcm', self.default_login % self.password)
response =
# Right now I don't know how to check the result of a login operation. So I just search for the errorMessage
if command.getcode() == 200:
result = urllib.unquote('<p class="errorMessage">(.*?)</p>', response).group(1).decode('iso-8859-1')).replace("&nbsp;"," ")
result = ''
self.logger.error('Login attempt was made, but something was wrong: %s' % result)
return False

Auf meinem Synology (Linux) habe ich allerdings das Problem, dass ich die Audio-Datei nicht verstehen kann (total verzerrt).
Hat hier jemand eine Idee? Version:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Nov 9 2012, 16:25:06)
[GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
Danke @momc! Habe neue Version 2.1.0 mit Deinen Änderungen für FritzBox 5.50 eingeflegt und es funktioniert.

Mit der Verzerrung ist das ein bekanntes Problem. Ich habe dafür einen Workaround Skript geschrieben. Ich poste es mal.
fritzcap hatte z.B.: folgende Dateien erzeugt:
-rw-r--r--  1 user users  411898 03-09 09:33 capture_20130309093300_0_.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 user users  417178 03-09 09:33 capture_20130309093300_1_.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 user users    7098 03-09 09:33 capture_20130309093300_2_.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 user users 1103732 03-09 09:33 capture_20130309093300.cap
-rw-r--r--  1 user users  418522 03-09 09:33 capture_20130309093300_mix_0_1.wav

Wenn Du jetzt capture_20130309093300_mix_0_1.wav öffnest, wird die linke Spur und die rechte Spur verzerrt. Als Workaround muss Du 'capture_20130309093300_0_.wav' hinten and der 'capture_20130309093300_0_.wav' anhängen. Z.B.: mit
sox capture_20130309093300_2_.wav capture_20130309093300_0_.wav capture_20130309093300_2_.wav capture_20130309093300_conc_2_0_.wav

und dann die linke Spur mit der rechten Spur verbinden:
sox capture_20130309093300_conc_2_0_.wav capture_20130309093300_1_.wav -M capture_20130309093300_mix_20_1.wav

Dann kann der Datei: 'capture_20130309093300_mix_20_1.wav' abgespielt werden.

sehe die Datei Grössen:
capture_20130309093300_0_.wav (411898) + capture_20130309093300_2_.wav (7098) = capture_20130309093300_1_.wav (417178)

Alternatic benutzt Du Audacity und öffnest die "grössere" Dateien und synchronizierst beide.


  • fritzcap-2.1.0.tar.gz
    21.3 KB · Aufrufe: 22
    36.6 KB · Aufrufe: 118
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