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The whole library of de GUI (all/avm/de) isn't existed in Accor firmware that why you couldn't get the GUI interface if trying to brand from Accor to avm.
You must telnet and make symlink to regain the GUI interface
- cd var (this gets you in the var folder)
- ls -l (now you should see a list and somewhere in it the line
html -> /usr/www/avm )
- mv html html.orig (this will move the html link to html.orig in case
something goes wrong and we need to restore it in any case)
- ln -s /usr/www/arcor html (this will create the new html link we want.
To confirm just type the ls -l command again. You should now see
html.orig -> /usr/www/avm and html -> /usr/www/accor lines)
killall websrv (this will shut down the web server)
websrv (you run the web server again)
Then you can now get access to the GUI interface typing